MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 28

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...Gah, that's weird.

This was An Nai's first reaction.

— Second reaction is, I'll take another look.

After looking at it for several times, An Nai finally made up his mind, slashed the female ghost who was rushing towards him with a knife, and walked out cautiously along the black thread.

The rooms outside have all changed, and at a glance, they are all strange. He walked through two rooms, and when he came to the third, his eyes suddenly widened.

"Weiwei?" He asked in surprise, "Are you okay?"

In the room, a girl with a long ponytail was squatting in front of the strand of rope, observing thoughtfully. Hearing this, she glanced at him indifferently and nodded: "Yes."

An Nai quickly glanced around and walked in: "Are you also studying this thing?"

"Yeah." Weiwei nodded, "It's weird."

It was so strange, the guide was a female ghost, but the black thread tied to it was obviously from a higher abomination. The business card worn on the black thread has a torch pattern on it, and the name is also someone she knows, but the material used to write it makes her feel a little strange...

But not completely unfamiliar. She always felt that she had seen it somewhere, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

All in all, it's weird.

So even though she saw the female ghost at that time, she didn't act rashly. Instead, she hid beside her and waited for the female ghost to crawl away by herself—she figured out that if this method really worked, there might be other people following the black line and coming to her side. Then you can make up your mind.

After all, she is a partner who has worked together for a long time. An Nai understood her thoughts immediately, and pointed to the half-open door behind her: "Go together?"

Weiwei thought for a moment, didn't express his opinion, and asked instead: "Is there anyone behind?"

"..." An Nai was dumbfounded, and said after a while, "There shouldn't be any. I killed the female ghost who tied the thread..."

Weiwei glanced at him reproachfully, sighed helplessly, and walked to the door where he came. The two locked doors with each other to verify their identities, and Fang went on walking back along the black line together.

After passing through a room, I saw another female ghost, dragging a black thread, slowly crawling through the room. An Nai didn't do anything this time, and used Weiwei's skills to hide aside until she saw the female ghost leave the room with her own eyes. Fang couldn't believe it: "What's the situation? This thing is wholesale? Why are there still?"

Weiwei shook her head in puzzlement, showing some surprise on her face.

An Nai took a deep look at her, and finally said the doubt that had been lingering in his mind before: "Tell me, could this be a trap of an abomination."

"...No." This time, Weiwei responded very simply, and the reason was very simple.

"It doesn't work that well."

An Nai: ...

Come on, well-founded, well-reasoned, you convinced me.

"Besides, the business card on it is from Yang Buqi." Weiwei continued, "The same is true of the characters."

She finally remembered where she had seen that strange green. This is Yang Buqi's "poison" - but for some reason, he wants to use this kind of thing to write.

"Yang Buqi." An Nai was thoughtful, "I have dealt with him before. Although he is a little cold, his ability is still good, and he is quite reliable."

He shouldn't join forces with the abominable things and do weird things... right?

The two looked at each other, and at the same time, they remembered another label attached to Yang Buqi - Tzu Chi Yuan.

"... Forget it, there is no other way." An Nai hesitated for a moment, but still made up her mind, "Now that things have come to an end, we must first find a way to reunite..."

The two reached a consensus and continued to follow the black line. After going through another room, I finally found the source of the black line—

It was a false door. The doorknob was painted with a shiny green light.

There was a strange aura coming out of the door. Roughly, there was at least one lamp-level abomination.

An Nai frowned, stopped vigilantly, and stopped Wei Wei beside him with one hand.

dangerous. He winked at the other party, waiting for me to go over to check...

Before the wink was finished, I suddenly heard the sound of trivial conversation coming from the middle, and the next second, a familiar voice suddenly exploded——

"Xu Tuoran! Come here quickly! The two of them are biting each other again - I can't tear them apart!"

"Yang Buqi, can you hold on to that doll! You're going to be dragged away, dragged away—"

An Nai: ...?

The next moment, the half-hidden door opened suddenly, and two groups of black shadows crashed out of it, followed by a figure, like Santa Claus in a manic reindeer cart, pulling something back in a hurry, mouth He couldn't help but make a "whoosh, whoosh" sound—

Perhaps because of the pain, the two shadows finally calmed down. The person pulling the rope raised his head and met Anai's shocked eyes.

"Annai? Weiwei?" The latter recognized him at a glance, and hurriedly controlled the two female ghosts while beckoning inward, "Is it counted? Come in first. Oh yes, remember to touch the doorknob first Do a test... Whoa! Whoa!"

Su Sui'er tightened the black thread in her hand with difficulty, signaling the two to enter the house quickly. An Nai blinked in disbelief, and then came back to his senses after a pause. After touching the doorknob with Wei Wei, they probed inside.

I saw Yang Buqi squatting on the ground, tying a female ghost's hair.

