MTL - World of Immortality-Chapter 91 princess

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The slightest cold wind passed by, blowing the weeds in the mountains to dance.

Zhang Yunxi looked at Xiong Laoliu in surprise, and finally figured out a lot of things in his heart.

This **** is too cunning. He wandered around the underground fortifications and made all kinds of teasing, so he should have a clear goal.

The purpose of seducing the boa constrictor was to attract the attention of the people in the management department. Later, relying on his familiarity with the terrain, this guy slipped away, and finally took Zhang Yunxi to the side of the family's base camp, ready to play back and forth.

Damn, this move is too coquettish, isn't it? !

Zhang Yunxi once suspected that its IQ was on par with that of Wei Wu, who was known as Mr. Wolong, only slightly inferior to himself.

But why is this violent bear staring at Zhang Yunxi so hard? What is the purpose of sticking to him all the time?

At the beginning, Zhang Yunxi was indeed a little dazed, but now that he has calmed down, as long as he thinks about it carefully, it is probably not difficult to guess what happened.

The mutant characteristics of the violent bear have many similarities with Zhang Yunxi's mutation, such as enlarged body size, prominent spine, pupil color and so on.

And the most important point is that in the underground fortification just now, Zhang Yunxi had escaped completely twice, but Violent Bear was able to find him very accurately.

What do these details mean?

Zhang Yunxi is a biology student, and a word suddenly popped up in his mind-heterologous genes.

Homologous genes refer to the horizontal transfer of genes between different species. To put it simply, one of the four gene agents infected in Zhang Yunxi's body should come from the group of violent bears.

younger brother?

elder brother?



Or the same gene without the same blood, these kinds of speculations are all possible.

Huh, isn't that right? !

Thinking of this, Zhang Yunxi suddenly froze. He looked at Violent Bear in astonishment, and instantly recalled the scene when the other party wanted to play poker with him in the small black room.

The gene has mutated, and those who ride horses will not distinguish between male and female! What's more, this bear is obviously very intelligent.

What's the matter?

"Fuck!" Zhang Yunxi's face was pale: "Could it be - I'm the mother?!"

Gene source is female bear? !

Thinking of this possibility, Zhang Yunxi suddenly raised his head, looked helplessly at the simple-faced bear next to him, and swallowed unconsciously.

my husband?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Zhang Yunxi broke the defense and persuaded himself in his brain that it is absolutely impossible for female genes to survive in his body, let alone the result of the coexistence of 1+4 genes. This idea is perverted and abnormal. I must have read too much courseware.

I'm tough 24 hours a day, don't make your gender too obvious!

On the hillside, Zhang Yunxi forcibly terminated this absurd speculation, looked at the bear sweating profusely and murmured, "Are you going to attack the camp? What are you going to do?"

No matter how smart the bear is, it is impossible to understand people's words. It just stretched out its big tongue to lick Xiao Zhang's legs, and kept rubbing its head against him.

"They're all pure men, don't act like a pervert!" Zhang Yunxi cursed angrily.

The violent bear stood upright, and lightly touched Zhang Yunxi's built-in belt with its paws, where there were two unknown grasses stolen from the python cave.

Zhang Yunxi frowned.

The violent bear kept patting the weeds with its paws, and eagerly licked Zhang Yunxi's cheek with its tongue.

"Get off!" Zhang Yunxi wiped the other party's puff with his hands, and thought for a while: "You mean, where do they have this thing?"

The two of them "chat" with their mouths at odds. Violent Bear kept hinting at the weeds, but Zhang Yunxi once suspected that the **** was deliberately lying to him and seducing him, because he saw that he cared about these two weeds. up.

If it was a few hours ago, Zhang Yunxi would never believe that a bear can deceive people, but now he has to guard against it. This **** is too cunning, his intelligence is already on par with Wei Wu.

Are you going? It was too dangerous, the bear was injured, and his physical condition was also very bad.

Why don't you go? Zhang Yunxi was not quite reconciled, because now he had a bold idea, which was to trick the bear away.

The genetic code of one's own body has not been deciphered for a long time, because there is no reference material and the same type of organisms. If Zhang Yunxi's conjecture is correct and the two genes have the same source, then this will definitely have a miraculous effect on unlocking the secrets of one's own body in the future, and it may even make a fortune.

If you want to cheat, you have to follow it.

Zhang Yunxi blinked his eyes, and immediately stretched out his finger to the bear's wound, and then pointed to the potion in the built-in belt, which means, you have been beaten into such a cowardly state, let's treat the disease first, and then work hard.


The violent bear let out a low growl, turned its body into a prone position, turned its head to glance at the camp, and grinned.

"Damn, you have to go?" Zhang Yunxi also stood up.


The violent bear patted the weeds on the built-in belt again with its paws, and then walked down the hillside with its paws bent and its body bent.

This old sixth is determined to do it.

Zhang Yunxi looked at it speechlessly, feeling a little conflicted in his heart.

The violent bear was slowly speeding up on the downhill road.

Zhang Yunxi glanced anxiously at the direction of his camp, and found that there were two hills separated from here, and it was too late to call Wei Wu and the others for support.

What's more, the godfather and the others are trying to get the raw materials for the inhibitory solution for themselves, so they may not choose to confront the people in the management department head-on.

How to do?

Zhang Yunxi hesitated for a moment, then immediately picked up the built-in belt, took out a large amount of medicine that Kaka had given him from it, and began to adjust it with his head bowed.

down the hillside.

The violent bear continued to approach the camp of the management office. Its huge head glanced around, and from time to time it turned back to look in Zhang Yunxi's direction.

on the hill.

