MTL - X- Epoch of the Dragon-Chapter 82 So easy

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Hearing Xin Yun's words, the auctioneer is already a little irritable. Now it is an annual misty trading event. Time is precious. How can there be so much time here?

Looking at the auctioneer frowning, Xin Yun hurriedly said, "Let ’s do this, I will pay a thousand dollars and only buy one of them. What do you think?"

"Pop!" Xin Yun's words just fell, and the auctioneer's auction hammer dropped instantly. In the crisp sound, the auctioneer shouted, "Very well, this transaction-a deal!"

"Wow ..." After hearing the words of the auctioneer, Xin Yun first froze, then jumped up frantically, and she was so relaxed, she bought Yan Qiang with a thousand gold! Isn't this dreaming?

Looking at Xin Yun's excitement, the auctioneer could not help but wipe his sweat. In his opinion, this person was too entangled, but as a guest, he could not offend. Now that he has paid a high price, he will naturally sell it to He's gone.

Although this is an auction, there is nothing that can increase to 10,000 gold with a base price of 1,000 gold. Now that Xin Yun has reached the price of 1,000 gold, as the host of the auction, if he drops the hammer a little slower , But will be fired.

Soon, Xin Yun couldn't wait to designate Yan Qingying, and then ecstatically dragged Yiluo Xiang, hurried towards the side door, and went there to handle the transfer. At the same time, the auctioneer on the stage signaled Yan Qingying to step down, There were only nine girls left, and the auction continued, but the starting price has dropped to 900 gold.

Not to mention the outside auction, on the other side ... Xin Yun grabbed Yiluo Xiang's hand and rushed into the side door impatiently. Although he had already photographed the hand, unless all the formalities were completed, otherwise The feeling of gain and loss cannot be removed anyway, after all ... this girl is really too important.

Although it is urgent, the relevant procedures are still required. After patiently paying a thousand dollars, Xin Yun filled out the form and completely bought Yan Qingying's ownership. Then, under the leadership of the staff, he moved towards a small The room went over.

"Squeak ..." A moment the door rang, the wooden door was pushed slightly open, and the light spilled out, reflecting everything in the room.

Looking at it, the cabin is very simple. A table, a chair, the floor is smooth as a mirror, a graceful girl sitting on the chair silently, hearing the door ringing, the girl slowly turned her head and headed for the door The direction seems.

Looking closely, the girl was wearing a light green tube skirt, with a pair of eyes shining brightly, especially the eyes, as if they were carved by black gemstones, black and white, bright, and moist. The only thing I notice is that the deeper I look, the more faint luster flows in my eyes.

Not fat or thin, it can be described as beaded and round, with smooth black long hair all the way to the waist, and a pair of fiber hands like skin, like a green shirt, just like transparent.

At this moment, the girl has a pair of pale pink lips, and her eyes are curiously squinting at Xin Yun. She is as white as a new strip of fresh diamond. In the face of such a beautiful and indescribable girl, Xin Yun has completely lost her language. Can describe her peerless demon.

Girls are very strange. Generally speaking, if you enlarge an eight-year-old girl, it may not be her eighteen-year-old, but the girl in front of it is obviously an exception. If you enlarge her in equal proportions, She is the Queen of the future-Yan Qingying!

While Xin Yun was ecstatic, Yiluo Xiang fell into sorrow. Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, although Yiluoxiang didn't want to admit it, she felt involuntarily raised her sense of shame.

Yiluo Xiang only felt that this jade man was beautiful. Although he was simply sitting there, the quiet beauty was suffocating.

Yiluo Xiang never considers herself beautiful, but never thinks that she is ugly. In comparison, she positions herself as ordinary and generally ...

But compared with the jade-like person in front of her, Yiluo Xiang knows that although she is still not ugly, she must add a very word in front of the general—very average!

After being silent for a while, finally ... Xin Yun was the first to return to God, with a cough, and said excitedly: "You are Yan Qingying, I am Xin Yun, this is Yiluo Xiang, from now on From then on, we are the best partners. "

After hearing Xin Yun's words, Yan Qingqing stood up lightly and lightly. After a respectful gift, he said earnestly: "Yan Qingying has seen his master ..."

"Uh ..." Facing Yan's light and respectful gesture, Xin Yun shook his head with a wry smile. Although he was willing to change, he also knew that this was impossible, and it was not the time.

Thinking of this, Xin Yun smiled and said, "Okay, you have to pack up quickly, and leave with me."

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yan shook his head lightly and blankly: "Return to the master, I have nothing to clean up, and I can leave at any time."

"Uh ..." Suddenly she looked at the good girl in front of her. There was nothing except a tube skirt that reached her knees. Didn't she even have a parcel?

Seems to see Xin Yun's doubts, Yan said lightly and softly: "When we were training, we all wore such tube skirts. Although the items used were all dedicated, they could not be taken away and reserved for the next batch of people. . "

Xin Yun can't help but curse, this dragon family is too buckle, the only clothes are tube skirts, the usual supplies are fixed, once you leave, naturally there will be new girls to continue to use, Yan Qingying even carry a piece There are no items, only one person when you come, one person when you leave, the only thing to send is just a tube skirt!

Shaking his head, Xin Yun stopped saying anything, left Yiluxiang and Xin Yun to leave the auction venue, and hurried towards the inn.

Without a word, the three quickly returned to the inn. At the door of the room, Xin Yun stood still and looked at Yan's lightness and frowned. "You take this tube skirt off and throw it away, I will let Yi Luo Xiang borrowed a piece of clothing for you. "After speaking, Xin Yun opened the door, and Yi Luoxiang entered the room. At the same time, the voice of Yan lightly **** came behind him.

Although it is rich now, it is now an annual misty trading event, so the guest rooms of all inns are very tight. Xin Yun only lived in a very ordinary inn, the room was less than 30 square meters, except for one There is not much room outside the bed, but living is enough, after all ... all three are just eight or nine years old children.

Sitting on the bed with one buttock, Xin Yun leaned comfortably on the pillow. Yiluo Xiang went to the cabinet at the bedside, opened her package, and chose a suit for Yan Qingying.

"Crunch ..." After about five seconds, when Yiluo Xiang found a light gray shirt, the door rang softly and the door was gently pushed open.

When the door rang, Xin Yun and Yiluo Xiang turned their heads at the same time, looked at the door, and saw what they saw. At the door opening, a white as jade, as if emitting a bright jade body, came in gently.

"His ..." Seeing this, Xin Yun and Yiluo Xiang took a breath of air at the same time. What's going on? Why did Yan Qingying come in so naked?

Although Yan's light body has no curve at all because of her young age, the pale skin and soft lines are still beautiful and suffocating, especially the shy expression of shyness and timidity. It is making people's hearts sway!

"You ... you ... how do you ..." Pouting his mouth, Xin Yun finally failed to ask, but now he suddenly realized that the **** Devil Dragon Tribe had only delivered a tube skirt. It ’s just that even the underwear and trousers are not given, and the knee-length tube skirt is actually vacuum!
