MTL - Wasteland Commander-Chapter 112 godzilla

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Chapter 112 Godzilla

 As Wang Dashan issued the order, everyone in the Survivor Alliance took action.

 First, two groups of people fought in the inner city.

They are all survivors. It seems that there was a conflict over the land to build a house. The two sides fought with fists and kicks. You came and I went back and forth, and the fight was fierce.

  Such excitement attracted the attention of many people, and a large circle of people soon gathered around.

Some people were cheering and cheering outside, even attracting the attention of the defenders inside the watchtower.

 The four evolvers of the beheading team took advantage of the chaos to approach the core area.

 The four of them have a clear goal, which is to sneak into the core area from Minato.

There are three water gates in Shuguang City, one in the main city area, one in the core area, and another one behind the core area.

It is not feasible to go around to the back. There are many guard towers in the back, and they are all guarded by the Dawn Army. On the contrary, this water gate is a little more relaxed.

A few people came to the waterside. The guards at the watchtower did not notice them, but were paying attention to the fighting there.

 The four of them escaped into the water together.

I originally thought I had to dive into the water to get through, but I didn’t expect that the sluice would open at some point.

 “God help me!”

The four people were overjoyed and hurriedly fetched water and followed the water into the core area of ​​Shuguang City.


 The fighting scene changed from a single fight to a melee, with dozens of survivors fighting, and people were constantly getting involved.

Everyone who saw it was attracted. The people on the water gate here quietly turned the windlass and raised the water gate.

 “Gada Gada...!”

 The sluice was raised inch by inch, gradually rising above the water.

 In the outer city, the first wave of divers who were already waiting impatiently entered the water.

 Speaking of divers, they are actually a group of people who are proficient in water skills.

  Everyone brought a large bathtub filled with guns and ammunition.

 Wrapped in black cloth, it is difficult to be seen in the dark water.

Divers push the bathtub underwater and swim upstream in an extremely stealthy way.

 The pace is not fast, just enough to avoid attracting attention.

Wang Dashan looked at the dark water and tried his best to find the moving bathtubs, but he couldn't see them clearly and could only see them vaguely.

Seeing that the bathtub team was approaching the water gate.

 The guards in a watchtower suddenly turned around.

The searchlights flashed randomly and happened to illuminate a group of people in Wang Dashan.

“Hey! What are these people doing sneakily?” the sentry shouted.

Wang Dashan and others immediately felt cold all over.


 The divers have not entered the city yet. If they are discovered now, the consequences will be absolutely catastrophic.

Wang Dashan immediately turned back and showed a smile.

 In a hurry, he didn't even know how to word his defense.

Some people said without hesitation: "Brothers from the Shuguang Army, you have been by the Qixing River. Are there any big fish in this river?"

 “Big fish?”

“Yeah, I always feel like the water here is rolling and the water is rushing, as if there are big fish swimming in the water.”

While he was speaking, there was a sudden splash of water down there.

The sentry shouted at him: "What big fish? This river is only more than 30 meters wide and less than ten meters deep. How can there be big fish? If you guard the city wall, you will guard the city wall. The sluice is closed, even if there are big fish, there will be no big fish." If you don’t go, you can’t get in.”

  After saying this, the sentry was still a little unhappy: "Just guard the city wall honestly. How can I feed you big fish if there are any?"

A sentry nearby advised him: "Forget it, they are bored there in the middle of the night. Just watch if you want to."

The former sentry reluctantly turned his head and continued to watch the excitement in the city.

Wang Dashan was holding his breath in his heart.

“This little sentinel of the Dawn Army is so arrogant!”

"I won't argue with you now, but just wait for me."

 “I’ll make you look good soon!”

The water was churning below, but the sentinel didn't see it.

Wang Dashan and others immediately looked inside the city wall.

 The city wall is more than one meter wide. The first wave of divers must have swam over.

A few people stared at the water without blinking, fearing to miss the moment when their companions entered the city.

 Time passed minute by minute...

 The water flow is gentle and calm.

The air is a little stagnant.

A jackdaw in the forest flew across the sky.


Wang Dashan couldn't help but rub his sore eyes.

Are all the divers in the alliance so capable of diving now?

You can’t even notice it even if you hold the bathtub in your hand?


Wang Dashan and others wanted to call out.

 But they dare not.

 The soldiers on the guard tower occasionally turned around to observe them, as if what they had just done had attracted the attention of the other party.

 In this case, the second group of divers came over.

 There are ten divers in each batch, divided into three batches.

 According to time calculation, the first batch of divers have already entered the city.

 The second group of divers saw no movement from the first group and thought they had succeeded, so they immediately followed.

 They moved very covertly, and it was difficult for even Wang Dashan and others on the city wall to spot them.

 The black cloth is covered with black cloth, completely blending into the night.

 Ten bathtubs came along the water again.

Wang Dashan watched with wide eyes and finally caught the trace of the bathtub.

