Death Guns In Another World-1052 Chapter 1003

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Of course an inheritor of the Asura's bloodline, a complete inheritor would never be simple, I'm glad I've found someone to carry my lifelong regret. I should start.' The man said in his mind before opening his mouth outside.

''Okay, it's a deal. But first, let's start.'' He declared, his words bringing a smile to Alex's face.

''What do you know about the Asura's race from which our bloodline originated?" The man asked while guiding Alex somewhere.

His words confirmed something Alex thought.

''Nothing much, just that this is a powerful race. I've got the feeling that this race must be specialized in battle, a race born for battle.'' Alex explained, adding things he read back on Earth about the Asura's race.

The man nodded and added.

''Not bad, the Asura's race is indeed a race born for battle as most of their abilities are specialized for battle from example what I'm about to show you.'' f𝚛e𝗲𝔀e𝚋𝑛o𝘃𝒆𝗹.c𝗼𝒎

The man said before they vanished and reappeared in an entirely different place, in front of them was something that made Alex's scalp tingle. Standing before him was an army, an army of a hundred thousand men.

Alex had hard processing the purpose of their presence here and just as he was about to question the man that brought him here, they moved.

The ground trembles as an army of 110,000 marches onward. With a continuous noise of thousands of feet trampling the ground beneath it, even the most ignorant of souls will know there's an army marching onwards.

Up close it's the sound of leather, chainmail, and armor clashing together which overpowers all other sounds. The creaking of wood and metal of the siege engines can be heard only faintly and the groans of the foot soldiers are all but drowned out completely.

The soldiers are chatting away, noise or no noise the soldier needs to take their minds off of what's ahead, and talking is the best way to do so. The army is a mismatch of isolated groups, but they'll work together as they share the same goal: Destroy the enemy and make it back home.

The front is led by eager charge cavalry armed with bows and swords. They're followed by foot soldiers armed with two swords, who in turn are followed by elite spearmen on horseback.

The ranks are filled with many other regiments, including mercenaries and allied soldiers, including stealth units, units of war animals, various charging units, and artillery units.

''What are they?" After finally calming down Alex raised this question and the man smiled, proud of himself he declared.

''This is my army, my Asura's shadows.''

This declaration was like a bolt of lightning ringing in his mind, Alex wondered what level of strength one would need to reach to have this many men even horses in their shadow.

As for the Asura's shadow thing, it must be an ability the man acquired after successfully awakening his bloodline Alex inferred and the man's following sentence confirmed this.

''After awakening my Asura's bloodline I've acquired this Asura's shadow which I've nurtured until I got this army, while they look, like humans, humans they are not, they can fight as long I've mana and stamina. I don't know which ability you will get after awakening but it will be a pretty useful ability, tailored for battle.''

Alex nodded already looking forward to what ability he would get but first he was curious about something, thus he asked.

''It is possible to acquire multiple abilities after awakening?''

Alex looked at the man with expectant eyes and the latter nodded before further explaining.

''During my research on the Asura's race I've come to learn many, for example, this race existed before the original world was said to be the 1st world the primogens ever created after being birthed from the primal chaos. I have concluded that this race was a part of the primogens, the first beings we all originated from as for why they didn't exist in the original world I don't know and you will have to find out.''

Alex nodded and continued to listen to the man's explanation, the information he was sharing with him would be useful as it would help him know more about the universe.

The man nodded pleased to see Alex listening.

''My point is that from what I have gathered, a true heir of this bloodline can awaken multiple abilities so you will have to try your best, it will be extremely painful.''

The man warned at the end of his sentence which made Alex frown thinking, pain again?

'Well, no pain no gain.' He prepared himself to go through hell again.

''Do you went on a battlefield before?" The man suddenly asked and Alex shook his head, he was born in a peaceful time and was blessed to live in a country where there was no war. So naturally, he never went on the battlefield before, the final battle would be his first battle.

''It is that so? Ok, it's necessary to be on a battlefield before to understand the essence of an Asura.'' The man said before flicking his fingers and they disappeared from his Asura's shadow realm.

The duo arrived before a village and this village seemed to have been ravaged by war.

The village is littered with suits, blood, and wounded fighters. Red, black and blue is the new colors of what was once a tranquil, small village, which has now become the stage of a tragic civil war.

The air which would normally be rich in the scents and sounds of hard work is now deafening loud, the sound of explosions drowns any other sound in the area, a sight of pure nightmares.

Two parties fight each other for a reason Alex didn't know, but it's yet to be determined which side's on the winning hand. The wounded on one side lay in large groups across the village and the faces of the fighters were hopeful with hope in their hearts and their muscles tense and anxious, they carry out their orders in a tough fight.

With the possibility of death shaking their knees the other side ferociously battles their enemies. Some have succumbed to fatigue and are giving in to whatever fate this battle has in store for them, while others fight on in the hopes to survive this terror.

The toll on both nature and humanity is heavy. It'll likely take decades before this village will have recovered. Its clear debris, explosion holes, and metal have taken the place of market stalls, market stalls, and roads.

Alex watched everything from the sky and soon felt the urge to puke, severed heads, and limbs, sons fighting their fathers, children being torn apart, and women getting raped. He could not keep his face straight any longer. He might have experienced many things, many battles, and killed monsters and humans alike but there is still things he couldn't stomach, battlefield was not a joke, something inside him seemed to have been broken, and he felt a certain urge to go down on rampage, to fight, not because being of some sense of chivalry, not because he wanted to save the ones getting massacred but simply because he wished to partake in the fight, to kill, kill, to fight till exhaustion claim his body, his desire to fight started to slowly cloud his reason after that thing was broken and the man felt it, he smiled before flicking his fingers again and they appeared on another battlefield.

This time they appeared on a beach and Alex whose face was lowered lifted it and the scene of the battlefield flashed through his eyes which were slowly turning crimson.

The beach is littered with shells, bodies, and carnage. Red, khaki, and silver are the new colors of what was once a peaceful beach, which has now become the stage of a terrible battle.

The air which would normally carry the sounds of birds, rivers, and wildlife is now heavy and thick with the scent of smoke, hell has descended upon this area.

Two trained armies fight each other without knowing the true reason, but it's clear who will win. The dead and wounded of the losing side are scattered across the beach and the faces of the fighters are grim with exhaustion and the certainty of death, but they force themselves to fight nonetheless.

With a certainty of victory, the winning side fights with a sense of relief knowing all will be over soon. Some have succumbed to terror and are barely able to force their bodies in motion, while others just wish all this was over.

The toll on both nature and humanity is immense. It'll likely take years before this beach will have recovered. Its clear bodies lost bombs, and rubble has taken the place of shrubs, trees, and grass.

Once again Alex lowered his head as if in deep through but in fact, he was trying to suppress the thing threatening to burst out, if previously he had succeeded in suppressing it, this time he failed, he stopped struggling and lifted his head and everything came to standstill, even the man who accompanied him here gulped when he saw some faintly forming on Alex's forehead.

''Don't tell?'' He had yet to confirm this but if it was what he was thinking it is then it would be great.