MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 60 Sisters (8)

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There was a subtle sound in the underground ramp, and a group of carefully selected handsome slaves were on the ground, using a clean handkerchief to wipe the delicate and delicate patterns on the tiles.

A fist-sized night pearl is set on the walls on both sides of the ramp, and the Mengzhuu shines brightly.

Several girls with strong and good face were licking their whip and standing on a dozen steps. They whispered together and whispered.

They didn't look at this side, but the male slaves were slightly slack, and the movements on their hands were slow, and the girls immediately took a whip.

The crisp sound of ‘啪’ sounded from time to time, and each whip left deep blood marks on the skin of these male slaves.

The male slaves had tears in their eyes, but they did not dare to cry.

Their bodies twitched slightly, enduring the pain, kneeling down on the ground, a little bit, and rubbing the ground a little like the mirror.

Wu Jin is wrapped in a battle skirt linked by a bronze scale. The upper body of the dew is only covered with a protective mirror, and a simple bronze sword is hung around the waist. The hands are carefully held with a blood jade. Head, walking slowly in the ramp.

The skull made of blood jade exudes a strong sense of life. This is a kind of mutated blood jade essence, which has a strong nourishing spirit and repairs the damaged soul.

The top of the small skull is sunken down, three thin wicks are suspended in the depression, and the three-point mung bean-sized singularly quietly burns, and the sound of slang can be heard from the faint light.

"I will work hard..." Wu Jin looked down at the three tiny wicks and smiled and said: "You can rest assured that I will find the fourth. You just cultivate here, one day, I will give you and old. Second, the third child finds a suitable body."

From the dim light of the ramp, to the bright and shining main road, Wu Jin's eyes were stimulated by strong light, and the eyes subconsciously narrowed his eyes.

Under the bright pearly light, you can see that the skin on his exposed skin is full of wounds.

There are knife wounds, sword wounds, gunshot wounds, and penetrating wounds that penetrate the limbs.

Numerous wounds were covered in the body of Wu Jin, and he could not find a good flesh of his palm.

Holding a small blood jade in both hands, Wu Jin calmly smiled, step by step through the martyrdom, walked past the male slaves who were kneeling, and stepped on the ground they had just wiped clean.

The faces of several male slaves twitched slightly, and they turned around and looked at the footprints of Wu Tie’s soles on the ground.

A few girls who were laughing at each other turned around. They wrapped their long whip around their arms in a circle, and with a strange sneer, they came up to Wu Jin.

"Wu Jin, we just wiped the clean ground and was trampled by you. What do you say?"

A tall man, his eyebrows are thin and long, and he gave birth to a soft goose egg face, which makes people feel like a wild lotus flower. The rich and beautiful girl rises to the chest and is blocked in front of Wu Jin.

Her right hand twirled with a whip of a long whip, and the whip tipped open the air, making a sharp sound.

"The road is originally a place for people to go. It is hard to be done. If you wipe the cleaned land, will you not let people walk around for a lifetime?" More than a year has passed, and Wu Jin’s figure is much more burly than in Wujia Shibao.

He is now more than two meters tall and tall, and his body is as strong as a mountain. He is like a demon bear. Several girls in front of him are extremely tall among women. In front of Wujin, it is also like a small spring shoot under the big stone. Just as tender.

The scent of Wu Jin’s body was forced, and the girl’s face was slightly red.

She snorted angrily, and a whip slammed down to the right chest of Wu Jinluo: "Here, is there a mouthful for you?"

The whip was heavily pumped on Wu Jin’s chest. A piece of flesh was torn open, leaving a **** ditch that was more than a foot long. A stream of blood ran down from the whip marks and quickly followed Wu Jin. The body flowed to the ground.

Wu Jinbi looked at the girl with no expression: "Is it enough? Do you want to play a few more whip? If you have enough, I will leave..."

Looking down at the blood jade in his hand, Wu Jin said: "I don't have time, play with you."

"Playing?" The faces of several girls were gloomy at the same time.

Wu Jin’s words are to treat them as children who have nothing to look for?

Although they did not have anything to do, nothing to look for, but Wu Jin is not qualified to criticize them.

