MTL - Ultimate Star Card Master-Chapter 625 Relatively strong

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  Chapter 625 Strong against each other

  Among the mountains, a dull young man dressed in simple clothes was advancing at high speed in the forest. Judging from his clothes, he was also from the Northern Continent.

  However, unlike Tibetan Yuan and other people from the Northern Continent, this young man has a deep and weird black mark on his bare neck, which looks quite unusual.

  In the northern continent, there are eight large tribes, and the Black Sand Tribe is one of them.

   People like Zang Yuan and Lei Yi Youth are all from the Black Sand Tribe, and those who can be planted with the Black Sand Mark must be the core of the tribe's recognition.

  Mangu is the core of the Black Sand Tribe, and the strongest person who led the Black Sand Tribe to this ancient fragment this time!

  After receiving the news from Zang Yuan earlier, Man Gu rushed here directly.

  At this moment, Man Gu, who was on his way fast, suddenly felt a strong sense of urgency in his heart for no reason, as if something big would happen if he slowed down.

   Originally, Man Gu was a little skeptical, but as time passed, the sense of urgency in his heart became stronger and stronger!


  Man Gu was impatient, and with a low growl, his figure suddenly swelled up, and he transformed into a bear.

  In just a short moment, Mangu grew to a height of more than three meters, covered with hair like steel needles all over his body, and rushed forward like a meat chariot!

   Not only is the sense of urgency stronger, but the sense of direction is also extremely clear.

   It doesn’t even need to check the location of Zang Yuan and the others with the help of talisman seals, Man Gu can clearly sense that he should go in that direction, as if someone is reminding and guiding him somewhere.

  After traveling at such a high speed for a long time, Mangu felt waves of waves coming from ahead, and the dissipated strong horizontal light elements could be perceived even at such a long distance.

   "It's just ahead!"

   Man Gu became more and more anxious, and jumped up from the mountain peak with his hands on the ground, and saw the scene ahead clearly.

  I saw the companions of my own tribe, all dead and injured on the ground, and even the few who were alive were already seriously injured.

   And further ahead, more than a dozen holy guns of light emitting astonishing fluctuations shot out from the head of a man in a white uniform, and the target was his own tribe's companions!


   Man Gu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he slammed his hands on the ground in shock and anger!

   "Boom boom boom!"

  Countless holy lights exploded and stirred, and many star beasts such as Shengyao Warrior Lion had almost no power to resist, and were killed by the holy gun!

   And on the other side...

  Zang Yuan, the ape-armed youth and others looked at the tens of feet high steel city wall that suddenly rose in front of them, and they actually blocked all the holy spears that were fired!

   "Are you here..." Ashlia looked at the steel wall, the star trails in her eyes slowly turning, "The power of this prayer seems to be stronger than expected..."

   Zang Yuan and the others froze for a moment, then quickly turned their heads and looked at the Iron Bear who came at a critical moment.

   "Very ancient!"

  Everyone came back from desperation, full of surprises!

   Man Gu strode up to the nearest young Lei Yi and asked, "Zell, how are you doing?"

   "Man Gu, you're finally here!" Lei Yi's voice trembled slightly, and he didn't hide the anger and hatred in his heart, "I don't have a big deal, but many members of our tribe were killed by the other party! And Ah Xiang..."

  Young Lei Yi hadn't finished speaking when suddenly there was a strong fluctuation from the steel wall.


   Man Gu looked up, only to see that his steel wall seemed to be bulged by something!


  Accompanied by an astonishing wave of star power, countless steel shavings exploded, and a big hole was blasted out of the steel wall!

  In front of the cave, Herbas was standing with his arms crossed.

   "So there are more powerful helpers?" Herbas looked at Man Gu, his face still calm.

  Through the big hole, Man Gu not only saw Herbas, but also Huang Xiang who was nailed to the ground by Herbas.

   "Did this actually shatter my steel rock wall?" Man Gu looked serious.

  Young Lei Yi's complexion turned pale, and he said loudly: "Man Gu, be careful, that man is very powerful!"

   "Well... I can feel it." Mangu stared at Herbas in front of him, stepped forward to block the crowd, "Zang Yuan, take them down to heal their wounds, leave it to me here!"

  Zang Yuan not far away has barely recovered his ability to move, and nodded immediately: "Okay, be careful!"

  Zang Yuan formed seals with both hands, and a large amount of strong wind blew up, taking the ape-armed youth, Leiyi youth and other lucky survivors away with retreat.

