MTL - Urban Young Fairy-Chapter 20 Man's promise

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Lin also walked to the office behind Zhong Shuiyu.

Walking by the side of Zhong Shuiyu, Lin also looked at his left hand, looking at the clock and rain from time to time.

"Just that touch is really aura, now the body can feel vaguely, but the aura is too weak. But why, why there is a reiki in her body."

Lin also feels a bit ridiculous: "At the time of the cultivation of Xianwu, most of the aura was taken from the heavens and the earth, and the aura of different positions was different. But on Earth, I couldn’t feel the aura at all, then the aura could only be It was passed from her body, but where does Zhong Shuiyu get these auras?"

Lin is also puzzled.

"What are you looking at?"

Zhong Shuyu suddenly spoke. From the beginning, she found that Lin, who was next to her, looked at herself from time to time. The look was very weird, and it made Wenshui feel a little uncomfortable.

Lin also shook his head: "Nothing, Teacher Zhong, have you had anything special to eat recently?"

"Special things? No, why are you asking?"

Zhong Shuiyu was curious about Lin Yi’s problems. Lin did not speak, and Zhong Shuiyu did not ask again.

When I came to the office, another biology teacher in the office was correcting the assignment.

Zhong Shuiyu pulled a chair and let Lin sit down.

Lin also sat there, his eyes stalking back and forth on Zhong Shuiyu, trying to find the place of the aura, but nothing.

And Zhong Shuiyu, who was stared at by Lin for a long time, was somewhat uncomfortable.

Zhong Shuiyu was writing a preparation notes, raised his head, and took a look at Lin Yi. He whispered, "Why are you looking at me like this, have dirty things on my face?"

"No, I just suddenly felt that the dress that the teacher wore today is very good with you. It is much more beautiful than usual. I can't help but look at it more." Lin also smiled and said something, this is indeed true.

When Zhong Shuiyu heard Lin’s words, there was not much change on his face, but his heart was very useful: “The mouth is slippery, is your hand seriously injured? It’s meant to give you a tutoring creature tonight, if your hand is hurt, if Inconvenient, you can delay a few days later."

"No, this little hurt is not a big deal for me."

Lin also stayed in the office until the class bell rang, and it was back in the classroom.

Along the way, Lin is thinking about the aura, but can't figure it out.

"It seems that I can only wait for the clues from Zhong Shuiyu in the evening."

"The way to cultivate the road, the most eager to make quick profits, the long road to life, nothing to worry about."

Lin also walked to his seat. When passing by Chen Meng's seat, he looked down at Chen Meng who was burying his head and then returned to his position.

When the class bell rang, Lin also wrote his own topic. After a whole class, he didn't look up at the blackboard.

On the way to class, Chen Meng turned back and looked at Lin Yi, who was eager to write a book. He was a little disappointed in his eyes: "Don't listen to class, open a small gap, and be self-satisfied. It's no wonder that the academic performance is not going up."

"People like this are not worthy of sympathy at all."

Chen Meng shook his head in his heart and sighed. He didn't even look at Lin Yi.

As soon as the bell rang, Lin also stretched out and stood up from his seat.

The break time for this class is twenty minutes.

News about Liu Tianyu and Sun Fei’s group of people being beaten at the school gate has spread throughout the school.

The students in each class have been arguing, and they are guessing who the savage man who is Liu Tianyu’s party is.

When Lin was also working in the morning, there were many people onlookers, but basically no one recognized that the person was Lin Yi.

After all, Lin is also in the school and has no visibility at all.

"The second class is going to class, it is time to find him to fulfill his promise."

Lin also muttered to himself, in a good mood, with his hands in his pockets, out of the classroom, a leisurely look.

"Classmate, may I ask Liu Tianyu in which class?"

Lin also stopped a passing girl, Lin also stopped a passing girl.

The girl wore a pair of ponytails, painted a faint brow, not tall, wearing shorts, showing white skin.

She glanced at Lin Yi, her eyes looked like a fool: "11 classes, what's the matter, looking for Tianyu brother? He is in a bad mood now."

Lin also smiled slightly: "Nothing, he is in a bad mood because he has not fulfilled his contract. You know, if a man does not fulfill his promise, his heart will always be somewhat unhappy."

"Rely, neuropathy."

The little girl looked at Lin Yi, snorted, then jumped to the toilet.

Lin Yi, who stood in front of the 11th class, glanced around.

In the eleven classes, the students are chatting in the ear.

In the corner, Liu Tianyu was surrounded by people and looked resentful: "Mom, when my brother comes back, I will lightly scrap the kid!"


When Liu Tianyu finished speaking, he heard a loud noise at the door of the classroom.

Suddenly, the sound came, Liu Tianyu trembled.

"Excuse me, is Liu Tianyu here?"

The eleventh class, which was originally noisy, was quiet.

"Who are you fucking! Dare to find Tianyu!"

"The left hand is still bandaged, and the disabled are dare to be so arrogant!"

A small boy with glasses took the lead in reacting, and a slap on the desk table, yelling at Lin Yi, wanting to show up in front of Liu Tianyu.

After all, Lin is also slightly thin and thin, and it is easy to be knocked is like a soft persimmon.

Lin also looked at him without looking at him. His eyes were calm and he looked at Liu Tianyu in the back seat.

Liu Tianyu’s forehead burst into cold sweat and swallowed himself.

"He doesn't know me, do you know me?"


Liu Tianyu tried to control his voice, but still couldn't help but tremble.

"Good, then you know how to do it."

Lin also nodded slightly.

The little boys are somewhat unclear. So, when I heard Lin Yi’s words, I immediately looked at Lin Yi, looking at Lin Yi’s eyes. The hidden eyes behind the glasses flashed with the same gaze: “You brain damage, who do you think? So with Tianyu Brother talk! Look for it!"

"The last person who talked to Tianyu brother has been beaten into the hospital. Do you know?"

The little boy didn’t talk, and he felt someone behind him.

As soon as he turned his head, he did not react to the empty space. He only felt a pain in his buttocks. The whole person lost his center of gravity and was smashed by Liu Tianyu.

What happened to this world?

The little boy climbed up from the ground and looked at Liu Tianyu, a little doubtful about life.

"Well, now, you come out, ready to run the playground, three times, ran shouted 'I love bananas, banana makes me happy', little circle I'll hit you."

Lin’s calm words sounded in time, and Liu Tianyu’s face was dark and he was crying.

The girl who was just hit by Lin in the doorway just came back from the toilet and sang songs. It looked good.

"Hey, isn't your kid looking for Tianyu? Why don't you go in?"

She reached out and took a picture on Lin Yi’s shoulder.

Suddenly found that the atmosphere seems a bit different?