The Era of Gods-Chapter 233 - Dongfang Piaoxue’s Proposal

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Chapter 233: Chapter 233 Dongfang Piaoxue’s Proposal

While he conquered the Under World in the second phase, he failed to successfully occupy the descended plane, so there was no reward.

But as the top scorer in the final assessment, not only did he receive an excellent appraisal, but he would also be gifted a large package from Senior Su and a jointly rewarded Plane Origin and Godhood Gift Package from sixteen seniors.

Senior Su’s gift package was simple: three Divinity points, three hundred units of Plane Origin, and a Blueprint for Steel Golem Manufacturing.

The gift package from the sixteen seniors was eight hundred units of Plane Origin, twenty-four Divinity points, and a business card from each senior.

The three hundred units of Plane Origin, combined with the eight hundred units from the seniors’ gift package, were all in the form of Cards, with one hundred units as the standard, all of Golden Mythical Quality. This was because Plane Origin had no physical form and was difficult to store, thus it had to be stored in the form of Cards.

In other words, these were eleven Mythical Quality Source of Plane Cards.

When everyone heard of these rewards, they were all astonished, so much so that even these nobly born Shining Elites were surprised.

Yun Shaoning’s eyes reddened slightly as he watched Lin Xiao, Gu Xiaoming, and another student named Wen Yi receive their rewards one by one from the homeroom teacher, his heart feeling a complex mix of emotions.

The top three rankings were theirs, with Lin Xiao first, Gu Xiaoming second, and Wen Yi third.

Wen Yi stepped forward first, taking several Cards from the homeroom teacher. Jm Sisi offered a few words of encouragement, and he happily stepped aside. In a low voice, she read:

“Gu Xiaoming!”

The youth with the baby face stepped forward with a smile, accepting his reward from the homeroom teacher, his head nodding repeatedly as if the homeroom teacher was speaking to him telepathically.

After a while, his smile grew even wider, and he bowed respectfully before stepping back.

Next, all eyes fell on Lin Xiao, filled with envy, jealousy, and for the first time, several admiring looks.

Having achieved the best performance in three consecutive major classes, he had finally earned genuine respect and admiring glances from others.

He walked up to the homeroom teacher, Jin Sisi’s gaze no different from how she looked at the other students before, handing over the reward to him before a voice rose beside his ear:

“Very good, you did not disappoint me. As the first-place winner, you will receive Senior Su’s gift, as well as half of the jointly awarded gift package from sixteen seniors, the other half to be divided between the second and third places.”

“Thankyou, teacher, foryour guidance!”

“I hope you continue to perform well in the upcoming major classes.”

“I will continue to work hard!”

“Mlimm, you may step back now.”

Then the homeroom teacher proceeded to distribute rewards to the other students before returning to the center of the classroom. With a resonant voice, she said:

“This major class has come to an end. The performances of the students were mixed, but fortunately, even the least well-performing student has met the standard this time, so there are no eliminations from this major class, which is quite good!”

“Next, I have an announcement to make.”

Lin Xiao perked up, knowing that anything the homeroom teacher formally announced was definitely not a trivial matter.

Jin Sisi spoke evenly:

In two months, which is also after two more major classes, will be the mid-term exam. At that time, I will offer a significant opportunity and select five students from those who have received a very excellent evaluation in the five major classes of the first half of the year.”


Lin Xiao could distinctly feel that all around him, the students who had previously received an excellent appraisal perked up, their ears pricked up to listen.

“This major opportunity is code-named All Phenomena. Some students may have heard of it, and others may not. Those who haven’t heard can search for it on the campus network after class; it’s not a secret.”

“Those who know about it should understand what this opportunity means, so try your hardest in the remaining two major classes.”

With a meaningful look, the homeroom teacher swept her gaze across all the students:

“Class is dismissed!”

“Lin Xiao, come to my office after class!”

The last sentence was a whisper, unheard by other students. At this moment, most had gathered in small groups, quietly discussing the major opportunity known as ‘All Phenomena’.

Lin Xiao had planned to look it up on the internet after class, but now that would have to wait. freewēbnoveℓ.com

Stepping out of the classroom, he saw the baby-faced Gu Xiaoming standing at the door. Upon seeing him, Gu approached and said,

“Do you have time to talk?”

Lin Xiao’s brow knitted slightly as he responded,

“If you’re here to ask me to sell my evaluation or something like that, forget it. I’m not selling.”

Gu Xiaoming laughed,

“I’ve also gotten excellent appraisals in all three major classes, no need to buy, nor am I doing anyone else’s bidding.”

“Oh, well, let’s find a place to sit down and talk after a bit, I have something to do right now.”

“No need to sit, it’s just a few words.”

“Okay, go ahead.”

Gu Xiaoming transmitted his message:

“You might not understand what the ‘AU Phenomena’ that the homeroom teacher mentioned entails. You’ll know after you check it out yourself later. What I want to say is, when we participate later on, let’s not fight amongst ourselves; instead, let’s have a united front against others, how about that?” “All….”

Lin Xiao was completely baffled at the moment.

