MTL - 70s: Raising a Baby-Chapter 120

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   Chapter 120

   "Mom, the pants are wet."

   Ah Hao was woken up by a dampness on his buttocks. He felt his buttocks wet while he was half asleep, and he reached out and touched it in a daze.

   The two older ones were also awakened by Ah Hao, and when they heard the bedwetting, they subconsciously touched their buttocks.

  Although they haven't wet the bed for a long time, but when they hear the word bedwetting, they can't help touching their buttocks.

   When Ye Jinzhi came in, he saw the three children crying and mourning their faces. The middle of the bed was wet with a large piece of water. Fortunately, it was a coincidence that several children were sleeping in the same place.

   The three older brothers were already awake, but Ayan, the person involved, was still asleep without knowing it.

   "Do you want to take a bath?" Although the three children didn't say anything, Ye Jinzhi knew what they were thinking. In the past, he had to take a bath when he wet the bed, let alone other people's urine.

   "Hmmmm." The three children nodded.

  Ye Jinzhi took them to take a bath, and after washing, he came back and picked Ayan up from the bed, his body smelled of urine.

   Although the fried sauce noodles at noon were not salty, Ye Jinzhi still soaked them in water before serving them.

   But maybe the complementary food that Ye Jinzhi made for him seldom added salt, so he couldn't stand a little taste and drank a lot of water.

   Originally, Ye Jinzhi wanted to catch his urine before going to bed, but he fell asleep in the car, and Ye Jinzhi had no choice.

   In addition, he just fell asleep halfway through, and he forgot about it. If Hao hadn't woken her up, he might not have known it by now.

   Fortunately, they slept on mats. The three children didn't like to sleep on mats and felt uncomfortable, but it was too hot at noon. Ye Jinzhi ignored their protests and let them sleep on mats to cool off a bit.

   Luckily it was a mat, otherwise the wet thing would not be just a mat, and it would be me who would be tired at that time. I thought that I couldn't do anything at first, but here, I have a few children who can do everything, although not very good.

   "Hmm, what?" Ayan moved in Ye Jinzhi's arms in a daze, Ye Jinzhi thought he was about to wake up, but after waiting for a while, he fell asleep again.

   I may have been a piglet in my last life, otherwise how could I sleep like this.

Ye Jinzhi didn't wake him up either. If Ayan didn't sleep until he woke up naturally, he would not be very angry when he woke up. The average person had a sullen face or smashed things unhappily. He would cry loudly but not cry. For half an hour, he would not stop, no one would coax him, but instead he cried even more.

   But there is one thing about him that is very good, no matter how long he sleeps during the day, it will not affect his sleep at night, but he wakes up early in the morning.

   But if you wake up early, you don't need to be afraid that he will disturb you. When you didn't know how to do it before, you were alone with big round eyes, staring at the ceiling in a daze, not crying or making trouble.

   At first, Ye Jinzhi was shocked when he found out, thinking that there is something wrong with this child, why is it different from ordinary children.

   You have to know that when his three brothers were young, if they woke up and others didn't wake up, they would wake everyone up, or they would cry.

Even when they grew up, it was still like this. Later, after the Yuan Shaochen came and warned them that this was not allowed, they slowly changed it. However, the three of them were accompanied by their children, without Ye Jinzhi and two other brothers to accompany them. Not one person.

But Ayan was still young and stayed with Ye Jinzhi in a room. When he could crawl and sit up, Ye Jinzhi put a few toys for him on the side. He was entertaining himself and having a good time. .

   Unless he is hungry, he will not be noisy, which also gives Ye Jinzhi enough time to rest.

   "Mom." The three children, with their hair wet, got dressed and ran outside.

   Ye Jinzhi glanced back, his hair hadn't been dried yet, it was wet, and there were a lot of water droplets on his shoulders.

   "Go get a towel and dry your hair." The three children's hair is not as short as Yuan Shaochen's, and it doesn't dry as fast, but after a while in the sun, it's almost dry.

  Ye Jinzhi put Ayan into a basin of water that she had just placed. She couldn't stand the child's bedwetting and not bathing him, even her own child was disgusted by her.

  There are many children about the same age as Ayan in the courtyard. The bed-wetting adults don't give them a bath at all, change their pants, or wipe them with a towel if they are good.

