OLD-WORLD EXTRA-Chapter 49 Raven

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49 Raven

Instantly using his TDS ability to the maximum, Emir managed to evade the first shot, with the second bullet hitting him right in the shoulder just before he got into cover behind some crates.

Thankfully, he was donning his augmented suit, because if he wasn't, he would've been dead then and there.

Lyra controlled Max into shooting right back at the enemy, allowing him some much-needed time to swallow some old-world medicine.

But she soon stopped firing, unable to control the augmented suit on Max's broken body anymore; his body was now almost turning into goo, leaving Emir without her support.

[Good luck,] Lyra said simply.

Emir didn't bother to reply, now it was just him and the enemy, and like usual he had to rely on his own skills and instincts to survive.

He propped up his HX-10 assault rifle and turned on his visor to calculate their location based on the muzzle flash he saw from their gun.

Emir eyeing the place where the shots were fired, noticed his enemy turning off their camouflage and revealing themselves, looking to be saving their augmented suit's energy.

It was the same woman who had attacked him a few days before, Raven.

There was no need for conversation, as they both readied themselves for the fight.

With her gun raised, she shot at him once again.

Emir returned fire, moving from cover to cover, trying to get a clear shot at her.

However, Raven was quick, darting from one hiding spot to the next and firing with deadly accuracy.

Unfazed, he continued to fire, then when both of them went to reload, he aimed at the location where he predicted Raven would come out of.

He heard the subtle shuffling of her feat and saw her outline in his visor, then immediately adjusted his aim once more.

Raven was fast, but Emir was faster.

He smiled through gritted teeth and fired off another round, hitting her in the arm.

She cried out in pain, but it only seemed to fuel her rage.

Raven charged forward, leaving behind cover and firing her weapon wildly.

And Emir did the same while dodging her bullets as he circled around her.

The staccato of gunfire echoed through the room, drowning out all other sounds, as bullets flew through the air, ricocheting off the walls and shattering the furniture around them.

Stopping for a moment, they both shot at each other, but then both Raven and Emir deftly used their weapons as shields, deflecting away each other's shots.

It was a deadly dance, and neither of them showed any sign of backing down.

As they circled each other once again, Emir could see the cold look in Raven's eyes.

'She is a well-trained assassin, no doubt about it.' He thought.

But Emir had something she didn't—the TDS ability.

He activated it again, allowing him to clearly see Raven's movements as she made them.

Noticing that she would hide to reload, he switched to his rail gun, unleashing a powerful energy blast that scorched the ground where she had been standing just moments before.

She only dodged it by diving to the side, barely avoiding the blast.

But even as she rolled to her feet, Emir was already firing again with his rifle.

This time, his shots found their mark, hitting her in the stomach.

She stumbled back while crying in pain, the impact throwing her off balance, as she hid away behind cover.

For a moment, it was silent, and Emir thought, 'Did I get her?'

But then she recovered, and in a blur of motion, she was back on her feet, firing once more.


Was what he shouted inwardly, as he attempted to dodge her bullets.

But this time, they found their target.

Emir knew he couldn't dodge in time, even with the use of his TDS ability, so he shielded himself, his arm easily blocking the bullet from hitting his chest.


He gritted his teeth in pain but refused to let it slow him down.

Emir circled her in a sprint and continued to fire his HX-10, with rounds flying everywhere, causing the room to further erupt in a hail of shrapnel and debris.

Through the chaos, he saw Raven's silhouette come out of cover and fired again.

But she was ready for him.

She twisted aside at the last moment, and his bullets went wide.

And with a sudden burst of speed, she closed the distance between them and lunged at Emir with a knife.

He blocked her attack with his HX-10, the blade sparking against the barrel.

For a moment, they were locked in a deadly embrace of strength, neither of them able to gain the upper hand.

But then Emir saw an opening, and with a swift kick, he knocked the knife from her hand.

With a snarl, she launched herself at him again, but this time, Emir was ready instead.

He grabbed her by the wrist and flipped her over his shoulder, slamming her into the ground with a satisfying thud.

While falling, however, her body contorted with fluid grace, harnessing the momentum of her fall to deliver a swift roundhouse kick that sent Emir hurtling across the room.