In Shibuya, especially in the palace, the male tribes have no status; only the female tribes who have the pure blood of the emperor and may awaken the ‘Yonghuangchang’ supernatural powers have mastered the highest power of Shibuya.

"What is the purpose of your hand, is that you have been fighting for the fight in these days, and the hard work of the hard work has been exchanged?" The leading girl sneered and grabbed the blood in the first place.

"You change this useless waste, do you want to raise a small-ghost?" He smiled very brightly.

Wu Jin’s face suddenly changed. He just reached out to the blood jade. He was like a mad bear. He slammed across the body, snoring and slamming his shoulder against a sly body. .

In the depths of the forest, the old bear hit the tree and made a full blow.

Wu Jin is much more powerful than the old bear, and his bones are much stronger. When he crosses it, he listens to a loud noise, screams and screams, and his mouth slams into the shoulder and flies for dozens of meters, one end. Hit the wall in the distance, the body flat and flat on the wall for a long time did not move.

There was a gust of wind in the road, and it was blown out along the slogan.

Wu Jin is only a shoulder and a sway, there is a huge force to sway the air, the wind blowing up makes a few girls stand on the unstable, the gloom of the flower fading backwards.

"You, you, you... you dare to beat people!"

A few girls are easy to stand up, they are so angry that their skin is blue, their lips are white, and they are pointing at Wujin and don’t know what to say.

For so many years, it was the first time that there was a male tribe... and the nephew man who had escaped from the outside had dared to start with the palace.

Wu Jin held the blood in his hands and looked at these girls with no expression.

"You beat me, you can."

"Whoever dares to raise this soul, I will fight with her..."

Wu Jin’s mouth smirked: “I was originally a **** waste... so I am happy to die with who, who, and who of you...”

The girls closed their mouths and did not dare to make a little noise.

Even with a heavy blow, the shackles that broke several ribs also endured the pain in the chest, and dared not say a word.

Wu Jin’s words are full of strong will, and he is not talking about fun. He really has the heart to play with them, he is not joking.

A person, no matter how humble he is, can always scare many people when he is brave enough to play.

Especially the young girls in these palaces, why have they seen such a brave role as Wu Jin?

A cold voice came from behind the ramp.

"The **** squat embryo, who are you going to die with?"

The sharp and piercing sound came, Wu Jin slammed a step, but he could not avoid the attack behind him, a small thumb, a long black whipping, and a whip on his shoulder. .

啪 的 , , , , , 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫 巫

Wu Jin violently turned around, holding a **** jade in one hand and holding the hilt of his waist in one hand.

A woman who was born in a beautiful country, called Tianxiangguo, walked slowly along the martyr under the guards of several female warriors.

A seventy-eight-meter-long dark black whip suspended in the air, like a dexterous snake, whirls around the woman.

The woman's long hair was scattered and the hair tip almost fell to the ground.

Her face is similar to that of the seven-eighth, the goose egg face is exquisite and perfect, the eyebrows are eye-catching, the nose is very good, the sharp red lips are nourished, and the inexplicable gives a feeling of sweetness like a strawberry.

She is very tall, almost one meter nine, and she has a high-heeled high-top boots made of big python skin under her feet, so that she looks even higher than Wu Jin.

A long black dress is worn on the woman, making her look like the goddess out of the night, full of mysterious, noble charm.

"Little gold, you dare to hurt your cousin... Who gave you the courage?"

The woman walked over step by step, the phoenix eyes picked up, and the scorpion was cold.

This is not a rhetorical technique, but the woman's eyeballs are really like two bright night pearls, which spurt out the forest.

The thin rays can be sprayed five or six feet away, and the light is zoomed in and out, just like two short swords sweeping in the air.

Wu Jin looked at the woman awkwardly and hesitated for a while. He slowly slammed down: "Auntie... is licking her..."

The long whip around the woman suddenly moved, ‘啪啪啪’ continued for three consecutive sounds, and the long whip was smashed in the waist of Wu Jin, and he left a three-and-a-half-inch deep blood mark on his waist.

