MTL - Wasteland Commander-Chapter 111 The beheading operation begins

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Chapter 111 The beheading operation begins

Hearing the news, Ye Fan immediately stopped feeling cold and hurriedly turned on the radar.

 Open it and take a look, sure enough.

I saw dozens of people hiding on the edge of Qixing River, about a kilometer away from the outer city of Dawn City.

These are the people who support the Survivor Alliance and have long been within the radar range, but Ye Fan has not touched them.

The six hundred armed men sent by the Survivor Alliance now, plus the thousands of fake survivors who have sneaked into the base, are nothing in Ye Fan's eyes.

If he wants to launch it, a wave of thunder strikes can directly destroy the opponent.

 But obviously that is not conducive to the future development of the base.

I'm afraid that the surrounding survivors will regard this place as a devil's cave, and they will immediately break up with the Survivor Alliance.

The Survivor Alliance is still valuable, and Ye Fan still expects these people to help him collect gold. It is not a good idea to break up with them immediately.

The opponent is now lurking outside the base, obviously waiting for dark.

  It is now past six o'clock. In late autumn, the sky is short in the north and the night is long, so it is getting dark.

 In one hour at most, the opponent will start.

Looking at the blue light spots gathered together on the radar screen, there are even a few dark blue ones among them, there is no doubt that they are evolvers.

  What the evolvers are here to do, Ye Fan knows very well.

Ye Fan wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to Zhuge Yunxue beside him: "Notify everyone that preparations are about to begin. I can't wait any longer. My body is so hot that I'm covered in sweat."

 “Okay, I’ll notify you right away.”

Zhuge Yunxue immediately informed, but she looked at Mark with some confusion.

“Sir, why do you feel hot? Wasn’t it still cold when you dreamed just now?”

Ye Fan waved his hand: "Dreams are the opposite. If you feel cold, you will feel hot."

Zhuge Yunxue was stunned for a moment, then smiled happily.

"Ha! Yes, the dream is reversed, so the commander I dreamed about should be a good person."

Ye Fan glanced at her and did not ask her what kind of good person she dreamed she was.

What girl is not pregnant? He doesn't want to ask about her privacy.

Ye Fan can restrain himself in actions, but can he still control the hearts of other girls?


On the front wall of Dawn City, people from the Survivor Alliance were patrolling.

The past two days of patrolling here have not been easy.

Ye Fan gave them the city wall, but there was still a city wall inside, and they could not see anything about the Shuguang Army's army.

Standing on the first city wall, you can only see a large spherical building in the distance, and a villa can be vaguely seen on the high slope.

 The spherical building may be a radar station, but it is not certain. It is difficult for them to believe that the Dawn Army can create a radar.

 The villa is probably Ye Fan's residence, but it can't be seen clearly.

There seemed to be military camps or something inside, and sounds could sometimes be heard, but there were protective forest belts surrounding these buildings, so nothing could be seen clearly.

Moreover, Ye Fan only gave up the defense of the city wall and Water Gate, and the soldiers in the guard towers were still there.

 Heavy machine guns were set up there, making these people shudder.

 Once a battle begins, casualties are inevitable.

Wang Dashan can only keep the armored vehicles in the inner city as a deterrent.

 But when the war actually started, no one was sure how effective this reassembled and overhauled armored vehicle would be.

What Wang Dashan can count on is the action at Shuimen tonight.

 Their people have figured out the operation of the floodgates. They will open the floodgates tonight and let the divers outside into the city.

The divers brought a large amount of weapons and ammunition, and there were people on the riverside to help them, and they quietly distributed the weapons under the cover of night.

As soon as everyone was armed, they began to pull out the guard towers one by one like nails, and then attacked the core city area behind along the city wall.

There will definitely be sacrifices, but they would rather sacrifice to lay the foundation of the Dawn Army.

Although Shuguang City was captured and occupied by the Wangbei Army, they were able to get a lot of oil and water.

 And this is only part of Wang Dashan’s plan.

 He also has to carry out a second plan simultaneously.

 Beheading operation!


 The time has come to seven o'clock and the sun has set.

 The cool wind of late autumn blew past the city wall, causing them to tighten their clothes.

 This year’s autumn seems to feel like early winter.

 Without the vast majority of human beings, factories no longer operate, cars no longer emit exhaust, and even people burning straw are no longer visible. The air environment seems to have improved all of a sudden.

 The sky is blue, the water is clear, and the earth is silent.

 In the past, winters were warm and mild, but now it seems that we are going back to the rhythm of cold winter.

Wang Dashan and several other leaders of the forces gathered in a corner of the inner city.

Beside them, there were four armed men.

Different from other armed personnel, these four people are all evolvers!

 Zhang Meng, a power evolver from the Burning Legion.

 Li Shenglong, a speed evolver from the Huwei Legion.

Lan Xingyu, a skin hardener from the Monster Moon Legion.

 Zhang Xiaofei, a sharpshooter from Wangbei Army.

Although these four people come from different forces, the four of them have been training together for a long time.

 Each of them is a super powerful evolver, an elite selected from the 100,000 members of the Survivor League.

 The elite among the elite!