   Ye Jinzhi has seen it with his own eyes. In summer, after dinner, everyone likes to go out for a walk and chat.

   Ye Jinzhi didn't like it, especially when some people ate late at home, some people would go directly to their house and chat directly.

   She will feel very strange, she can't eat, and it's hard to be seen eating time.

But the three children are the king of children in the courtyard. Even if they don't go out, a large group of children will come to her house. Compared with the noisy sound of a group of children at home, it is better to take them outside to play. Will be messed up.

   When Ye Jinzhi was playing with her three children, some parents would hug their children to greet and chat with her.

   Once Ye Jinzhi saw the child wet his pants directly, Ye Jinzhi kindly said to her, "Take the child back to change pants, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to wear and it will be easy to catch a cold."

   Who knew that the man waved his hand completely indifferently, "It's okay, what's the matter with the child's peeing, the weather will be hot and dry immediately."

The weather is hot and it dries quickly, but the summer wind at night is still a little cool. Ye Jinzhi is worried that the three children are running around outside, and the back will sweat when the wind blows. Every time I go out, I bring a few towels, just to wipe the sweat from their backs.

   And the smell of urine evaporates quickly in summer, but after a while, a smell drifted into Ye Jinzhi's nose where he was standing.

   "My younger brother is a lazy pig, so I won't get up." Ye Jinzhi washed Ayan in the sun, so it wasn't easy to catch a cold.

  The three children watched their mother rub bubbles on her body in the bath, and their uncontrollable little hands couldn't help but want to reach in and play.

   also famously said, "Mom, I'll help you."

  Ayan is really sleepy. He slept as long as he took a shower and took a shower. No matter what they did, there was no sign of waking up.

  After washing the three children, it's not over, there is still the mat for the face.

   Ye Jinzhi wanted to cry in front of this mat, she didn't know how to start, and she didn't know where to wash such a big one.

   To be honest, Ye Jinzhi has never washed bed sheets and mats. She can do it when she arrives, but she can't. In the past, the young minister Yuan used to wash these things at home.

   And when they came to the capital, everything in the house was clean, and she didn't need to clean up, everything was ready for them.

   "Miss, let me do it." The man just came back from outside when he saw Ye Jinzhi staring at the mat in a daze. Guessing that she might not, he took the initiative.

   Ye Jinzhi is really embarrassed to let others help wash his child's bed-wetting sheets, waved his hand, "No, no."

  Men don't know these things either. Where he lives, Mr. Zhou hired a nanny for them, and they have their clothes washed.

   "Sister Ye, what's the matter?" Lin Dong also happened to be carrying a large bag when he saw a mat outside.

   Ye Jinzhi reluctantly pointed to the place where Ayan had urinated, "Hey, Ayan wetted the bed."

   In fact, it's almost dry. If people don't pay attention to a little bit, they don't wash it at all. After all, it not only takes time but also soap, and soap is very expensive.

   "Someone will come to clean it tomorrow, so leave it here." Lin Donglai wanted to talk about this. He had been with Ye Jinzhi for a few months, and he knew her temper and didn't like having outsiders at home.

   "After all, this place is too big, and someone comes to clean it every week, otherwise it will be very dirty."

   Ye Jinzhi nodded, she had long guessed that someone had been cleaning here, otherwise how could it be so clean, there was no dust at all.

  The last time I took three children to visit the whole yard, I found that it is very clean everywhere, even in some remote rooms, no dust can be seen.

   "That's fine." Ye Jinzhi didn't bother, she wouldn't know it anyway, and she didn't know how long it would take to wash it by herself.

"what is this?"

  The three children passed around early, poking their heads to see what was inside.

   "Eat, Mr. Zhou sent a lot of food, but Mr. Zhou didn't like to eat it, so he brought it over to Ah Zhao and the others to eat."

   said that he opened the bag and let her see it. To be honest, this thing is not only expensive but also expensive.

   "Mom." Ah Hao wanted to eat, but thinking about the incident at noon, he was afraid to eat.

   It's still some time before dinner time, Ye Jinzhi nodded.

  "We'll plant the grape seedlings later

Bar. "With so many people in the family, I'm not afraid that a few grape seedlings won't grow well.