Yet, in the face of this assault, Emir was able to react in time, relying on his slowed time to deflect her blow and shield himself from further harm.

'Touché,' he thought as he quickly got back up and aimed his HX-10 AR at her, but she had already disappeared behind another crate.

Suddenly, he heard a sound behind him and quickly turned around, but she was already there, swinging another knife at him.

Emir managed to block it with his gun, but she quickly followed up with a punch to his stomach that knocked the wind out of him.

He stumbled backward but managed to regain his footing just in time to see her charging at him again.

With slowed time, Emir sidestepped her attack and landed a powerful kick to her side, sending her crashing into a nearby crate.

Raven quickly got back up, but he could see that the pain was slowly starting to get to her.

She charged at him again, and they engaged in a fierce close-combat battle.

Many punches, kicks, and feints were exchanged, but at one point, he managed to grab her by the wrist and twist her arm, attempting to break it.

But she quickly broke free and landed a powerful punch to his face that sent him reeling.

They both took a moment to catch their breath and then charged at each other again.

It was a brutal, intense fight, and neither of them seemed to be gaining the upper hand.

They were both skilled and experienced combatants, each with their own weapons and abilities.

Emir had the advantage of his ability, but he safely presumed that she had something similar.

Raven was also a trained assassin, fast and agile, and not an easy opponent to take down.

But finally, after many more exchanges, Emir managed to land a powerful kick to her jaw that sent her flying across the room.

She hit the wall hard and slumped to the ground, but instead of staying down, she quickly picked herself back up. b𝚎dn𝚘v𝚎l.𝚌𝚘m

While she did so, Emir didn't bother with attempting to kill her, since he knew she wouldn't have stayed down for long and instead used that short break to stuff himself with some more old-world medicines.

Now back up, Raven was staggering as she walked towards him.

Emir saw his chance and rushed forward, ready to deliver the final blow.

But before he could reach her, she suddenly disappeared in a puff of smoke.

He looked around in confusion, trying to find where she went, but she was nowhere to be seen.

His information gathering device was useless with her jamming smoke in effect.

So he knew he couldn't let his guard down, Raven was a crafty opponent, and he had no doubt she would try to catch him off guard.

Activating his TDS ability again, he scanned the area for any signs of movement.

That's when he saw her, stuck on the roof of the room high above him.

She had a grin on her face as she aimed her gun at him.

Seeing that, Emir instantly dove behind a nearby crate, just as a hail of bullets rained down on his previous position.

He returned fire but quickly ran out of ammo, and he didn't have the opportunity to use his rail gun as it would take too long to charge up.

'I need to find a way to get closer.'

Emir looked around, searching for any objects he could use for cover.


With a sudden realization, he seized the crate that concealed him and planned to fling it towards his adversary, intercepting her shots.

Closing in on her, Emir charged forward with ferocity and hurled the crate at her with all his might.

With nimble movements, she narrowly avoided the makeshift projectile by dropping down to the floor, but this provided him with an opportunity to draw near.

Emir tackled her, sending both of them tumbling to the ground.

They rolled across the floor, grappling with each other as they fought for control.

Raven was strong, stronger than he had anticipated.

She had him in a headlock, her arm wrapped tightly around his neck.

Emir struggled to break free, but it was no use, her augmented suit was stronger than his.

But that's when he remembered the augmented suit control techniques he had learned in his training.

He immediately focused all the energy in his suit, channeling it into his arms as he prepared to deliver a powerful strike.

"RAAAAAAH!" He yelled as he broke free from her grip and delivered a devastating blow to her stomach.

"Ugh," she grunted, as she doubled over in pain, gasping for air.

He seized the opportunity and delivered a swift kick to her side, sending her flying across the room.

She crashed into a wall, and for a moment, Emir thought he had finally defeated her, but not taking any chances, he took out his rail gun and held down the trigger.

However, while he set his aim at her, she had already gotten back up, for the third time, with a fire in her eyes that he had never seen before.


Her expression remained unchanged as she charged at Emir again, not allowing him to shoot.

However this time, he knew it was going to be a fight to the death.

Their last dance.

This is my second time writing such a detailed and long fight, but this time guns are involved, how do you guys like it? Please comment your suggestions on ways for me to improve.

Also for those that might ask about abilities and such, all I can say is wait.


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