Yes, that’s Yang Buqi. Although a little cold, Yang Buqi looked at least very reliable—

Tying the hair of a female ghost.

There is also a pink schoolbag hanging on his chest. The zipper of the schoolbag was slightly unzipped, revealing most of the face of a rag doll. Even across most of the room, An Nai could still see the weird smile on the doll's face.

Not to mention the female ghost crawling all over the room, the glittering green light everywhere, the long black hair spread all over the floor, and the turbid breath that almost hits the face...

It's over, it's over.

This was An Nai's first reaction.

Pollution, this room has definitely been polluted! Everyone in there is demented! Absolutely toxic in here—

What finally stopped An Nai's retreat was the door that opened in time at the other end of the room.

Two people came out of that door. One was a girl he had never seen before, she looked very young; the other was a young man wearing glasses, who was the vice team of their group.

"Teacher Yu?" He called softly, and felt relieved immediately. It just so happened that Su Sui'er finally managed to control the two female ghosts who were fighting, and was finally able to spare the energy to explain to them.

Only then did An Nai and Weiwei have a chance to figure out the current situation...although they didn't really figure it out.

But at least one thing is clear. Everyone is fine, and no one has been affected. Everyone is just working hard to get together.

"Then these female ghosts..." An Nai stared at the ghosts crawling around beside her without saying a word. There were two more female ghosts pulling each other's hair in the corner, Su Sui'er cursed, rushed up angrily, and started fighting.

"My fault." Xu Tuoran sincerely apologized, half-covering it, "My ability has the effect of making low-level inhumans dizzy. And according to the past situation, it seems that the more monsters, the better the effect..."

So on impulse, she took a lot of photos with Polaroid and gave birth to a lot of female ghosts.

However, the actual consumption of female ghosts is far lower than the inventory. The rest of the female ghosts who hadn't been used all started to go crazy in place, tearing at each other...

Su Sui'er had no choice but to fight all the time.

An Nai seemed to understand and nodded, still with the look of "shocking my whole family".

Weiwei glanced thoughtfully at Yang Buqi's chest. There is still the pink schoolbag hanging there. The long black hair of the rag doll spread out from both sides of the schoolbag, some of which hung limply to the ground, while others were stretched taut, hanging in the air, extending to the outside of the two doors.

This shows that at this very moment, there are still a few female ghosts, carrying their black lines and hints, crawling forward indomitably.

"Xiao Gao and Boss?" She looked at Su Sui'er.

"Yeah. The two of them haven't come here yet." Su Sui'er nodded, "So I plan to wait."

Xiao Gao was the one who was unfortunately injured not long after they came in. The boss is the captain of the team, and the only "torch" rank in the whole team—besides him, among the few people in Renxinyuan, only Teacher Yu and Weiwei are lamp ranks. The rest are all candlesticks. Even with Yang Buqi added, there are only three "lamps".

Teacher Yu is the one who has the ability to mark. Strictly speaking, this skill should be called the "lasso tool"—by connecting all the drawn marks, the current space can be selected and cut out. Making ghosts hitting the wall is just one of the usages, and the actual usage is more extensive.

Including digging out a VIP parent-child expressway directly to the daughter's location for a companion who has not yet shown up.

Xu Tuoran had already exchanged his thoughts with him immediately after he found him. According to Mr. Yu, there is nothing wrong with building a VIP expressway. But his skills must be recharged by other ability users. It may not be safe to operate only with two or three light levels. The existence of "torch" level ability users is very important.

"Then continue to wait." Xu Tuoran thought about it very much, "Anyway, I have to wait for everyone. Don't worry, don't worry."

She is not in a hurry, but some people always feel a little uneasy.

An Nai took advantage of Weiwei to talk to Su Sui'er, and quietly approached Yang Buqi who was concentrating on tying the female ghost's hair.

"Hey, let me ask you." He whispered, "You guys are so fanatical, but you never thought about it, what if a monster comes along?"

"I asked her." Yang Buqi said without raising his head, "She said, run away if you can't beat her."

In fact, from the implementation of the plan to the present, there were indeed a few mobs who came along the black line - but after all, the level is not high, so they can be easily dealt with.

When An Nai heard this, her eyes widened in surprise.


He made no secret of his surprise: "Didn't you do the co-authoring job?"

Yang Buqi's rank is relatively high, and he has rich experience in dealing with things. At first, he thought that this ghost idea was his idea, and at most he used the girl's props and abilities-but according to what Yang Buqi meant, it was obviously not the case.

With such long working experience, An Nai certainly wouldn't think that Yang Buqi was talking about Su Sui'er, and his eyes naturally fell on Xu Tuoran - the latter was still discussing with Teacher Yu about building a "VIP parent-child channel" , nodding while talking, looking like a student who is asking for homework.

