The Wielder of Death Magic-Chapter 66

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Audience with the Queen

*Click,* the thorn fell on the floor. The once gossip-filled room turned silent. Staxius moved swiftly. The knight in question, the one who lied to her majesty felt a gust of wind. Everyone’s eyes turn to where the faint click came from, something laid to rest near the knight’s feet. Greenish and brown, with the tip so sharp a small touch sufficed to pierce the skin. It glowed faintly and was instantly recognized by everyone present. That little and harmless-looking object was, in fact, the queen’s instant death spell. More of a conjuration type spell, like Staxius can conjure forth his sword, so could the queen. Conjuration magic was rare but effective, ethereal weapons were considered powerful and a display of strength. However, using said magic isn’t fit for anyone. Only chosen people, have the ability to summon a weapon, spirit or familiar. It’s common knowledge that it’s the weapon who chooses the master and not the other way around. Hence, any weapon used through that is deemed exceptional.

Said weapons don’t only come as a normal magical weapon but they also bring with it special abilities and hidden perks; unlocked only if the wielder is powerful enough. The queen’s weapon was something told in legends; Prophecy. None except the wielder of Prophecy knew what it really is. Some say a sword, others a spear and some even go to argue that it’s a bow. Those arguments have been put to rest since Shanna ascended to power. Prophecy was revealed as being nothing more than a spirit who could take the shape and copy perfectly any ability from another weapon. It also retains the previously copied abilities making it one of the strongest, if not the strongest weapon you could conjure.

Its signature, a faint green light – was what gave it away. Said light was the overwhelming mana imparted from the queen. Time has changed, less and fewer people choose to use conjuration magic for it’s a waste of time with no guarantee of success. They now defect to alteration, the ability to alter anything they desire, and that includes physical enhancement. “W-what j-just happened?” the knight’s breathing grew faster. The sight of Prophecy at his feet made him shudder – everyone else held their breath. The queen only brought out Prophecy when she wanted someone dead, quickly and effortlessly.

“This burning sensation,” Staxius looked at his right hand, it decayed. The skin melted, the bones turned to dust, his hand was disappearing. “How lovely, a curse.” He mumbled gently. The burning turned into an amber color and crawled up slowly, like a parasite. Behind, it left a trail of nothingness, the fingers were gone.

“Defiler, in a desperate attempt show of bravado, you’ve called forth the god of death upon thyself. Time isn’t fair, you shall perish before us without having a body nor a legacy.” At first, she was shocked, but seeing Prophecy’s curse, she felt at ease.

“Your majesty, you speak the truth.” The curse ate his right hand fully, the handcuffs broke loose. “This is, in fact, a quandary,” he held up the now cursed right arm. “How dare you speak to me; I didn’t give you permission. You’d have been put to the sword for such a lack of courtesy towards me, however, today, your death is already assured. Do as you wish, I shall rejoice in witnessing how desperate one comes when faced with death.” The knights stood and walked away. The floor on which her council rested all stood to witness the defiler’s death. “It’s been fun knowing you.” Aurora stood in awe.

“This is a bit unexpected, am I going to die here? Honestly, I don’t know, my body does whatever is necessary for my survival. The throne room sure has got a lot of people eyeing me down.” He watched as the curse slowly took his arm. He remained composed and at regular intervals stared at her majesty, smiled then looked back at the curse.

“Why don’t you scream, do you not fear death?” Confused, she broke the silent room’s atmosphere. “Did her majesty expect me to scream and beg for my life?” his eyes remained on the arm. “Why fear death? It’s always here since we’re born. A looming feeling of dread, it can snap at any moment and our journey ends. Why fear it, why not embrace and be proud of it? After all, despite everyone being unique and different in their own way, shouldn’t we be proud that we all have something in common, we’ll all die sooner or later.” He changed his gaze to the queen. Her reaction remained stern but it triggered something inside her, the way Staxius had an outlook on life was different and mesmerizing.


“Quite the prospective you have there, though our time is limited, why not converse, I’d like to see how your mind works.” She was right, the curse was now half-way near the elbow. “What are your thoughts on demi-humans and Arda’s quest for freedom?”