Zhang Yunxi gave up using psychostimulant medicines containing amino acids and caffeine, and only received two injections of medicines that can improve autoimmunity and activate anti-biotic cells.

After a while, Zhang Yunxi noticed that the violent bear was less than a kilometer away from the opponent's campsite.


At this moment, a shrill siren erupted from the center of the campsite.

In a place like the barren area, even ordinary bounty hunters know how to guard against wild animals and the like, but how could the management department not set up a complete alarm system?

The violent bear was discovered. It fisted with both claws and thumped the ground suddenly, sending up waves of dust.


The thick roar spread throughout the valley, and the violent bear suddenly started, with blood all over its body, and rushed straight to the management camp.

Below, a large number of guards and AI fighters appeared in the camp, and they looked towards the hillside in horror.

"The bear?!"

"It came out of the underground fortification!"

"Seize it and notify Command!"

"Establish a kinetic cannon!"


The people in the camp shouted loudly, and all their eyes turned to the hillside.

At this moment, Xiong Laoliu turned around and ran, heading straight for Zhang Yunxi.

The eyes of the soldiers of the management department under the mountain were all on Xiong Laoliu at the moment. When the latter ran, they naturally looked at the top of the mountain instinctively.

"Is there another person standing over there?"

"Yes, it seems to be wearing pink pants."

"It has an accomplice?!"

"...Dog!" Zhang Yunxi gritted his teeth and scolded, "I knew you had no good intentions!"

The violent bear ran back, Zhang Yunxi scanned the opponent's camp, and suddenly noticed that there were several AI fighters with black shield and sword logos on their bodies.

Depend on!

Isn't this the organization that shouts "Long Live the New World" every day?

When Zhang Yunxi saw this group of people, his eyes became bloodshot instantly. There is absolutely nothing good for the management department to hook up with them, and it is very likely that they still have to mess with themselves.

This also indirectly explained why the people in the management department killed him when they saw him in the underground work just now.

It's better to **** the other party first than wait to be fucked.


Zhang Yunxi activated the central suppressor again, and when his body unfolded in the mutated form, he had already run straight down the hillside in a daze.

"Go, I will go with you!"

Zhang Yunxi roared at the violent bear.


The cunning violent bear stuck out its big tongue, turned around immediately, and ran down beside Zhang Yunxi.

The two "beasts" ran at an astonishing speed, and soon passed the plain outside the camp.


With a leap of all fours, the violent bear dexterously crossed the electronic fence outside the camp, and rushed directly to the huge kinetic energy cannon.



The violent bear crushed two people in succession and knocked four people into the air.

The kinetic energy cannon in the camp focused fire, and Zhang Yunxi, relying on the amazing speed of his body, bypassed the location where the violent bear was, and rushed towards a five-meter-high iron frame.

Five meters away, Zhang Yunxi jumped up on the spot with the inertia of running, and slammed his body into the iron frame.


With a muffled sound, Zhang Yunxi's body hit the iron frame like a cannonball, deforming the metal frame on the spot.

"This way, this way!"

Zhang Yunxi hit the iron frame with his body and shouted: "Tiger?! This thing is a power supply tower!"


The violent bear went on a rampage. After tearing apart six or seven guards at the gates of more than a dozen camps, it turned around and ran away.

The camp was in chaos for a moment, and many people in civilian work clothes ran to the outside in fright.

The oppressive force of the violent bear is too strong. With a body of more than three meters and a weight of more than one ton, this thing doesn't even use its paws to slap people, but just lightly hits anyone with its head, it will be broken and disabled end.


The violent bear ran wildly, and ran wildly in places with dense crowds or camps. In this way, the opponent's powerful area-of-effect weapons would not dare to engage in fire at will, otherwise they might injure their teammates.


The violent bear sprinted for more than a hundred meters, and its huge body hit the iron frame.

"Zi la la!"

A burst of sparks erupted in the air, and the electric tower connected to more than a dozen wires instantly tilted.

Zhang Yunxi's body was leaning against the left pillar of the electric tower Holding the base of the iron frame with both hands, he pulled his neck and shouted: "Bump again!"


The violent bear swayed sideways, its upper body slanted away, and after apparently stagnating in accumulating energy, it slammed into the iron frame heavily.

"Bang~ bang!"

There was a crackling sound from the metal shelf.

"Fall down!!" Zhang Yunxi pulled out the bracket that was as thick as a bowl, and hit the center beam with his shoulder.

"Boom, boom!"

The iron frame slammed heavily on the ground, instantly crushing a tent.


More than a dozen wires were emitting sparks and bursting with electric current.

Three seconds later, at least 80% of the lights in the camp that covered an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters were turned off, and most of the area became pitch black.

"Ask for support, ask for support...!" A soldier hid behind the tent and kept shouting: "The bear and Zhang Yunxi attacked our camp, and the five teams have all gone underground. Our defense here is not strong enough, please immediately…!"


In a flash, Zhang Yunxi smashed the opponent's helmet with a knee, and made the opponent pass out.

Next to it, the violent bear was running along the tent, with its big head pressed against the ground, as if it was sniffing some kind of smell wildly with its nose.

Inside the underground works.

A puff of white smoke floated in, and Jiang Xin, wearing a helmet, bent over and said, "Why is there gas?"


In the dark corridor, the chirping sound like a mouse resounded slightly. ?

Increase efforts next week, try to double update every day, please vote~

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time! Author's message: 300,000 words, try to keep double updates every day next week! I'm going to rush, brothers, please recommend tickets!