The Era of Gods-Chapter 232 - Li Xiushen’s Mutant Clan (Shoutout to Alliance Hierarch Xiushen)

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Chapter 232: Chapter 232 Li Xiushen’s Mutant Clan (Shoutout to Alliance Hierarch Xiushen)

And in the second phase, although he conquered the Under World, he failed to successfully occupy the descended planes, hence no rewards.

However, because he finished with the top score, not only did he receive an excellent evaluation, he was also to receive a sizeable gift package from Senior Su, and a joint Plane Origin and Godhood Gift Package from sixteen seniors.

Senior Su s gift package was simple: three points of divinity, three hundred units of Plane Origin, and a Blueprint for Steel Golem Manufacturing.

The sixteen seniors’ gift package consisted of eight hundred units of Plane Origin, twenty-four points of divinity, and each senior also gave him a business card.

The three hundred units of Plane Origin and the eight hundred units from the seniors’ gift package were all in the form of cards, with one hundred units as the standard, all of Gold Mythical Quality. This was because the Plane Origin had no physical form and was difficult to store, thus it had to be stored in the form of cards.

This meant there were eleven Mythical Quality Source of Plane Cards.

When everyone heard about these rewards, they were all shocked; even the prestigious Shining Elites were surprised by the generosity of the rewards. freeweɓnovēl.coɱ

Yun Shaoning’s eyes were slightly red as he watched Lin Xiao, Gu Xiaoming, and another classmate named Wen Yi step forward one by one to receive their rewards from the class teacher, feeling a mix of emotions, which was not a pleasant experience.

The top three ranks belonged to them, among whom Lin Xiao was first, Gu Xiaoming second, and Wen Yi third.

Wen Yi stepped forward first to receive several cards from the class teacher, and Jin Sisi offered him a few words of encouragement. Then he happily stepped aside, and she whispered:

“Gu Xiaoming!”

The boy with the baby face approached with a smile and received his rewards from the class teacher. He was seen nodding repeatedly, as if the class teacher was telepathically communicating with him.

After a while, the boy’s smile broadened, and he respectfully bowed and backed away.

Next, everyone’s gaze fell on Lin Xiao, filled with envy, jealousy, and for the first time, several looks of admiration.

Having achieved the best performance three times in a row, he finally received admiring glances that signified acknowledgment and respect.

He approached the class teacher, and Jin Sisi looked at him just as she had the other students. She handed him the rewards before a voice rang beside his ear: “Well done, you didn’t disappoint me. As the top ranker, you will receive Senior Su’s gift, as well as half of the gift package jointly rewarded by the sixteen seniors; the other half will be split between the second and third placers.” “Thank you, teacher, for your cultivation!”

“I hope you will continue to perform well in the upcoming lessons.”

“I will keep trying my best!”

“Hmm, you may step back now.”

Then the class teacher went on to distribute rewards to the other students and finally returned to the center of the classroom, surveying the class before he said in a deep voice:

“This lesson has come to an end. The performance of the students varied, but fortunately, even those who performed the poorest still met the standards, so this time, no one is eliminated, which is very good!”

“Next, I have an announcement to make.”

Lin Xiao’s spirits lifted; something the class teacher announced with such gravity was bound to be significant.

Jin Sisi spoke in an even tone:

“In two months, after two more lessons, it will be the mid-term exam. By then, I will offer a grand opportunity, selecting five students who have received excellent evaluations from the five lessons in the first half of the year.” “Wow!”

Lin Xiao could clearly feel the spirits of the students around him, those who had ever received excellent evaluations, becoming alert, all ears pricked to listen.

“This grand opportunity is codenamed ‘All Phenomena.’ Some of you may have heard of it, and others not. Those who haven’t can search for it on the school’s internet after class; it’s not a secret.”

“Those who know this chance should understand what it means, so you must work hard in the remaining two lessons.”

The class teacher’s meaningful glance swept over everyone:

“Class dismissed!”

“Lin Xiao, come to my office after class!”

The last sentence was telepathic, unheard by the other students, who, by now, were mostly gathering in small groups, whispering about this grand opportunity named ‘All Phenomena.’

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Lin Xiao had planned to look it up online after class, but now he would have to wait a bit longer.

As he left the classroom, he saw the boy with the baby face, Gu Xiaoming, standing at the door. Seeing Lin Xiao come out, he walked over and said: “Do you have a moment to chat?”

Lin Xiao’s brows slightly furrowed as he replied:

“If you’re looking to buy a rating or something, forget it, I’m not selling.”

Gu Xiaoming laughed and said:

“I also have excellent evaluations from all three lessons; I don’t need to buy them, nor am 1 acting as a go-between for someone else.”

“Oh, then how about we find a place to sit and talk after a bit? I’m a little busy right now.”

“No need to sit, 1 just have a few words to say.”

“Okay, go ahead.”

Gu Xiaoming spoke telepathically:

“You might not be clear about what the ‘All Phenomena’ our homeroom teacher mentioned really is, but you’ll know once you check it yourself. What 1 want to say is, when we participate later, let’s not fight among ourselves but present a united front to others, okay?”


Lin Xiao was completely confused.

“You don’t need to answer now, reply to me after you look it up.”

“That’s fine.”

