My Hollywood System-Chapter 43:

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Chapter 43:

June, Zach, Marcus and Will were backstage, waiting for their turn to go inside. The show was just about to start, and a tense atmosphere surrounded their lounge room.

Meanwhile, on the other side, sitting on a couch at the stage in front of the cameras and the lights, wearing a blue sweater, was Brooks himself. And sitting in front of him was a packed audience; at least 400 people had come to see his show.

It was a house-full just like his every other show.

After rechecking everything, the cameraman gave his cue, and the talk show started.

Brooks Tuffin turned his face towards the camera, smiling, and said, “Welcome to Night Talks with Tuffin. Today, there are so many topics to discuss. The stock market has some interesting news, and just like every day, American politics has been the world’s best comedy show, but we aren’t talking about that today. Today, we have a guest here. Not many people might have heard of him, but people in the movie industry have been calling him a wonder, and his movie has raked in unbelievable numbers in the last few weeks, and it’s still going strong.”

After introducing the topic for the day, he gestured with excitement and looked towards the stage entrance, “Let’s welcome Will Evans, the director of [The Blair Witch Project].”

Typically, Night Talks with Tuffin revolved around various topics worldwide and would be presented humorously. But sometimes, there would be guest interviews and today was just that.

As Will entered the stage from the backstage, wearing a smile, thunderous applause broke out among the audience. Most of the audience were young people who had already watched his movie.

They clapped their hands animatedly and cheered his name on as soon as they saw him. Will flashed a smile and waved his hand at the audience as he walked toward the couch in the middle of the stage.

Then, he sat down, shook Brooks’ hand, and said cheerfully,

“Hi, Brooks, nice to see you.”

“It’s good to have you, Will,” Brooks said with welcoming laughter, and went on, “First of all, I would like to congratulate you on the unprecedented success of the horror movie, [The Blair Witch Project], which has shaken the box office, and the hearts of all audiences.”

“I mean, I was terrified when I saw the movie.”

“You have watched it?” Will was a bit taken aback.

Brooks chuckled, “Of course I watched it. All my friends are talking about it; I am not going to be left out in the convo. Now, if the topic of the movie comes, I am like, ‘Yeah… I’ve watched that.”

Will smiled, “Did you like it?”

“Like it? I don’t know, but one thing for sure, the ride back home was the scariest experience of my life.”

Will smiled as the audience laughed at Brooks’s enactment.

Brooks then focused on the other actors and had a small chat with each of them, and about three minutes of introduction later, he returned to Will and asked.

“Well, Will, before our show starts, we give a piece of paper, and a pen to the audience, and they write the things they want me to ask from you. From all the questions, the staff in the back chooses the most interesting ones or the worst ones.”

“Shall I ask the first question?”

“Sure,” Will leaned a bit forward, showing his interest.

Brooks picked up flashcards from the table and, glancing at it for a moment, he stared at Will, and asked with a serious expression, “How did you do it?”


“How did you shoot the movie,” Brooks asked, “I bet the whole world wants to know how did you succeed in creating a movie with just fifty thousand dollars and earned more than two hundred times of the investment, and it’s still going on. I think it won’t take it long for it to cross the one hundred and fifty million mark.”

Will thought for a moment and replied, “Well, the technique we used is termed Found Footage technique. In a found footage movie, horrors are inescapable and unknowable. They lurk out of sight, then surge forward, overwhelming both the spectator and their lens. And visuals add more horror than the sound effects; this gives a much more lasting impression in the audience’s mind.”

Brooks nodded, “Well, the way it was shot was definitely interesting. You alone have increased the bar for all the directors who are directing or will direct a horror movie in the future.”

Will just smiled, “I am flattered, but there’s still a lot to learn from this.”

“Well, I only wish for you have to immense success ahead,” Brooks smiled and then, taking out the next flashcard, he asked, “What was the biggest challenge you faced while creating this movie?”

Will replied, “Editing. We had over ten days worth of footage by the time we shot the last take. The step was to edit and edit and edit everything, and after weeks of editing, we were left with only eighty minutes of footage, and the rest is history.”

“What about while filming?”

Will thought for a moment, then glancing at Zach with a smile, “Finding Zach when he used to get lost in the woods was always a headache.”

Brooks laughed and went towards Zach and then continued to ask the other actors about different questions and their experiences while filming the Blair Witch Project.

