MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 58

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five minutes later.

Chemistry lab on the second floor.

Yang Buqi sat on the chair, glanced in Xu Tuoran's direction, and then again.

Finally couldn't help but say: "Why did you take my picture?"

"Just... leave a proof." Xu Tuoran was confident, "In case the hallucinations appear again..."

"You can't even see my face if you're hallucinating again, so show me a picture." Yang Buqi unceremoniously pierced her, and tugged at the hem of his skirt.

Xu Turan smiled, and clicked to save the photo he took. The deputy monitor next to him looked back and forth between the two of them, coughed, and patted the table lightly:

"Okay, don't talk anymore. Time is limited, let's talk about business first."

After speaking, he took a special look at Xu Tuoran. The latter's face has completely returned to normal at this moment. Although there is still a large amount of blood on his clothes, it seems that there is no serious problem.

This reassured the deputy class somewhat.

At this time, there was still some time before the end of the evening self-study. The hallucinations disappeared, and the people from both sides finally met and reunited. Naturally, it was time to exchange information as soon as possible.

As for how the hallucination was eliminated... the deputy squad leader could vaguely guess that it was related to Xu Tuoran just like their escape. However, the other party did not elaborate, only said that he had a supernatural object that could relieve the illusion. Her companion surnamed Yang also chimed in in the same way—the deputy class saw that they were hiding something, so they didn't ask any more questions.

After all, they are not in the same organization, so there is no need to get to the bottom of it. There are many people in this business who keep secrets, as long as they are sure that the other party is on their side at the moment.

The deputy squad leader withdrew his thoughts and brought up the topic again. After a moment of silence, the health commissioner said after deliberation: "So, in the Si Xue Building, everything is actually okay?"

Not long ago, they had a quick exchange of the situation on both sides, and found that the actual situation was similar—although they were currently dominated by companion creatures, the ability users survived well, and they were still trying their best to survive for themselves and others space.

As for the big Sophora japonica itself, it is still limited by the rules set by the order ability users in the past, acting in a restrained manner, instead of dominating the "other side" and killing the world as they guessed.

"It's not so good to say yes. But there is still room for resistance and struggle." The deputy squad leader subconsciously bit his nails, "Your side is the same? But I keep seeing the shadow of monsters on the Zhixue building."

"I think you have them here too." The health commissioner said in a delicate tone, "Sometimes you can see weird woods at the bridgehead."

"That is to say, is there such a possibility that it didn't do anything, but just lay there?" Xu Tuoran calmly pointed out the facts, "To be honest, I have actually seen the monsters on the two buildings. .”

As for the strange woods, she has also stepped on them. It may indeed be a little scary to ordinary people, but the average level of the mobs inside is very low, and theoretically, they don't pose much threat to capable users.


This is a bit embarrassing.

"...That is to say, it is likely to deliberately induce us to make us feel that something is wrong with the other." The deputy class pondered, "It isolates us, and makes us treat each other as monsters...What is it trying to do?"

"Cannibalism? Internal friction?" Yang Buqi guessed.

"The problem is, here, students can't kill students." The health commissioner shook his head.

Xu Tuoran said lightly: "Isn't this just right for it? Students can't kill each other, so in each other's eyes, each other is a monster that can't be killed. Coupled with some other fancy illusions, it is a place that is not dangerous. It also makes people feel dangerous."

In addition, the original ability users somehow regarded the laboratory building as an occupied high-risk area. Once you find danger, you will want to take "measures"-then avoid summoning a dragon, and monsters will be spawned where there were no monsters.

"But I still can't figure it out. Why is it making such a fuss?" The assistant class frowned, "If it's for eating, it has some more efficient methods..."

Xu Tuoran looked sideways at the front door of the laboratory, thinking: "Maybe... it's not for eating?"

The eyes of the other three people looked over. Xu Tuoran pointed to the damaged front door, and said seriously: "Fang Xing, my roommate, is an ordinary person who was tricked into coming in. And not long after she found out that she was trapped, she thought about saving herself."

In order to save herself, Fang Xing set her sights on the chemistry lab early on, and even considered mononitrate, disulfide, and charcoal... In order to find opportunities, she had to observe it every time she came to class.

