MTL - Urban Young Fairy-Chapter 19 Reiki

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When Lin came to the classroom, there were still thirty minutes from class, and there were not many people in the classroom.

Chen Meng is sitting in her seat and reading a book.

Lin also walked past her desk, and Chen Meng did not look at Lin Yi.

"It seems that yesterday's incident made Chen Meng completely disgusted with me."

Lin also sighed at the bottom of his heart. He still hopes to have a good relationship with Chen Meng, but if not, he will not force it.

Lin also returned to his seat and took out the textbook.

"I read the textbooks of all subjects that I had pulled down last night, so start today and start with the high number of questions."

Lin also took out a high-level study question, opened it, and started writing.

“Mathematical problems are harder than I thought, but as long as you grasp the formula and the problem-solving ideas of different topics, you should be able to find a breakthrough soon.”

"Thirty minutes, I wrote thirty-five questions, including twenty choices, ten fills in the blanks, five big questions, and the correct rate is 70%. This speed and accuracy rate has a lot of room for improvement."

Lin was also satisfied with watching a few pages of mathematics workbooks that he had spent 30 minutes writing, and he breathed out a sigh of relief.

In the first class, the ringtones sounded at the right time.

Lin also buried himself and continued to write his own exercises.

"Lin Yi, you can solve this problem."

The familiar voice was heard in the ear, and Lin, who was burying his head in the question, looked up and saw that he was standing on the podium, facing his face and staring at his old Liu head.

The old Liu’s gaze stared at Lin Yi, and there was no emotion at the bottom of his eyes. A curve equation was written on the blackboard.

The curve equation is obtained from the two known points.

The line of sight of the whole class moved to the position of Lin Yi with the eyes of Lao Liutou.

"Yin Lin was also punished by the old Liu, and it seems that he is going to suffer again today."

"Lin is really a kid, and I dare to make a mistake in math class."

"What happened to his hand? Tied up the gauze?"

"It should have been given to Niu Fan yesterday, and it should be alive, and it seems to have provoked Liu Tianyu. I don't know how it will be repaired today."

The students in front of the whisper, gloating, are waiting to see Lin also ugly.

Chen Meng turned her head and looked at Lin Yi in the back row. When she saw Lin’s left hand playing gauze, the eyes flashed slightly.

"This topic only needs to apply the formula. If you change to the previous one, there may be no way to make it. It is because of this, they are waiting to see my joke."

Lin also stood up and walked to the podium. He took the chalk from the hands of Lao Liutou and wrote it with a pen.

From the beginning of the equation, to the coordinate substitution, the answer is quickly answered.

"It was actually made by him."

"Unfortunately, I can't see the old Liu hair fire."

The following students saw that Lin also solved the problem, and most of them were disappointed.

Although this topic is actually very simple, most students can do it very simply.

It was Chen Meng, watching the numbers that Lin also wrote on the blackboard, and I was a little surprised.

She is not concerned with the process and steps of the answer, but the numerical formula that Lin also wrote in chalk.

The flow of water, the numbers written by the chalk alone reveal a sense of free and easy.

After the old Liu head looked at the answering process of Lin Lin, he nodded slightly: "Although you made this question, but the class was a short break, go out and stand a class."

The voice of the old Liu head is crisp, and the speed of speech is not urgent.

The sound just fell, and the students in the classroom just because Lin also answered the questions without punished and felt pity that they made a burst of laughter.

"Haha, I have to make a question or go to the penalty station."

"No way, this Lin also looks like a stupid hat."

Lin Yiwen said that he did not have any plans to defend himself. He turned and walked out of the classroom and stood outside the classroom: "It seems that the old Liutou is completely disappointed with me. It is no wonder that the tail of the crane has been hoisted from Gaoyi to the present. It is estimated that I am old. The poorest student among the students taught by Liutou."

Lin also had no anger and unwillingness at heart, just a little depressed, looking at the blue sky outside the railing, and...

Lin also gaze at the sudden emergence of Zhong Shuiyu, a slight glimpse.

Today's Zhong Shuiyu wore a light white retro cheongsam dress with a white cord around his waist and white flat shoes on his feet, full of an intellectual beauty.

In particular, the small white legs and the bulging front bodice of Zhong Shui Yu’s outside are so imaginative.

“Is it forgotten to do my homework, so I was fined?”

Zhong Shuiyu looked at Lin Yi, his eyes were slightly stunned, and his voice was soft and gentle.


Lin is too lazy to explain, the explanation is a waste of time.

"What happened to your hand? Was it pinched by Zhang Jian yesterday?"

Zhong Shuiyu noticed Lin Yi’s left hand, his face changed slightly, and he was more concerned about Lin Yi and his anger at Zhang Jian.

Yesterday when Lin also helped her to solve the problem, Zhong Shuiyu noticed the small movement made by Zhang Jian.

After that, Zhong Shuiyu also seized Lin’s hand and checked it, thinking it was fine.

But now it seems that Lin was also reluctant in front of him at the time that Zhang Jian, it is awful!

Zhong Shuiyu looked a little more concerned and blamed for Lin Yi’s eyes.

"I have nothing in my hand, the teacher doesn't have to worry."

"Is it all right to play gauze? Do you think the teacher is stupid?"

Zhong Shuiyu frowned, carefully grabbing Lin Yi’s left hand and trying to see if the injury was heavy.

At the same time, Lin also had a sloppy expression, suddenly stunned, and looked at his left hand.

"That is... aura?"

Lin was also somewhat uncertain. Soon, Lin also found the left-hand position held by Zhong Shuiyu. A light white gas that was invisible was coming from Zhong Shuiyu's body to his left hand.

Zhong Shuiyu was looking at Lin Yi’s left hand. He did not notice that Lin also looked at his own eyes and was a little bit hot.

"She has an aura on her body!"

"The auras are absorbed into my body by the dragon in the left hand. Although the quantity is insignificant, it is real."

"I found the aura, the way to repair the road, and finally found the way."

Lin also felt in his heart and couldn't help but force his left hand to hold the palm of his hand.


Zhong Shuiyu was pinched by the palm of Lin, and he snorted and screamed. Then he realized that it was not right. He pulled his hand out of Lin Yi’s hand and looked at Lin’s frowning. “What are you doing?”

"Amount, just a hand suddenly cramped."

Lin also turned his head and blurted out.

"I am really sorry, it is because of me, you can't go to this class, go to the office to rest."

Zhong Shuiyu heard the words, his face was red, and he apologized.