A lot of blood sprinkled, and the woman sneered: "You still have reason? Oh... I really thought that you helped Shibuya win dozens of fights, and how much do you think you have? Remember... the next embryo, It’s just the squatting of the embryo... just like your devil’s father...”

Wu Jin suddenly raised his head, staring at the woman with blood in his eyes: "Auntie, under the mouth."

The woman laughed: "Is it under the mouth? If not? Not only that, you said, how can I punish you? You dare to hurt you... Can I break your limbs?"

The woman pressed harder and step by step, and Wu Jin stepped back.

The excitement of the woman’s body is terrible, and Wu Jin knows that she is a master of the peak of the building and can break through at any time.

And Wu Jin... He is now just half a step back.

The woman should not say that she had stretched out a finger, and she could easily crush him if she could move her thoughts.

After all, he was only a big change, relying on the power of blood and shelter, and escaped from the outer field. The male family was originally in a low position in the palace, let alone his nephew...

"My mother, Wu Jin is no longer a device, but also my son... You have to help me to discipline him? Very good... How can I help you discipline your teaching?"

A clear and cold, no sound of a little bit of temperature came from far away.

A breeze tumbling in the martyrdom, and a long hair shawl, wearing a black dress, the extremely tall and beautiful woman walked slowly.

This woman is followed by more than a dozen healthy girls wearing heavy armor. Both the number and the strength are more than a woman who threatens Wujin. Obviously, this woman, the mother of Wu Jin, has far more status in the palace than the previous ‘岫娘’.

"Three sisters..." My mother's face changed slightly. She piled up a smile and turned to Wujin's mother for a sigh of relief: "What's wrong with you? Want to take your lessons?"

"Just by her, as a Queen of the Emperor, as a woman, she was one year older than Wu Jin, and she was actually wounded by Wu Jin..." Wu Jin’s mother walked over and said slowly: The woman who is the best of ours, the most noble, and the best qualifications for talent..."

"I was injured by a man who was one year younger than himself... isn’t it shameful?"

"It is obvious that she will be awkward in the weekdays - there is no drama, no serious cultivation. How can this be worthy of the blood of the ancestors? How can it be worthy of so many people on the palace? Why not treat her well... How do I treat my ancestors? Tell me?"

The face of her mother was drawn into a ball, her phoenix eyes mammoth, staring at the witch mother.

Wu Jin mother walked up to her, the two eyes staring at each other with a big eye, and after a long time, the mother sighed coldly: "Dead man, are you a belly anger? Is there a fire... looking for Man... bullying junior, is it interesting?"

Wu Jin's mother slaps in the face of her mother.

A fragile and extremely harsh ear, the mother's body slightly sideways, she took a deep breath, slowly straightened up the body, staring at the witch gold mother: "Three sisters... deflated?"

Wu Jin’s mother smiled slightly and shook her head: “Xiaojiu, my sister advised you, and raised some noodles... Look at your few children, whoever can’t say anything, they’re full of screaming’爹 ', what is wrong with people?"

"No pain, no pain, hehe... The third sister is also afraid that you have done the wrong person, so I will teach you well and save you from making a big mistake. This is what the third sister should do. You don't have to thank me." The mother gently touched the face of her slap in the face of her slap in the face, and smiled softly.

"Okay, okay, this is the case."

"In any case, I haven't eaten anything wrong... Look at Wu Jin's bloody...compared, he still has a big loss."

Wu Jin’s mother smiled and looked at her mother. She said one word at a time: “Yes, the three sisters have not thanked you, recommending Wu Jin to the ancestors to join the expedition team and explore the ancestors’ ruins...”

Wu Jin’s mother said softly and softly: “Thank you, really, thank you so much...”

Yan Niang chuckled: "Three sisters, you only have a son of Wu Jin. If he has something, he is a sister... I am a good heart, there are endless opportunities in the ancestors' relics... Wu Jin can Get one or two opportunities..."

Wu Jin’s mother smiled: “I still have a little son who is not dead... I can sense that he is still, there is labor to care...”

The two men looked at each other for a while, and at the same time snorted and left without saying a word.