Ten divers just disappeared for no reason, which made him very worried. He wanted to see what was going on?

Just as the divers were approaching the bottom of the water gate, a bright light suddenly flashed, and the watchtower guard over there flashed the light again.

“You guys are quite cheerful, haven’t you finished watching this fish yet?”

There was a sudden splash of water below, as if there was something moving.

Wang Dashan did not dare to lower his head to look. He smiled and did not answer.

 Fortunately, the guard didn't ask any more questions. He flicked the light and turned around.

The riot in the city is about to end, because a patrolling Dawn Army combat platoon is coming over.

Wang Dashan and the others lowered their heads again to check the movements of the divers.

 Still no movement.

 There must be a problem!

Otherwise, these divers would not have disappeared out of thin air, and those bathtubs would not have floated over.

Wang Dashan knew that something was definitely going on.

 But he didn't think he had been discovered, because no one from the Dawn Army came here at all.

 Perhaps there is some kind of underwater mechanism that can kill people invisible.

 No wonder the Dawn Army dared to let them guard the water gate. It turned out that there had been an ambush here.

 It’s ridiculous that I and others thought they had found a flaw and actually wanted to take Minato’s idea, but they suffered a terrible loss.

 No, the third batch of divers must not come over.

 Not to mention the loss is in vain, and it may also be discovered by others.

Wang Dashan could vaguely see that the third batch of black figures were about to enter the water. He didn't care anymore. He suddenly picked up his gun and fired a round of bullets into the distance!

  Da da da~~~!

“Who is this person! Are you seeking death by sneaking close to the Dawn Army camp?”

 This is a signal that things have failed, causing people outside to retreat immediately and look for a place to hide.

But the direction in which he shot was not the direction in which the divers were going to enter the water, but the opposite direction.

Sure enough, after he fired, the lights in the watchtower behind the city wall suddenly lit up!

A dazzling white light shot out, searching for it like a carpet.

 “Where? Where is the person?”

Wang Dashan pointed to the distance: "It seems to be over there. I saw a few black shadows."

The sentry continued to search with searchlights. This was also the time Wang Dashan bought, hoping that the divers would retreat quickly.

The black shadow was retreating, and Wang Dashan breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter what, the matter has not been exposed. If we look for opportunities during the day tomorrow, maybe those guns in the bathtub will float down the river.

Just when he thought he could save the last batch of divers, something happened!

There was a splash of water, and screams rang out in the dark night!

This time Wang Dashan saw something.

 In the darkness, a huge black shadow burst out of the water!

 He couldn't see clearly what it was, it looked like a group of huge pythons!

Not ordinary pythons, modern pythons don't grow that big.

 It feels like the ancient Titanoboa has mutated!

 A fishy smell rises into the sky!

 He seemed to feel the ocean!

The divers had no resistance at all and were swept into the water by the big pythons.

Even when he saw a diver who had run thirty meters out, he was grabbed by a big python and dragged down into the water screaming.


 The screams of the divers echoed through the night sky.

 The water is rolling and the waves are rising.

 A stream of river water even splashed ashore and splashed directly onto the city head.

Wang Dashan was plunged into the cold river water, and his clothes were soaked through.

 But the coldness on the body is far inferior to the coldness in the heart.

Where did these pythons come from?

 Can the Shuguang Army still raise cold-blooded animals?

His mind felt blank. It was not until the movement here attracted the attention of the Dawn Army that he finally regained his thinking ability.

The searchlight flashed over, and there was no one in that area.

There are only some bathtubs thrown on the shore.

 “Send someone to have a look.”

The Dawn Army opened the city gate, and a platoon of soldiers swarmed out. When they got there, they took away ten bathtubs.

Watching the Shuguang Army return to the inner city, Wang Dashan was even more desperate.


 The Dawn Army will definitely doubt people like themselves. This is a no-brainer.

 But what will they do?

Wang Dashan was not sure whether Ye Fan would start fighting immediately, but he knew that he would never surrender.

Six hundred people occupying a city wall may not be incapable of fighting.

But he didn’t want to break up immediately, he still held a glimmer of hope in his heart.

 Perhaps the decapitation team will succeed.

As long as the decapitation operation can be completed and the Dawn Army is leaderless, they may still have a chance.

“Hurry up, hurry up! Act quickly, let all our people leave the residential area and gather under the city wall. Once the Dawn Army attacks, everyone will have the strength to resist if they gather together.”

 “Also, stay away from that son of a **** river!”

Wang Dashan roared hysterically. What happened tonight was too subversive to his cognition.

Those who had sneaked into Dawn City quietly moved closer here, and they were all very nervous.

The plan has failed, and the Dawn Army is likely to attack.

Wang Dashan nervously ordered everyone to prepare for battle while eagerly waiting for news to come from the core area.

 “Brothers, it’s all up to you.”

 (End of this chapter)