The Villain's Redemption-Chapter 64 The Flipping Queen

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Chapter 64 The Flipping Queen

Seasons passed. Soon the months turned to years.

After a long four years of struggling abroad. It was finally time to go home.

"Miss Li, this will be your schedule for the next week. The exhibit will be in Yin City this time. The paintings that you painted previously will be auctioned as well. People are already excited to see some of your future works. Even the city mayor's wife had been calling us nonstop. They wanted to know the names of the paintings that will be auctioned this time. Of course… we didn't give them any information." Her assistant smiled at her before she gave her the details of the auction and the exhibit. "Oh! I heard that you actually came from Yin City right? Isn't this great—" When she saw Li Yue's cold gaze, the assistant immediately cleared her throat. "I'm sorry Miss Li… please excuse me. I will bring you your afternoon coffee."

When the assistance left, Li Yue stared at the files. Along with them was an invitation from the Mayor's family. It was actually a banquet. A celebration for her arrival in Yin City. After all, she was the one who created the beautiful portrait of the mayor's wife.

Was it the right choice after all? Li Yue stared at the image of the mansion that was embossed on the invitation. She had been away for too long. She needed to make sure that Xia Jin would not die by the hands of Mo Li or else her quest would fail this time. Li Yue stood and walked towards her painting studio and looked at the unfinished art piece in front of her. It was a painting of a cave.

Sadly, Li Yue couldn't finish the painting no matter what she did. A sighed escaped her lips before she turned toward her assistant that was holding her cup of coffee. "Do we have any news from those investors?" she asked.

"Miss, as expected the profits from the mansion that we sold this time doubled after all the renovations and artwork that you designed." The assistant answered. She nodded in response and started drinking her coffee. Then she started going through the files that her assistant gave her. It was the file of old and dilapidated houses that she was planning to buy.

After leaving Yin City, Li Yue found new ways to earn a living aside from her art. And that led to flipping.

Flipping meant buying a house below market value. Then she would renovate it, increasing its market value and finally, she would sell it. Sometimes in auctions and sometimes to clients who appreciates the history of the house. Slowly, Li Yue established her name in the real estate industry and she became known as the flipping queen.

The title sounded funny and naive. But to people who did this kind of job, Li Yue was a model flipper. She could sell haunted mansions, and ruins after she used a little bit of her talents in art. Moreover, her profits were never less than thirty million for each house. There were even rumors that she had profited more than a hundred million just by renovating an old and dilapidated house into a mansion!

Of course, these were all rumors. Her money was not actually from her house flipping but from people who hired her to renovate their houses that were sentimental to them.

"This one…" she pointed at the old house in the image. "This is in Yin City?"

"Yes Miss. They said… this is a haunted house. So not many people chose to buy it. Because of this, its value has dropped significantly."

"Buy this." She said and gave the folder back to her assistant. "Is everything prepared? The flight and hotel?"

"Yes Miss. Also… I already informed Mr. Xia that you agreed to see him. The schedule is here. He said he booked a table in one of the most prestigious restaurants in Yin City. This restaurant is already fully booked for the month and the next. This is how popular this restaurant is. And yet he was able to book a table at short notice. This Xia Jin is—" the assistant immediately closed her mouth when she saw Li Yue's eyes. "I'm sorry miss. I will excuse myself now."

In the end, Li Yue shook her head helplessly at her nineteen year old attendant named Chen'er. This little girl had a hobby of checking various people's information. She was particularly good at research and blabbering. Slowly, Li Yue's eyes darted towards the schedule.

A year ago, Xia Jin actually contacted her and asked her if she could paint his and Li Weiwei's portrait. Wasn't that too excessive? Who would ask their ex girlfriend to paint an image of their current girlfriend? Because of this illogical action, Li Yue immediately refused to see the man. She couldn't understand why someone like Xia Jin would ask her to do this.

Was he trying to see if she still liked him? Either way, Li Yue was not planning to go back to Yin City at that time. However, now it was different. She needed to actually save him from whoever it was that wanted him dead. It seems that this Xia Jin was still not strong enough to defend himself.

A few years ago, Li Yue realized that the plot had already changed. Mo Li was no longer the real villain. At this time, she realized that being too close to the villain was not a very good move. It would change the plot and would make her more clueless.

So she spent all her money investigating. She even created her own secret organization just for the purpose of knowing who would try and kill Xia Jin on that fateful day.

After a few months of watching and investigating, she finally found out that Lizzy Lu and Lu Xinyi were actually attacking Li Weiwei and the Li Family silently. Because they were afraid of Mo Li's interference, Lizzy Lu and Lu Xinyi were actually diverting their anger to the Li Family.

Now that was an unexpected development of the plot that was due to her actions. It was due to her being close to the Villain Mo Li.


Question: Is this going to be a long novel?

Answer: Yes. It will be. Since 1 story or arc will end in 100 chaps or so.