According to her, the door of the chemistry laboratory was not broken from the beginning, but it suddenly became impossible to close a few days after she enrolled.

"Look, the hallucinations are gone now. But the scratches on the door are still there." Xu Tuoran walked over and pointed it out to others, "Did the deputy squad leader also say that? Every time after the ceremony, you can feel the floor There are monsters appearing in it, and the sound of the door being destroyed..."

"...You mean, it came to smash the door?" Yang Buqi's eyes flickered, and he gradually followed Xu Tuoran's train of thought, "The laboratory building itself is not a high-risk area, and it cannot enter at will. So it has to lure other People perform rituals to get in here, to pry open certain doors..."

Slamming the door is just a process. Its real purpose should be to enter those rooms.

"I think so too." Xu Tueran nodded in agreement, "There are still many locked spaces in the laboratory building. Its purpose may be exactly those. As for why you want to go in... Maybe it's to find something?"

Or what kind of arrangement - this Xu Tuoran can't be sure.

Of course, these are just guesses. In order to further verify this idea, Xu Tuoran felt that it was necessary to go to another room to have a look.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing." She took a few steps outside, then turned around again, "The assistant class should also remember this—about that piece of rule paper."

She once asked Bixianzhipen in front of the deputy class whether all the content on the rule paper in the office was written by humans, and the answer given by Bixianzhipen was "yes".

And after she lifted the rules that bound them, two more content were updated on the rule paper in an attempt to put her to death.

Taken together, these two things clearly point to the same truth.

"This big Sophora japonica, it has helpers." Xu Tuoran stood by the door and looked at the people in the room calmly, "And he is a human being who tends to order, and his level is not low..."

Seemingly understanding her hint, the deputy class and the sanitation committee member looked at each other with a stern look on their faces.

Xu Tuoran observed their expressions, and finished the second half of the sentence unhurriedly:

"Is there such a guy in your previous team?"

There really was one high-level order ability user in the past.

It was the leader of the previous team, the one who led the first batch of ability users to fight against the big Sophora japonica. In a sense, she is also the first principal of Dahuaihua Middle School.

A Hui-level ability user, and was already at the stage of attacking the Chen-level ability. It was also she who formulated the underlying rules of this "school", as well as the first version of the school rules.

Afterwards, the school rules and various other regulations were constantly perfected with the help of other order ability users and props, but the foundation has always followed the one she left behind and has never changed.

But just like other high-level ability users, this principal was involved in the turmoil stirred up by the seers of the Charity Institute five years ago, and he is still missing.

"At that time, someone sent a message from the outside, saying that she was invited to go out to discuss important matters. Principal Shangguan went." Speaking of the principal, the deputy squad leader still couldn't hide his nostalgia, "Then she never came back."

The atmosphere suddenly became a little depressed. The two members of the Tzu Chi Institute present looked at each other, feeling an indescribable guilt and embarrassment.

However, the deputy squad leader's mood was only depressed for a while, and he raised his head in the next second:

"Wait a minute, if that's the case... I might guess what 'it' is looking for!"

"...the first edition of the school rules manual." The sanitation committee member also understood, and his breathing became short of breath. "That is the manuscript of the original rules set by Principal Shangguan, and it is also the remnant of her strength..."

All subsequent rules are based on the first version of the school rules. As long as it can find a way to destroy that manuscript, all man-made orders in this domain will be self-defeating.

"I always thought that it had found and destroyed part of it. Now it seems that things may not be so bad." The vice monitor's tone was mixed, "But the problem is..."

"The problem is, you don't know where the first version of the school rules is?" Xu Tuoran raised his eyebrows slightly.

The deputy squad leader glanced at her and nodded without saying a word.

"The first version of the school regulations, the letter of employment for the faculty and staff, and the imitation workshop for the students. These three things are the key to check and balance it." The deputy class leader counted it down by himself, his tone quickened, and he didn't notice Xu Tuoran who was gradually confused eyes.

"Among them, the employment letter of the faculty must be bound in the principal's office, and it is confirmed that it has been lost. As for the other two, the traces have been wiped clean, and only the first principal knows where it is..."

Members with insufficient levels have the possibility of being broken by "it" to guard against peeping into secrets. So the existence of those two things, except for the headmaster of Hui class, no one knows at all.

