MTL - Wilderness Livestream: Other People Struggle to Survive While I Became Famous by Looking After a Cat-Chapter 61 go back to get a dog

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  Chapter 61 Go back and raise a dog


  #The most amazing scene of "Wild Survival 3"#

  #宋青柳How high is the force value after all#

#No profit leads to no extinction#

  #Song Qingyou knows how many languages#

   With several topics in a row, it stayed on the hot search lists of various platforms for two full days.

   Among them, the video with the most views is the scene where Song Qingyou blasts the gun with a stone.

  At the beginning, many people misunderstood that this was a movie scene.

  After spontaneous explanations from fans and viewers, many people entered the live broadcast room from this video.

  As the video exploded, the number of people watching online at the same time in the live broadcast room reached tens of millions at the most.

   This also means that "Wilderness Survival 3" has completely become popular all over the Internet.

  The most popular guests on the show are Song Qingyou and Shen Xiyan.

  Shen Xiyan is already popular and has many fans.

  After she was caught by poachers, she was suffocating in her heart.

  So these two days, she has been working hard to build the house.

   Her serious attitude has attracted many fans from passers-by.

   And Li Su and Zhao Yingnan, who were surrounded by her command, completely became the background.

  Compared with them, Song Qingyou is much more leisurely.

  However, her video caused quite a stir as soon as it was posted on the Internet.

   There was even a popular foreign male star who reposted each video on social platforms with a caption:

  【Song Qingyou, she is simply the goddess in my heart! 】

   The name Song Qingyou appeared in the field of vision of foreign netizens for the first time.

  After this sentence was spread to the country, many people ran to private message Jiang Xuyan.

  It's a pity that Jiang Xuyan is still on the island at the moment, so he can't respond.


   By the 13th day, the wooden houses of group A were almost built.

  Although it looks a little skewed, it has taken shape anyway.

  Shen Xiyan couldn't wait to put the things in, and went to the roadside to pick some wild flowers and came back to decorate the wooden house.

   Assistant Tao Mi followed her previous instructions. After the wooden house was built, she immediately brought up the rhythm, comparing the wooden house with the bamboo house built by Song Qingyou.

  Shen Xiyan's fans couldn't 'sit and wait for death', reacted immediately, and by the way, dismissed the bamboo house built by Song Qingyou as useless.

  On the question of whether the wooden house or the bamboo house is better, the fans of both sides have been arguing all day long.

  During the period, Will, who was not tied up, came to find Zhizhi again.

  Jiang Zhihan was lying well in the cat litter, but suddenly he was pushed awake by the dog, and when he opened his eyes, the dog stuck out his tongue and licked him, not to mention how depressed he was.

   After calling out his paw, Jiang Zhihan tried to communicate with the dog for the first time: ‘Will, can you stay away from me? '

  Will stopped when he arched his head, then tilted his head, and walked around the cat nest.

  Do you understand this?

  Jiang Zhihan tentatively said again: 'Silly dog, don't come near me! '


'Play together! Play together! '

  Will barked twice, and continued what he had just done happily.

  Like a child.

  Jiang Zhihan was speechless.

   After confirming that the silly dog ​​couldn't understand what he said, and he could only understand the meaning of some of the silly dog's barks, he was forced to start a new round of cat and dog chasing games.

  Song Qingyou and the others who were watching could only hear the sound of "meow, woof, woof".

  Song Qingyou looked serious: "It's more difficult for me to make Zhizhi scream. Why can Zhizhi meow so many times as soon as Will comes over?"

   "Compared to the owner, the companion is more important."

  Jiang Xuyan finished feeling, and came up with a bad idea: "Why don't you get a dog after you go back, Qingyou? I think huskies are good, and they can play with Zhizhi all day long!"

  Song Qingyou squeezed her chin, really considering the feasibility of this suggestion.

  Jiang Zhihan with sharp ears had already heard what Jiang Xuyan said.

  Seeing Song Qingyou thoughtfully at this moment, the alarm immediately sounded in her mind.

  He looked back at the distance of the dog, then kicked off his hind legs and leaped directly towards Jiang Xuyan.

  He jumped up, making Will chase even harder.

