MTL - Wilderness Livestream: Other People Struggle to Survive While I Became Famous by Looking After a Cat-Chapter 62 final task

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  Chapter 62 The Final Mission

  After deducting points, the director felt a little better.

   The tone of the speech rose a bit:

   "Today is the penultimate day of this program. Everyone must have fully adapted to life on the island. The last task of drawing a map should have been almost completed."

   "In order to reward everyone for their wonderful performance in the past half a month, the program team specially prepared a cruise ship and a banquet, allowing you to invite relatives, friends and fans to attend."

   "But the protagonist of the banquet can only be one of them."

  When the director said this, he paused before continuing:

   "The program team has placed 66 wooden boxes all over the island, and only one wooden box contains the ticket. You need to find the wooden box according to the clues we provided, and then find the key to open the wooden box."

   "What needs to be reminded is that the group that did not get the boat ticket needs to be punished, and the group that got the boat ticket only means that they can participate in the dinner."

   "After the dinner, only the top three people with points can leave the island by cruise ship, and the other three will paddle a raft and cross the sea!"

  Jiang Xuyan was dumbfounded when he heard the words 'crossing the sea'.

   "Isn't this too exciting? Rowing across the sea?"

   "The program team might as well just cut off my feet!"

   Upon hearing this, the director replied indifferently: "Mr. Jiang, please row hard tomorrow, the program team doesn't need your feet."

   "What do you mean I rowed hard? Are you sure I will lose now?"

  The corner of Jiang Xuyan's mouth twitched, and he turned to look at Song Qingyou, "Qingyou, you will give me points when the time comes, right?"

  [blatant py transaction]

  [Mr. Jiang who is in charge of the program group quickly]

  Song Qingyou just nodded.

  The director suddenly said: "From today on, points are not allowed to be gifted, otherwise they will be cleared immediately."

  Song Qingyou said immediately:

   "Brother Jiang, you have to do your own thing. As public figures, we can't spoil our fans."

   What this says is that there is as much integrity as there is integrity.

  Jiang Xuyan: …

  [Hahaha laughed to death, is it a ghost who just nodded and agreed? ]

  [Sister Yuyou’s face changes so quickly]

  [Mr. Jiang is stupid]

   "Pfft—" the director couldn't help laughing.

   "Ahem... In addition, in view of the fact that the members of Group A have been changed many times, for the sake of fairness, Li Su's points will be increased by 100 and Shen Xiyan's points will be increased by 200."

  After the director announced the rules of the last mission, soon some staff sent so-called clues to the six people

  —A small card.

  There are only a few crooked lines on the small card, and there are no labels on it, which is extremely perfunctory.

   "What is this?" Jiang Xuyan held up the card in front of the camera, "Is this the director's daughter who drew it casually?"

  Yu Muhuai smiled and said, "It should be the road map."

   "Just a few bare lines, not even marked with directions, what do you think..." Jiang Xuyan scratched his head.

  Song Qingyou took out the map she had drawn, and compared the lines on the card.

   "It is indeed a roadmap, but I don't know where the boxes will be placed."

  She looked up at the two, "Should we look separately, or go together?"

   "Together!" Jiang Xuyan answered quickly, afraid that Yu Muhuai would rush to answer if he was too late.

   "It's too dangerous here. Only by following Qingyou can I feel safe."

  Yu Muhuai has always been 'following others', and this time he nodded in agreement.

  [One **** with two pits, from the beginning of the program to the end]

  [Sister Yu is carrying two oil bottles, it’s not easy]

  [Ms. Jiang was rushing to do things at the beginning, but now she just messes it up]

  [Mr. Jiang: Why starve when you can eat soft rice? ]


  The three of them and one cat left as soon as they said they would. They took a hatchet, a long stick and water, and prepared to embark on the road to find the box.

"Wait a moment."

  Song Qingyou returned to the bamboo house, and soon came out again, with an extra bundle of hemp rope and a few packets of compressed biscuits in her hand.

  Yu Muhuai felt familiar: "This is—"

  Song Qingyou raised her eyebrows and said, "The spoils of war."

  Jiang Zhihan looked up, he followed Song Qingyou almost the whole time, and he didn't even notice when the other party took these things back!

"Trophy?" Jiang Xuyan was stunned for a moment before suddenly realizing, "Oh—I see, isn't this the rope that those poachers used to tie us? And their biscuits... I thought their things were confiscated It's gone! Qingyou, when did you come back?"

  Song Qingyou raised her eyes slightly: "Shun is back?"

  Thieves will call Shun back only when they steal something.

  Jiang Xuyan understood the meaning in a second, "Ah, no, I meant 'snatch', that's not right, I mean take it! Take it back!"

   "Of course it's when the program team is not paying attention."

  The poachers’ camp has quite a lot of things, and they have all the food and clothing, so the program team has been preventing them from taking things away.

   "Then you should have called us together." Jiang Xuyan's tone was not without regret.

   "If you really scream, you will definitely be discovered."

  Song Qingyou explained, and distributed two packs of compressed biscuits to the two of them.

   Then he looked down at the cat, "Zhizhi, let's go!"

  The combination of three people and one cat just set off, and the three people in Group A have been gone for a while.

  Because Will is there, not only can they avoid danger, but they can also find boxes very quickly.

  The director doesn’t think it’s a big deal to watch the excitement, so he ‘passionately mics’ on the three members of Group B:

   "Group A has already found the fourth box, why is there no progress on your side?"

   Properly mocking tone.

  Jiang Xuyan rolled his eyes: "Director, we only walked for three minutes. If we can find the box so quickly, doesn't that mean the program team is useless?"

  Director: "Mr. Jiang stepped on his right foot just now, points will be deducted!"

  Song Qingyou lowered her head and suppressed a smile.

   "I can't stand the reason for deducting points!" Jiang Xuyan snapped his fingers and pointed at the drone not far away, "Director, do you believe that I smashed the camera?"

   "Qingyou, Mu Huai, don't stop me!"

   After speaking, he will act.

   But within two steps, he turned to look at the two of them: "Are you stopping me? Are you really watching me smash it?"

  Yu Muhuai stretched out his hand ruthlessly: "Teacher Jiang, please!"

  Jiang Xuyan curled his lips, and looked at Song Qingyou aggrievedly.

  Song Qingyou suppressed a smile and coughed twice, then asked the camera:

   "Didn't you say that after finding the wooden box, you also need to find the key? The director said they found four boxes, so what about the key?"

  The director was silent.

  Jiang Xuyan burst into laughter, "Haha, I must have found none."

  [Mr. Jiang, be more sober, don’t be a villain 2333]

  [Like a child who successfully complained to his parents and the parents helped him vent his anger]

  Yu Muhuai couldn't bear to see him like this, so he quickly dragged him away.

   "If you don't act again, they may have to find all the boxes."

   "Ah yes, hurry up."

  Jiang Xuyan was serious for a second.

   This part of Survival in the Wild is coming to an end

   In the later period, I will write about other interesting variety shows.

   For example, professional experience (I really want to write this, after all, Qingyou is all-round, if you have a career you want to see, you can talk about it here)

   For example, the exploration of ruins (if you write this, you will write less, because even if it is overhead, you don’t intend to write too far, and the content and form are actually very similar to survival in the wilderness)

   Or love variety show? (This high probability will not be written)



  (end of this chapter)