With the disappearance of Principal Shangguan, the whereabouts of the first version of the school rules and the student's imitation workshop have become a complete secret.

In the past few years, some people have thought about looking for it, but they were all persuaded to go back by others.

If you're not sure you can keep a secret, don't pry into it. As long as it can be confirmed that they are still in operation—at least inside the big Sophora japonica, most capable people think so.

Facts have proved that their approach is indeed effective. Two months ago, the accident happened. Except for the "faculty appointment letter" that everyone knew where it was, the other two things did not go wrong for the time being, and they were still running stably.

"But if that's the case, what it's looking for may also be the 'Student Imitation Workshop'?"

The health commissioner pondered for a while, and felt something was wrong, "Or, is it looking for both at the same time?"

"Before that, can someone please explain to me..." Xu Tuoran was silent for a moment, and finally couldn't help raising his hand, "What is that imitation workshop? what happened?"


The deputy squad leader was slightly taken aback, and exchanged an inexplicable look with the health committee member.

Xu Turan observed his words, and immediately said: "Well, it's okay. If it's inconvenient to say it, forget it. As long as you can be sure, it won't affect the follow-up things..."

"I'm really not sure about this." The deputy squad leader pursed his lips, "Forget it, there's nothing to hide. Let's explain one by one, let's talk about the student imitation workshop first..."

"Let me tell you in advance that the existence of this thing has always been controversial, and we have had several rounds of quarrels about it internally. But no matter what, I hope you can listen to me as calmly as possible first, okay?"

The assistant class looked at Yang Buqi and Xu Tuoran sincerely. The two looked at each other and nodded.

As if making up his mind, the deputy class let out a deep breath.

"Let's reveal a fact first. Since you entered school, you must have seen many students. And these students can be roughly divided into three categories—monsters and humans."

"And, what's in between is neither human nor strange."

And this third type of "not human, not weird" students is called "Phantom" by capable users. In a broad sense, they are closer to what people often call "ghosts".

"Those students are essentially a low-level energy body. There is no level, and they cannot exist in the space outside the domain."

The deputy squad leader introduced the two seriously: "But this energy body was not created by Dahuaihua itself, but was designed by the original capable person and produced through abominable props—because we can't completely stop Dahuaihua Hua recruits external students, so we can only try to interfere with it and reduce the probability of it attacking human beings..."

Those students called "phantoms" are the disturbance items they created for Dahuaihua.

They are all produced from imitation workshops, and they have false self-cognition and memory when they are born, and they will regard themselves as ghosts transformed into dead students.

They instinctively hide their identities. And the original order ability users used rules to cover these phantoms, so that no matter whether it was Dahuaihua or the ability users resident in the domain, they could not easily distinguish the difference between these phantoms and real students.

"In the imitation workshop, there is a stable assembly line, which can operate on its own, and 'produce' students from time to time." The assistant class said, "And these students, even if they are eaten by 'it' as food, the energy they can provide is not enough. Insignificant."

In a sense, they are like female ghosts produced by Xu Tuoran's Polaroid, but with more brains.

"What about the ceremony?" Xu Tuoran asked, "Can they perform the ceremony?"

"This should be possible." The deputy class nodded, "In this domain, they can almost be regarded as human beings."

I cannot be seen as a ghost. So I have to pretend to be as human as possible—this is the behavioral logic set by the ability user for the phantom. And because they know they are not human, they sometimes act bolder and more noticeable than a living person.

In a sense, they are used to increase the difficulty of the big Sophora japonica.

These energy bodies know that they cannot leave the school, so they will not compete for the opportunity to leave. And because they were set not to be malicious to humans, Xu Tuoran's "complicated and confusing" never took effect on them.

But after all, it is something produced by using abominable props, so the "Phantom" has always been controversial among the capable users.

But no one knows the real location of the imitation workshop, so no matter how noisy it is, it can only be ignored. And because it is also difficult for ability users to distinguish between "phantoms" and real students, in actual work, they can only protect all students as much as possible.

Of course, they still have some internal identification methods, but it will take time to practice. And in order to avoid attracting "it"'s attention, sometimes even if they recognize it, they have to pretend that they don't know anything.

