MTL - World of Immortality-Chapter 90 boat of friendship

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Zhang Yunxi said that he can kill when he gets up, which is purely bragging.

Perhaps, Zhang Yunxi has some problems in "life style", but his intelligence must be excellent!

The situation of the enemy and the enemy is very obvious now. The gang of **** on the opposite side obviously planned to enter the underground fortification in an organized way. Their equipment is perfect, and there will definitely be reinforcements in the future. On the other hand, Xiao Zhang and Violent Bear are both injured. If they drag on, they will grind them to death.

To be a reckless man now is obviously short of heart. What's more, the two weeds that Zhang Yunxi stole were probably one of the targets of this trip, the candle dragon grass. If you don't slip away at this time, when will you wait?


After Violent Bear felt his leather swallow being poked, his huge body suddenly moved forward, roaring in his mouth.

The black-clothed soldiers who were about to attack at the front immediately took two steps back in fright.


Violent Bear shook his head, and his upper body was like a giant war hammer, smashing the wall on the left in an instant.

There was a burst of dust, and bricks and tiles flew around.

The bear of the chicken thief has a tacit understanding with the dirty blood warrior, and it is also planning to slip away.

Without saying a word, Zhang Yunxi decisively sold out his teammates, wearing a three-layer electric grid, and rushed into the ruins in one step.

Violent Bear is also a fastidious person. Seeing that Zhang Yunxi was going to betray him, he slapped his paw on the ground, and the bear's paw pressed the edge of the power grid.


Zhang Yunxi, who just ran into the ruins, lay on the ground with a dog eating shit, and yelled: "Nimma, you cover! Cover, don't step on me!"

The power grid entangled Zhang Yunxi, and he couldn't get up for a while.


The violent bear deftly entered the room, bit the power grid wrapped around Zhang Yunxi's body with its big mouth, swung its four hooves violently, knocked open three walls in a row, and scurried in another corridor in a flash.

The violent bear is fast and powerful. With a pounce on the body, a lot of people will fall down on the opposite side, so the opponent does not dare to carry it hard. In addition, the freezing gun, ion net, kinetic energy cannon, etc., cannot hit it in one round. fall. In this way, the King of Cold Winter slaughtered indiscriminately in the narrow corridor, finally broke through the blockade of the two groups, and disappeared with Zhang Yunxi in his mouth.

But he ran away, but both Zhang Yunxi and Violent Bear suffered serious injuries.

In the corridor next to the training room, the squadron leader used a communicator to report to Kou Yehui: "Contrary to what we expected, there was no deadly battle between the King of Cold Winter and the wilderness. After they met, the bear was scared. Killed many of our brothers, and ran away with Zhang Yunxi in his mouth. But both he and Zhang Yunxi were injured."

"Made!" Master Kou scolded, "Where's the wilderness?!"

"It was blocked in the training room, and our three teams are rounding it up." The squadron leader responded.

"I'm going to attack immediately." Lord Kou immediately ordered: "The violent bear is injured, and there is no way to hide his biological imprint. Don't look for it yet, and take down the wilderness with all our strength. According to the scheduled plan, when the attack It must be blocked from retreating, and it cannot be allowed to escape."

"Yes!" The squadron leader replied, and immediately shouted to the rest of the team members: "The medical team rescues the injured comrades, and the combat team supports the training room!"

The order was issued, and the large army ran to the side of the training room.

In the **** corridor, a member of the medical team looked down at the corpses sticking together on the ground, and immediately cursed in the local dialect: "My mother, hey, I'm really capped! These mothers smashed one by one. It's like jam, am I holding a spoon to the rescue?"

The door of the training room.

The giant mang in the wilderness, which is more than ten meters long, was really beaten by a violent bear. It was originally located in a spacious space 50 to 60 meters underground, with natural wind and air conditioning, and a river bath in the underground river, which is so beautiful.

Even if the people from the management department flattened the entire 065 mountain area with bombers, and then used 10,000 automatic excavators to dig down to a depth of 100 meters, they might not be able to find a piece of barren waste. Because there are too many rock spaces underground, and there are too many underground rivers, as long as there is any movement above, this thing will slip away.

But Violent Bear and Huangyuan Mang are "mortal enemies" in terms of mutated genes. The former **** and urinates at the entrance of its cave, and finally throws down a stupid human being. Huangyuan Mang came out to fight because he couldn't bear it. But I didn't expect to be surrounded by dozens of armed men as soon as it emerged, but the bear ran away in a hurry relying on its familiarity with the terrain? !

Inside the corridor.

Desolate Mang was trapped in a narrow space, and Mang's body hovered along the wall, while the huge snake's head swung, spitting out snake letters non-stop.


The squadron leader not far away swallowed his saliva, and immediately made a tactical gesture forward: "Attack, block its retreat!"

"Hula la!"

The soldiers in three directions raised their weapons in an instant.

"Whoosh whoosh...!"

At the same time, more than a dozen micro-aircraft flashed past, rushed into the training room in unison, drew an arc, and flew into the entrance of the wilderness.

Huang Yuanmang let out a howl, as if he had discovered the other party's intentions, Mang's tail kept slapping the ground, wanting to return to the training room.


A series of explosions resounded through the entrance of the cave, thick dust and smoke spewed out, and the wall collapsed visibly with the naked eye, accompanied by the sound of rocks rolling into the cave.

It's over, not only was he seduced, but the family couldn't go back.

Huang Yuan became impatient, opened his **** mouth, and rushed directly into the crowd.

