MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 29

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This room is strangely cold.

The dense coolness hits from all directions. Xu Turan's heart moved, and he suddenly remembered that the outside of the little girl's bedroom seemed to be such a cold room.

...What did she say in that diary? Like "It's too cold outside for me to go out"?

A flash of light flashed in Xu Tuoran's mind, instantly illuminating thousands of things. However, she also knew that now was not the time to think about things, so she immediately restrained her mind and shrank into the film under Vivigai.

Almost at the same time she hid, the door of the room they came in was opened.

Keeping in mind Weiwei's previous instructions, Xu Tuoran immediately closed his eyes despite his desire to die - his vision was cut off, and other feelings became obvious in an instant.

...Obviously, it seems to be somewhat distorted.

That strong sense of oppression reappeared, and she was closer than before, but in a flash, she felt her back was wet. Another strange sound sounded in my ears, like a large number of flies and insects flying, and it seemed like countless people were whispering. Under the babbling, there was an extremely loud, gurgling sound, making her involuntarily think of those thick blood vessels connected to the monster's body.

It was as if someone was speaking to her. She failed to remember a single word it said, but strangely understood the meaning of that sentence.

It's saying, open your eyes and look at me.


look at me. Let me see your sight.

…no. There are other people here...absolutely not...

look at me. let me see you.

Xu Tuoran's body trembled uncontrollably, full of resistance, but his eyelids trembled slightly, as if they were about to open in the next second.

Then—she felt a rush of warmth.

Something covered her eyes. Warm and thick. When the heavy darkness covered, Xu Tuoran's heart trembled suddenly, and he suddenly woke up.

And then she realized...things seemed a little bit worse.

The illusory voice receded like a tide, and the real voice came from beside my ears. The animal-like panting sound and the smell of blood are clearly close at hand—

The thing, it was searching for them in this room. And it was clear that it was about to reach their hiding place.

...can it sense them? Will they be exposed if they are touched? Which direction is the door from? Why haven't the female ghosts in those photos moved yet?

Xu Turan's thoughts turned, his leg muscles tensed up, and he was ready to go. He only hoped that when the worst moment came, he still had time to give the opponent a standard forward kick.

Just at this moment, she suddenly heard a commotion.

She didn't hear the voice clearly, it seemed to come from the next room. There was a series of strange cries and screams coming from the locked door, the door panel was slammed, and the door handle kept turning, as if someone was eager to get out of it.

"It" was obviously attracted by the sound—the panting and fishy smell of the beast that was already close at hand gradually receded, and Xu Turan knew that he had made the right bet.

The photo female ghosts who were stuffed into the locked room "hatched". Facing the accompanying creatures directly, they became complete prey, and they would always make some noises in a hurry. As for "it" who locked up the accompanying creature with his own hands, strange movements suddenly appeared in the supposedly quiet room, which should somewhat attract the attention of "it".

Sure enough, the sight of "it" was drawn away. The sharp claws slashed across the ground, making a piercing sound. Judging from the sound, "it" should have come to the locked door.

——Only heard a "crash" sound, and a stronger smell of blood permeated the room. Immediately afterwards, a "click" was heard.

"It" opened the locked door.

"It" walked in.

Now, without Xu Tueran's prompting, the others knew what to do—I don't know who started it first, Xu Tueran felt that his whole body was almost pulled from the ground, and when he reacted, he had already been pulled up from the ground. Dragging and running out of most of the room.

The hands covering her eyes had been removed. She blinked her eyes desperately, trying to adapt to the sudden return of light and the unstoppable shaking of her vision. She ran through many rooms, and the premonition of crisis kept dripping in her mind before finally subsiding——

She took a deep breath and spoke with difficulty: "It seems, it seems to be safe."

No one paid any attention to her words, Xu Tuan had no choice but to be led to run for a while, and ran through two rooms, the boss with the highest rank stopped.

