MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 58 Wrath (6)

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In the hands of Wu Tie, a long gun swayed an arc, blocking the front of the swordsman in the hands of Guo Quenu.

With both hands light, the large gun-cast rifle was easily cut off. Wu Tie held a pair of guns in his hands, and a bitter cold rushed up the metal gun. His arms immediately covered a layer. Thin ice crystals.

Qi Qifeng almost touched the waist of Wu Tie, the old iron in the oblique spurt swooped up, opened his mouth and bite under the head of Guo Quenu.

Guo Queu sneered a sneer, regardless of the continued slap.

Wu Iron's footsteps slipped open, and the invisible force field wrapped the whole body. He tried his best to push the power field and turned it into a black shadow.

Qi soldiers slashed the Wu iron waist ribs and stroked, the tight armor was easily cut open a long mouth, the tip was gently rubbed on the witch iron skin, a cold sigh through the guilt, Wu iron suddenly stiff.

The invisible field was wrapped in Wutiefei for dozens of meters, and then he fell to the ground.

The old iron bite on the head of Guoquenu, and the Guoque slave, who was wrapped in the black armor, snorted, and the sullen crash, the old iron teeth splashed on Mars, and the electric spark spewed a few feet. far.

A large piece of ice crystals splashed, and the old iron teeth left a few traces of not too shallow and deep on the helmet of Guoquenu, and a large piece of frost spread along his two rows of big teeth to his head. Where the frost passed, the old The body of the iron turned into a faint blue color.

Obviously, the action of the old iron has become a bit slow.

Guo Quenu stood in the same place, his hands turned over, and the squad slammed up and slammed into the belly of the old iron.

A large piece of stream like a magma spurted out of the old iron body, and the old iron snorted and spewed a large piece of electric light in his mouth. He swayed his body violently, and the singer made a sharp rubbing sound, and penetrated his body one inch in length, protruding from his back.

"The body of the dog is too empty." The old iron muttered to himself: "He actually launched a desperate trick... The essence of the body is burned out... This body bone is too virtual..."

"This is not your original body?" Guo Hannu eyes bright blue, she looked up and looked at the old iron, faintly said: "No wonder, you are rated as **** Samsung ... actual strength, but the black nine-star level."

The old iron bowed his head and stared at Guoquenu: "If grandfather, I still have the strength of the peak, the body is also intact as before... You are a little girl like this, Grandpa can kill a lot of slaps..."

Guo Quenu smiled, and she clenched her hands with her hands.

In the harsh cutting sound, the body of the old iron was slowly torn open by the strangers. The wounds in the abdomen were elongated little by little, and the wounds on the back were constantly spurting out the fire, and a large number of metal fragments continued to collapse.

"Dog things, too harmful..." Lao Tie looked at Guo Queu and muttered to himself: "Not only does Laozi not eat enough, but it is still so imaginary... However, you are too young to look at Laozi."

Guo Queu did not say anything, but continued to wave the strange soldiers, to tear the old iron body into two pieces.

The old iron ‘嘎’’s strange laughter, and then his body spurted a dazzling light. The blazing light wrapped his body, as if the body from the ‘Roaring Dog’ was burning.

The next moment, all the light and heat are instantly restrained.

His body became a translucent state. Through his body, you can see that the flames of the size of his fists in the body are burning, and there are countless complicated lines and runes in each flame. Dancing.

The flames of the Nine-Party slammed inwardly, and the nine-in-one was one. The body of the old iron suddenly spewed out of the white light, and the void was pale.

The white light slammed into the head of the old iron. A sharp pointed corner of his head ran out constantly. His skull shape began to change slightly. A lot of distorted blood stripes continued to be in him. The face appeared.

His body burned, constantly disintegrating, continually splitting, burning constantly, and constantly injecting light and heat into his head.

In just one breath, the body of the old iron from the ‘Roaring Dog’ was completely ruined.

The old iron's head was suspended in the air, and he stared at Guoquenu, and suddenly opened his mouth.

A blazing electric light was wrapped in white flames from the old iron mouth. The screaming and loud whistling sound shook the surrounding rock layers. The terrible high temperature swept the square, and the two-foot thick Xuanbing on the ground quickly evaporated. , vaporization.

Guo Quenu made a scream of anger.

