MTL - Year of Herbs-Chapter 17 eye

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Hua Rongyue also thought about not going to the streets after that day, and then lay in bed for less than half an hour. Then he gave up on himself and started a serious street patrol every day.

Lin Qiya is really missing at the moment. Since I met her on the street that day, she seems to have evaporated from the world. She was never seen.

Hua Rongyue also seriously thought about what to do if she really ran into Lin Qiya. After thinking about it for a long time, the most appropriate countermeasure was to first record Lin Qiya's location, and then quickly hurried back to tell Yan Sheng.

Lin Qiya is amazing... But in front of Yi Linglong, who was obsessed with evil in her previous life, she was scum, and Yi Linglong, who was obsessed with evil in her previous life, was still abruptly killed in front of the crowd tactics of Six Doors .

Crowd tactics are the best way to deal with this kind of people.

Hua Rongyue thought so, but in fact, the most hopeful thing in her heart is that Lin Qiya has left Jiangnan. Although the crowd tactics can kill her, it does not mean that Hua Rongyue is willing to face her directly.

As the days passed, the blood gourd actually survived. Although it still looked impersonal, it gradually stabilized. Doctor Qi shouted that it was amazing.

Hua Rongyue wasn't sure if it was his fingers that saved him a little life. Anyway, he has gradually been able to move, and even eat, to prevent him from having any more problems and let him live in the Hundred Herbs Hall.

But this leads to a problem-the room is not enough after one more patient.

In the original Hundred Herbs Hall, there were four cabins, and one room for four people was just right. But this new patient needs to live alone in a room, and a six-door guard has to be dispatched next to it to prevent someone from killing people in the middle of the night.

"How about you squeeze a room with Xiao Han and give your room to him." Doctor Qi said, "Xiao Han's room is bigger and has two beds, Can sleep two people."

"No." Hua Rongyue and Xiao Han said in unison.

"..." Wan Fulian couldn't help but laugh when she saw the rare understanding between the two of them.

"Then you can squeeze a room with me." Dr. Qi said, "I'll pack up and bring a small bed over these days."

Hua Rongyue was also confused after hearing this, and she could only frown. Ask her to say that Doctor Qi seems to be a good roommate, with a good personality, not losing his temper, very humorous, and a little bit of a cleanliness, but there is the most fatal problem - gender mismatch.

It stands to reason that it is more suitable for her to live with Wan Fulian, but Wan Fulian will definitely call her a stinky hooligan.

How can I do this... Hua Rongyue wandered around the house for a long time with a headache, and suddenly saw a cabinet in the corner that had not been used for a long time. It should have been used for medicinal materials. But this is the old cabinet, which is almost empty now, with some clutter piled in it.

Hua Rongyue thought to herself when she looked at the cabinet.

So the next day, the people in the Hundred Herbs Hall found that the cabinet had been emptied, and put the bedding on it. Doctor Qi looked incredulous, "Are you going to sleep here these days?"

"It's just a period of time, isn't he going back to the yamen when he stabilizes?" Hua Rongyue said, "And it's not very safe these days, I can help you by sleeping in the lobby in the middle of the night. Go to the hospital to see if anyone comes in."

"But you sleep in the closet... can you do that?" Doctor Qi glanced at Hua Rongyue up and down with suspicion in his eyes. After all, Hua Rongyue usually looks neat and tidy. Didn't everyone mistake him for some kind of son at first?

"It's definitely possible." Hua Rongyue said, "Don't forget that I have also traveled through the rivers and lakes before, and often dined and slept in the open."

She spent her first night in the small medicine cabinet under the suspicious eyes of Doctor Qi and Wan Fulian.

In the medicine cabinet, there is still the smell of medicine that has not dissipated. However, Hua Rongyue did not like the taste of some medicinal herbs. At present, her favorite herb is licorice, which not only smells good, but also tastes good.

Hua Rongyue was lying in a small cabinet, and the moonlight from outside poured in through the cabinet door, reminding her of the countless times when Yi Linglong remembered camping.

The cabinet is small, but it actually feels safe. Hua Rongyue even finds it a little fun to lie in it. She likes this small place from the bottom of her heart.

Actually, the blood gourd is not going to be watched by a person with six doors... He will not be silenced. Lin Qiya usually does whatever she wants to hurt people. When that nature comes up, she will find someone, but she seldom goes back to look for it, especially for someone like this, who probably has forgotten what he looks like.

The next day, Hua Rongyue still appeared neatly in front of Doctor Qi and the others, as if she couldn't tell where she slept yesterday.

Doctor Qi saw Hua Rongyue getting up as early as usual and dressed as usual, so he looked at her with admiration.

Hua Rongyue looked a little embarrassed by his eyes, and always felt a little strange.

"You really slept there all night?" Wan Fulian asked, "Then did you hear any strange noises last night?"

"It's okay..." Hua Rongyue said.

Why do you look like this... As if she did something earth-shattering last night.

