MTL - X- Epoch of the Dragon-Chapter 81 At any cost

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Sitting in the auction hall, Xin Yun was extremely excited. Although Xin Yun was late for a while because of the sale of Dragon Stone, when Xin Yun arrived here, the auction still did not start, after all ... The preliminary stage of this auction still needs some preparations.

When it comes to auctioning population, the first thing everyone thinks of must be slaves. In fact, otherwise, there is no slave in this world. From the perspective of people in this world, everything has its value, and so does humans. This is actually the same as ordinary goods, except ... the type of this goods is just people.

Of course, the names may be different, but they are essentially the same. These people being auctioned have no freedom at all, just like an ordinary good. Once sold, it becomes someone else's. It's almost the same as buying a chicken or a bunny.

As for the issue of loyalty, there is absolutely no need to worry about it. Generally speaking, the auctions here are all brainwashed by the magic dragon family. In the language of the earth, these are all cultivated, only However, the method of cultivation is more advanced, and no such situation as betrayal will occur.

Take Yan Qingrui as an example. In the last life, at the later stage, she has reached the level of the nine masters, but what about that? Still unable to get rid of control, in fact ... she didn't even think about getting rid of it.

Of course, Xin Yun has absolutely no meaning to enslave Yan, but as a person who has experienced the Third Age, Xin Yun also knows that he may not be able to do what he wants to change.

The auction has finally started. According to the convention of the auction, all categories of goods auctioned in this area are people, and the order of appearance is naturally based on the value of the goods. The higher the value, the later, and the cheaper the more. before.

How about Yan Yan's light price? This Xin Yun is still unknown. As a fan of Yan Qingying, although Xin Yun knew in detail where she appeared and how she appeared, but how much did she spend to buy her at that time, Xin Yun could not find out ,Nobody knows.

In order to successfully buy Yan Qingli, Xin Yun has made full preparations, as long as she can win her, even if she spends the last penny on her body, she will never hesitate to know that ... Yan Qingli is priceless.

In the last life, the family that bought Yan Qingying was not very good, but it was a new and small family that did not enter the market. However, because of the successful purchase of Yan Qingying, the family quickly grew with the growth of Yan Qingying. In the end, it is ranked seventh among the nine families!

It can be said that no matter how much money is spent today, in the near future, this investment will be made back ten million times, or even billions of times, any price will be worth it.

In Xin Yun's excited wait, a girl lined up in a neat line, slowly walked to the auction table from both sides, then turned around at the same time, facing thousands of guests.

Looking closely, these girls are all about ten years old, no more than eleven years old, and all older than nine years old, almost the same size, wearing a long skirt that hangs down to the knees, looking extremely cute.

Due to the long distance, Xin Yun couldn't clearly see the faces of several people. He was secretly anxious. The auctioneer on the stage said, "This is the first group of auction items. There are ten beautiful girls. They The quality is very high, but unfortunately, they are all abandoned by the dragon, but ... to be sure, they have the potential to become top beauty in the future! "

Hearing this, Xin Yun was even more anxious. These girls were just like Yan Qingying, who were abandoned by the dragon. You know ... out of ten ordinary people, only one was abandoned by the dragon, but here is one Out of ten, it can be seen how many high-quality children the Devil Dragons have gathered.

What makes Xin Yun headache is that these girls have the same conditions as Yan Qingli, so it is impossible to tell which one is Yan Qingli, and now they are so far away, they ca n’t see their looks clearly. What can I do?

In the anxiety of Xin Yun, the auctioneer continued: "Don't miss this opportunity! They are all trained by the dragons and have high-quality girls with multidirectional ability. Although they cannot become fighters, but if you buy them back, , Can be used as a maid, girl, wait a few years, you can sleep, especially when they grow up, they are absolutely first-class beauty! "

In the face of the auctioneer's words, the guests in the audience are not very interested. What good is it to look good? If you want a woman, why do you have to buy it yourself and train it yourself? It takes too much time, and who knows if these girls who look so cute now will really become first-class beauties when they grow up?

Guanghuyou is useless, except for those who are dedicated to purchasing some high-quality maids, but most people are unmoved. After all ... these are just the first girls introduced, and the latter will be better.

Seeing everyone's appearance, the auctioneer was unmoved. It seemed to have been expected for this situation, and said loudly: "Okay, now I announce, here are a total of ten girls, packed for auction, the reserve price is 1,000 gold Now everyone can start asking prices ... "

"Wait!" Xin Yun couldn't help but said loudly: "Even if you want to sell them in packages, you should introduce them, at least we need to know their names."

Facing Xin Yun's request, the auctioneer frowned: "This gentleman is sorry, because there are so many goods to be auctioned today, there is no time for such auctions, and it seems unnecessary, you Are you right? "

"I depend!" When Xin Yun heard the auctioneer's words, could not help buying these girls? This is too exaggerated. How does this place him? Is it resold again? This is not possible, he does not want to be a trafficker.

When Xin Yun didn't know what to do, the auctioneer smiled and continued: "However, since it is a request from a customer, we will make an exception once, but only once!"

Having said that, the auctioneer turned to the girls on the stage and said, "Okay, start with the first one on the left and report your names one by one ..."

Hearing the auctioneer's words, the children were exceptionally well behaved, although they were nervous and shy, but they said one by one: "My name is Dunzhu ... my name is Langma ... my name is ..."

Listening to the children who reported their names one by one, Xin Yun's heart beating violently, but she couldn't find it. The Yiluoxiang beside her was bowing her head, tears rolling down her face.

According to Yiluo Xiang, Xin Yun's interest in these girls must be the same as Ada's. He just wanted to buy it back and sleep, doing things that bad people like to do, isn't it ... he must be Want to be the same as other men?

Not to mention how Yiluoxiang hurts, on the other side, the self-introduction of the **** the stage is still continuing, Xin Yun also stood up nervously, her fists clenched, her body tight and tight, Yan lightness ... Among these girls? Impossible! This is the first batch, the least valuable one ...

"My name is Yan Qingying, this year is nine years and eight months ..." As Xin Yun shook her head secretly and denied her judgment, a delicate voice rang out on the stage.

"Boom!" Xin Yun only heard a thunderous roar in her head, oh my **** ... she! She ... she was really here, and together with the other nine girls, the starting price was only 1,000 gold! This is too exaggerated?

However, if you think about it, a girl who is destined to not be a warrior and is only nine years old and eight months old is actually really worthless, and even go straight to the streets to adopt one. You don't even have to spend a penny.

Don't think that one thousand gold is very small. For example, the two girls bought by Ada last time only need a total of 1,000 gold.

Imagine that after two decades of training, they are proficient in how to please and men. They are very high-quality. Girls aged 17 or 8 only need one thousand dollars, so ten girls around nine years old sell absolutely one thousand dollars. Oh, of course ... this thousand gold is just a quote, I really want to buy it at this price, this is impossible!

Looking at the girl in the eighth place on the stage, Xin Yun's eyes were straight and she drooled hard. Xin Yun said dryly, "Mr. Auctioneer, can you buy one alone! You know, we Out of the house and unable to handle so many girls ... "