She sprayed a blue mist of cold fog, and the cold fog of a fist squirmed and squirmed, as if a crazy snake continually gathered in her hands.

The flames wrapped in thunder light slammed into the chest of Guoquenu, and Guoque slaves waved their swords in their hands.

In the harsh friction, the strange soldier stabbed in the neck of the old iron and passed through his mouth and stabbed inside his head.

In the old iron's seven cymbals, there are a large number of electric sparks, and the thick, **** stream of light flows from his seven scorpions. The blood in the old iron hole is suddenly dim, and the screaming of the cold fog is extremely difficult. A little bit pierced his head and a small half-inch edge from his head.

The armor of the cows in front of the chest was collapsed, and the black ice was destroyed.

The flames of fire instantly melted the chest of Guoquenu, and broke a large hole in her chest by half a foot.

The armor of Guo Quenu was suddenly disintegrated, and it was blown up into countless ice crystals, and then rapidly evaporated in high temperature. Her sweet and pretty face was twisted, her hands clenched the squadrons, and the sly soldiers ran through their lower abdomen.

The squadron cracked in the body of Guoquenu, and a faint blue ice crystal was quickly injected into her body. The wound in her chest was covered by a layer of blue light, and a large number of translucent blue bodies were quickly reborn and quickly repaired. Huge wounds.

"You, can't kill me..." Guo Hannu's dark blue eyes are filled with two faint blue lights. Her face is twisted and smiles toward the old iron. Above the dome of several kilometers high, it is a pole. The fine blue light falls.

This blue light quickly merged into the body of Guoquenu, and the body of Guoquenu was shaking violently. Her rich and plump body suddenly dried up and became a skinny form.

However, her body's blue and cold fog is so grand, her dry body has become a transparent form like Xuan Bing, and every movement of her has left a long frosty track in the air.

"I am the person of the day of the election... It is the person who pays attention to the gods." Guo Quenuu slowly extended his hands to the old iron's head, and his hands caught the old iron's head slowly: "For the heavens. , annihilating all the ancient demon... This is the supreme authority that Heaven has given me..."

The old iron's seven cymbals spit in the fire, the electric light, his eyes staring at the Guoque slave, ‘嗤嗤’ sneered: “Stupid... Idiot... Grandpa I... I know, what is the situation...”

"Oh, it’s really old... This world... The change is too fast... The gods are paying attention? The supreme authority given by Heaven?"

"I have seen stupid, I have never seen you so stupid... Listen to you, the same people as you, there are many?"

"Cleaner? Hey... you should use my grandfather's wash water, wash your brains well..."

Guo Rennu’s hands spewed out a large piece of blue cold inflammation. The cold temperature was terrible. The cold inflammation ‘burned’ the old iron’s head, and cracked a very fine crack on his cheek.

Witch iron struggled to climb from the ground, and the cold raged in him, but a lot of heat was released from his bones, gradually dispelling the cold that made him unable to move.

In the heart of the eyebrows, a group of golden light with a mighty, just strong and strong, and the righteousness of the gas is down, like a river rushing to wash the whole body.

Hao Ran’s righteousness impacted the coldness of Wu Tie’s body and knocked them down and disintegrated a little.

He groaned and stepped forward to Guoquenu and Laotie. His right hand spurred, and the white-cracked gun spouted from the arm guard. The two-foot-long gun head swayed slightly and made a slight air. Tearing sound.

The right hand was flat, the tip of the gun pointed to Guoquenu, and Wu Tie’s footsteps gradually accelerated. He strode forward to Guoquenu.

"Guoque slave, let go of the old iron!" Across the distance, the Wu iron shouted loudly, and there was no volume in the invisible field. Thousands of large and small stones around him flew at the same time, with a sharp break to the Guoque slave. Hit the past.

The surface of Guo Quenu’s skin suddenly covered a layer of three-inch thick blue mysterious ice. She turned her head and smiled at Wu Ting.

She was born sweet and lovely, and now she has become a skinny look. This smile is particularly embarrassing.

Dozens of large and small stones flew down and hit the head of Guoquenu.

In the dull crash, the stones shattered, and there was no trace of thick thick ice on the face of Guoquenu.

Wu Tie had already rushed over. He waved his right arm and slammed a shot at the heart of Guo Quenu.

Guo Queu slave sneered, her body swayed, she was about to dodge with the old iron.

