My Cell Prison-Chapter 197 - Conflict

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Chapter 197: Chapter 197 Conflict

Translator: 549690339

“Perfect Consciousness, Pollution Convergence, Perfect Human Form… Chaos Value reaching C-, high-level Evil.”

The ‘Prism’ of Dumps read out the relevant values at the first moment, cold sweat trickled down his neck.

To encounter such a ‘big player’ at the beginning of the training, the luck is too bad… Of course, this is also the result of the deputy leader insisting on choosing this mission and going deep into the well.

Dumps then took out a slip of paper and intended to use Mia’s spider silk ability to quickly escape.

Confronting high-level Evil head-on, if it cannot be killed in a short time, the pollution could annihilate the entire team.

But at the moment the note was handed out.

Boom… Crack! 𝚏r𝐞𝗲𝚠eb𝚗o𝐯

The iron door closed and locked, there was no retreat.


Outside the well.

Blacksmith Winry, who was holding the spider silk, could clearly feel that the traction of the silk was instantly severed.

“Something happened below? Should we go down and help?”

Dawu with the Mohican hairstyle held a different opinion: “The deputy leader asked us to stay outside, and the leader agreed.

If we go down, no one will guard the well.

Evil might control the black hair or seal the well in other ways. By then we’ll be trapped.

Also, the spider silk is still hanging down there. As long as they can retrieve it, we can quickly get them out.

If there is still no movement after half an hour, we will go down.”

“Oh… okay then.”

Winry clasped her hands on her chest, silently praying for the squad’s safety.

If anything happened to the leader or the deputy leader, this training would not get an ‘excellent’ evaluation, and could barely pass.

In the moment the two slightly lost their concentration.

Whoosh~ A vulture almost instantly flew into the well.

Ignoring the obstruction of the black hair, directly diving into the water layer, the speed was so fast that the growing black hairs on the way couldn’t react…. water splashed and he sprung out in a stone-built room at the other end.

Upon landing, he immediately transformed into a middle-aged knight with a Mediterranean hairstyle.

Behemoth Knight Group’s Second Platoon Leader – Vulture. Kenny.

“These little guys, why did they delve into this well area as soon as they came?

And furthermore, they encountered a member of the Stuart family as the first squad.

Though it’s their fault for overestimating themselves, but…

If Abe really dies here, the group leader might be quite angry… If it comes to a do-or-die situation, I should help them.

And I also need to warn them not to take on tasks with more than two stars during this training period.”

Kenny frowned, mumbling: “Speaking of which, the one who mainly caused this situation is the deputy leader, appointed by the group leader… a student of Crow Prophet.

Insisting on taking on difficult tasks, and basically not stopping along the way. After a simple investigation, he led the team into the dangerous underground cave, resulting in a direct encounter with a high-level member.

It seems, he’s just a young man who relies too much on ‘astrology’ and has no real combat experience… only aiming at the goal, but can’t probe into the degree of danger.”

Feathers grew out from Kenny’s skin pores.

This vulture’s feather carries three abilities: concealment, defense, and travel.

Helping Kenny to move stealthily, he arrived outside the ‘Underground Barber Shop’.

‘Eye of the Vulture’ combined with a special pair of goggles.

Allowed Kenny to observe the situation inside through the iron door.

Inside the barber shop.

Barber Charlie’s hands were crossed in front of him, staring at the people in front of him.

All three members of the small team moved their gazes away to avoid visual pollution… Only Han Dong could look directly at the barber.

“It’s been a long time since outsiders have visited the mansion, you are the first guests to come to the barber shop… What kind of hairstyle do you need me to make for you?

You can choose the hairstyles displayed in the showcase.

More importantly, we also offer ‘hair extension’ services for free.”

“What’s the charging method?” Han Dong took the initiative.

The barber showed a strange smile, his teeth filled with wriggling black hair.

“You jumped right to the ‘key point’… I only take ‘living people’ or heads that have been detached from the body for no more than five minutes.

When you descended down the well, you should have seen my ‘nursery’… I currently have a plan that requires large amounts of black hair.

Besides, there are many members within Stuart Family who need my ‘hair transplant’ service. Only black hair of high quality is fitting for the noble status of our family members.

I urgently need some fresh ‘hair sources’.”

Han Dong replied, “We don’t have such ‘cash’.”

“Hmm? Don’t you? There are four of you in total, you only need to handover ‘two people’, and the other two will get the haircut qualification. Isn’t it a good deal?”

“Do we have other options? For instance, can we go back to the surface and bring living people here for you?”

Charlie swung his finger, “No, the rule is at least one person must patronize my barber shop before you’re allowed to leave… Make your choice soon.”

The proactive conversation was, in fact, a ruse by Han Dong to buy time for his teammates.

More precisely, he was giving the little magician, Dumps, the time needed for ‘chanting spells’.

Through ‘chanting spells’, maximum magic power could be unleashed.

“Great job! It’s our turn now…”


With the metal scripture in Dumps’ hand closing forcefully.

Aiming at the black-haired servant whose hair touched the ground, she was suddenly engulfed by a surge of heat.

Directional Skill – ‘Fire Dragon Pillar’

The ground cracked open several fire marks, the pillar of fire rushed up, instantly engulfing the woman with long hair.

Ah… (Screaming!)

Upon realizing the target was hair-related.

The first thing Dumps considered was the property of weak fire.

A bottle of ‘Dragon Breath Potion’ had been consumed in advance upon entering here, boosting fire magic by 25%.

Just as the Fire Dragon Pillar swallowed up the servant woman.

Abe. Rhein moved.

The moment this powerful newcomer took his first step.

Visibly, a faint blue cyclone rose around his foot… Even Abe’s appearance underwent subtle changes, his eyes were sharp, and his white hair seemed to grow a few centimeters.

In the vision of the Little Demon Eye.

The white aura around Abe changed again, occasionally condensing into a fierce wolf’s head.

Not just that.

The viscosity of these white auras also increased, flowing like liquid around Abe’s body. This attacking form should be what Abe is best at.


The speed was far beyond everyone’s expectations.

“Abe has gotten stronger again…” Dumps murmured.

Abe’s target was Barber Charlie.

He equipped the Fate Gear ‘Storm Claw’ on his hands, bestowing wind attribute damage, enhancing attack speed and slicing probability.

He reached the target’s back in a second.

Crossed his fingers.

He planned to shred the barber chair too.


Broken black hair scattered all over the ground, his claws fully sliced into the flesh.

But…the target wasn’t right.

The woman swallowed by the Fire Dragon Pillar, sensing her master was in danger, forced herself out of the fire and stood in front of Abe.

The scorched body was effortlessly sliced open by sharp claws.

Her ‘Evil Heart’, entwined with black hair inside her body, shattered as a result.

“What a reckless group of guests, let my toys entertain you.”

The iron chair the barber was sitting on descended rapidly and the ground sealed up.

The four teammates were isolated inside the barber shop.

“Something is coming… be careful!”