Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer-Chapter 1767: Meeting with a God

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After ten minutes, Sam talked to his students once again before deciding to leave with Osiris.

"So, what about the last wish? Do you have anyone else to talk to?"

"Of course, I want to talk to Zeus."

Osiris stopped in his tracks. He didn't even know what to think. He has been a god for a long time and he has seen things that are unfathomable for any living creature. But this is the first time he has seen something like this.

Olympus is famous for playing with mortals.

In fact, the gods send Divine bodies to fool around with the mortal women here and then their wives play around with the bastards that are born out of that intercourse.

Of course, there are also mortals they find interesting or someone they found annoying like Sam. They make them go through hell while living.

He has heard of stories of mortals killing themselves. In fact, he met those souls in hell. But never had he heard of a mortal who is getting on Olympians' nerves and still wanted to talk to the most arrogant piece of shit of them all.

"I didn't hear you wrong did I? you want to meet Zeus? Gods are much scarier than you think. In fact, Mortals will die in their presence. I am using my Divine body to be here right now. Or this planet would have done in a second."

"It's fine. I am sure can find a way around it. I just need to have a face-to-face conversation with that guy."


"Just my way of doing things. When I am at war with someone I like to talk to them before I go all out."

"Everyone of them?"

"No, only the ones that I really enjoy destroying."

"Let me get this straight, you are going against one of the mighty gods to ever exist and you started a war when you are nowhere near his level of power with one organization that is under your name—risking all the things you built along with the lives of your companions and followers.

And now you want to go and talk to him face to face so that you can tell him that you will destroy him.

Even though I am a god, I am doubting my hearing Sam."

Osiris is usually calm and collected. Even now his voice is like that, but he definitely lost his composure.

"Well, it is no big deal. I have the circumstances on my side. So, of course, I am going to take advantage of that. If you now take me and let me meet him, we will be done with this.

I have a hell to go back to and I want to finish off as many creatures as possible before someone manipulates the tower and the creatures again."

Osiris sighed and snapped his fingers.

Sam disappeared from that spot. Osiris waited for a second before he disappeared again.

They reappeared on a mountain. A large mountain with a big cloud hovering on top of it.

Sam felt a bit suffocated and his body felt extremely heavy, but his Raiju bloodline felt at home. His lightning energy became active as it could be. He wanted to activate lightning fusion right then and there.

But he also had a feeling that if he did that, his remaining bloodlines will be affected.

"Don't give in. I don't know much about your cultivation, but I am sure when multiple bloodlines are in you and one is reacting with the divine energy of a god, you shouldn't let it take control. Redistribute your energy properly and keep it stable."

Sam nodded and slowly started controlling his energy. He circulated it over and over and even though excess lighting energy is bubbling up, he converted it into different elemental energies.

Now he is in an extremely delicate state. Even though his body's energy is building up, he keeps it stable by dividing it into different elemental energies and making them circulate while slowly expelling it bit by bit.

It needed a lot of his concentration.

"You are doing good."

Osiris said clearly impressed.

Sam looked at the mountain as he observed things. It looked like a very ordinary mountain. Not a single thing looked like it is special. Even the trees and grass around them looked like they are just normal vegetation from back on earth.

Except for the large-scale suffocation, he is feeling right now, he felt that he is back on earth.

"This is a god's domain. It will feel like that. Mortals are not supposed to be here. I am using my power to block you from getting any harm. So, be careful."

They are actually on a pathway toward the top.

"So, we go this way?"

Sam asked as he pointed out.

Osiris nodded and they started walking.

But even before they took a few steps, the clouds started rumbling and lightning crackled.

Osiris looked at the sky and said.

"Seems like he has noticed our presence."

Even before he could finish that sentence, the lightning struck right before them and Zeus appeared there.

Sam looked at the big old man with a smile.

"Nice to see you again."

Zeus ignored Sam. His cold gaze is directed at Osiris.

"What are you doing Osiris? Bringing a mortal and that too this vermin to my domain? Are you trying to start a war with me?"

Osiris raised an eyebrow and said in a calm voice.

"I am just following my end of the agreement. This is the wish he asked for. He wanted to come here and meet you. So, I brought him."

"Not anyone can just come and meet me."

Zeus said as he looked at Sam. Some invisible pressure came onto Sam, but Osiris' power shielded him from it.

Still, he could feel the hostility and the sheer power behind it.

"Not anyone can start with the king of Olympus as well. But he did. So, I figured it is okay for him to meet you once."

Osiris answered in Sam's stead.

"War? I could kill him with half a thought, do you really think he can start a war with me?"

"I already started one. In case you didn't notice."

Zeus looked at Sam who spoke up. His gaze is hostile and he really wanted to kill Sam.

Sam just chuckled and said.

"You know, I originally wanted to have a different kind of meeting with you. I always thought one day I will get to your level, invade your territory and bully you as a teenage does to his weaker peers. I wanted to play around until that giant ego of yours was completely shattered.

But after the past few months, I decided otherwise. I am losing patience day by day and I want nothing more than tear down that smug empire of yours."


Lightning crackled in the clouds.

"Don't try to be angry so much. You cannot dog shit at this moment. If you can you would have killed me as soon as I appeared here.

But you didn't. So, I am sure you wouldn't be able to directly kill me, even if you wish it will all of your arrogance

So, tone it down and listen to me…"

"You listen to me, you little worthless mortal bastard. You are nothing but a plaything that one of the gods picked. And you are lucky that the god that picked you has some interest in you.

That is the only saving grace that is keeping you alive.

And the moment, that saving grace disappears, your soul will rot in Hades. I will personally get off of my throne and take the duty of torturing. And I am going take pleasure in it for an eternity."

"That sounds like something you have thought of for a long time but weren't able to do anything about.

Good luck with that.

I am not going to say what I am going to do to you. Because my friends are handling that. But I know how the results appear after I am done with you.

Your followers will be gone. I don't know exactly how many realms are there. But in all the realms that I could access through the Dimensional Drifter, I will uproot any belief people have about Olympus.

In every realm I and my organization targets you, no one will ever think of worshiping an Olympian god for millennia.

I will destroy your power that built your legends, I will destroy the glory that's built up on those legends, I will destroy the faith that's built up on that glory and I will destroy your moral character that's built up on this faith and I will destroy your kingly position based on that character and I will destroy you who is so full of that kingly position.

And when I do that. I will look you right in the eyes.

And you will think, why is Sam reacting like this over such a small petty quarrel that you had? And then you will regret why you even had that small quarrel.

So, by the next time we meet, if I don't make all of these statements come true, I will bind my soul to Hades myself making it my duty to provide you the pleasure of my misery."