"And once 'it' finds the imitation workshop and destroys it, eliminating all phantoms, it can directly attack living people."

The deputy squad leader said and sighed. She herself also belonged to the group who disapproved of using phantoms, and she always seemed a bit depressed when she mentioned this matter.

"As for the 'employment letter for faculty and staff'... this is easy to understand, it means literally."

All teacher posts and janitor posts have special "employment letters". This is the basis for them to exercise certain powers under the rules.

In the past, Dahuaihua also tried to confuse other people's minds, creating "teachers" who could be fake and real, and forced them to work, so there will be a few more teachers and janitors in the school from time to time-but as long as you show the letter of employment, it is true and false. Falseness is obvious at a glance, and all lies are self-defeating.

"All the employment letters are stored in the principal's office. Because they will be used from time to time, everyone knows about it. The principal's office is only for those with abilities, and it is considered one of the safest places in the school."

The health committee explained: "After the accident, we all lost our status as teachers. So the first reaction was that 'it' became stronger, forcibly broke into the principal's office, and destroyed the letter of employment. But how did those companions get into positions? In fact, we never thought about it.”

Until Xu Turan pointed out that Dahuaihua had a capable assistant.

—Ability users can enter the principal's office. As for order-oriented humans, as long as the level is sufficient, they can also directly modify the employment letter.

"If this is the case, there is actually a way to solve this matter." Xu Tuoran thought for a moment, raised his eyes and said, "Then you can go to the principal's office and change the employment letter back."

Who is not a capable person?

"...It's not impossible." The deputy squad leader pondered for a moment, then nodded seriously, "But this brings up another problem."

Xu Tuoran: "?"

The deputy squad leader looked at her with a complicated expression: "I just realized that I can't remember where the principal's office is."

Xu Tuoran: "..."

That would be embarrassing.

In fact, not only the vice squad leader couldn't remember. After some hard thinking, the health commissioner also shook his head.

In his words, it feels like a piece of memory has been erased.

Both parties decided to ask their companions after returning home. Xu Turan didn't know what was going on with Yang Buqi, anyway, after the deputy class asked around, his head was almost turned into a rattle.

"No, no one really remembers."

She took advantage of going to the bathroom at night and chatted privately with Xu Tuoran through the cubicle door: "It must prevent us from changing the employment letter."

"Can't remember, what about the elimination method?" Xu Tuoran said, "There are only so many buildings in total..."

On their side, Sixue Building, dormitory building, and laboratory building can all be ruled out. Not at all in the gym. The most likely place is the Zhixue Building—there is the Qinxue Building and the library. The focus is on these two buildings.

"That's right." The deputy squad leader nodded, "Also, the human helper you mentioned. I have a few suspects in my heart. I still have to wait for the next time I meet with the opposite side to check."

"Take me with you when you go tomorrow." Xu Tuoran said casually, "I have props, maybe they can help with communication."

She doesn't know how long the rules she set for the laboratory building will take effect. The next time I go, I might see two scorched black figures again—in the hallucination, they can't hear the words spoken by each other. At this time, the pen of the pen fairy might come in handy.

"Tomorrow is the first shift. We won't be able to get on the bus." The deputy squad leader said helplessly.

Xu Tuoran: "? Is it okay for me to violate discipline and regulations?"

"...Don't break the law, the math teacher is after you." The deputy class leader was speechless for a while, "The credits that the class committee can give you are limited, don't deduct them again."

"Well, you can relax a bit tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, we will send the students on duty. I will talk to the health committee. How about the two of us go?"


Xu Tuoran sat on the toilet, tilted his head to think about it, and nodded seriously: "Okay, deal."

Xu Tuoran did what he said, and his performance the next day could be called well-behaved.

Except for the Chinese class, I couldn't hold back and secretly made trouble, causing the class monitor to fight with other people-at least it's three credits, it's a pity not to waste time.

Other than that, she was really well behaved. Even the math class is carefully listened to.

But the math teacher still looked annoyed at her. As soon as she saw her in class, she gave fifty death points, which showed her dissatisfaction with Xu Turan sitting in the classroom alive.

It's a pity that dissatisfaction is useless. She didn't judge Xu Tuoran in time yesterday for violating the school rules. By today, Xu Tuoran's credits had already been awarded, and she had no reason to punish her.