The old iron opened his mouth violently. He flew out at the same time with two rows of big teeth. It was like dozens of flying knives, with glaring electric light, whistling through the body of Guoquenu.

Guo Quenu dreamed that Laotie still had this hand.

Her body was pierced by a strong metal hole that shone with electric light. The thick black ice made a shrill crack, her hands violently forced, and two groups of cold and fierce earthquakes shattered the cheeks of the old iron. Blowed into the depths of his head.

‘嘭’, the old half of the old iron blasted open, and countless white miserable metal scums were sprayed all over the floor.

The sound of the old iron came from the broken upper half of the skull: "Little guy, take me... escape, the sooner the better... The farther the better... Grandpa I turned over in the gutter... Some things, have to hurry Tell you!"

The witch was smashing, and the white tiger cracked across the body and was beaten like a sieve.

Guo Quenu was equally sharply screaming, and a large piece of cold spurted out of her wounds. The white tiger cracked the black ice on her body and knocked her into two pieces.

Witch iron hairpin, white tiger crack is another seven or eight times in a row, hard and raw will be Guoque slaves into several paragraphs.

With a broken old iron, Wu Tie wrapped his tears and wrapped himself in the invisible field. He even ran through the stone beams, through the open city gates, through the dead bodies. And the stone castle of blood, broke into the back of the ramp.

The body brought up a gust of wind, and took a glimpse of the afterimage. Wu Tie tried his best to run wildly in the martyrdom.

While running, he shouted at the old iron: "You can't die... Old iron... You don't mean, how powerful are you? How are you, how are you..."

Tears continued to flow down, constantly dripping on the old iron head shell.

The old iron's scorpion flashed a glimmer of blood from time to time, and at the core of his pupil, there was a faint blue glow from time to time.

The attack of Guo Quenu was seriously hurting him.

When I heard the cry of Wu Tie, the old iron said slowly: "I don't want to let Laozi blow a cow? Although, Lao Tzu was really amazing..."

"But... I have a head left, and the body of the dog is not reliable... What can Laozi do?"

"In that year, I was hurt by Laozi... Although this head seems to be well preserved...but, in fact, it is also full of dark injuries..."

"Little guy, if it’s not these messy things, Grandpa, I could have been with you for a long time..."

"But, it looks like you can't accompany you for a long time..."

"Oh, it’s a bad luck, and the fart is a heel..."

"The Guoque slave... Hehe... the cleaner... are we cleaning targets?"

"Be careful... I will meet the enemy in the future... Even if they don't look good, be careful... that Guoque slave, just used, is not her own power..."

"Really, the times have changed, Grandpa, I am out of date..."

The old iron smashed, and he gave the experience and lessons he had just made with Guo Quenu, and gave it to Wu Tie.

Wu Tie silently cried, tears continually flowing down, and constantly dripping on the head of the old iron.

At this moment, Wu Tie, as if he had returned to that day, returned to the day when the witch family was destroyed.

The light in the martyrdom is weak, and the heart of the witch is dark.

He seems to be running in the boundless darkness, surrounded by cold, full of enemies everywhere, terrible monsters and ghosts everywhere.

No help... I don’t know where the road is.

At the end of the stone beam, Guo Kui, who had been smashed into several sections, slowly opened his eyes. She squirmed the remaining upper body and squinted her head and looked at a trace of blood wrapped in a piece of mysterious ice a few meters away.

Just as her squad had injured Wu Tie, she opened a small wound in his waist.

This blood is the blood beads that have fallen from the tip of the strange soldiers, and they have been frozen into blood beads by the cool cold.

"Can't run, as long as I catch the breath, you can't run..."

"Anything that may be related to people and things of that era...must be destroyed...completely eliminated..."

Guo Quenu took a deep breath, and she bit the tongue, and a blood arrow sprayed on the mysterious ice.

The mysterious ice split, and the little blood beads inside were wrapped in the blood of the tongue of Guo Quenu, suddenly bursting into a **** fog.

In the blood mist, Wu Tie's face is clearly visible, and there is a very light, but very clear breath that faintly spreads out.

"Go, go find the old immortals of the longevity teaching..."

Guo Quenu smiled and smiled extraordinarily brightly: "Let the longevity teach you to find you... and then thoroughly cleanse you."