"It seems to have been thrown off." He carried the person on his shoulders and turned his head slightly.

Yang Buqi ran all the way, smearing poison on the doorknob all the way. Hearing this, he went to the door to sense it, and nodded: "I haven't chased him anymore."

Only then did everyone heave a sigh of relief. The boss put the person he was carrying on the ground, and gave Xu Tuoran an appreciative glance: "Your sense is very keen."

Xu Tuoran was so exhausted that he was out of breath, and he didn't even have the thought to respond to the explanation. He only smiled dryly when he heard the words, and his eyes immediately fell to the side of the boss - he saw the unconscious Teacher Yu lying on the ground.

He was carried all the way by the boss just now. At first Xu Tuoran thought it was Xiao Gao who had injured legs and feet, but when he found out it was him, he was surprised.

"Speaking of which, is he okay?" She pointed to the person lying on the ground, and the boss shook his head.

"It's okay, I made it up, the severity of what I do." After the boss finished speaking, seeing Xu Tuoran looking at him in surprise, he added, "He has a tendency to be chaotic. When we were hiding, we were almost seduced by that thing. I can't help it. "

Under the circumstances at that time, as long as one person looked at that thing, it would attract the attention of the other person, and Weiwei's "mimicry" would naturally fail. In order to ensure the safety of others, he could only pinch the back of the other's neck first, knocking him unconscious.

... no wonder.

It was only then that Xu Tuoran understood what was going on in his almost out-of-control state at that time.

She felt that she had to thank Yang Buqi—the only one standing next to her at that time was Yang Buqi, and the hands covering her eyes could only have come from him.

I have to say that Yang Buqi's response was far too gentle compared to the attitude of the boss who directly knocked people out when he disagreed with each other.

Yang Buqi was treating Xiao Gao's leg injury, when he heard this he raised his head: "Teacher Yu is actually chaotic? I thought he was orderly."

The boss shook his head: "That's good. The owner of this domain is also chaotic. If there is order, we won't be so passive."

Yang Buqi responded, and went to Teacher Yu's side to try to wake him up. Noticing Xu Tuoran's curious gaze, he explained in a timely manner: "'Chaos' and 'Order' are opposite tendencies, they can suppress each other, and both have a certain natural resistance to each other. If there is a high-level 'Order' tendency With the capable person here, our situation will be much better."

"It's not too bad now." Xu Tuoran muttered, thought for a while and asked again, "Then if a person has 'chaos' and 'order' at the same time..."

"Impossible." The boss interrupted her, "It is impossible for opposite abilities to appear in the same person."

Chaos and order, long night and eternal day, these two sets of tendencies are currently the only two definite opposite tendencies, and they are absolutely impossible to appear in the same person.

Xu Tueran nodded half-understood, next to Xiao Gao stretched his legs and said cautiously: "Well, what should we do next?"

Xu Tueran was startled, and then remembered that he and the boss were the last to return to the team, and they hadn't had time to understand the information and plans they had so far, so he hurriedly explained it—after the explanation, he added: "So, at present, we must first All we have to do is to find the locked room again."

The locked room, and the room where the little girl was. Find these two rooms, and then build a VIP parent-child channel in it, release the locked "mother", and let her swallow another companion creature smoothly—this way, even if the current "domain" cannot be broken, it will definitely bring the domain owner. No small blow.

The boss listened to her plan seriously, took the diary that Xu Tuoran had snatched, looked through it carefully, thought for a moment, and nodded slightly:

"It's a method worth trying. But how to lock these two rooms is a problem. Are you going to try one by one?"

"At present, we can only try one by one." Xu Tuoran said bluntly, "First try to find one of them and lock one end point. Then open the door all the way out..."

As long as the door is not closed, the connected rooms will not change. Keep going with the door open until you find another room. Let Teacher Yu draw a mark in the room passing by and build a passage. Although it will take a little longer, theoretically speaking, it should be feasible.

