Sword Pilgrim-Chapter 249

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Episode 249 My

neck is too stiff.

Hearing this, the giant pondered over the meaning of the words for a while.

It wasn’t because he was stupid.

It was because I had never been treated like this before. To think that a giant who is said to be a treasure trove of knowledge would be called stiff-necked by himself, who is known as a mythical being.

But the smart head already realized that his judgment was twisted.

also the reason.

That it’s not too far away.

[Are you uttering such words because you harmed your own blood? Foolish. It is right that you should maintain an amicable relationship with me, just as I do.]

Giants exist.

They hid in a crevice and waited.

A day to avenge God.

[Disappointed. little god The reason I came to meet you despite the fear of being exposed under the eyes of God was for a long-cherished wish. But does he show such an emotional attitude just because of his kinship?]

It was disappointing.

long time. The small seed that had been wriggling and waiting to germinate finally sprouted.

However, they have not yet been able to shed the crowd of humans, and they cannot see the cause because they are dominated by emotions that are close to them rather than looking far away.

A man who has the same human stigma that he is reluctant to discuss.

He was really stupid.

[God trying to rise. Your foolishness is beyond my guidance.]

One action.

Transcendentalists are capable of understanding the other person with just one word.

Moreover, giants are also those who live the supreme life.

There has never been a person whose first impression was like that in the eyes of such a person.

The heart of the giant who had arrived here with a mission became cold.

To him, Colliers was no longer a great man to confide in.

He was not the right person to discuss the cause.

“You talk a lot. I only said one thing because my neck was stiff.”

[Are you trying to change your mind now? It shows the end of foolishness.]

The giant’s mind was already turning.

It was an attitude as if the life and death of the clan could not bet on such a person. However, the reason why he remains in the same posture while criticizing him must be because of the string of hope that he cannot let go of.

It was because his existence that had come this far was to announce the existence of a giant, and it was to make the efforts that had been hidden so far useless.

They sacrificed a lot just by coming to the North.

So it was right to get something else to cover it.

“You are misunderstanding something.”

[What do you mean?]

“Most of what you say is based on the premise that I must fight the gods in friendly alliance with the giants, right?”

[Yes. Otherwise, you will not be able to become a complete god or stand against their power. We are not unaware that you are also looking for us. There is no way a human who has risen to that position would not know.] It

is natural.

The only beings with the status of demigods in this land are giants.

So the half-god who is buying the god’s wrath has no choice but to make a deal with the giant.

The only thing that can be a barrier to help him is a giant.

“Why do you think so? It’s ridiculous. Didn’t you ever think that I would kill all of you?”

[That’s right.]

He alone cannot kill giants.

Can we call giants a treasure trove of knowledge for nothing?

Knowing a lot means being wise, and wisdom will soon enrich your life and make it easier to survive.

[You can’t even do anything about me.]

Giants existed a thousand years ago and thousands of years ago.

Even when the gods were born, there were giants.

The giant now sitting in the White Forest in the north was one of those giants.

[My name is Gant. He is a giant who has been planting his feet on this earth ever since God climbed the stairs to the sky.]

Such himself.

What can a person who has not lived even a hundred years at most and who has just taken a step toward becoming a god do?

Gant didn’t want to engage in pointless conversation any more.

[Stop it. It is unnecessary. Meeting you, everything waiting for you.]

“So, are you bragging that you have lived a long time after all? That is something you already know.”


“Giants are strong. However, that is just a general theory. Even the beasts of the field are something to be feared by the common man. To them, giants can be divine beings. But what about me?”

It’s a little different for Colliers.

There is respect for the knowledge they have accumulated over a long life.

However, it is difficult to arbitrarily conclude a relationship with oneself with just that.

To him, a giant is just one of many options, not a rope to catch even a straw.

“If you want to stand with me, show your worth.”

[Are you serious?]

“There is no omnipotent God. You also will not be omniscient. It’s good not to be overconfident in that trivial knowledge.”

