Super Card System-Chapter 16: Demon In Your Heart

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Chapter 16: Demon In Your Heart

That night was a full moon night, the bright moonlight spread on the earth, making everything looks so distinct. On the vast grassland outside the village, Zoro and Kuina stared at each other holding their swords.

In the woods not far away, Ian kept watching the scene.

The duel finally began. From Ians point of view, the round moon just became the background of the duel. In the moonlight, the two figures were intertwined, chopping and attacking each other with their swords, their swords kept slashing in a rhythmic pattern that creates scenery of dancing blades, and there was a strange aesthetic feeling.

However, this time the two talented kids in the duel understood that the battle was actually very dangerous. The bamboo sword was replaced by a real sharp sword. If they were not careful, they might get a serious wound or possible, death.

Perhaps it was because of this that the fight between the two has become more cautious and more serious.

Fighting for dozens of rounds, Zoro has been panting, his greatest achievement was just cutting off a bunch of Kuinas hair. On the contrary, Kuina wasnt that tired.

Its heavy to fight with two real swords, isnt it? Zoro! Kuina continued to stimulate him and said, You are still very weak indeed!

Upon hearing her, Zoro screamed unconvinced and attacked Kuina, but she had deliberately provoked him. The flaw revealed again. Kuina rushed over while lowering her body and made an upper blow, hitting Zoros two swords and made them flew away!

Suddenly he was thrown by the force, Zoro fell backward, and her sword turned around and plunged beside Zoros ear.

You lost again! 0 wins and 2001 defeat! Kuina laughed.

Lying on the ground, Zoro muffled his face and growled, Damn it! Damn it!

He lost again. He was so unwilling to lose, and he was about to cry.

However, Kuina looked at him in silence and suddenly said, Im not willing to cry

Zoro took off his hands and looked over in surprise, he saw the tear in Kuinas eyes, and she was lonely and said, When a girl grows up, she will be weaker than a boy. Look at Big Brother Ian, you can see that he has not tried to compete with me for a long time. Its not that he doesnt want to, but that I dont want to compete with him, because I know that he may be stronger than me now.

You too, Zoro! Youll soon catch up with me, too

Kuina looked up at the sky and tried not to let her tears fall. My father told me that girls cant be the strongest swordsman in the world, I understand Ive known that for a long time!

Hey Zoro, because youre a boy I also want to be the strongest swordsman in the world, but Kuina put her hand on her chest. My chest is growing too!

Zoro blushed when he saw this scene.

If, if I could be a boy too Kuina lowered her head, and her unwilling tears finally flowed down.

Then Zoro was reluctant and shouted, Dont whine when youve beaten me already! Thats too mean. Youre my goal. Whatever a man or woman, when I beat you one day, will you use this as an excuse!? It seems that I did not win by my own strength. Wasnt I an idiot who worked so hard training?

Zoro Kuina looked at him in surprise.

Stop saying that! Zoro went up to Kuina and said, Promise me that one day it will be you or me, one of us, must become the strongest swordsman in the world! Lets compare and see who can be The One!

Kuina looked at Zoro in a daze and found that his eyes were more serious than ever.

Zoro reached out to her and motioned.

Kuina smiled, wiped her tears from her eyes and muttered, You fool! You are so weak

However, she extended her hands and held Zoro tightly.

Under the moonlit night, this scene seemed to have been frozen and became a beautiful picture.

But Ian, far away in the woods, couldnt help covering his head and sighing, Ah, this is youth!

What does he mean with that sentence? He remembers that day running in the sunset, which was his lost memory of his youth! Thats what hes talking about now, but here the sunset is replaced by the moon

But, you damn idiots, when you two made your goals, have you forgotten about me?

As a bystander, Ians mood was very complicated at this time. Zoro and Kuina have set their goals, but what about him?

When he came to this world, he cant go back. Should he continue to live like this as a bystander?

Ian was in a confused state, but then suddenly he found a figure walking towards him, after looking at it, Ian found that it was Kuina!