Hua Rongyue is going to go out today to pick up the medicinal materials. On weekdays, the medicinal materials will be delivered to them. Occasionally, they will also receive some medicines that the mountain people picked themselves, but today there is a medicinal material that needs to be urgently needed. The doctor asked her to go directly to someone else to get it.

Hua Rongyue was in a good mood when she went out. Today, she chose a white dress with a Tumi flower embroidered by Wanfulian herself.

Hua Rongyue saw that normally Hua Rongyue would ignore him in this situation.

Wan Fulian likes the painting Wu painter painted for Hua Rongyue very much, although Hua Rongyue doesn't like to show it to others. She just watched it once, so she bought red thread on purpose, and then little by little, she embroidered a few red flowers on Hua Rongyue's clothes.

Hua Rongyue didn't really want to wear it at first.

However, the finished product embroidered by Wanfulian is so beautiful and stunning.

She struggled for a long time, and finally put on this dress beautifully, after all, everyone in Baicaotang knew that Huarong Yue coughed, a little stinky, Wan Fulian caught it accurately her weakness.

Since then, the status of Wan Fulian in Hua Rongyue's heart has been raised to a new level.

So beautiful and virtuous, how can a girl who is a good cook and embroidery be a childhood sweetheart with a fool?

Hua Rongyue walked slowly along the street. She came here once last time, and she never came again. The terrain here is a bit complicated, so she has to slowly Find, and possibly find someone to ask.

Yan Sheng often comes to Baicaotang to see the blood gourd these days. Hua Rongyue didn't need to ask to know that he must have had a hard time these few days.

She looked at the place in front of her as if she had come or not, and when she was struggling, a woman suddenly came out of the corner.

The two people were caught off guard and bumped into each other's faces. At that moment, it seemed that time and space had slowed down.

—Hua Rongyue had been looking for her for several days, and she was caught off guard in this place.

Lin Qiya.

After disappearing for a few days, she appeared in this alley.

She bowed her head sharply, her heart beating like thunder.

Lin Qiya looked a little anxious, her expression was not very natural, Hua Rongyue's brain responded quickly, and she understood why the other party was like this.

Hua Rongyue thought that the other party had left, but she did not.

I am afraid that Lin Qiya has been dodging the pursuit of Six Doors these days, and she will not be in a good mood. No matter how powerful the people on the rivers and lakes are, they can still avoid the six doors.

There are only two people in this alley, Hua Rongyue hurried past her with her head lowered, hoping not to be discovered by the other party, it is best that the two sides just brush past each other like this. each other's interests.

She came to Jiangnan this time to find Yi Linglong. Now that Yi Linglong can't be found, she is afraid that she will start with other people, the person before.

Hua Rongyue kept a low profile, but soon she knew that her estimate was wrong. When the two passed by, a woman's voice came from her ear, sweet and cute.

"Little brother, don't go, come with me."

Yan Sheng lowered his head and listened to what a person next to him said to him, "Now everyone is basically all together, but there is one more..."

"Where's the original one?"

"I was seriously injured a few days ago and died without medical treatment..."

"Tsk." Yan Sheng shook his head, "I knew that with that person's character, sooner or later, he would cause trouble."

He looked down at the other names on the paper, "Can't find a suitable one for the time being?"

"I can't find it." The person next to him said helplessly, "This is already the most reliable one. Who knew something would happen so soon..."

To say why Six Doors recently recruited new people, it is not as Hua Rongyue suspected, Six Doors are still enough, but the people who need to be found now have a special task of.

The "crazy" people on the rivers and lakes have always been a topic that people in martial arts want to avoid but cannot avoid.

Six Doors has always wanted to take care of this matter, no matter how it is said to let a group of murderers outside, it is too unreasonable, but there is no way to start, no one wants to take over this mess, this incident later After pushing and pushing, it was handed over to Yan Sheng, and he was also thinking about this issue.

It may be difficult to solve those people by force. One is that the strength of those people is indeed stronger than that of ordinary people in the arena, and the other is that these people are generally hidden among the crowd, and it is not easy to find them one by one.

The name of this newly established department of Six Doors is "Muji".

There are not many people in this department at present, but their tasks are not simple.

—In the original idea, all they had to do was to dress themselves up as madmen, and then find a group of "madmen", infiltrate, go straight into the interior, and get the first from them hand intelligence.

It is not easy to find a suitable person, and they have to mix in personally, so they are often looking for some characters that are inherently weird, even if they are not "crazy" , but he is no different from a lunatic.

There is no such person at the moment, Yan Sheng wants to ask Hua Rongyue if he wants to come in and try, but after thinking about his character, he feels a little unreliable.

The people who come in in this department are a group of eccentric people. Compared with them, Hua Rongyue is like a person whose painting style is so normal that it seems not so normal. .

Besides, his character... It seems that he is not suitable for such a job.

Yan Sheng shook his head, suppressed the thought, and closed the list in his hand.