There is no omnipotent God.

The giant Gant made a small sneer.

It was because, while not being overconfident in one’s own knowledge, Colliers himself said as if he were convinced that there was no such god.

But anyway, I definitely felt what he wanted. He is unsure of the giant’s strength.

[What do you think is the reason why the dragon alone ended the war with the giant alone?]

“It must have been because it was strong.”

[It was because he had the power to end the Dragon Demon War alone.]

Now, Callius wanted to test the power of such an existence.

Koo Goo Goo.

The giant arose.

As the giant armed with animal bones stood up, the white forest shook violently and a strong wind blew.


All of the northern troops waiting in front of the White Forest trembled at the giant’s presence like a mountain. freēwēbηovel.c૦m

“Wow… fuck.”

“Is this true?”

He grew enormous just by sitting down, but when he stood up, he was twice as tall.

A huge shadow was cast over the area as if one’s head could touch the sky.

[Little God. Do you know why giants are called giants?]

I wasn’t saying this to get an answer.

On the wrist of the giant with one hand raised was a gauntlet made of bones.

It soon changed gradually and was held as an ax in the hand of a giant.

[The giant was originally like a human. However, there was one thing that was different. I know the reason.]

“It was because I know how to handle bones.”

[Correct answer.]

They were originally a branch of human beings.

The strength of all creatures differed depending on how useful they were to use their bodies.

Giants are a uniquely superior evolved species in that respect.

A giant that can be said to be the ultimate of a species that has evolved its own bones to become stronger and larger.

It grows its skull to increase its wisdom, and protrudes its breastbone out of its skin to protect its weak point, the heart. The bones that have grown hard have been strengthened over several generations, just as a blacksmith quenches iron.

Forged hard and sometimes sharp, annihilated enemies and obtained their knowledge to preserve the vast truth of the world.

[Did you tell me to show the value? I will deeply engrave why a giant is called a giant in your bones.]


A huge arm made of bone sprouts from its back from its side.

It covers its entire body with bones, and when it’s not enough, it pulls out new arms and tentacles.

That is the reason why giants are called demigods, and the reason why they can survive with mighty force until now.

Originally, it had a bizarre form that could not be said to be human.

It seemed like he knew why he was called a god rather than just a big human being.

An ax held in two hands.

Axes held by the other four bones only fly towards Callius.

It contained enough power to topple Mount Tai with just one lift, but six of them flew at once, and the wind pressure alone seemed like it would tear my whole body apart.

“It’s fast.”

Despite its gigantic size, it also had frighteningly fast speeds.

Bone proliferation. shape change.

The speed of the blow was made in an instant, and it was like a series of motions in which water droplets on the ground permeate into the soil.

Seeing the giant’s bone ax that had already come close to his nose, Callius didn’t act and just stared at it.



When those who watched it made a screaming noise in astonishment.


A roar that could shake the heavens and the earth covered the north.

All of the nearby soldiers were blown away by the wind pressure alone, and Emily was barely able to withstand the storm created by the giant.

Even that, she had a storm sword – Kalis, so it was a joke. At least she, like the soldiers, was swept away in the aftermath and couldn’t see anything.


However, the expression of the giant who created such a great wave of power was seldom good. His long savage-like long hair and beard covered his expression, as if he had chewed shit.

That’s why.

[What did you do?]

It was because of the small god that was on his shoulder before he knew it.

“It’s not my taste to look up.”

Callius, with grayed hair and eyes making eye contact with the giant, was simply flapping his cloak.


The giant felt that the axes he had grown from the bones in his hands had become lighter.

No, now that I see it, everything has turned into ashes.

I narrowed my eyes, noticing that I had turned to ash and felt no weight.

Even though he took out an ax with all the weapons to show his strength, the opponent did not take out a sword stuck in his waist.

Gant had no choice but to praise that point of a small god, but because of that point, his eyebrows narrowed.

