MTL - Wilderness Livestream: Other People Struggle to Survive While I Became Famous by Looking After a Cat-Chapter 17 monkey and squirrel

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   Chapter 17 The Monkey and the Squirrel

  When there are many viewers in the live broadcast room, it is very common to tear X and argue.

  Lin Xing was about to be dragged away by Zhao Yingnan, but now he took the opportunity to slap Zhao Yingnan's hand away and folded his arms around his chest:

   "I said, even if you don't want to feed that little monkey, there's no need to drive it away, right?"

   "The little monkey didn't provoke you. Besides, it used to live here. We disturbed those animals when we came to shoot the show. What's wrong with you feeding it something? Are you so reluctant?"

  Song Qingyou glanced over coldly: "If you want to feed, you can."

   "Hmph! I don't have anything on hand? If I had something to eat, where would it be your turn? I would have fed it a long time ago!"

   "So, are you admitting that you are incompetent?"

"You!" Lin Xing turned pale, "Anyway, I'm not as empathetic as you! You're willing to chase away such a cute little monkey, but I'll see that cat will be thrown away by you sooner or later, you cold-blooded woman!"


  The familiar cry reappeared, and the people on and off the screen stopped immediately.

  Everyone thought the little monkey had been scared away, but they didn't expect it to poke its head out from behind another tree at this moment.

   It's just that cautious appearance, which makes people feel unbearable.

   Some sympathetic people criticized Song Qingyou again.

  [I'm Lin Xing in this wave, Song Qingyou is too reluctant]

  [This is survival in the wilderness, why should the hard-earned food be fed to the monkeys? ]

  [Lin Xing is kidnapping morality, some people can't see it? ]

  [Why can’t I feed it? Song Qingyou made a trap that can catch so many fish, there is no shortage of food at all]

  [The main reason is that Song doesn’t need to feed it, because she is afraid that the monkey will eat something wrong, the key point is why did she drive the monkey away? ]

  [The force value is high, so there is no tendency to violence, right? ]

  [Will cats be abused behind the scenes? ]


  Many people in the live broadcast room spoke for Song Qingyou.

  But they were soon overwhelmed by a crusade.

   What's more, some people said they would report it to the Animal Protection Association.

  When Lin Xing saw the monkey reappearing, he immediately showed an unbearable expression.

   "Song Qingyou, please give it something to eat, even a fruit! Look how pitiful it is!"

  Song Qingyou was unmoved: "It's still the same sentence, you can feed it if you want, it has nothing to do with me."

   Jiang Xuyan on the side actually couldn't bear it, but thinking that he didn't believe in Song Qingyou last time, he just kept silent this time.

  Song Qingyou was too lazy to talk to Lin Xing, and picked up the long stick to scare the monkey again.

   This time, the little monkey seemed to have run away and never came back.

  Lin Xing wanted to say something, but Song Qingyou stared him in place.

   "I don't like to be interrupted while I'm eating."

   "If you don't leave, don't blame me for not having eyes!"

   "Let's go!" Lin Xing turned around and left angrily, still cursing:

   "I don't want to eat something made by people who have no compassion! I find it disgusting!"

  Zhao Yingnan twitched the corner of her mouth at Song Qingyou at a loss, "Sorry."

  Song Qingyou has a good impression of Zhao Yingnan. Although she is a bit too cowardly, at least she won't hurt anyone.

  So when Zhao Yingnan left, she specially reminded the other party: "A word of advice, it's best not to feed that monkey."

  Zhao Yingnan didn't understand the reason, but she nodded in response.

  She was about to thank her, but Lin Xing went back and forth again, "We are going to feed it, what's the matter? When I meet that little monkey, I will definitely feed it! Can you control it?"

   After finishing speaking, she dragged Zhao Yingnan and left.

  The surroundings suddenly became quiet.

  Jiang Xuyan stood up, "Let's have breakfast first, and then discuss what to do today."

  Jiang Xuyan didn't mention the matter of feeding the monkeys, obviously because he wasn't sure if there was a reason why Song Qingyou did that, so he pretended it didn't happen to avoid embarrassment.

  Yu Muhuai glanced at the camera, then looked at Song Qingyou's expression, and found that she was still the same as usual, not caring about the influence of the unexpected at all.

   The matter of chasing away the monkey made the breakfast of three people and one cat very silent.

  The barrage in the live broadcast room was also arguing endlessly because of this.

   After the meal, Jiang Xuyan was still the one who cleaned up the tableware and boiled the water.

  Song Qingyou and Yu Muhuai prepared to chop some bamboo with a hatchet and come back

  —The bamboo forest was found on the way to pick beehives.

   Used to make houses, furniture, etc.

  When Song Qingyou was about to leave, Zhizhi, who was lying next to her, suddenly stretched out his claws and put them on her trouser legs, then looked up at her eagerly.

   "Are you going too?" Song Qingyou bent down and picked up the cat.

   "Your hind legs should be healed soon, you like to run around so much, don't run into the woods and never come back!"

  Jiang Zhihan glanced at her, hmph, he's not like those stupid cats who would run out and never come back!

  Song Qingyou scratched the fluffy cat's face, "It seems that you are still not convinced."

  Although Song Qingyou just said that casually, but what happened to drive away the monkey just now, in the eyes of those who are interested, this is Song Qingyou preparing to throw the cat.

  [Song won’t throw the cat away one day, just say the cat ran away by itself? ]

  [Very likely, if the cat’s hind legs were not healed, she would have done this long ago]

  [Thinking carefully and fearfully]

  [This cat’s eyes are so beautiful, don’t keep them for me! ]

  Song Qingyou had no idea how wicked some people in the live broadcast room thought of her.

  It was already noon when she and Yu Muhuai came back carrying a bundle of bamboo.

  Jiang Xuyan has already prepared the shrimp and other ingredients for lunch, and Yu Muhuai is the chef.

  Song Qingyou took advantage of this gap to squeeze the honey from the hive into pop-top cans for storage.

   Just then, there was a rustling sound from the grass a few steps away.

  Jiang Zhihan raised his head instantly.

   Song Qingyou frowned, could it be that monkey again?

  She grabbed the stone next to her and was about to throw it there.

  Unexpectedly, a taupe long-tailed squirrel suddenly jumped out, its big fluffy tail was like a parachute.

  It seemed that it had never seen a human being, and its round black eyes stared blankly at Song Qingyou for a long time.

   Then stared straight at the honey in her hand.

  [Another small animal, so close, it won't be killed by Song Qingyou, right? ]

  [Little squirrel run! This man will hit you! ]

  [It’s as if Sister You hit the monkey, Sister You just drove it away, don’t be embarrassing here]

  [Awkward? Fans of Song Qingyou should take a good look at how your master abused animals]

  [After two days, the cat really ‘disappeared’, let’s see how you can explain it]

  Everyone thought that Song Qingyou would drive away the squirrel like a monkey.

  Including Jiang Xuyan not far away.

  However, to everyone's surprise, Song Qingyou not only didn't chase it away, but even broke a piece of honeycomb and handed it over.

   "You want this?"

   Seeing the little squirrel staring at the honeycomb motionless, Song Qingyou simply threw it over.

  The little squirrel jumped back vigilantly, took the hive away with its two little paws after a while, then jumped back into the grass and disappeared.

  Jiang Zhihan probably knows why Song Qingyou treats monkeys and squirrels differently, but not everyone understands her doing this, and she will undoubtedly get herself blackmailed.

  (end of this chapter)