Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer-Chapter 1752: Observing the Night Mode

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The undead creatures popped up with those wings and they held two spears in their hands.

As they charged toward Sam, he closed off his wings and landed on the ground. He stored the spears back in his storage and just looked at the sky while defending himself with another earthen wall.

The undead creatures nearby walked toward him and started attacking the defensive barrier. And to Sam's surprise, the attacks are not just purely physical.

These creatures used the same technique Sam used to create an opening when he flew into the sky. Earthen spikes are being shot at him from different sides. This made him surprised as well as a bit confused.

Because as far as Sam knew, there is not a single death that happened through these earthen spikes and he used it only once.

From what he understood initially, the undead creatures that were killed with a certain attack will be the ones coming back with the same attacks. Like what happened with the undead creatures that now had wings.

The earthen spikes are something that he didn't think of.

But this first night here, all he wanted to do is an experiment. He wanted to see how this transition and the undead creatures work. So, he didn't bother too much and just made mental observations.

As he looked at the undead creatures flying over in the sky and started throwing spears all over, he couldn't help but feel impressed and intrigued by how well-devised this whole thing is.

He is on verge of the Divine Plane of cultivation and as far as he knows, as long as he crossed past the Divine Plane of Cultivation, he would be reaching the Celestial Plane. The Plane is considered as attaining Godhood.

So, if all that is standing is one plane of cultivation, the distinction of what one could do with that difference is truly astounding.

He couldn't help but think of what kind of possibilities that are awaiting him when he reached that level.

Sam didn't dare to dwell on these thoughts though. He will know the answers to those questions when the time comes and he is sure that now is definitely not the time to explore that thought process.

While Sam is lost in his thoughts and making observations on how this night mode is going, the rest of the players are all cursing Sam with all their hearts.

Like Sam, they also made a few observations. One of them is that the undead creatures that came at them have the characteristics of the targets that they killed in the day mode. So, they could say that they are being attacked by the undead counterparts of the targets they killed.

These undead creatures are coming at them with the attacks they used in the day mode. This is something that they could understand.

But the problem with the creatures that Sam killed is that they are covering a lot more territory through the air.

They are attacking from such a high vantage point and just like how Sam killed people in different areas, these creatures attacked different players.

These additional attacks from the air are pressurizing them.

Of course, Dayus took most of that pressure. Because most of those creatures are from Dayus' side and they are focusing on the target within that area. And Dayus happened to be the only target there.

The players were able to handle the land targets pretty easily, but dealing with the airborne targets while dealing with the land targets is difficult.

Of course, not to all of them.

Arkiv is actually having a pretty good time with his bow and arrow. He positioned himself in a way so that he could fight long-range with land targets also, so he is pretty good at dealing with airborne targets as well.

After observing for a while, Sam also took out his bow and arrow and killed the airborne.

As time passed, the players realized one thing, the night mode is actually not as difficult as the day mode. The normal undead creatures are much easier to deal with than the targets in the day mode.

The only problem they are facing is that their attacks are being used against them which is obviously very frustrating. After all, no one ever thinks about counter-moves against their own moves. It takes a bit of time for them to adjust.

Sam also made some extra observations.

The number of targets that got hit by these attacks in the day mode is the exact number of undead that are going to have these special powers in the night mode.

And the location the target got hit is where the undead with these special powers are spawning.

These two observations are enough to make Sam grin.

He knew that all the players are special. Everyone has their own specialization and everyone has their own secret trump cards. They might not be as good as his, but they are not bad when compared to any other cultivator on the same level as them.

In fact, they are miles above.

And all the players are more or less capable to survive for days without any recovery in their energy. They would be able to finish this whole thing off by properly planning it.

Of course, even if Sam didn't intervene in their process, he would be able to win. But his goal is not just to win, but to win with the highest score he could get.

The disparity between first place and second place should be so huge that it should be laughable to even keep him in this stupid competition.

As for why he is doing it, it is not because he has anything against the other players. Rather than what he went through when Zeus and Hel are trying to make his life miserable when he got the chance, he should cash in as many points as he could and get ahead in the competition.

And if the side effect is suppressing the other players a bit, all he can do is say sorry and hope that they could understand his situation.

And he is sure they would. After all, Sam has been pretty considerate with them and if it comes to the point where he has to bother them a bit to achieve his goal to piss and fight the gods off, then so be it.

He smiled calmly as a plan formulated in his mind.

Meanwhile, somewhere else in a faraway world.

Sam's students are currently in a city.

It is also nighttime there and they just entered the city's most happening restaurant. A restaurant that is quite known for its festivities and entertainment.

And since this city also happened to be the headquarters of the organization that rules that planet, it is kind of like a capital bustling with people.

Within that restaurant, their group hasn't even caught that much attention even with their diverse and large group. In fact, those large groups are pretty much common there.

They sat at a table catered for their group and they could see similar tables filled with a lot of people like this.

Habi looked around as he took small sips of his wine.

"This wine is not good."

He muttered slowly as his eyes landed on one of the nearby tables.

"Of course, no other wine will taste good if you compare it to Sia's wine. And if you compare it to our teacher's wine, water will have a better chance this wine."

One of the other students spoke.

But Habi didn't reply and looked at the table with squinted eyes.

Arvi looked at him and said.

"What are you looking at?"

"That table is full of the rich young masters from the organization. Every one of them is either the next in line for some key position or the offspring of some high-level assholes. In fact, the one at the end of the table is the son of the leader of this organization.

If we attack them, we could kill them and be done with them." It is the perfect way to start a conflict. Killing these people will destroy the emotional stability of the elders. We can kill them easily."

Everyone looked at Habi with concern.

"Habi, calm down. You have been getting too violent lately." Vron said from the side.

"I am not getting violent. I am in war mode. All of these are our enemies, why are you being like this? Don't tell me, big bad Vron has gone soft."

Habi said as he gulped down the wine.

Vron just chuckled and didn't react to it.

"Just be careful. We always have been following what our teacher taught us. We need to do the groundwork and prepare before we proceed forward facing our enemies.

You being like this kind of goes against it."

"Well, it doesn't matter. The teacher also said that we should act like some rich brats for a while and most rich brats we met all picked a fight with no or negligible reasons.

So, I want to be like that for a while."

Habi answered and everyone was stumped for words. But at this moment, before they could even reply they noticed something. The people from the young master table are actually looking towards them.

To be precise, they are looking at the girls at the table and none of Sam's students liked it.