After finishing his words, Gu Xiaoming waved his hand and levitated into the air to leave, leaving Lin Xiao standing there for a long while. Suddenly, an odd thought struck him:

“Didn’t the homeroom teacher call for him?”

The direction in which he flew was towards the dormitories, which was a different direction from the homeroom teacher’s office.

Scratching his head, he took advantage of the other students not paying attention to levitate and flew in a wide arc towards the direction of the homeroom teacher’s office.

The homeroom teacher’s office was located in one area of the Floating City, where a range of towers stood tall all the office spaces of the teachers of various classes in Secondary School No.2. Each homeroom teacher had their own independent tower, shared with the theoretical subject teachers and counselors.

He arrived in front of the homeroom teacher’s office. The two Diamond Golems by the tower’s entrance seemed to know he was coming and did not block his path. The door opened silently, and as he walked into the tower and passed through a layer of invisible spatial membrane, the next second he found himself in a void where milky white radiance flowed in all directions. The familiar figure of his homeroom teacher, Jin Sisi, was standing at the edge of the void. To his surprise, from the back, it seemed like the homeroom teacher wasn’t wearing her helmet, revealing a cascade of purplish-red hair flowing down her back.

It seemed that she sensed his arrival, the tall figure clad in dark golden armor turned around slowly, revealing a….

Sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, brimming with heroic spirit, and with facial contours that were nearly flawless. If her build were sized down to that of a normal woman, she would be a valiant and spirited female knight with both an extraordinary demeanor and appearance.

Unfortunately, the homeroom teacher was a four-meter-tall beauty, and combined with the armor and the subtle aura of fierceness that emanated from her, she was too intimidating to gaze upon directly, at least he found it difficult to meet her gaze.

She looked at Lin Xiao without any expression on her face and spoke in a deep voice:

“1 called you here because there’s a decision I need to get your consent on.”

Her voice was low, with a hint of peculiar magnetism, which was quite pleasant to hear—and different from how she usually sounded in class, evidently her usual tone was feigned.

He wasn’t concerned about why the homeroom teacher would normally disguise her voice, as that was her privacy. What concerned him was why the homeroom teacher had called him here alone.

“After three months of observation, you and student Gu Xiaoming have stood out from the class. If there are no surprises, both of you will receive my focus in training for the next two major classes.”

Lin Xiao’s heart soared with joy, and he quickly responded:

“Thank you for cultivating me, teacher.”

“You should thank me—my resources aren’t available to every elite class.”

Lin Xiao…

“The resources 1 hold are enough to cultivate a super-genius elite, enough to have either you or Gu Xiaoming ranked on the Genius List before the college entrance examination.”

Lin Xiao immediately detected the significance of the word ‘either,’ but he didn’t speak, merely stood silently, looking at the homeroom teacher.

Jin Sisi didn’t beat around the bush and continued:

“You probably guessed it—the resources I have could ensure that either of you, with your current strength and potential to fully grasp and utilize these resources, could secure a place on the Genius List before the third year of high school. But if 1 divide the resources evenly, you could only say that there’s a certain possibility, maybe both of you could make it to the list, or maybe both could fail to even rank on the Extraordinary List, so after much consideration, I’ve decided to allocate the main resources to one of you.”

It was clear at this point what the homeroom teacher meant was that the resources she had were only enough to nurture one person for the Genius List, and she didn’t want to take a risk, hence she was prepared to choose one between himself and Gu Xiaoming for all-out cultivation.

And the one standing here now was him, not Gu Xiaoming, so Lin Xiao had a good idea of what was going on.

He asked respectfully:

“Does the teacher mean to cultivate me?”

Jin Sisi replied:

“You could say that, you are one of the two students I have the most confidence in, but if you want to seize this opportunity, you must comply with a condition of mine, or rather, consider it an exchange—I give you the opportunity, and you must repay me.”

Those words were spoken…

Quite realistically, and were completely out of character for her.

He asked respectfully:

“May I ask what the teacher wishes to exchange?”

Jin Sisi glanced at him, and suddenly, turning her back, spoke of something unrelated:

“The Genius Secondary List and the Genius Primary List are determined by the Main World Gaia Will, which evaluates the most outstanding and potential newcomers below college level, and the most outstanding and potential elite students above college level, respectively. The two lists are independent yet closely related. As recognized by the Main World Gaia Will, any individual on the lists will receive a fortuitous boost from the Main World, and a promising future lies ahead.”

“Most importantly, anyone who makes the list gains a privilege, the ability to make one feasible, rule-abiding request to the Main World Gaia Will.”

“For the Secondary List, the privilege expires after the college entrance examination, and for the Primary List, it ends after college graduation. The privilege is lifelong and can be used at any time.”

“Most importantly, if someone could stay on the Genius Secondary List until the college entrance examination and continue to rank on the Genius Primary List when starting college, then those two privileges would merge into a higher authority.”

Jin Sisi walked up to Lin Xiao, her perfect facial contours dazzling, her eyes emitting a faint divine light as if piercing through to his very soul. She spoke in a resonant voice:

“The trade I’m proposing is that higher authority. Just that privilege, everything else is yours.”

“If you agree, you will receive my full support—a chance and resources you could never obtain with your background..”