...It's just that I don't know if it's Xu Tuoran's illusion. The teachers who came to class this morning seemed to be a little more energetic than yesterday.

The corner of the math teacher's mouth was still tinged with blood. When she was in class, she poured water from the thermos cup she carried with her, and half of her finger fell down the cup and hit the podium.


The deputy class was not surprised by this, and said that she probably hunted some mobs outside at night, so Xu Tueran didn't care too much.

Just stay there until noon. Suddenly, she was notified that she should go to the administrative office. Xu Turan was a little confused.

Looking for it now? I haven't had time to do anything yet.

When they left the classroom, Zhu Tang and the others cast worried glances. Xu Tuoran himself was calm, and followed the instructions to the administrative office. After entering, he found that there was only an acquaintance sitting inside.

It was the male teacher who was in charge of reporting at that time.

The teacher still had the blue and white zombie face, but for some reason, one arm was missing, and a large piece of flesh was missing on the other shoulder, which looked like it had been torn by hand. The back of the head was also completely sunken.

He didn't seem to notice his strangeness at all, he just sat there quietly, when seeing Xu Tuoran came in, he coldly beckoned her to sit down.

I saw two things on the table.

A blank student ID card. A blank enrollment form.

Xu Tuoran: "...?"

"That's right. More than one teacher expressed dissatisfaction with your name." The male teacher said in a businesslike tone, "After considering all the teachers' opinions, we decided to give you a chance to fill in the information again."

Xu Tuoran: "..."

"Why?" She crossed her arms, "There is no requirement for students' names in the school rules."

"Indeed not." The teacher said in a solemn tone, "but we want you to fill it out again."

"I don't." Xu Tuoran was categorical, "You are infringing on my legal rights. You are violating the teacher's morality. I have the right to keep my name."


"Are you sure?" He took a deep breath.

Xu Tuoran nodded firmly: "Yes!"

"...Then there is no other way." The teacher closed his eyes, took out a booklet, and put it on the table, "Did you see this? This is a booklet for recording students' credits."

Xu Tuoran: "..."

"Teacher, who are you scaring?" She was silent for a moment, then chuckled, "I haven't violated classroom discipline, and I haven't violated school rules or regulations. You have no right to deduct my points."

"Indeed, I'm not qualified." The administration teacher said coldly, and slapped the booklet——Xu Tuoran noticed that he was missing two fingers.

"But I can add it to you!"

He stretched out his hand with only three fingers left: "This number."

Xu Tuoran raised his eyebrows: "Only three points?"

"Five points!" The teacher roared.

...But if I don't change it, I will get hundreds of dollars in a stable account a day. Although it is the death value.

Xu Tuoran's eyes turned slightly, his heart suddenly moved, and his body leaned forward: "Speaking of teacher, let me ask. Since I can change my name, can other people also change it?"


"That's it. Let's have a discussion. I don't want the credits. You can give me a few more for the name change quota. I'll do as you said, how about it?"


He stared at Xu Tuoran for a moment, then sat up straight silently: "You change it first. We'll talk after you finish it."

"I'll give you the list. Let them come over and change it." Xu Tuoran also sat up straight, "They've finished changing them all, and I'll change them again."

The teacher slapped the table: "Dad—"

"Hey." Xu Tuoran responded habitually, "Of course, you can disagree."

She glanced at the scarred body of the teacher opposite, without changing her face: "Anyway, I am not the one who will be torn apart by other teachers' anger."

The teacher of the administration department: "...!"

So, that afternoon, the other five girls, including the deputy monitor and Fang Xing, were also called to the administration office.

Same blank certificate. Same renaming opportunity. In order to ensure that these girls would not come up with any weird and irritating names, the administrative teacher had to give some credits to each other besides changing the names.

While they were getting the credits, Xu Tuoran also got some death points. It can be seen from this that the teacher in the administrative department should have torn her heart.

There are many rules for new names. No insulting names are allowed. Do not take advantage of others. Don't make the name too awkward. Names longer than six characters are not allowed.

The last one was negotiated by Xu Tuoran and the deputy class, and the limited number of words was originally limited.

