Pokemon: Master of tactics-Chapter 62: Pokemon master of tactics -
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Chapter 62: Pokemon master of tactics: Chapter 62
After the young woman counted the money that Alex had given her, she got the PokΓ©ball of Shieldon and called it back into his PokΓ©ball.
Then she gave Alex the PokΓ©ball and said, "You can keep that PokΓ©ball. Hope to see you again."
Alex took the PokΓ©ball and continued walking his way.
After 5 minutes, Alex was standing in front of the Hunter Guild building.
After entering, he walked in the direction of the PokΓ©mon exchange station.
He went in front of the young man at the station and said, "Hello, I have 3 PokΓ©mon that probably have A-talent and wanted to sell them here."
The young man heard this and looked at Alex Team Rocket Captain uniform. He said with a polite smile, "Sir, I have to get my boss for such a big job. Please wait for a moment."
Alex nodded to the young man and waited patiently.
After 5 minutes, the young man came back with a tall fat man. The fat man was wearing expensive clothes and had a friendly smile on his face.
The fat man looked at Alex with a welcoming smile and said, "Hello, my name is Andrey, and I will be responsible for the negotiations. Let's go to my office. It's nice and quiet there."
Alex said, without changing his face, "Ok, let's go."
He wasn't afraid that Andrey would lure him into a trap because it's not worth killing a Team Rocket captain for a little money.
After 2 minutes, Alex was resting in a comfortable chair in front of Andrey.
Andrey said with a smile, "I heard you have 3 PokΓ©mon that have A-talent. I wanted to ask, have you already checked the talent of these PokΓ©mon?"
Alex said calmly, "No, I didn't. But I saw how these PokΓ©mon used a move in the wild that they can't usually learn by themselves. I think you should understand my reason for thinking that these 3 PokΓ©mon have A-talent."
Andrey's eyes lit up as he said, "Hmm... If that's the case, the probability is really high. But I still have to have to get it checked. It costs 1,500 PokΓ©dollars to check the three PokΓ©mon's talents. Do you want to have it checked or sell them without it?"
Alex said, "No, I have no problem paying 1,500 PokΓ©dollar for these PokΓ©mon. I would even pay 10 times that if necessary."
Andrey knew that Alex would say that and said with a weary smile, "Ten times? Haha, you would have to be very unlucky to have to repeat the test for all three PokΓ©mon. The good thing is that we don't have to leave because I have recently installed a talent machine here in my office. Shall we do it now?"
Alex picked up the PokΓ©balls of Butterfree, Raticate, and Fearow and gave them to Andrey.
Andrey pressed a button, and the bookshelf below him turned and revealed a very complex machine.
He put in 1 PokΓ©ball and activated the machine.
The machine made a strange noise and then displayed an 'X' on the big screen.
Andrey smiled and said, "Wow! The guest is really unlucky. Does the guest want to do an improved test for 5000 PokΓ©dollars or sell the PokΓ©mon just like that?"
Alex smiled and said, "Repeat the test for 5000 PokΓ©dollars. I'm very sure that this PokΓ©mon has at least A-talent."
Andrey, who had expected that pressed the top button of the machine that makes the improved test.
After 3 seconds, A-Talent was displayed on the screen.
Andrey and Alex, who had expected this result, were not surprised and went on.
At the second test, Andrey was surprised that it failed again and looked at Alex with sympathy.
Alex tried to look upset as much as possible. Although Alex knew that this would happen beforehand, he didn't want Andrey to notice that he was acting weird.
At the third test, Andrey was surprised again.
Andrey said with a sympathetic smile, "Sir, your luck is surprisingly bad today but take it on the positive side. All PokΓ©mon are, as you thought before, A-Talent PokΓ©mon."
Alex, who was pretending to be annoyed, said, "If I didn't know that the penalty for cheating the test is very high, I would have thought that you are trying to pull money out of my pocket. Arghh. Anyway, we'd rather negotiate the prices of the PokΓ©mon."
Of course, Alex knew that Andrey had not manipulated the test. But he wanted to behave as believable as possible and had to say it.
These were the PokΓ©mon that had already failed the talent test. That's why they were being sold by trainers in the market at such a low price. Since trainers refused to go through the improved test, it had to be done by Alex. (f)reenovelkiss.com
Alex and Andrey negotiated for 10 minutes before reaching an agreement.
The three PokΓ©mon were going to be sold for 305,000 PokΓ©dollars.
Butterfree (nothing special) 45,000 poke dollars
Raticate (Good Innate Talent move) 70,000 PokΓ©dollars
Fearow (Sniper & Good Innate Talent move) 190,000 PokΓ©dollars
After the cost of the test being subtracted, Alex had earned 288,500 PokΓ©dollars.
Fearow especially gave a lot of money to Alex.
The reason why Alex got so much more money for it was that Fearow had a better Ability, and he is generally worth more as a PokΓ©mon species (flight mount) than Butterfree and Raticate. Also, the fact that it has a good innate talent move only increases its price even further.
Alex and Andrey talked for a while before Alex left the Hunter Guild.
He wasn't afraid that Andrey would attack him for the little money. He quickly found a place where no one would see him so he can change his face and clothes.
After another 15 minutes, Alex walked out of the Team Rocket building (black market) with a different face and clothes.
He was able to sell two more silver PokΓ©mon without a problem and managed to sell half of his Silver PokΓ©mon today.
Butterfree (Good Innate Talent move) 65,000 PokΓ©dollars
Beedrill (nothing special) 40,000 poke dollars
In just one day, Alex earned 382,500 PokΓ©dollars and now had 542,500 PokΓ©dollars and 43,050 TR Points in total.
Alex, who saw this number, could hardly suppress his inner joy and thought, "I'm fcking rich (or at least on the way of being it)."