[Have you become one with the sword?]

“No matter how old you are, children are children, and parents don’t know what’s inside no matter how big their children are.”

[What are you talking about?]

“It means you are right.”

As he calmly agreed, Gant wondered what kind of sword he had obtained to show such power without drawing out the sword.

the god of swords.

His power was more powerful than I thought, considering it to be the power of a god still in its infancy or the power of a half-body that was still incomplete.

Those who obtain the sword make a sheath containing their blood and soul, making the soul of the sword and themselves become one.

That way, you can freely use your unique ability as if the sword and yourself are one without drawing out the sword. Perhaps he did that too.

[However, that alone is not enough!]

Quad deuk!!

The bones that pierced the skin from the giant’s shoulders turned into dozens of tentacles and tried to grab Colius.

Right then.


Only then did Calius use the sword at his waist.

I picked Emily.

Black swordsman. A long sword with an impressive red line running through its center.

At the same time, the ashes changed and fluttered like small blades.


All of Gant’s bone tentacles were cut into pieces. At the same time, dozens of martial swords lurking around Colius began to hack the giant’s body.


The bones that covered the giant were all cut off, and soon the thick skin was cut off.

Fatalite’s sword.

Even the bones of a giant could not block the martial sword, which was surrounded by a sword steel that made super-vibration.

The bones that were being severed as if the head were being cut fell and plummeted to the floor.


But among them, only the bones of the heart, neck and head could not be properly cut even by Fatalite’s Eoyeonmu sword.

Soon, ashes gathered behind the back of Colius, who fell from the giant’s body, forming wings.

What Emily’s unique ability was, Colleas still didn’t know.

However, if he held Emily, he could use all the remaining power that he had not been able to use properly or the power of the state that he had not reached.

For example, flying ashes.

It became possible to materialize and write the foundation that forms it more freely.

Changes in form became easier.

If you make it with wings, it becomes wings, and if you make it with petals, it turns into a blade like this.




Snow of ashes falls from the sky.

It becomes his sword with each blade, and his power itself to change into anything and swallow anything.

The snow falling from the sky gradually changes shape and starts pouring like rain.

Gray swords pour like rain.

Like a hedgehog, the scream of a giant with thousands of swords pierced the north.



Hit the floor with both arms.

Then, a blade made of bones rose from the ground and headed for Colius.

Bang Bang Bang Kwaaang!!

It was like the power of a demigod that handled not only the bones of his body but also the bones sunk into the ground.

Others would have been greatly embarrassed, but not Colliers.



The blade tore through Callius.

However, he disappeared as a handful of ashes and appeared behind the giant’s back.


[Is the god of the scabbard… right?]

The blood of a giant whose side was severely cut drenches the snow-covered northern part red.

Along with the absurd question, the giant’s body shrunk greatly.

“Is the giant right? You’ve gotten a lot smaller.”

Maybe it’s because I used too many bones.

Callius laughed at the giant Gant, who had grown to about half his original size.

[You’d better not trust the sword. Armor means God.]

“What do you think the sheath is?”

[I guess that was a rumor.]

The scabbard is used to keep the blade from getting hurt.

As long as the sword flies.

The sword in the scabbard cannot hurt anything.

whether it be a sword or something else.

“Is that all you have to say?”

Callius said, looking straight into the giant’s huge eyes.

To his words, which seemed to be his last will, Gant replied calmly.

[Find a niche. The giant is there.]

Callius lay down and looked down at the bleeding giant, gathering the fluttering ashes in his hand.

The giant Gant laughed as he watched the ashes turn into a gigantic spear.

[Do you think of the gods who will be defeated by you? Even in front of death, I can laugh all over.]

“I need your strength.”

[Take it. I’ll be happy if it’s you.]

Throwback! The gray spear in my hand pierced the giant within no time.

The collapsed giant turned to ashes.

The ashes soon seeped into Colius.