My Simulated Road to Immortality-Chapter 409 - 385: Man Can Defeat Heaven

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Chapter 409: Chapter 385: Man Can Defeat Heaven

Translator: 549690339

Since the creation of the new method by the Immortal Sovereign, cultivators had depended on reaping from the heavens and the earth for cultivation for a short time.

However, Heaven and Earth began to resist, and drastic changes occurred.

The more people cultivate a technique, the slower their cultivation speed becomes.

This is known as the Immortal Law that forbids simultaneous cultivation.

This is the principle of Heaven and Earth that truly exists now, and the fundamental reason why techniques are so valuable.

But now, a technique that contradicts the principles of Heaven and Earth was born in a little-known small organization.

Who would believe that?

At first, the cultivators took it as a joke, and completely ignored it.

However, there were always some who wanted to acquire the Immortal Law but had no door. With a try-and-see attitude, they travelled across mountains and rivers to go to Jiushan Province to find out the truth.

After joining the Elemental Spirit Sect and officially starting to cultivate the “Life Spirit Elemental Technique”.

Something happened that shocked them.

The Elemental Spirit Sect’s members were indeed cultivating this technique.

From refining energy to God transformation, there were people at every level.

The most critical point was that the principle of not cultivating the same Law seemed to fail on the “Life Spirit Elemental Technique”.

There was no situation where the cultivation of the technique was slowed because there were too many cultivators.

The fact was irresistible.

No matter how incredible it was, it had happened.

Soon, the news that the Elemental Spirit Sect possessed such an amazing technique spread throughout the Immortal Cultivation World.

The public’s first reaction was that the creator of this technique must be an extraordinary Immortal Sovereign.

Only by reversing the Logic of Heaven and Earth could this effect be achieved.

However, the public’s understanding of the Immortal Sovereign is very superficial.

They only relied on the phrase “Contrary to the Logic of Heaven and Earth, to prove Zheng Changshen” recorded in “The Technique of Sensing Energy with the Five Spirits” to glimpse a bit of it.

How to oppose it, what degree of opposition can achieve longevity…

Questions like these were all just unreliable speculation.

It was understandable for them to make such a guess about the mysterious effect of the “Life Spirit Elemental Technique”.

Obviously, this guess was wrong.

The experienced Unity-path practitioner, Yellow Moon Immortal of Tianqing State, after reading the “Life Spirit Elemental Technique”, finally solved the mystery.

The principle of Heaven and Earth that forbids the same cultivation was not reversed at all.

The reason why cultivators of the Elemental Spirit Technique seemed unaffected was purely because of the special characteristics of the “Life Spirit Elemental Technique” itself.

At the same time, the more practitioners of the Elemental Spirit Technique, the faster their cultivation speed.

This was the effect of the Elemental Spirit Technique.

However, due to the limitation of Heaven and Earth, for every additional cultivator, the cultivation speed of the technique became slower.

These two effects coexist.

The result was that the progress of one was slowed by the other, and they canceled each other out.

The Elemental Spirit Art had thus become a technique barely worth cultivating.

In fact, according to the Yellow Moon Immortal, at the very beginning, as the number of practitioners of the Elemental Spirit technique gradually increased from one to five.

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The limiting effect of Heaven and Earth was far more significant than the speed-increasing characteristic of the technique.

For ordinary techniques, if five people were cultivating at the same time, no matter how talented you were, it would be impossible to make any progress.

However, once the number of practitioners of the Elemental Spirit Technique continued to increase from five to ten, a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, and so on.

The speed-increasing effect became more and more obvious, and only then was it able to barely offset the limitation of not being able to cultivate the same Law.

This was, in one sense, a case of “man conquering the heavens”.

But this was the limit.

Because the speed-increasing effect of the Vital Element Art of the Myriad Beings has a limit.

After offsetting the negative effect of Heaven and Earth, the effect of the Elemental Spirit Technique to increase the speed of cultivation is almost negligible.

Apart from increasing the cultivation speed, the Elemental Spirit Technique had no other special effects.

This led to it not being considered a good technique for the vast majority of cultivators who had choices.

Moreover, the Elemental Spirit Technique appeared to have other limitations.

However, the Yellow Star Immortal did not explain them clearly.

“Life Spirit Elemental Technique, truly a technique born at the wrong time. In any other world, this would absolutely be a shocking, contrarian technique. It’s a pity that it is severely limited in the Xuanhuang World.” As Li Fan was constructing his array, he listened to Yan Hang and others chatting, and he couldn’t help feeling a bit regretful.

Li Fan was not unfamiliar with the Elemental Spirit Sect.

It was the same organization that Su Xiaomei and the others ran into, the one that had set up toll booths in Jiushan Pass.

The androgynous Shen Yurou, who had the Peach Blossom Cave Heaven and was injured by Li Fan’s invincible sword, also left some impression on Li Fan.

“According to the Yellow Moon Immortal, only a group of cultivators who gather in large numbers from the beginning to cultivate the Elemental Spirit Technique together have the potential to get started.”

“In the chaotic area of Jiushan Province, to gather such a large group of people, the leader of the Elemental Spirit Sect was not simple.”

The infusion of fresh blood slightly eased the increasingly tense atmosphere within the Five Elements Cave Heaven.

But it didn’t last long.

As the frequency of the appearance of fusion monsters increased, the cultivators who struggled in each Cave Heaven began to falter.

After the first casualty, some Array Masters chose to stop working.

Of course, they didn’t openly advocate this.

They just used the excuse of dealing with the monsters to act contrary to their apparent purpose. freewēbnoveℓ.com

In response to this, Qi Buyi was somewhat helpless.

She couldn’t possibly ask the two Unity Immortal Monarchs sitting in the town to start a massacre, right?

Not to mention that the Array Masters inside the Cave Heaven all have quite a bit of status and background.

If she really did this, and forced them too hard, she would likely only get the opposite of what she wanted and cause the array construction work in the Five Elements Cave Heaven to stop entirely.

Qi Buyi, who rarely encounters this situation, was somewhat flustered for a moment.

She could only report the situation to Chief Lu while trying her best to reassure everyone.

To prevent even worse riots from happening.

As for the storms from the outside world, although Li Fan himself didn’t care.

His array layout efficiency was inevitably affected.

As Yan Hang and the others struggled more with managing the monsters, he also had to divert part of his focus to pay attention to the situation at all times.

At critical moments, Li Fan would also join the fight.

Of course, only in the way of assisting with arrays.

Just as the situation was gradually deteriorating, with a heavenly piercing white light covering the whole Five Elements Cave Heaven.

The reinforcements finally arrived.

An extremely large Dustcrosser Boat was traversing the void outside the Cave Heaven.

Occupying most of the Vault of Heaven.

The cultivators were like numerous black dots, flying methodically towards each Cave Heaven.

Li Fan, who had been staying in the Water Attribute Cave Heaven, got his first glimpse of the full view of the Five Elements Cave Heaven.

It appeared like a circle where the beginning and end are connected, and also like a plate of mixed paint.

It was clearly distinguishable, yet difficult to separate.

When the beam of light began to fade, the illusionary scenery of the Gold, Fire, and Earth Cave Heavens also gradually disappeared.

At the same time, the list of collaborative operations in the Heaven Oversight Chronicles almost doubled.

While Li Fan was checking it, he also saw a lot of familiar names.

They were the young Array Masters who had trained with Li Fan at the Universal Academy, then returned to various states to participate in the competition.

“It looks like the Immortal Alliance is really short of manpower now.”

“Even the new forces have been dragged over.”