The Lustful Young Master is Sinister!-Chapter 213: Trial of soul-1

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Chapter 213: Trial of soul-1 freewёbnoν

Chapter 213: Trial of soul-1

Bai Lung stood at the edge of the ancient forest, the wind passing through the leaves, creating a chilling feeling as if it didn’t wish to continue forward.

He had traveled far to reach this place, the legendary Forest of Souls, where the sect master said that the ‘Trials of the Soul’ would either forge a man into a powerhouse or break him entirely.

The sun was setting, casting long shadows that seemed to twist.

Bai took a deep breath, steeling himself for the Trial ahead.

The Trials of the Soul were his last hope… It was a chance to confront the deepest parts of himself and find his inner existence.

The entrance to the forest was marked by an ancient stone archway, its surface covered in runes that glowed faintly in the dim light.

“There are the ancient runes, even I have no knowledge about them,” Bai Lung said in a small voice

Bai touched the archway, feeling a pulse of energy course through him, and stepped through.

As he crossed the threshold, the forest seemed to close in around him as these soul-eating trees grew denser.

These trees are magical trees that can slowly absorb the soul essence from someone around them so, he needs to find the ‘Soul tower’ real soon to take the trial.

He walked for what felt like hours, the path winding deeper into the heart of the forest.

Just as doubt began to creep into his mind, if the sect master had scammed him, he saw…

In the center stood a large stone altar, covered in intricate carvings.

Seeing this, a menacing smile appeared on his face as He knew this was the place where his actual trial lay.

‘ Uffff! Here I go… It better be good! ‘

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With a deep breath, Bai approached the altar.

Upon its surface lay an ancient scroll, the parchment brittle and yellowed with age, just like the scroll he had.

However, the scroll in front of him seems more magical engraved with multiple runes.

He unrolled it carefully, and as he did, the runes began to glow, casting a soft light that illuminated the words written in it.

You are about to take the test of your soul… The legend has it, that it can boost one’s soul or destroy it. You can tap the red rune at the bottom to instantly leave this place unharmed or,

You can tap the green rune and take the trial,

Without much thought, he hurriedly pressed the green rune.

To undergo the Trials of the Soul, one must leave behind the physical form and embrace the essence of the spirit. Only then can the true self be revealed and tested,

The magical words floated through the space and formed a portal.

Bai closed his eyes and began to meditate, focusing on the rhythm of his breathing and the beating of his heart.

Slowly, he felt himself becoming lighter, the weight of his physical body slipping away.

He was above soul wondering realm, so, he could easily separate his soul from his body.

In an instant, his soul was sucked by the scroll.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself floating above his own form, now a shimmering, translucent version of himself.

He looked around only to see himself, surrounded by flames of soul.

It was a flame that could help one temper and heal their soul.

“Hmmm… I can feel warmness in my soul. How is this possible?” Bai Lung thought as the soul wasn’t capable of feeling such a sensation.

The next instance, he sat there in his soul form, which was the same as his human form, donned in fairy clothes created from nothing but energy.

He could feel his soul slowly getting strengthening.

After staying a few days meditating and strengthening his soul, he could feel the effect of flames getting weaker and weaker so, he decided it was time to take the trial.

After walking out of the area filled with soul-healing flames, Bai Lung came across a circular ladder created from pure energy, leading to the upper floor.

” I guess, it’s divided into floors and the first floor was a friendly floor,”

With that, he took a first step, but he was instantly surprised to see, the pressure from these stairs was so high that, he felt like the stairs were sucking him.

” I see so, there are spiritual pressure stairs, the higher I climb, the more pressure my soul faces,” Bai Lung talked to himself in a small voice, analyzing the stairs.

With that, he took another step.

At the moment, these steps weren’t that powerful but, Bai Lung can’t say about the upcoming ones.

Meanwhile, the sect master looked at Bai Lung, through the space hologram, and beside him stood, Qing Li.

” I see, he managed to reach the full soul in just a day, ” the sect master said stroking his beard knowing very well that time moves faster in the test.

The Soul test is divided into 10 floors with the lowest being floor 0 where one won’t take the test but gain soul-healing flames to heal themselves.

The test starts on the first floor, and only the people in the soul wandering realm and the ensoulment realm can take the trial.

Till now, the person who has managed to climb the highest floor was ‘The first Immortal Emperor,’ who managed to reach the 9th floor.

Based on the report, the first immortal emperor was also a reincarnator without Tao-Yi, born with the system in the lower world but he managed to overcome everything and took the test creating his own existence, binding himself from the clutch of the system and creating his one destiny.

He was a one-among-all genius, and he took the test when he was only 13 years old.

A prodigy that was never heard, a monster when it comes to cultivation, who managed to break the shackles of fate in raw age.

“How many floors do you think you can climb?” The sect master aide eyed his disciple and asked.

“I think 6, one floor higher than me,” Qing Li responded.

” You think so high if this brat… 6 is already a once-in-a-lifetime genius, at best, he can reach the fourth floor,” The sect master smiled.

For allowing Bai Lung to take the trial, he had requested something from Bai Lung.