As the program came to the closure, Brooks couldn’t help but turn towards Will and ask, “Before we get to the end of this interview, I want to ask one more thing, Will. It’s actually more of a secret deal between us rather than a question.”

“I am all ears,” Will smiled.

Brooks cleared his throat before asking, “Ahem, so, well, I have a few thousand of my savings. Are you planning for another camcorder type movie?”

He didn’t forget to add a slight wink at the end, whispering, “If you know what I mean.”

Will shook his head, “The way we filmed this movie is unique, and the types of movies on which this can work are also very limited.”

“Oh? What about a sequel to this movie? Considering its success, I would say a sequel would be worth it.” Brooks asked.

Will shook his head, “I would disagree on this. This whole movie is strongly based on a sense of mystery and curiosity. The more we show, the more it would lose its effect. So yeah, I won’t be directing this type of movie any time soon.”

“Oh?” Brooks put on a thoughtful expression while asking, “From your tone, I have a feeling you have big plans in the coming future.”

Will smiled, “I hope to direct some really good movies.”

Brooks chuckled and then turned towards the audience, he ended the interview.

“So ladies and gentlemen, with the cast of Blair Witch Project, this was Will Evans – the youngest director to enter the 100-million-dollar movie club! And I bet this won’t be the last time you will hear his name!”

As he clapped, the audience followed, with the background instrumental group also following suit.


-Ttring ttring! Ttring ttring!

The sound of the incoming call woke up Will. He was currently in bed in his apartment, lying with his face down.

He moved his hands and searched for his phone on the small table beside the bed without raising his head.


The alarm clock was knocked by his hand and fell on the floor.

Will didn’t care because he had found his phone. Bringing it closer to his face, he slightly moved his head enough to see from just one eye and then stared at the phone screen.

[Incoming Call]

[George – CEO Wheel Works Studios]

Will smiled as soon as he saw the name on the screen.


He immediately sat up straight and picked up the call.


-Hi, Will, did I disturb you?

George’s voice, carrying a cheerful tone, entered Will’s ear.

Will smiled, “No, I actually fell asleep while waiting for your call. Is it done?”

-Yes, your share is currently being transferred to you.

Will smiled, “Finally. I have been waiting for this for more than seven weeks now, haha.” 𝑓𝚛𝚎ℯ𝘸𝙚𝘣𝚗𝘰νeƖ.c𝒐𝐦

-Honestly, me too! Hahaha, well, how could I not? It’s been seven weeks since the movie’s release, and it has grossed over 157 Million Dollars in the box office, leaving all of its competitors eating dust.

-With all the cuts from the theatres, my company, and the entertainment taxes, the share coming in your pocket is between 40 to 41% of the total box office, and that’s around 65.5 Million Dollars!

“Woah!” Will took a deep breath upon hearing this.

65 Million Dollars!


A few months ago, Will would have only dreamt of earning this much money.

‘And the movie still has potential to earn more….’

Just the thought of this made Will feel thrilled. Money played a crucial role in his plans, and now, his biggest trouble would be solved as soon as the money was received in his bank account.

“How long are you planning to run this movie?” Will asked.

-uh, well, about that, actually, we’re planning to take it off the cinema halls. This week, the movie grossed just 10 Million, which is about 23 Million less than the previous week’s box office. And considering the big cuts those cinema halls take, it’s not worth it.

“Oh? Then, are we going to release DVD and ott formats?” Will asked.

-Yes. It’s the right time to sell the tv. Also, we’re going to release this movie in the international market too, and I am thinking of releasing it in three-four different movie languages.

“Oh? Then the translations and stuff, that will take some time.”

-Don’t worry about that, my company will handle it. However, we will have to form a new contract for the international release of this movie.

Will narrowed his eyes for a moment, but then he just shook his head.

“Alright, when should I visit your office?”

-Well, there’s no need to hurry for that. You should enjoy the fruits of your hard work! Congratulations on becoming the youngest self-made millionaire of Hollywood, if not the world, hahaha!

Will smiled as the phone disconnected.

Just as he was about to put down the phone, he received a text message notification:

[Received $65,534,214 in your a/c 91xxx4067 from Wheel Works Finance on 30th December. Queries? Call 01204456456]


Last week we were No.1 in powerstones! And you got double release yesterday!

Let’s go for it this week too!

??? Please don’t forget to vote powerstones! ???