This undoubtedly limited the performance of several people. But after all, this opportunity was hard-won, and the other people still seriously thought about a new name—even if they couldn't avoid the roll call, it would be good to slightly reduce the negative impact of the roll call.

Xu Tuoran just sat in the administrative office confidently until he confirmed that everyone had filled it out before he stepped forward and took his own form.

The deputy squad leader brushed past her, couldn't hold back, and secretly gave her a thumbs up.

Xu Turan smiled, hiding his achievements and fame. She picked up the pen and tried to fill in the name column, but she was in a trance when she wrote the pen. When she realized it, the first letter of "Xu" had already been written.

"Old rules." The teacher glanced at her, with a bit of resentment in his cold eyes, "You can't change it."

Xu Tuoran glanced at him indifferently, without any hesitation, he immediately agreed. After filling out and confirming, take the certificate and leave, that is a chic.

The teacher was left sitting alone behind the desk, looking at the form she had left behind, with a pale complexion and a complex expression.

There are only five big characters in the name column:

【I wish you peace】


This name... doesn't seem like there's anything to be angry about, does it?

He thought uncertainly, and silently put away the form with the remaining three fingers.

the other side.

Xu Turan hadn't gone far before he met Fang Xing who was waiting at the entrance of the corridor.

She went up to say hello: "What's the matter?"

"...No, I just want to thank you." Fang Xing pursed his lips, and for some reason, his face was flushed abnormally, "I know, it's a good thing to change my name. I used to feel uncomfortable when I was called by my name. , the teacher called me just now, I didn't feel anything..."

"Really, that's good." Xu Tuoran nodded, "By the way, what name did you choose? I didn't listen carefully just now, I just heard that it seems to be a compound surname..."

As she spoke, she looked unconsciously at the other party's badge, her expression froze instantly.

I saw six words on the sign.

【Fang Yao's Number One Wife】

Xu Tuoran: "..."

"That, this Fang Tutu..." She was silent for a moment, and said with difficulty, "Who is it?"

"Say 'Yao'. Fang Yao. A game character. I have liked him since the first year of high school." Fang Xing blushed a little more, "I want to open up. In this kind of place, the more uneasy, the more you have to give yourself Have some fun. Like you and your two friends."

If it weren't for the name limit this time. There is more than one Fang Yao, and she can add another string after her.

Xu Tuoran: "...I thought you didn't play games."

"You can also play during breaks. Paper people, who doesn't have a few 2D male gods yet." Fang Xing was very calm.

Xu Tuoran: "..."

Is this the reason why you dismantled yourself?

at the same time.

Zhixue Building, in the corridor outside the classroom.

Yang Buqi leaned against the wall of the corridor, rubbing the space between his brows irritably.

"No, the people who are going to the laboratory building today are from the class next door, I understand that. But why did Xiao Zhang reserve the seat for tomorrow?"

Yang Buqi is really going crazy.

"It can't be helped. Xiao Zhang was supposed to go yesterday. He missed his sick leave, so it will be postponed to the next time." Chen Dazhuang was also helpless, and his voice gradually quieted down, "At worst, you can give him the medicine next time. "

"Ah? Farewell." Xiao Zhang looked up innocently, "I missed class all afternoon, and I didn't have time to make up my homework."

"Homework is not a problem, I can help you do it. The key is that you can't take my medicine too often..." Yang Buqi rubbed his forehead, "Speaking of which, why was Xiao Zhang sent there?"

"There is a problem with the appearance." Tie Zhu, the health committee member, responded calmly.

"Then I'm going to make a grooming issue now?" Yang Buqi said uncertainly, "But I didn't bring the hair growth medicine, so it's too late to rub it now."

"Hey, you are stupid." After listening for a long time, classmate Qu Tony finally couldn't help interrupting, "Who said you have to grow long hair? Listen to me, you just need to let the teacher know that you have evil intentions, and then increase your hair." Provocative enough, he will definitely punish you."

Yang Buqi: "..."

He frowned and looked at Qu Mian: "For example?"

"For example, you can demonstrate in person during the next inspection." Qu Tony, a former rebellious teenager, actively shared his experience.

"Really not, you can learn the rebellious lines in the TV series." He said, pointing to his hair with both hands, "For example, teacher, I want to dye this thing green!"

Yang Buqi: "..."

No, I decline, thank you.