Death Guns In Another World-1053 Chapter 1004

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The man was shocked as he felt that Alex's potential was way higher than what he had previously expected. As he continued to imagine what would this mean if his assumption was right the beeps of prompt messages rang in his head, and a faint smile surfaced on the man's face.

Meanwhile, Alex who let go of all his restraints was fighting on the battlefield with his specialized knives.

Suddenly, one of the attackers flew all over as the sword and machete clashed intensely. The difference in strength broke the man's wrist, and he dislocated his ankle while trying to withstand the force of Alex's swing. He was flung out of the way and landed face-down on the ground. His sword was broken, and he felt a burning pain from the bloodied hand gripping the hilt. Before he could stand up, a part of his broken sword flew over, piercing his brain, thus sending him into an eternal sleep.

From then on Alex's moved around on the battlefield going on a rampage, he was like the reincarnation of a battle god. Although he was unable to have access to his guns, this didn't hinder him in the slightest as he used what was available, while still unable to properly use other weapons except for his guns or customized knives, he could use other weapons be kicking them like javelins towards the enemy or by breaking them into pieces which would later serve as a flying weapon. Quickly Alex became covered in blood as he dominated the battlefield, an Asura was in the process of awakening.

A faint line started drawing in the middle of Alex's forehead, although not complete the man watching everything was sure that undoubtedly an eye and for an Asura to have an eye in the middle of his eyes, it could only be one thing, that eye, the famous eye recorded in history and he desperately wanted to awaken during his awakening but to ultimately fail.

And now seeing Alex in the process of awakening that ultimate eye, he was envious but this envy was short-lived because he felt grateful to the witnesses of a such historical moment, while it was undeniable that acquiring this eye was due to Alex's efforts and talent, there was no denying that the man had something to do it, even if his help was at the negligible level, it didn't make less valuable, he was like his teacher this enough made the man feel extreme joy and he could now pass on but after perfectly completing his mission and after passing down his legacy and final wish.

The man chuckled imagining the kind of reaction Alex would have once knowing what he would be asking him after letting him inherit his unique skill. For now, it's time to move on to something more interesting. With the flick of the man's fingers, they disappeared from the battle and reappeared somewhere, on a vast plain, and when the blood-soaked Alex's lifted his head and saw what was in front of him, a bit of sanity entered his brain, and could not help but suck in a mouthful of air.

Standing before Alex was a dragon, Yes, a fucking dragon.

Angry sapphire eyes sit gracefully within the creature's rounded, long skull, which gives the creature a disciplined-looking appearance.

Two small horns sit atop its head, just above its thin, warped ears. Small fan-like skin and bone structures run down the sides of each of its jaw lines.

Its nose is large and has two large, warped nostrils and there's a small crystal growth on its chin. Several huge teeth poke out from the side of its mouth and reveal only a fraction of the terror hiding inside.

A long neck runs down from its head and into a muscular body. The top is covered in smooth skin and a row of fan-like growths runs down its spine. 𝗳𝒓𝚎e𝚠𝒆𝐛𝐧𝐨v𝚎Ɩ.co𝓶

Its bottom is covered in narrow scales and is colored lighter than the rest of its body. Six thick limbs carry its body and allow the creature to stand towering and poised. Each limb has 6 digits, each of which ends in thorny talons seemingly made of crystal.

Enormous wings grew to start from its shoulders and end at the end of its shoulder blades. The wings are rounded, the inside is almost entirely see-through, especially when viewed from a distance and long tendril-like growths grow from many parts of the bottom sides of each wing.

Its graceful tail ends in a curled tip and is covered in the same smooth skin as its body.

While Alex was tightening the grip of his knives, ready to face this beast fully aware that his chance of winning was small because he didn't have access to his true firepower, still this should not be used as an excuse, he would fight regardless of the end result because this could serve as fighting experience against a dragon later on.

[It is finally the time it seems Slaughter King.] The dragon opened his eyes and said to the man that brought Alex here.

Alex was surprised that the man had a such domineering title, he wondered how many must have killed to get such a title.

The man, the Slaughter King nodded and said to the dragon.

''Yes, it's the time for both of us to forever leave this world. He is the true heir so better go all out. He also has a dragon's bloodline, no need to elaborate. In one sentence he is pretty solid.'' The man said with a nasty grin on his face.

Alex felt a chill run down his spine being stared at by those angry sapphire eyes.

[You're right this child indeed has a dragon bloodline, a pretty high level, to the extent that I'm ashamed to face him. Still gotta do gotta do. A human with three powerful bloodlines? It's unheard of, even with all my years in the Higher world, his potential is limitless if he survives the wolves over there and breaks free from his established fate. A child doesn't worry, it will be hard but not impossible. Somehow I've got the feeling that you can do it.]

Alex said nothing as he was processing what the dragon's said, from what the dragon said they were both from the Higher world which ruled out his previous theory that the man may be from the original world before it was broken into many realms nowadays.

Just as he was immersed in his thought Alex felt a sudden chill followed by a gigantic tail cutting through the air with one aim, to screw.


Alex gathered wind under his feet, propelling himself in the air, the dragon's tail missed him with an air breath.

''Lightning Degree''

Alex launched all his knives at the most vulnerable part of the dragon, its eyes but the beast disappeared and Alex felt an immense crisis, he could not dodge this one, so he decided to use him.

Meanwhile, in the man and the dragon's eyes, they already saw Alex's death. The man lamented as he hoped Alex would last a little longer. Because by doing so he would rip a lot of benefits. Unfortunately, he was about to die, his first death in this world because he underestimated his enemy, high level dragons are capable of spatial movement and couldn't be restrained easily.

Time seemed to have stopped when the dragon disappeared and moved behind Alex. 𝐟𝓇ℯ𝐞𝚠𝚎𝒃𝑛𝒐ѵe𝚕.co𝚖

And as soon as time resumed the dragon's claw ripped Alex's chest open and blood splashed out, in disbelief he mumbled.

''It hurts! It hurts so much! Please, make it stop, it hurts so much! I... I can't make it stop! There's too much blood and it hurts so much, please make it stop.

I should lie down, why am I still standing? I'm so tired, yet somehow I'm still standing. It makes no sense. Body, please, I want to rest. Lay down already, it's okay

How did I end up like this? When did I take a wrong turn? I can't remember, why can't I remember? I'm fading, I know it. I can't think straight anymore, somebody help me, please. I need somebody, anybody.

I'm tired, so tired. But I cannot give in, I cannot sleep. To sleep means to die, I must stay strong. But my body can't take it anymore, perhaps I should just lie down for a while, save my strength until help arrives. Yes, yes that would be best. Save my strength. Help will be here soon.

I'm going to die. Oh god, I'm going to die! I can feel it, I'm going to die! Nobody has found me yet. No, please, I don't want to die all alone. Somebody, please find me. I'm so alone. I don't want to die.

I'm exhausted, I need to sleep. It may be my last, but I need to sleep. I'll just take a quick nap, after that we'll see what happens. I just really need to sleep. Fuck you!''

[What a pity that this human is so weak and died so quickly I thought I would have a bit of fun fighting] The dragon lamented and the Slaughter King wanted to nod but his eyes widened, turning round after he noticed unexpected and it didn't take long to the dragon's to feel the unusualness.

''Who said I've died?"

A voice reached the dragon's ears following a terrific impact.