An Nai was silent for a moment, puzzled: "She's not high-level, is she?"

"Firefly." Yang Buqi said, and began to write on the business card very skillfully.

Although there is only one level difference between Yingying and Zhu, the difference brought about is obvious and huge. According to his observation, it is impossible for Xu Tuoran to be Zhu.

"You dare to be so profane." An Nai was speechless, "You rookies can do it."

"She hasn't entered the Tzu Chi Institute yet." Yang Buqi paused, and said, "She has a wild way of life, maybe she was taught by other teachers."

"That doesn't matter. I'll go back and ask her. The Renxin Academy hasn't produced any newcomers worth cultivating this year—although the idea of ​​running away if you can't beat it is a little bit cowardly and a little reckless, but it's not a big problem." Ann Immediately became interested.

Yang Buqi glanced at him indifferently, thought for a while, and finally swallowed his complaints about the other party's organization and personnel work.

"Her original words were that the change in this room is nothing more than the desire to disperse the living people and not make a group. In this case, as long as we can hold a group, we will win. If we can find a capable person, we will get back the money. If you find two of them, it's blood money." Yang Buqi repeated seriously, "And she planned the escape route from the beginning, and she specially asked to write precautions on the business card...Didn't you see it?"

"Precautions?" An Nai was stunned for a moment, then remembered, "You mean the one behind the business card?"

"'If you notice that the black line is shaking wildly suddenly, please do not move on, and you must leave the current room quickly.'" Yang Buqi repeated the small words on the back of the business card expressionlessly, "After she even has a dangerous situation, you All possible crises have been taken into consideration. This line is specially reserved to improve your survival rate."

If this is considered reckless, then Xiao Zhang of your organization should be fired when he goes back.

Yang Buqi endured and endured, but he didn't say the last sentence. Holding the schoolbag, he stood up and tried to lure the female ghost out of the door.

An Nai was left alone, frowning in confusion.

I don't know if it was his illusion. He always felt that Yang Buqi just now seemed a little angry.

Just at this time, the falsely hidden door was pushed open again. Two figures appeared outside the door—one was a young man in a black sweater, with gauze wrapped around his feet, and blood was still soaking in the gauze; the other was a tall, middle-aged man with dark skin , the facial features are very vicissitudes, and he is carrying the arm of the young man next to him on his neck.

"Xiao Gao! Boss!" Su Sui'er immediately stood up, exclaiming in surprise. Hearing the words, the boss only nodded lightly, turned around and closed the door with Xiao Gao each, to prove his identity, and then Fang helped the other side to walk in.

"Who made that female ghost?" This was the first sentence he said when he came in, "It's a good thing she figured it out."

Su Sui'er was overjoyed, and was about to pull Xu Furan, when Yang Buqi let out a low "Huh".

Everyone followed the reputation and saw him standing by the door at the other end, looking down at the doll in the schoolbag on his chest.

The rag doll's hair is still growing outwards continuously. One of them was suddenly tense, and at the same time it was still trembling slightly, as if in another room far away, something was pulling it hard.

Immediately afterwards, the doll stared at the glass eyes, and suddenly opened its mouth—

"Ah... ah!"



It screamed again and again, its voice hoarse and broken, and its short screams were very shrill, like a dying crow curled up in Yang Buqi's arms, screaming incessantly.

The brisk atmosphere just now was instantly swept away by this strange cry. Xu Tuoran's eyes shifted from the doll to the closed door, and the premonition of crisis in his mind suddenly made a beeping sound—

"Let's go!" She opened her mouth suddenly, and moved first, but the first thing she did was not rushing to the door, but picked up the fruit knife on the table next to her, and slashed at the doll's stretched hair!

The blade hit the black hair, as if hitting a wire, the hair was fine, but the knife curled the blade. Xu Tuoran gritted his teeth secretly, and in desperation he could only decide to throw it away. Yang Buqi was about to speak, when the middle-aged man called "Boss" suddenly rushed up, pointed like a knife, and struck on the doll's black hair. With a quick cut, a large piece of black hair fell off immediately.

Xu Tuoran breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly thanked him. The boss shook his head and turned to help the wounded in his team.

"It's okay!" He said in a deep voice, angry like a bell, "But my ability is 'withering', you baby will probably be bald in the future..."


"It's okay, it's not a big problem." Xu Tuoran said as a matter of course, zipped up his schoolbag, and ran towards the door together with Yang Buqi.

The rag doll sealed in the schoolbag: ...? ? ?

Who said it's not a big problem? !

While talking, several people had already rushed out of the room, Xu Tueran was running while holding down the Polaroid in his hand, throwing a photo on the ground as soon as he took out a photo, letting the ghosts crawl behind him, never looking back Watching the explosion—even so, she could still clearly feel that something was approaching behind her.