   "Want to leave?" Herbas raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and suddenly the white light burst out, and several holy guns of light shot out from all over his body again to kill Zang Yuan and others!

   Mangu let out a roar, and his arms suddenly swelled to hundreds of meters long, smashing all the holy spears into pieces!

  The mighty holy spear of light that blasted mountains and cracked the ground couldn't hurt the bear's paw that was like black steel at all.

   "Don't you take me seriously!"

  Mangu let out a cold snort and quickly narrowed his arms, stepped out, rushed to Herbas like a humanoid chariot and punched it out!

  Herbas did not dodge or dodge, and the holy light surged from his fist to meet him directly.

   Fists clashed, and the air wave exploded!

   "This strength is not weak..." Herbas looked surprised, and was immediately thrown backwards.

   Man Gu made a great contribution with one blow, ran wildly again to Herbas without stopping for a moment, and slapped him again.

   "Be careful, he's very fast!" Tibetan Yuan reminded loudly.

  When Man Gu heard the words, his heart suddenly froze.

   With just such a moment of distraction, Herbas in front of him has disappeared!


  Mangu's pupils shrank, and the next moment he suddenly felt something, and he was about to turn around.

  However, Herbas had already kicked Mangu and sent him flying with a bang.

   After smashing several big trees in a row, Mangu quickly stabilized his figure, turned around and looked at Herbas intently.

   "What a speed!"

  Even among the other seven tribes who are good at speed, I have never seen such a fast person!

   And with a flash of white light in front of his eyes, Herbas appeared in front of Man Gu again, his fists surrounded by holy light.

   "Huh?!" Man Gu's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly crossed his arms in front of him.

   "Aurora Hundred Fist..."

  White light was shining, and Herbas instantly turned into an aurora and flashed at high speed in the field, attacking Mangu who was holding his head in the center from all directions, and made a dense bombardment sound like striking iron!

  A moment later, Bai Guang regained his momentum, and under the great glory, he slammed into Man Gu for the last time.


  Mangu was repelled tens of meters, plowing two deep footprints on the ground.

   Not enough, Mangu moved his crossed arms, and his body was protected by steel wool. Although the skin was cracked and bruised, there was no major injury.

  Herbas stopped in the mid-air, looked at Man Gu who was not in serious trouble ahead, and couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly.

   "The skin is really hard... But if you want to be a fixed target, then you are going to kill yourself."

  Herbas raised his hand to form a seal, and a large piece of holy light flickered all over his body.

  In a moment, a golden shadow of a **** rose from Herbas's head.

  The shadow of the gods took down the golden holy bow behind him, bent the bow and pulled the string, and amidst the roar of golden light, a bright golden arrow with runes flowing has landed on the bow.

   "Daedalus, kill!"

  Herbas let out a low shout, and the shadow of the gods suddenly shot a golden arrow!


  The golden light flashed away, and the turbulent tide of light elements surged like a mushroom cloud!

  Herbas stared intently at the tide of light. This blow is extremely powerful against a single target. As long as it hits, it is impossible for people below the Scorching Sun level to hold it!

  But suddenly, Herbas sensed something, his expression changed slightly, and he turned into a white aurora and jumped away from the spot.

  The next moment, a gigantic steel bear paw was photographed from where Herbas stood just now.


  With a loud noise, the ground shook and the ground was smashed like tofu!

  It is Mangu!

   "Actually escaped?" Herbas turned around in surprise, and found dense red marks on Man Gu's body.

   "The speed is so much faster, is it berserk... No, the position of these marks seems to be the place where I hit it with my previous attack!"

  Herbas' eyes froze, and he understood.

   "Speed ​​up when hit? But the increase in speed is too much..."

  While Heerbas was meditating, Mangu had retracted his giant palm, stepped on the void, and in a blink of an eye, he turned into a black shadow that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye and rushed to Herbas in an instant!

  Herbas's eyes turned cold, and suddenly a high concentration of holy light wrapped around his shoulders, and he fought Mangu head-on.


   Fist and fist, the air wave explodes!

  Different from being blown away last time, Herbas didn't take a single step back with this wave!

   "It's just a one-sided strengthening." The corner of Herbas's mouth curled up, and the high-concentration star power on his shoulders was still increasing sharply. "It's the easiest thing to increase power~"

  The two sides looked at each other, and then the aura exploded, the air exploded, and instantly turned into two phantoms that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye and collided at high speed in the field...

  (end of this chapter)