"I think the rooms here are definitely not endless." Seeing the boss looking pensive, Xu Tuoran added, "When someone opens the door and enters this domain, the room he was in at that time will be reproduced and become part of the maze. , to join this domain, that’s why there will be the words ‘new room’ on those reminder papers—of course, it’s just my guess, not necessarily right.”

"But assuming this guess is correct, then the total number of rooms will definitely not be much different from the number of people who are currently missing. It's a full count, and it's 50 to death, right?"

Xu Tuoran actually didn't know the total number of people who disappeared because of the Plum Blossom Apartment, but according to the information she found, there were only a dozen or so. Fifty is already a number reported blindly.

The boss nodded slightly, while Weiwei said thoughtfully: "It's not that many. Thirty, maybe."

Before them, many ability users were involved in the Plum Blossom Apartment incident. Including their group, there are almost thirty of them.

Thirty rooms, no more, no less. If you pull it into a straight line, it's not too long to be unacceptable.

"But closing the door is a bit mysterious." An Nai interjected, "Sometimes, I obviously didn't want to close the door, but I closed the door unconsciously. If this kind of thing happened, would all previous efforts be wasted? "

"Let's all act together and supervise each other." Su Sui'er said nonchalantly. Yang Buqi nodded, suddenly remembered something, and took out the doll from the small schoolbag he was carrying.

The boss's "wither" ability has started to work. He just picked up the doll, and a large piece of hair fell to the ground. Yang Buqi picked up the broken hair on the ground, studied it for a while, and looked up at everyone:

"This strand of hair, although it won't continue to grow, is still long enough and very strong. We can connect them and make one, and tie it to the doorknob along the way..."

There is a thread stretched, and it is not so easy to accidentally close the door.

The half-bald doll: …

Have you considered my feelings? No you don't, you only think of yourself, rubbish.

"And it doesn't have to rely on this line." Xu Turan thought for a while, and then said, "It's really impossible to remove the door panels along the way. The anti-theft door is not easy to remove, and the bedroom door is not easy to remove. Even the whole door It’s not easy to dismantle, it’s not difficult to remove a door lock.”

Solve the problem from the source and directly obliterate the existence of the door. The door that makes you want to close the door without closing it is not a problem now.

other people:"…"


Although it was strange to say so, it was the first time that it felt that this woman was quite human.

Of course, it doesn't care whether she looks like her to others.

"Okay, one last question." Teacher Yu, who had already woken up, pushed his glasses and raised a hand, "Even if we successfully found the room of the accompanying creature again—what if it is still locked?"

It's not like a door that can't be opened the first time, can be opened the second time, right?

...Regarding this point, Xu Tuoran really doesn't have any ideas yet. She pursed her lips and opened her mouth to speak when Yang Buqi's voice sounded again:

"Maybe I have a way."

For a moment, all eyes followed the prestige. Yang Buqi sat on the ground, his eyes were half down, he seemed to be thinking, but his words were firm:

"About that door, if I find it later, let me take a closer look, maybe I have a way."


The boss glanced at him indifferently, clapped his hands, and stood up: "Okay, is there any question? If not, then do as she said—"

The rest of the people stood up one after another, and Xu Tuoran went to Teacher Yu and asked him a few more questions about the use of marks. Teacher Yu blamed her style of handling things, and she was not impatient. She answered every question, thought for a moment after answering, and then lowered her voice:

"You can't say that this method is bad. But there is a hidden danger that always makes me worry."

Xu Tuoran: "?"

"What if—I just said what if." Teacher Yu pushed his glasses, "What if we were spotted by that thing again on the way to find the second room?"

They don't have the strength to fight against the domain master. If they are targeted again, they can only run away. Once they escape, in order to gain more vitality, they can only close the door—not to mention the problem that once the door is closed, all previous efforts will be wasted. According to Xu Tueran's idea of ​​"one way and one tear down", it will be a problem whether there is still a door for them to close.