  Jiang Xuyan just turned sideways to avoid the cat that suddenly "flyed" when he was knocked to the ground by the dog in an instant.


  Will brakes just in time to get off the Twoleg.

  It circled around Jiang Xuyan, seeing that he was silent, suddenly it barked.

  Remembering that it was a search and rescue dog before, Jiang Xuyan waved his hand quickly: "I'm fine, you don't need to bark."

   As he spoke, he got up and patted the ashes off his body.

   "Good dog." He reached out to touch Will.

  Will subconsciously took two steps back.

  Jiang Xuyan smiled: "As expected of a search and rescue dog, they are used to not letting them approach."

  Before he finished speaking, Will suddenly took another step forward, touching Jiang Xuyan's hand with his tail intentionally or unintentionally.

  Jiang Xuyan looked surprised: "Does it know that I want to touch it? It's too cute!"

  [It makes me want to raise a dog]

   [I guess, you guys want cats too]

  [Both dogs and cats, winners in life]

  [Don’t look, your cat is not as smart as Squeak, and your dog can’t be as good as Will]

   "In this way, Qingyou, you can really—"

  Song Qingyou bent his lips and interrupted him, "If Brother Jiang brings up the matter of raising dogs again, Zhi Zhi may cause trouble again!"

  Jiang Xuyan heard the words, and then remembered how he was hit by a dog just now.

  He looked at the cat sitting upright not far away, and said with a dry smile, "I'll take care of it myself."

  After the episode, a cat and a dog started chasing and fighting again.

  Finally, when they reappeared, several people saw Zhizhi laying firmly on Gouzi’s back, and Gouzi didn’t reject it

  —No one knows how Zhizhi did it.

  [How did Zhizhi do it? Why is my cat so weak that he will lose in any fight? ]

  [Pets follow their owners, think about Sister Youyou’s force value, do you feel more balanced in your heart]

  [That does]

   "Zhizhi is really fierce, does this mean that he has taken in Will as his younger brother?" Jiang Xuyan was very surprised.

  Yu Muhuai replied flatly: "After all, I used to be a wild cat."

  Song Qingyou: "As expected of my cat!"

  Will played here until the afternoon, and it left when Shen Xiyan finally remembered it.


  Day 14 early in the morning.

  The director woke up the two groups of people with a loud voice.

  Jiang Xuyan half-closed his eyes, and was the last one to come out.

   "It was just dawn, what did the director ask us to do?" He yawned, "Finally had time to sleep well."

   "Mr. Jiang, please pay attention, this is not a holiday variety show."

  Jiang Xuyan is confident: "What's wrong with the vacation? I'm taking my vacation with my ability!"

  The director sneered: "Teacher Jiang is the last one to go out, and 5 points will be deducted."

   "You didn't say that points will be deducted!" Jiang Xuyan became anxious immediately. He didn't have many points, so why would he deduct points?

   "Then Teacher Jiang goes out the door with his left foot first, 5 points will be deducted!"

  Jiang Xuyan said righteously: "No, I don't agree, I tell you, 'Scholar can be killed, but not humiliated', you can chop off my left foot, but you can't deduct my points!"

   "All interpretations belong to the program group. If Teacher Jiang continues, 10 points will be deducted!"

   Jiang Xuyan, who was threatened, stood beside Song Qingyou obediently.

  [Hahaha Mr. Jiang’s backbone is gone in an instant]

  [Ms. Jiang, stop writing and singing, just go and be a comedian]

  [Mr. Jiang is right, he can hold his thigh with his ability 2333]

  [It was Mr. Jiang who knew the pearl from the beginning]

  [It’s okay to know the pearl with the eyes, Mr. Jiang was sympathetic to Sister You at that time]

  [Hahaha sympathy for golden thighs]


   Thanks to Dee., Bianhua for their monthly votes

   There is a cutie who voted monthly, but I can’t see the name, is it a space?

   Also, I can't copy the name... so I can't type the id symbols that are too complicated, sorry!


recently, I am busy

   The comment area will have time to watch again on weekends

   ps, please don’t give a bad review (even if the bad review is troublesome, you can secretly give it a five-star rating (bushi



  (end of this chapter)