Zoro didnt know when she had left him. Meanwhile, Kuina has found Ian, so she came over and said to him, Have you seen it, Big Brother Ian?

Ian nodded. Kuina smiled and pulled her hair around her ear, then said, Is it my father who asked you to come over and find me? Dont worry. Im fine.

Ian looked at Kuina for a while and suddenly said, Although you have made a pact with that idiot, are you still a little unwilling?

Kuina kept silent and turned her head aside.

Ian wasnt a fool like Zoro. Only he would simply think that an agreement would make Kuina happy.

The limitation of her body makes it impossible for her to become the strongest. This is probably the demon in Kuinas heart. She has been bound by this idea, and her heart was not free, so what progress in her swordsmanship would she make?

She knows very well that one day, she can only look up to Zoro and watch him defeat her so that she can feel the taste of the defeat!! For Kuinas strong personality, the thought of such a picture would make her feel as uncomfortable as being needled.

To say that in Frost Moon village, who knows the most about Kuina, it must be Ian, even Master Koshiro cant be compared with him!

Thats why he was going to ask her such a sentence.

Looking at Kuinas reaction, Ian sighed slightly and said, Come with me!

Ian took Kuina back to the dojo and went to his room. As Kuina watched curiously, Ian carefully picked up the Den Den Mushi sleeping on the table.

After a year, this little Den Den Mushi has grown up.

If it wasnt sleeping, she could see that its beans-sized eyes had become a bit of Ians charm. The funniest thing was that there was a little bear ear cap on his head now! Looks so much like Ian.

And on its shell, there is now another number, 9209, which was Ians number.

Brother Ian, what are you doing with the Den Den Mushi? Asked Kuina.

Instead of answering her, Ian touched the Den Den Mushis little head and said, Kuina, do you remember that time when you havent seen me for the whole day, and when I appeared, I had this hat on my head?

Kuina nodded, of course, she remembered.

Thats because a group of outsiders came to the village that day! Ian said, These people were the revolutionary army! They gave me the hat, and among them, there was a very strange person!

Kuina listened quietly to Ians story, but she heard him suddenly change the subject and say, Have you ever heard of the Devil Fruit?

My father once mentioned it to me, but I dont really believe it, is there such a thing as Devil Fruit? Asked Kuina.

Ian nodded and said, Really, Frost Moon Village is very small, and the outside world is very big. This Devil Fruit really exists, and the strange person I want to talk about is a Devil Fruit user!

His name is Ivankov. He has Hormone Fruit Ability! Ian said: He has a strange ability to manipulate human hormones and become a man or a woman freely,

Looking at Kuina, she had opened her mouth in surprise, and Ian laughed. And the most important thing is that his ability can be applied to other people!

When she heard this, Kuina looked at Ian. She finally understood what Ian meant to say.

Yes, I escorted them out of the village! Ian nodded. When I left, I got his number. Now that my Den Den Mushi has grown up, I can call him if I mean, if you really want to be a boy, maybe you can talk to him, and he will help you?!

Thats right, this was the real reason why Ian asked Ivankov for his number when he left.

Looking at Kuinas silence, Ian sighed and said, Although we are not brothers and sisters, I have always treated you as my real sister. You have a demon in your heart. If you dont set it free, it will be very difficult for you to strengthen your swordsmanship. I dont want to see you sinking because of this matter, so I can only help you by finding this strange way. It may be hard for you to accept, so everything depends on your personal wishes. If you want to be a boy, go to the sea and find Ivankov. If you dont want to, then go on like this all the time. Girls cant be the strongest, I dont believe that, even though it takes a lot of hard work, there is always hope.

I I have to think about it! Kuina stood up and walked towards the door.

She seemed a little lost, and Ians words had a significant impact on her.

At the moment when she was about to close the door, Ian took off Kumas cap from his head with his right hand and showed a sweet smile to Kuina, saying, Remember, follow your heart! No matter what decision you make, I will support you!

Thank you, Oniisan!

Youre welcome, who made me your brother?

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