My Supermodel Wife-Chapter 969 - I Like Everything!

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After Anette returned to Indonesia yesterday, she learned that Jenny intended to bridge her marriage to Alan.

In this case, Anette felt uncomfortable.

After years of a busy career, she had long since gotten used to working outside alone.

It could be said that she had no interest in finding a partner.

If her marriage is completely devoid of love, at least she knows that her future will just be a matter of profit.

At this time, Chris raised his wine glass and touched Anette's. "Sister, my only advice for you is to think this through carefully. My aunt is an opportunist and cunning. If you did marry Alan, wouldn't you be afraid of being used by his family?"

Hearing that voice, Anette raised her glass, then shook her head lightly. "I know Aunt Jenny very well, she really is a great businesswoman. But I'm also not a woman who is easy to fool. The aim of this marriage is nothing but business cooperation between 2 families."

"After marriage, there might be a conflict of interest between me and Aunt Jenny, but I won't let her act arbitrarily and exploit me. So you two don't have to worry about me because I know the consequences if I accept the offer."

"Chris, go home and talk to your father, tell him I do not agree with the plan to marry you!"

Anette knows the whole big picture, especially after learning about the relationship between Chris and Merry, she also does not intend to intervene.

At this time, Chris gratefully nodded to Anette, drank his red wine, and looked at Merry in the restaurant again.

The little girl may never know that the people around her have secretly succumbed to their matchmaking.


That night, Merry brought Anna back to the Hiroshi family's house.

It was almost nine o'clock at night, and Samuel had not returned.

Erika, who was reading in the room, heard that Merry had brought her friend back, and hurriedly greeted them with the servants.

She came wearing a short, elegant skirt, and before she entered the living room she heard chatter and laughter of the two little girls.

Erika couldn't help but smile, and took the fruit plate sent by the maid and walked over.

Anna was the first to see her. She was surprised by her gentle and graceful temperament. She threw herself into Merry's arms and said, "Merry, is that your sister?!"

In her opinion, Erika looks like her 30s.

So she didn't think that she was Merry's mother.

Merry let out an 'Ah', and in an instant she saw Erika and exclaimed sweetly. "Mother!"

The phone in Anna's hand fell to the ground in an instant.

She looked at Erika in surprise, and her gaze flew stiffly between her and Merry for a while, and finally scratched her head awkwardly. "Auntie…. Hello, my name is Anna."

Merry's mother is too young! At what age did she give birth?!

Erika's heart was as soft as ever, and she naturally saw Anna's surprise.

She didn't explain, she just bent down and put her plate on the table, and nodded with a smile. "Hello, Anna."

Anna looked at the dignified and graceful figure in front of her for a moment, and it was hard to hide her surprise.

Merry took a piece of melon from the fruit plate and handed it to Anna, then she proudly boasted. "Doesn't my mother look very young? When we walk together, my mother is always mistaken for my sister. Right, mom?"

"What are you talking about!" Erika gently stroked Merry's forehead, then looked at Anna. "Anna, my daughter is noisy and mischievous sometimes, so please don't take everything seriously."

Anna shook her head hastily. "No, no, Merry and I are good friends, so I like her."

Erika sighed with a laugh. "Then you two eat this fruit first, I'll have the maid clean up the guest room."

When the words were finished, Merry immediately interrupted. "No need, Anna will sleep with me tonight!"

After hearing the voice, Erika looked at Anna, seemingly trying to ask for her opinion.

Anna wasn't a hypocrite and agreed with Merry's arrangement, so Erika didn't push it anymore.

After she left, Anna still looked at the front of the living room blankly. f𝚛e𝗲𝔀e𝚋𝑛o𝘃𝒆𝗹.c𝗼𝒎

She couldn't see the similarities between Merry and Erika.

Are they really mother and daughter?!

"Anna, what are you looking at?" The insensitive Merry took a bite of an apple and found that Anna was looking ahead in bewilderment.

At this time, Anna, who regained her senses, was driven by curiosity and asked. "Merry, how old is your mother this year?"

The little girl chewed the apple and said faintly, "Thirty-seven."

Anna. "??"

Merry was only 22 years old, and her mother was 37?

She gave birth at the age of fifteen?!

Perhaps this is something that Anna had never seen before, that's why she gave special attention to it.

Both of the girls stayed in the living room for a while, after that Merry took Anna back to her room.

Inside, the little girl finally took off her work clothes, lay on the bed, took Anna's hand, and started to talk about the feelings her heart.

After half an hour, Anna looked at Merry motionless, as if she had not yet digested everything she said.

The little girl sat cross-legged on the head of the bed while muttering sadly. "Anna, do you think I am sick?"

After half a second, Anna hesitantly said, "Do you really like Brother Chris? That person you already consider as your own brother?"

Merry stopped, and nodded slightly. "Can't I like him? Brother Chris gave me three days to think about what kind of liking I have."

Anna blinked her eyes, chuckling. "Oh Merry, you called me crying just because you were confused about what it's like to love your brother?"

"He's not my real brother!" Merry began to understand that she hated the way she always referred to Chris as a brother.

When she saw her confusion, Anna straightened her face, and explained with a serious look. "Merry, so you haven't realized how you feel about Chris?"

Merry sighed and nodded. She felt she had found the answer, but Chris didn't seem to believe it.

Hearing this, Anna straightened her back and acted as a relationship coach. "Then let me analyze it for you, and we will both find the answer."


Anna thought for a moment, trying to remember in her mind. Seeing the relevant plot of the TV series she had watched before, she then asked, "First, what do you like about him?"

Merry answered almost without thinking. "Everything! I love everything about him!"

"Is that true?" Anna raised an eyebrow, and nodded her finger on her cheek. "What about his flaws? You like them too?"

Then, she heard Merry firmly answer. "Chris has no flaws!"

Anna. "..."

She narrowed her eyes at Merry's aggressive attitude, cleared her throat, and compromised. "Okay, I don't think I need to ask anymore.. I suggest you act quickly and marry him. If he has absolutely no flaws in your eyes, doesn't that mean it's pretty clear how you feel towards him? Merry, you've been trapped in his shadow!"