   "Okay, Mom, let's go now." Not wanting to eat, the three children couldn't wait, pulling Ye Jinzhi and wanting to go.

   But the sun hasn't set yet, it's still a little early.

   "You should do your homework first before planting." The three children now like to do their homework in the afternoon, and sometime in the morning, Ye Jinzhi takes them outside to play, so don't stay at home all the time.

   "Oh." The three children immediately changed their faces when they heard the homework.

   It's still good now, not so much at home. The piano and other instruments have not been played for a long time.

   At this time, the Yuan Shaochen and the others did not rest at all. They have increased their training these days, and they are fighting against every second every day.

   Yuan Shaochen found out that the troops might want to train them in the past few days. He had long heard that the troops wanted to set up a special force, and they were probably the selected ones.

   He didn't notice it at first, but later they found out that they had a lot of people, but I don't know when they started to become less and less and the number of tasks gradually increased, which made him realize that something was wrong.

   The end whistle sounded, and everyone collapsed from exhaustion. A group of them lay in the quagmire, feeling exhausted.

   But Yuan Shaochen is much better than others, at least he still has the strength to run.

   "Slow down, slow down." Yuan Shaochen followed a group of clay figurines, walking crookedly, without any image at all.

   "Slowly like a little girl." Yuan Shaochen couldn't stand the lumps of mud all over his body.

   "Everyone is the same, why are you so much better than me." As if he didn't know he was tired.

   Yuan Shaochen was wiping his hair with a towel, without even looking at him, his mouth was full of nonsense.

   To tell the truth, Yuan Shaochen is also a little strange. Now his condition is better than before, no, even better than his previous life.

   He felt that his health had gotten better and better since he was hospitalized, and even the wounds of the former "Yuan Shaochen" were gone.

   You must know that in a position like theirs, especially in this position, there are not many injuries on the body that can’t be justified.

   But he found that when the weather was cold before, the wound was aching, but this time he didn't even once.

   "Come on, let's go to eat." Yuan Shaochen saw that the group of people were lying on the bed after taking a shower, unwilling to move.

   "Ah, I'm so tired."

   "Hurry up, you won't have anything to eat if you go late, and maybe you have to gather in an emergency at night."

   When the man heard this, he buried his head in the quilt, and the young minister Yuan thought he was asleep.

   "Ah, I'm going to die." A roar suddenly came out, he was too difficult.

  Not only did the young minister Yuan get startled by him, but everyone in the dormitory was startled, one of them seemed to have forgotten the pain in his body, and threw himself on him one after another.

"Are you sick."

   "Give it to me."

   "Ah, you guys, you bully people."

   "I'll bully you, what's wrong with it."

  “.” The dormitory was in chaos.

   Yuan Shaochen refused to look at it and shook his head, "I'll go first."

   I exercise so much every day and eat a lot, but everything in the military academy is carried out militarily.

   "Wait for us." The few people didn't fight for a long time. After all, after being active for so long, no matter how energetic they were, their body couldn't support it, and their stomachs were growling.

   Several people walked towards the cafeteria with their shoulders on their backs. Under the setting sun, their shadows were drawn very long, and from time to time a few laughter or slapsticks could be heard.

   "Here, yes, right here."

  Ye Jinzhi and the others have started planting grape seedlings. Ye Jinzhi is not ready to plant them in the garden, she wants to plant them in the yard.

   They have many yards here. Ye Jinzhi and the others live in the courtyard. If the three children grow up, they will move to other yards.

  Ye Jinzhi is going to plant grapes in their yard. Later, when the grapes are set up on the vine, they can make a swing, or make a hanging basket, which is very comfortable to lie on.

   But all this is just thinking, after all, she is not sure if she can live.

   "Mom, let's fetch water." Before digging the pit, the three children wanted to water the grapes.

   "Be careful." Ye Jinzhi looked at their backs and shouted, this courtyard not only has wells but also ponds, there are many lotus flowers in it, and they are growing just right now.

   But Ye Jinzhi never allowed them to get close, for fear that they would fall.

   "I'll take a look." The man followed behind them.

   "I dug?" Lin Dong asked.

   "Let's dig." Lin Dong grew up in the city since he was a child, and he never planted any land. It took a lot of time just to dig the land.

   (end of this chapter)