“To ask such a complicated question to someone who’s dying.” He shook his head. “I don’t have any particular thoughts on demi-humans or other non-human related beings. I care not for disparities in physical appearance, we all have a will and a conscience; we have the ability to develop and converse. It’s already better than the animals in the wild whose only rule is survival of the fittest. Strong isn’t one who is powerful, brutal, and violent with unprecedented battle prowess, but one who is wise and smart. Using wit instead of brawls is better in the long run; war, for example, it’s the worst thing a kingdom can possibly go through. I have the right to speak about this subject because I’m a Boron in the council presiding over Dorchester. War only brings pain and suffering, most of the villagers were killed, that includes my birthplace; Krigi. I know full well that speaking about the problems isn’t going to magically fix the quandary, this may just be ideals and fantasies but I’d like to hope that one day, everyone would be safe. I’d like to see the people walk without fear at night, kids, and women alike; walking reassured that none would bring them harm.”

Her face changed from stern to angry, “How dare you speak about peace and wit when you assaulted the envoys I sent.”

“Don’t make me laugh, those weren’t envoys.” He rudely spoke out, “envoys would not threaten to kill us, and not to mention, their one-sided debate about us aiding you in your quest for freedom. We never asked to be a part of your endeavor, despite the duchess kindly saying no, they were persistent. When I asked their name, they said no, though I learned about their identity, the instant I spoke their name, they dared to put a sword to the duchess’s neck and assault her. Only a fool would believe the words of overly emotional kids. An envoy is someone respectable with a certain calmness. Not some overly aggressive duo who at a drop of a hat, tried to fight their way into success.”

“That is no…” she tried speaking. “Do not interrupt me while I’m speaking.” The curse stopped moving forward. Opposite it, Staxius veins had turned black, the line went all the way to his chest, the ancient writings glowed. The pentagram on his right hand somehow moved away from the curse, it was alive. It now stood opposite the amber-colored flame, it fought against the curse.

“As I was saying,” he didn’t notice the arm slowly regenerating. “Having the nerves and audacity to knock a duchess unconscious under a so-call premise of a peaceful talk, do you think it’s a game? I’ve kept my cool until now, but enough is enough; I can accept the fact that I did assault the big brother. I swore to protect my companions at any cost. Those elves should be grateful my sister stepped in, otherwise, they’d be laying in a coffin right about now.”

He cut off her majesty, this was never done before. “Insolence,” both royal guards tried assaulting him with the swords fully drawn. “Didn’t I say not to interrupt me,” his voice grew deeper than before.

*Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, from when you were born and till you die, I, the god of death, hold in

my hands the strings which binds you to this world, by my authority, I order thy chains to be severed, spell, Tactus Interitus.*

The arm fully healed, the pentagram’s outer edge where other ancient writings were present, moved.

*Snap, snap,* using both hands, he snapped. The guards who came rushing behind him instantly fell to the floor, their sword hit the ground twice as hard. It echoed throughout the hall.

“I hate when people act above their given rights,” he faced the queen. “And that includes you too, you do not have the right to deem someone guilty without the proper investigation. A self-proclaimed queen playing the role of Tharis, don’t make me laugh. Justice isn’t something you can play around; the words of kids cannot out weight the judgment of someone wise. I’m ruthless, a cold-blooded killer but I do what I think is right and never trust a word coming out of anyone’s mouth before I’ve checked the fact for myself. Honestly, I’m not the best person to ramble about justice, it would be hypocritical; I’m no hero, I’m far worse than the devil.” He paused, regained his breath and spoke once more, “you asked me about my thoughts on Arda and its freedom. I care not -a kingdom with a gullible queen standing is bound to ruin. Don’t tell me that you will close off access to your province and make life better for demi-humans, that is just another fantasy. Self-sufficient as you may be, this act of seeking freedom could be interpreted as treachery if it reached the ears of our emperor. Information could be easily manipulated to a decree for the annihilation of your kind to be issued. I’ll even go as far as to say that the princess has the same thing in mind. I won’t argue that demi-humans are being oppressed, that’s a fact I’ve seen for myself. Freedom would, in fact, provide a haven for them, but you’re going at this the wrong way. No one can survive without allies, if you try and close yourself off from the world, you’re only making yourself a target.”

He took another pause, the queen’s face looked distraught, he was speaking the truth.