The cruel and **** round-up battle has officially begun.

"Zi la la!"

Although the ion network was out of control, it was still running on its own, and it shocked Zhang Yunxi until he was dizzy and numb all over.


A wall was knocked open, and the icy cold wind howled.

Zhang Yunxi shook his dizzy head, and he found that he and the violent bear had returned to the ground and left the underground fortification.

The scenery of the mountainous area swayed in Zhang Yunxi's eyes. He tried his best to adjust his body, but found that this place should not be halfway up the mountain in 065, but at the lower part of the mountain. He even saw a small river meandering out.

"What are you doing? Where are you taking me...?!" Zhang Yunxi roared in a panic.

The violent bear ignored him, and ran with all his might, bleeding all over his body.


Zhang Yunxi swallowed, and immediately glanced at the LAN communicator on his wrist, he found that the signal here was already very poor.

There is no way, the radiation range of the LAN terminal is limited, and the violent bear has obviously run a long way with him in its mouth.

"Hey, Jiang Xin, listen to me. What I got was probably the candle dragon grass, but I was stuck by that bear and couldn't get rid of it. You go back to the camp first, and we will gather later." Zhang Yunxi said Called quickly, and babbled several times in a row.

"Zi la la!"

Soon, the voice of the current microphone came from the communicator, and Jiang Xin replied: "You have already gone out, right? OK, I know... I know, let's go too, and the camp gathers."

"Huh!" Zhang Yunxi finally let out a sigh of relief after listening to the intermittent reply.

The violent bear was still running wildly on the muddy ground, Zhang Yunxi swayed, and stared back at the monster, his fear and defense against it had weakened a lot.

Obviously, Violent Bear should have no malice towards him, and there must be a purpose for clinging to him like this.

It must be difficult to compare the intelligence of conventional animals with that of humans, but there are some exceptions, such as chimpanzees, border herds, killer whales with their own culture, etc., are very intelligent creatures with continuous development of intelligence, and there are also breakthroughs possible barriers.

But Zhang Yunxi had never heard of a bear so smart. But it can be understood if you think about it carefully, because its genetic variation will definitely affect the development of the brain.

Strictly speaking, it is no longer a bear, but a new species in this world.

After one person and one bear left the underground fortification, the King of Cold Winter ran for more than ten minutes with Zhang Yunxi in his mouth, and then stopped sprinting, standing proudly on a small hill.

The cold wind was blowing, and the violent bear stood on the top of the mountain, looking around, as if he was the king of this territory.

In the power grid that has failed, Zhang Yunxi yelled: "Look at how cowardly you are being fucked! Don't look too concave, put me down, stick up your butt, and I'll give you an injection."


The Violent Bear let go of his **** mouth, and lay down on the hillside with a bit of apathy, turning around and licking the wound.

Zhang Yunxi broke free from the grid, immediately untied the built-in belt from his waist, bent down and took out several potions. His physical condition was also not good. After the mutation ended, he had already entered a period of weakness. Coupled with the previous battle injuries, his ribs and arms on the left and right sides felt painful pain.


When Zhang Yunxi was fiddling with the medicine, blood flowed from his nose.

Fortunately, before coming here, Jiang Xin made him a pink crotch jumpsuit. This thing has good elasticity and flexibility. After Zhang Yunxi's transformation, it will not be exploded at all, so he has medical medicine on his waist The built-in belt is not dropped, but other equipment is gone.

Zhang Yunxi took out the potion, adjusted it quickly, bowed his waist, and walked slowly to the violent bear: "Come on, I'll give you an injection."

Violent Bear suddenly turned his head and looked at him warily.

"Damn! It's not a red crane, what are you afraid of!" Zhang Yunxi gesticulated with the steel needle, pricked it on the back of his hand, and slowly pushed in some Stormy Bear saw this scene , and then slowly let go of the big claws that might be slapped on Zhang Yunxi's head at any time.

"It's quite cautious, it's a pity not to commit crimes." Zhang Yunxi turned around behind the bear's buttocks, and found that there was no place to strike. Finally, he came near its head and pointed at the opponent's tongue.

Violent Bear hesitated for a moment, then slowly stuck out his tongue, lying quietly under the moonlight without any further resistance.

Zhang Yunxi didn't know whether human medicine would work on the bear, but he still gave it two injections of hemostatic agent, as well as some high-efficiency antibiotics to prevent wound infection.

The violent bear rested on the ground for a while, and suddenly patted Zhang Yunxi's back with its paw.

"Why?" Zhang Yunxi was giving himself an injection.


Violent Bear increased his strength and patted Zhang Yunxi's shoulder vigorously.

"What do you want...?!" Zhang Yunxi turned around and saw Violent Bear lying prone on the mountain bag, looking to the southwest.

"what does it mean?"

Zhang Yunxi squinted his eyes and looked to the southwest, and unexpectedly saw a well-concealed camp there.

There are a large number of armed vehicles and combat equipment parked in the center of the camp, identified by signs, which should be the activity area of ​​the management department.

"Fuck!" Zhang Yunxi looked at the violent bear in astonishment.


The violent bear licked Zhang Yunxi ambiguously, and stretched his neck towards the camp of the management department.

"I understand, I finally understand!" Zhang Yunxi looked at Violent Bear in disbelief: "Damn, you're really out of control!"


The violent bear uttered a low mournful sound, and arched at Zhang Yunxi's feet, as if it wanted something from him...?

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time! Author's message: Please recommend a ticket! !