...that's a real big guy.

Absolutely big guys, whether it's Zha Ruoyu or his daughter, are as small as toys in front of that thing. Even though the distance is still so far, the mountain-like sense of oppression has overwhelmed, and the premonition of crisis is screaming like a hundred screaming chickens in a frenzy.

Xu Tuoran even felt that her footsteps were a bit heavy—Yang Buqi next to her kept pulling her to run, and she noticed that those in Renxin Yuan were doing the same, pulling each other. She didn't understand the significance of this move until she realized that she had an unintentional urge to run back and almost closed the door behind her twice—once the door was closed, she and the others would have to leave again scattered.

very strange. Obviously they remember to close the door every time they pass through a room. Obviously, every time you close the door, you should refresh the way behind you. But that extremely oppressive feeling was still following them, and they couldn't get rid of it no matter what, and there was even a tendency to get closer—Xu Wuran swore that he heard some kind of harsh sound, like sharp claws scraping the wall . From time to time, there was a beast-like panting sound from the back of her head. When she got close, it seemed that she could grab the back of her neck with one bite.

She didn't know what was chasing after her. She had no time to look back, and could only see a huge shadow printed on the wall from the corner of her eye. There were more and more voices in her ears, buzzing, as if countless people were talking. The surrounding walls seem to bend and the world shakes.

"Did you say anything?" She ran forward instinctively, turned her head to look at Yang Buqi, her expression was in a trance like never before. Yang Buqi glanced at her in surprise, and held her shoulder with one hand, a little green light emerged from his fingertips—it was different from the one he painted on the doorknob before.

A slight tingling came through the skin. Xu Tuoran was shocked and suddenly woke up. The shaking world returned to normal, and all the sounds in my ears went away. The long and distorted feeling just now faded like a tide, and she realized that time didn't seem to have passed.

Seeing this, Yang Buqi was obviously relieved. He used white light to cover the place where Xu Tuoran was injured just now, and then turned his hand to attack his own arm—it seems that his condition is not much better than Xu Turan's.

The same goes for the rest of Renxinyuan. Xiao Gao and An Nai's eyes were obviously in a trance, and Su Sui'er was so anxious that each of them slapped his ears, and after a few steps, he gave himself another one. In a blink of an eye, several people rushed into a new room, Xu Turan's heart trembled suddenly, and he threw out all the photos in his hand.

"There's something behind that door!" She said without thinking, and looked at the closed door opposite.

But it was too late—Su Sui'er had already rushed to turn the doorknob.

Then, she was stupid.

"What's the matter? This door can't be opened!" She turned the handle suddenly a few times, and the doorknob made a clicking sound.

Xu Tuoran's heart moved, and he instantly thought of that key word—


The mother who was the companion creature was disobedient, so she was locked in a certain room by "it"...

"Can you blow the door open?" Xu Tuoran said immediately, "It's probably the accompanying creature inside! Let it out and bite the dog!"

A few stunned gazes fell on her, and I don't know if it was because of her bold idea or because of her bold wording.

"No, it's sealed and can't be opened." The boss walked to the door and said after a quick glance. As soon as the voice fell, the sound of the door lock turning came from the door behind him.

—something outside, opening the door.

The door was locked, and it would take a while to open it. Even so, the thing outside has no intention of giving up at all.

Click, click, click.

The air in the room froze instantly, and everyone's eyes fell on the slowly turning doorknob.

"Come here." Weiwei who had been silent all this time suddenly opened his mouth, stretching his arms, as if a huge translucent film had opened behind him.

"Come here." She repeated again, her voice was very low, and she spoke quickly, "I don't know how long I can keep you hidden...Don't make a sound, don't look at it. Don't attract its attention."

Her quality is "Dead Leaf Butterfly", and "Mimicry" is one of her abilities.

So far, there seems to be no other way. Everyone rushed towards her one after another, Xu Turan was about to follow her, when his heart suddenly moved, and his eyes suddenly swept to the ground.

"Xu Tuoran?" Noticing her gaze, Yang Buqi's eyebrows twitched instantly.

"It's okay." Xu Tuoran said, but he suddenly squatted on the ground, swept his hands on the ground twice, kicked a few times, and swept all the supernatural photos that were originally thrown on the ground into the locked room under the door , then hurriedly stood up, and hurriedly stood beside Yang Buqi.

Because of the angle, Yang Buqi didn't see what she did just now, so he had to give her a questioning look.

Xu Turan smiled dryly, and because of the lack of space, he had to lean closer to him, and said in a low voice, "It's nothing. It's just an extra meal for mom."

Yang Buqi: ...?

Weiwei gave them a warning look, but Xu Tuoran didn't speak any more. The hot skin from running calmed down a little, and she suddenly realized another thing.

This room seems a bit cold.