My Cell Prison-Chapter 196 - : Underground Barber Shop

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Chapter 196: Chapter 196: Underground Barber Shop

Translator: 549690339

They ascended to the shore.

Stepping into this stone-built room with a huge pond, the contamination detector spiked to 10.1.

If one’s skin came into direct contact with the air here, they would lose control and become frenzied within half an hour.

Torches hung on the walls, but they had long been damp and useless, so they had to rely on oil lamps for illumination.

Gurgle gurgle!

After each of them had drunk a bottle of Holy Water, the light-colored patterns around their eyes disappeared.

This kind of superficial infection could be dealt with without using the herbs made by Mia.

Captain Abe also put on a light-colored gemstone necklace, which seemed to be a piece of Fate Equipment, allowing the wearer to calm his mind and spirit.

Dumps adjusted his glasses and assessed in a low voice: “The Black Hair Wickedness was not easy to deal with, it was well-prepared for our arrival… Its consciousness is fully developed, it was at least an Intermediate Evil.”

However, Han Dong was already standing at the entrance of the passage where the mysterious black-haired man had left.

“Even if the enemy is prepared, we can only move forward… To complete this mission, we must eliminate the ‘Black Hair Grower’. Also, we can investigate the Underground area to some extent.

As usual… I’m leading, who will be at the rear?”

“I’ll do it! If any of you are in danger, I’ll spit out the spider web and pull you back immediately.”

This time, Mia surprisingly did not stick to Han Dong; instead, she volunteered to be at the rear…It seemed her spider senses had detected some danger in advance.

“Alright… let’s move.”

Having ascended the shore, Han Dong had thoroughly checked the room where the pond was located and didn’t find anything of interest. He planned to speed up to find the Black Hair Mastermind.

Just like that, the squad continued its journey deep into the Underground area.

Han Dong examined the torch brackets in the corridor and the structures of the inner walls with vases placed on them, and commented:

“Such a massive Underground area has been artificially modified, with even some human-friendly decorations designed. It must have been constructed under the investment of the Great Lord Stuart before the Dark Age came. This place already existed.

The construction of the Underground area was probably related to the multitude of corpses underneath.

The secrets hidden behind might be more terrifying than all of us could imagine.”


Everyone had seen the ‘Black Hair Farm’ under the water. The cultivation of black hair using corpses was truly bone-chilling.

Abe, who was following closely behind, asked curiously: “Nicholas, is that third eye of yours the result of ‘Stitching Studies’?”

“Yes… it is a special eye given to me by Mr. Black White. It can ignore and even suppress contamination to some extent.

However, adding this eye put a lot of strain on me… When it’s activated, I need to focus a significant part of my energy on this eye.”

“Don’t worry! Leave all the exploration and contamination control tasks to you, and we will take care of all the fighting.”


Upon hearing this explanation, Mia, who was at the end of the team, giggled.

Due to the unchanged contamination index and the lengthy and winding passageway, it would take some time to walk out.

During this spare time, Han Dong also threw a question to Dumps, who was known for his erudition in the team:

“Dumps, can you explain some knowledge about Evil?

You also mentioned the difference between rare and common before? I only learned the basic classification of low-level life in the academy… I don’t know much about the detailed classifications.”

“Hmm… In essence, Evil refers to dead things. They are commonly found in bones and withered plants, with a wide variety.

But one thing you must know is that the consciousness formation of Evil is absolutely closely related to ‘people’… according to the information I have found in the library and received from the teacher.

In any area where Evil can form, not only the ‘fog’ is thick, but the area must also have another trait.

That is that many people have died in this area.

An essential factor for the formation of Evil is… extreme human emotions.

This Stuart Manor must have experienced some calamitous events or the manor itself is evil… Once the Dark Age fell, a lot of Evils were derived.

Even some Evils with intact consciousness continue to engage in the work they did when they were alive.

As for the detailed classification of Evil, there is a two-thousand-page thick book in the library. Let me give you a brief introduction here.

They can be simply divided into: ‘Common’ and ‘Rare’ according to their rarity.

Evils made from ‘hair’ are rare, categorized as ‘Rare’. It doesn’t imply their power; they just have abilities different from those of the common Evils.

The distinctions of low, intermediate, and high are judged by the degree of contamination, completeness of consciousness, and the degree of danger.

Once it breaks through the highest rank, it can become a Born Demon.

Of course, it still would be a rarity among ten thousand Evils for one to develop into a Born Demon.

I classified it as an Intermediate Evil through the comprehensive numerical value displayed by the ‘Prism’.”

If there’s only one Black Hair Wickedness down there, the four of us should be able to handle it… But it won’t be that simple.”

Dumps lightly tapped on the frame of his glasses, hinting at the special nature of these glasses called ‘Prism’.

“Thank you.”

Han Dong believed that it would be worth making friends with Dumps.

Whether Han Dong wanted to minor in the Library or just to look for information there, having Dumps’s help would save a lot of trouble.

Dumps continued, “If your ‘eye’ can suppress the contamination to a certain extent,

During the battle, leave the job of drawing or suppressing contamination to you Deputy Captain. That way, the Captain and I can fully concentrate on the attack and resolve the mission as quickly as possible.

Battles outside the city are different from those in ‘Fate Space’. We must fight quickly.

The more we delay, the lower our chance of victory.”

“Don’t worry, leave it to me… Besides, Mia is also quite capable, she should be able to assist you in battle.”

Ten minutes.

They finally left the winding tunnel.

They arrived at an exquisite room with a black and white theme.

The stone blocks that made up the room were polished to be more flat,

A huge candle lamp hung from the three-meter-high ceiling, a candle of alternating black and white stripes was burning,

Many glass display cabinets were embedded in the walls around the room. Inside them were real human heads of different hairstyles, which matched perfectly with the expressions on the faces.

A unique barber’s chair was set in the center of the room.

Dark red leather, metallic material.

The long-haired woman they had just met at the mouth of the pond was leaning against a side of the barber’s chair.

She wasn’t the owner of this place; she was just one ‘Black Hair Creature’. 𝚏𝚛ee𝐰𝗲𝚋n𝐨𝘃𝗲l.𝐜𝐨m

The real owner was sitting on the barber’s chair, his legs crossed.

His hairstyle was split evenly into black and white,

White shirt, black tie, black-and-white checkered trousers, and a pair of black leather shoes.

The skin exposed had obvious black hair stitching scars.

He was the Owner of the Underground Barber Shop.

“Dear customers, hello… I’m Barber Charlie Wilson, the Great Lord’s barber. Welcome to my shop.”