That was proposed by Zhang Zhijian of Wangbei Army, in order to send them to do some special tasks one day.

 I didn’t expect it to come in handy so quickly.

 The purpose of their coming here is to kill Ye Fan!

Everyone is a dead soldier loyal to the leader. As long as they can kill Ye Fan and cause chaos in the Dawn Army, they will not hesitate to sacrifice their lives.

Wang Dashan and others were having final conversations with them.

 The weapons on several people are very advanced, and the firepower is reasonably matched.

 Power evolver Zhang Meng was originally a martial arts enthusiast. His current weapon is a knife, and his mission is close combat.

Speed ​​Evolver Li Shenglong was originally a sprinter, but now his weapon is a light machine gun. His mission is to contain the assault.

Skin-hardened Lan Xingyu’s equipment is a body armor, a steel helmet, an arm shield, a hammer, etc. Everything he has is to attract firepower.

Skin hardening is a strange ability. The skin on the body turns into cuticle, as if it has an extra layer of natural armor. Ordinary firearms can't leave any trace at all. With this set of equipment, it's very difficult for a sniper rifle to kill him. Disaster.

 The weapons of sharpshooter Zhang Xiaofei are two Desert Eagles.

He once tried to enter the national shooting team but failed, but his marksmanship talent is excellent. Now his marksmanship ability has improved even further, and it can be said that his shots are perfect.

His main task is to sneak into Ye Fan's residence under the cover of his teammates and kill Ye Fan.

Looking at the four armed men in front of him, Wang Dashan patted their shoulders in turn.


 As soon as the voice came out, there was some choking.

 The atmosphere around me is a bit solemn.

Everyone knows that if these four people go away, they will basically have a narrow escape from death.

The Dawn Army doesn't care much about the external defenses, but you can imagine how heavily guarded the inner defenses are.

 It would be extremely difficult to assassinate Ye Fan in that situation.

Even if they succeeded, it would be difficult for them to survive.

 Unless all operations go smoothly and Wang Dashan's people mobilize in time, it is possible to control the situation before they are killed.

 But that hope is not great.

“Brothers, I, Wang Dashan, don’t want to say any more unnecessary nonsense. Ye Fan has led the Shuguang Gang to occupy the Qixing River, occupying important water sources, and is stuck at the junction of the three cities. This is a great restriction on the future development of the alliance.”

“It has been agreed within the alliance that no matter what the cost, the Dawn Army must be eradicated and the bandit leader Ye Fan must be killed.”

“For this matter, the Alliance paid a huge price in manpower and material resources.”

“The actions of several brothers are the key to the success of this plan.”

“Since I accepted the task assigned by the Alliance this time, I must be responsible to the end. I will truthfully report the merits of several brothers to the Alliance.”

"I am a person who has nothing to say in my life. Now I can responsibly say to these brothers that as long as you can kill Ye Fan and survive, I, King Dashan, will make a blood alliance with you and become brothers of life and death!"

Several evolvers’ eyes were red. Wang Dashan’s truly sensational words really moved them.

 Some people around were passing bottles of beer.

 Being able to drink beer now is definitely a luxury.

Wang Dashan is also an evolutionist, opening bottle caps with one hand and popping open beer bottles.

 One bottle for himself and one bottle for each of the other four.

“Brothers, no one has died since ancient times, and the horse leather corpse is a hero! My king Dashan is here to wait for you to come back, we will see you there or not!”

"Okay! When we win, we will have a drink with Brother Wang!"

 “Hahaha! I lost my head and got a scar as big as a bowl. I was afraid of a bird, so I did it!”

“Brother Wang, don’t worry, I will drag Ye Fan to be buried with him even if I am torn to pieces!”


The five people clinked the bottles together, and drank five bottles of beer.

 Throwing the beer bottle down, everyone burst out laughing, so proud!


It was getting dark, and some built houses in the inner city turned on their lights.

 But the outer city was dark.

Ye Fan of the Shuguang Army ordered to stop the construction of the outer city area. This was completely stupid in the eyes of Wang Dashan and others.

Winter is coming. If we stop construction now, do we still have to wait until it snows?

Don't Ye Fan consider the situation of nearly two thousand survivors?

It seems that it is natural for such a stupid leader to be eliminated.

 “Cuckoo! Cuckoo!”

The cuckoo's cry was heard outside the city, which was their secret signal.

Wang Dashan stood above the water gate and looked back at the sentry on the watchtower.

Perhaps it’s because the Survivor Alliance is helping to guard, but the sentries seem lazy.

The searchlight was randomly illuminated for a few times and then turned off, obviously not intending to patrol.

"Our plan worked. They have relaxed their vigilance in the past two days. This is an opportunity!"

Wang Dashan asked someone to quietly open a mobile phone. The screen of the mobile phone shook a few times in the dark. That was a signal to take action.

After receiving Wang Dashan's order, several groups of Survivors Alliance moved at the same time.

 The alliance has been deployed for so long, and it’s finally time to launch.

Looking at the vast darkness of the night, Wang Dashan licked his lips.

“Here we go, Shuguang Army, Ye Fan, it’s really not like saying goodbye so soon...”

 (End of this chapter)