The Abused Luna's Comeback-Chapter 80

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Chapter 80 Some Answers

(Alonsoโ€™s P.O.V.] ๐—ณ๐™ง๐ž๐šŽw๐—ฒ๐š‹n๐š˜๐™ซ๐‘’๐˜ญ.๐‘om

The man approached and stopped. I didnโ€™t turn but I knew he was looking at me.

The float of my fishing rod pulled. As expected, another silly child took the bait.

โ€œDonโ€™t simply bite a sharp hook just because youโ€™re hungry.โ€ When I had finished speaking to him, I placed the fish back into the sea. He circled around the same spot twice before swimming far away. โ€œIโ€™m sorry to bother you, but do you know Alonso Prometheus?โ€ asked the man, finally.

I turned around to look at him. Oh, this was Roseโ€™s mate.


โ€œWhat?โ€ asked he โ€œIโ€™ve been waiting for you for a long time, Alpha Edward Lancaster.โ€ โ€œHow do you know my name? Who are you?โ€ asked he warily.

โ€œIโ€™m glad you didnโ€™t break your promise.โ€

โ€œYouโ€™re Mr. Prometheus?โ€

โ€œI canโ€™t light my head on fire, but I am.โ€

I saw a hint of hope and relief flash in his eyes. What I had said must have been convincing to him.

โ€œClyde said that you can help Rose control and improve her abilities.โ€

โ€œYes, I can.โ€

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There was something else he wanted ask, but then another man came to his side. It was his Beta.

โ€œBrother, did you find anything? I just met a scary old man who rolled his eyes and told me to come to the beach when I asked him some questions, so the person with this f*cking movie characterโ€™s name might be around


Ugh, I didnโ€™t like how he just referred to me.

Then, the Beta started to struggle. I didnโ€™t lift him into the air. I just kept his feet slightly off the ground, enough to make him afraid.

โ€œMr. Prometheus, I apologize for his insolence. Please put him down. He is my Beta,โ€ said Alpha to me.

I wasnโ€™t planning on hurting his Beta anyway. I just wanted to teach him a lesson. Clyde had told me that the Beta of Sunset Pack was a good person. I released him and watched him he stagger a little. Then, he rested on his knees as he panted. Although I hadnโ€™t used more than three layers of strength, I still needed to give him some time to recover.

โ€œBeta, donโ€™t you think itโ€™s a cool name?โ€ I gave him an innocent smile.

โ€œVery cool, Mr. Prometheus.โ€ But his expression did not match his words. Whatever. โ€œSir, can we find a more suitable place to talk?โ€ asked Alpha to me.

โ€œJust call me Alonso. You guys can come up.โ€

After saying that, I put down the ladder. I saw them give each other a look but they eventually climbed it.

[Edwardโ€™s P.0.v.]

I hadnโ€™t expected Alonso Prometheus to be a fifteen- or sixteen-year-old boy, and Clyde had obviously not told me anything about Alonso. He simply said that this was a respected person, so I figured Alonso must have some abilities. And that turned out to be true. This person did not hesitate to give Patrick a hard time.

I didnโ€™t like how he treated my brother even though it Pat was the one who offended Alonso first. Thankfully, Alonso had no intentions of hurting Pat anyway

โ€œSir, can we find a more suitable place to talk?โ€ I suggested. โ€œJust call me Alonso. You guys can come up.โ€ Then he put down a ladder for us.

I was a little confused because the more suitable place I was referring to wasnโ€™t a ship that looked so old. But since he had made such a gesture, I climbed up the ladder and Patrick followed behind me.

When we reached the interior of the cabin, I found that it was not as old as it looked on the outside. It was furnished quite well and in an orderly manner.

โ€œDo you usually live here?โ€

โ€œIโ€™ve been living here for a while. If thereโ€™s anything in this world that Iโ€™m not sick of, I think the sea is one of the few.โ€

Oh, he was a literary teenager, but that didnโ€™t stop me from getting straight to the point.

โ€œAlonso, Rose and I need your help.โ€

โ€œSo, how far has she progressed?โ€

โ€œWhat?โ€ โ€œHow far has she progressed in developing her abilities?โ€

To be honest, I wasnโ€™t too sure about this. I had almost never talked to Rose about her ability. I felt a little regretful that I had overlooked this, but I still told him everything I knew.

โ€œWhen she was young, she once fell off a cliff, but she miraculously survived. I guess it was because of her abilities. Now she can hear other peopleโ€™s thoughts, has extremely strong vision, hearing, and smell, andโ€ฆ uh, she broke three of Clydeโ€™s ribs with a thought, but I can guarantee that she didnโ€™t do it on purpose.โ€

โ€œPoor Clyde, he sacrificed a lot. But it sounds like Luna only managed to uncover the tip of her iceberg abilities.โ€

โ€œYou were the one who told Clyde to follow Rose all this time? Why did you do that?โ€

โ€œBecause I wanted to make sure that she was alive.โ€


โ€œThatโ€™s not important. Whatโ€™s important is that sheโ€™s always in great danger. Not just her, any Werewolf of Chaose, even the entire werewolf race, is in danger, but only she has the possibility to overcome it.โ€

โ€œThat sounds scary. So whatโ€™s the danger? Vampire Nicholas?โ€ asked Patrick.

โ€œLooks like you guys have done your homework. However, the danger that Iโ€™m talking about doesnโ€™t stop there.โ€

โ€œThen what else is there?โ€ asked I urgently.

โ€œFor example, herself.โ€

โ€œWhat do you mean?โ€

โ€œIf Luna Rose canโ€™t learn to control and use her emotions and abilities properly, they might consume her over time.โ€

โ€œWhat do you mean?โ€

โ€œTo put it simply, if she canโ€™t control her emotions like anger and fear, she can wipe out your entire pack or any others with a snap of her fingers, on purpose or not.โ€

Patrick gulped beside me and I felt a chill go down my back.

That was when I swore that I would never let my mate bear the title of an executioner or hurt herself and the pack