Xu Tuoran reacted quickly, and immediately had an idea: "Can't you draw a mark? When the time comes, you can draw while walking, and when something goes wrong, trigger the mark immediately and let us hide in an independent space...Is this not possible? ?”

"It's possible, but it's too late." Teacher Yu said in a serious tone, "It takes at least two minutes to draw a mark, and one minute to recharge it. I can't paint and recharge one now."

Xu Tuoran: "Then you take a drawn one with you, and trigger it when you need it."

"It's not that easy." Teacher Yu waved his hands again and again, "A group of marks must be painted on similar places or materials to be effective. If the first one is painted on the wall, the others must also be painted on the wall... How can you What about taking the wall with you? Right?"

Xu Tuoran: "..."

Teacher Yu: "...?"

Xu Turan looked at him quietly, and suddenly smiled.

Teacher Yu: "...?!"

Forty-five minutes later.

Teacher Yu looked at the boss who was carrying the door panel in front of him, and said in a very apologetic tone, "I'm sorry, boss, I have caused you trouble."

"It's okay." The boss lifted up the door panel with the mark on his face expressionlessly, "It should."

Teacher Yu: "..."

He looked at Xu Tuoran who was walking beside him, feeling very complicated for a moment.

At this time, they had been wandering in this area for forty minutes, and half an hour ago, they had successfully found the location of the little girl's room—Teacher Yu drew the first mark on her door panel, and To recharge, the construction of the VIP parent-child channel has really started.

The next action was just as arranged by Xu Tuoran. They started a new round of searching with the little girl's room as the starting point. No door was closed on the way, and every time a certain distance was walked, Teacher Yu would draw a new mark on the door panel and complete charging to ensure that it was in a state that could be triggered at any time.

Not only that, Xu Tuoran also asked him to draw one on a certain wooden door panel, and take it off immediately after finishing the work. In her words, this is an "emergency switch". If something happens, they can just trigger this mark No more panting and running like a flock of chicks.

Needless to say, this method is really effective. Just five minutes ago, that terrible oppressive feeling reappeared. Before "it" appeared, they triggered the markers they carried with them, connected all the traces that had been drawn, and urgently built an independent space—that thing actually Really didn't notice anything, just walked past them without knowing anything.

The success of this attempt undoubtedly gave them great confidence and further proved the feasibility of Xu Tuoran's plan. A group of people in Renxinyuan were overwhelmed with surprise, but they turned their heads to look at Xu Tuoran, and the young people were so frightened that they fell silent on the spot.

I saw that Xu Tuoran's eyes were terribly congested, from the pupil to the white of the eye, all turned bright red, as if bleeding would bleed in the next second—Su Sui'er, who had a good relationship with Xu Tuoran, was dumbfounded. After a while, He tremblingly asked her what was going on.

Xu Tuoran smiled awkwardly, but did not speak. Yang Buqi next to him said coldly: "What else could be the reason, this guy, just wanted to see that thing's face, I didn't make a fool of myself - come here, keep your eyes wide open."

White light emerged from his palm, gently covering Xu Tuoran's eyes. Teacher Yu watched from the side, not knowing what expression to put on for a moment.

What a weird girl—he thought silently. You say she doesn't want her life, she can come up with all kinds of tricks to save her life; you say she doesn't want her life...

As long as a normal person with a sense of crisis, who can do such a thing?

Thinking back, Teacher Yu glanced at Xu Tuoran who was talking to Su Sui'er next to him, and shook his head secretly. At this moment, Yang Buqi, who was walking in the front, suddenly stopped.

"I found it." He whispered, maintaining the posture of opening the door, his eyes fell on the other door at the other end of the room, "The locked room is right here."

All I saw was the room they had hidden in before. The **** smell left by "it" has not dissipated so far, but it seems that "it" is not nearby.