“I’ve learned this for myself, I used to be alone, but I’ve realized being strong isn’t that easy. This instant, I’ve got comrades fighting for the safety of Dorchester, Kreston has begun their assault – this is all due to your frivolous attempt at striking fear into the princess’s heart by using us as bait. Don’t you think it’s a bit unfair? We reject your proposal and get assaulted. Peaceful and righteous wouldn’t you say, I can’t fathom the thought that you still think you have the right to judge other people, pathetic. My heart burns with anger, one of my friends could well die in the next hour but that isn’t of your concern. Rest assured, Kreston is going to pay, though you’re partly responsible.”

He shook his head in disappointment. Everything around him stopped moving, the queen’s expression was indescribable. Her long green hair moved gently; her head trembled. Her green eyes looked lifeless, the words from Staxius perfectly struck on all her weaknesses.

Her council stood, they held their breaths, the man standing below them was someone strange, dangerously strange. None dare to make a move against him for he killed two royal knights with a single snap. Aurora watched in awe, none had ever dared to speak to the queen that way.

“What do you know,” her face changed, her frustrations built up. “Don’t you know I know all that? I know I’m not a good ruler, but that doesn’t give you the right to look down on me, a queen.” A single tear shed, “Prophecy, go kill that man,” a spirit materialized behind her and jumped straight for Staxius’s neck. *Clang,* it stopped, Avon appeared, Staxius was taken by surprise. “It’s unlike you to be caught off guard, master.” He pulled out his tongue and threw back the other spirit. “Weren’t you with Julius?” Staxius whispered. “Yes and no, the car is with him, but after I lost all my mana, I

got pulled towards your location, master.” His eyes sparkled as brightly as ever.

“Don’t listen to him your majesty, we love you.” The council spoke out. “Yes, don’t let someone unworthy like him look down on you.” Her eyes regained its vigor. “Prophecy, come back.” Avon disappeared once more. “You hear that? They see me as a worthy ruler.” She said proudly. “There’s no doubt in my mind that you are, your majesty.” His tone changed to friendly, “I just wanted to meet the fabled ruler of Arda and give her a quick taste of reality, that is all. I apologize if I acted out of line.” His personality changed.

“What do you mean to give me a taste of reality?”

“Consider it a warning, you’re only a pawn in this big game of chess. The world is soon to change,

I’ve seen it first hand, you’ll be the first to fall if you keep going down this route.”

“How dare you think I’ll heed your warning after such a display, and did you forget that you called

me gullible?”

“That is why I think you’ll heed my warning.”

“I don’t know your name nor where you hail from, I’ve heard that you’re a defiler but I’m guessing those are an assumption. At this time, I can’t take your words seriously, but I apologize for causing you all this trouble. I’ll overlook everything for now.”

“You need not know my name, Queen Shanna Islegust. Though that’s not your name now is it?” he smirked.

“How d-do…” Staxius knew more than he let on.

*As the one whom you’re contracted to, I order thee to reveal this woman’s weakness and how to exploit it. Dark Arts, Sense personality.*

[Victim: Xula Elmbush, age, unknown]

[Race: Fairy]

[Personality: Caring]

[Prediction: Unknown]

[Weakness: Being called unworthy]

[Best Approach: A taste of reality] f𝒓𝑒e𝙬𝒆𝚋𝘯૦𝘷𝐞𝑙.c𝑜𝐦

“Surely you jest,” she cleared her throat, “Shanna Islegust is my name.”

“You’re the one who jests, Xula Elmbush.” He spoke her name, something felt heavy, his hands and legs began to tremble.” It was the judgment of the fairy, she wasn’t weak but extremely powerful. The one who speaks her true name will be judged and if deemed worthy, will be allowed to live, though it’s rare, for fairies are angels who’ve lost part of their power. Hearing her name being called out, the queen’s eyes changed from green to red, it was judgment, her subconscious checked if the man who spoke it was good enough. She stood up and jumped to Staxius who was frozen in place, it took a toll on his body. “You who speaks my name, do you acknowledge whatever you’ve done? A weak and feeble human cannot hope to pronounce it, you’ve passed the first test. Are you sure you want to continue?” a blue orb enveloped the queen and Staxius, it hid them from prying eyes. “I’ll ask again, are you ready to be judged?” Though he was helpless, he didn’t care, “do your worse.” He smiled.

“Then judged you shall be,” she clapped and silence, the orb grew brighter.

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