“You don’t need to answer now, reply to me after you have checked it out.”

“Alright then.”

After Gu Xiaoming finished speaking, he waved his hand, rose into the air, and left, leaving Lin Xiao standing there for a long while. Suddenly, Lin Xiao had a thought and wondered:

“Didn’t the homeroom teacher call for him?”

The direction he flew off toward was the dormitory, not the same direction as the homeroom teacher’s office.

Scratching his head and ensuring the other students hadn’t noticed, he rose into the air and circled around toward the direction of the homeroom teacher’s office.

The homeroom teacher’s office was located in one part of the Floating City, where a cluster of towers stood tall-these were the offices of various homeroom teachers from Second Middle School. Each homeroom teacher had their own separate tower, shared with theoretical subject teachers and counselors.

Arriving in front of the homeroom teacher’s office, the two Diamond Golems standing guard at the gate seemed to recognize him and did not obstruct his entry. The door opened silently. He walked into the tower, crossed through an invisible spatial membrane and, in the next second, found himself in a void surrounded by milky white radiating lights. Jin Sisi, the homeroom teacher, with her familiar silhouette, stood at the edge of the void. To his surprise, from behind, she seemed to be without a helmet, her purplish-red hair cascading down her back like a waterfall.

Seemingly sensing his arrival, that tall figure clad in dark golden Armor slowly turned around, revealing…

Sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, overwhelmingly valiant; her face’s contour was almost flawlessly perfect. If she were of normal female stature, she would be a striking and extraordinary female Knight in both demeanor and appearance.

Unfortunately, the homeroom teacher was a four-meter-tall woman. Coupled with her Armor and the faint killing aura between her brows, one would not dare to look directly at her—at least, he didn’t dare to.

She looked at Lin Xiao with an expressionless face and spoke in a deep voice:

“I called you here because as a teacher, I’ve made a decision which requires your consent.”

Her voice was deep, with a hint of unique magnetism, quite pleasant to hear, different from her usual voice during class; evidently, she was faking it normally.

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He didn’t dwell on why the homeroom teacher would need to fake her voice normally, as that was her privacy. What concerned him was why the homeroom teacher called him here alone.

“After three months of observation, you and Gu Xiaoming have stood out from the class. Barring any surprises, the two of you will receive my key training in the upcoming major lessons.”

Lin Xiao’s heart immediately leapt with joy, and he quickly said:

“Thankyou, teacher, for the cultivation.”

“You should thank me. The resources I hold aren’t available to every elite class.”

Lin Xiao…

I possess resources sufficient to nurture a super genius-level elite, enough to have you or Gu Xiaoming placed on the potential elites list before the college entrance exams.”

Lm Xiao immediately noticed the emphasis on ‘or’, but he made no comment, just stood silently observing the homeroom teacher.

Jin Sisi didn’t beat around the bush and continued:

“You must have guessed it; if I give one of you these resources, with your current abilities and potential, and ensuring you can grasp and assimilate them, you could stablely be on the potential elites list before senior year. However, if the resources are divided between you, you’d only have a certain chance. Maybe both of you could make it onto the list, or maybe neither of you would make it onto the extraordinary potential elites list. So, after much consideration, I have decided to allocate the main resources to one of you.” It was clear at this point that the homeroom teacher meant she only had enough resources to nurture one person onto the secondary list of potential elites. She didn’t want to take a risk, so she was prepared to choose between him and Gu Xiaoming for whom to fully support.

And now that he was the one standing here, not Gu Xiaoming, Lin Xiao understood the implication.

He respectfully asked:

“Does the teacher mean to cultivate me?”

Jin Sisi replied:

“That’s one way to put it. You are one of the two students whom I find most promising. However, if you want to seize this opportunity, you must agree to one condition, or rather, this is our exchange. I give you the opportunity, and you must repay me.”

Her words were…

Quite realistic and totally out of sync with her style.

He respectfully asked:

“May I know what the teacher wishes to exchange?”

Jin Sisi glanced at him, then unexpectedly turned around and answered a question he did not ask:

“The secondary list of potential elites and the primary list of actual elites are evaluated by the Main World Gaia Will, separately identifying the most outstanding and potential newcomers below university level, and the most outstanding and potential elite students above university level, respectively. Both lists are independent but closely linked. As lists recognized by the Main World Gaia Will, any listee will receive a boost in fortune from the Main World, and their future will be limitless.”

“Most importantly, any listee will gain a privilege, allowing them to make a feasible and rule-compliant request to the Main World Gaia Will.”

“For the secondary list, the qualification ends after the college entrance exams, and for the main list, upon university graduation. The privilege is for life, and can be invoked at any time.”

“Most importantly, if someone remains on the secondary list of potential elites until the college entrance exams and upon entering university continues to be on the primary list of actual elites, those two privileges will be combined into a higher privilege.”

Jin Sisi walked slowly towards Lin Xiao, her perfect facial contours dazzlingly impressive, her eyes shining with a faint divine light as if to see through to his very heart. Speaking in a solemn voice, she said:

“The deal I propose is for that higher privilege, just that privilege, and all else will be yours.”