Everyone's expressions became serious. The second step of the plan is also completed, and the next step is the most important and dangerous part—

Release the accompanying creatures in the room and introduce them into the teacher's "independent space".

Teacher Yu took a deep breath and walked forward first. He touched the door on the opposite side, then turned around and said, "You don't need to draw a mark here. You can just use the one you carry with you. But this do you open it?"

Yang Buqi responded and walked over. Xu Turan followed curiously, saw Yang Buqi lower his head to study the door lock for a while, and pursed his lips.

"This seal, I have seen it in... the documents." He whispered, "It needs blood injection to open it."

Seeing that Xu Tuoran was getting closer, he pointed it out to her: "Look here, there is a dent... the blood flows down, and it just goes around a circle, that's all."

Xu Tuoran suddenly realized and nodded, remembering the smell of blood that he had smelled earlier, he suddenly understood: "No wonder there was a sound of something being splashed at that time."

Thinking about it now, it should be "it" pouring blood on the doorknob.

Yang Buqi nodded, pushed Xu Tuoran aside a little, and then took out a small knife out of nowhere, and pointed it at his wrist.

Xu Tuoran was stunned for a moment: "Hey, what are you doing?"

"Bleeding." Yang Buqi gave her a strange look, "Didn't I tell you just now, does this need blood?"

"Then there's no need to use your blood." Xu Tuoran frowned and snatched the knife from his hand.

…if not? Do you use yours?

Yang Buqi opened his mouth slightly, and after thinking about it, this really seemed like something Xu Tuoran would do, and he wanted to stop him immediately. Before he could say anything, he saw Xu Tuoran opened his messenger bag, and poured out a pile of red pens from it.

"This is a seal made by 'it', why use your blood to open it?" Xu Tuoran was confident, "Try this red pen first to see if it works, and if it doesn't work, go outside and catch a job... Be a human, Don't be so reckless..."

Yang Buqi: …

I'm reckless...forget it.

He closed his eyes restrainedly, and finally said nothing. On the other side, Xu Tuoran was already holding a red pen, trying to paint on the doorknob.

It is reasonable to say that the water pen used for writing is difficult to leave marks on the metal. However, these are not ordinary red pens—those blood-vessel-like refills always give people the illusion that they will burst if force is applied.

The ink fell on the doorknob, flowing like a thick liquid. Xu Tueran pursed his lips, carefully painted a circle along the dent Yang Buqi pointed at, tried to touch the door handle, and obviously felt the lock loose.

"This method works. Apply some more and it should be able to open." Yang Buqi nodded thoughtfully. The boss behind him came up with the door panel on his shoulders, and put the painted door panel aside.

"Wait a minute, except for a few lights and the boss, everyone else go away." Teacher Yu swallowed, and said, "If you don't want to be locked in the same space as this companion creature..."

"The companion creature is easier to deal with than 'it'." Xu Tuoran said, "We let 'mother' out, and 'it' will definitely notice it. If it chases after that time, those who stay outside the space will be dangerous. "

...which is true.

Teacher Yu wiped his forehead and corrected him: "Okay, then remember, you must hide near the mark, the mark can give you a certain amount of cover..."

Most of the people present were from Renxinyuan, who knew his ability very well. Yang Buqi had also been in contact with the independent space of Meihua Apartment. What he said was actually to Xu Tuoran.

Xu Tuoran nodded, lowered his head, and applied another layer to the dent in the doorknob. Immediately, he pressed the doorknob with one hand.

The premonition of crisis in her mind began to trickle.

Teacher Yu has already started to trigger the mark. Xu Tuoran waited until he nodded before completely pressing down on the doorknob in his hand—

With a "click", the lock turned and the door opened.

The pungent fishy smell overflowed from the room, and the premonition of crisis in Xu Tuoran's mind rang out as a series of piercing alarms, and at the same time, there was a notification sound that a huge amount of death points had arrived.