MTL - Uchiha’s God of Muscle-Chapter 85 Uncle invites you to be a guest (5000)

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  Chapter 85 Uncle invites you to be a guest (5000)

   A nightmare.

  The memory that had been sealed by Tsunade for many years suddenly revived and turned into a nightmare to attack her.

  Is it because of returning to Konoha, seeing Jing Siren? Or did I accidentally see blood yesterday, so I was affected and had this nightmare?

   "Master Tsunade, are you alright?"

   Shizune was awakened by Tsunade, and seeing the latter's pale face and sweating profusely, he couldn't help being frightened.

   "I'm fine, it was just a dream."

   Tsunade waved his hand, and took a moment to let himself relax.

  The days of avoiding debts are boring and boring.

   Tsunade neither has the money to go to the casino, nor does she dare to show off outside. If someone from Konoha recognizes her and the creditors come after her, she will have to run away again.

  The master and servant stayed in the hotel until the afternoon.

   Tsunade couldn't hold back anymore.

   "I'm going out for a while, I'll be back later." She said something to Jing Yin, and hurried out.

ten minutes later.

   This time, Tsunade did not get lost again, and soon walked into the gym and found Bro.

  Reception room.

   "I agreed, when will the operation start?" She asked straight to the point.

   "It's very simple, just wait until I invite my friends over."

   Juan said this, got up and walked to the door, and called out with a smile on his face, "Itachi, come here."


  Itachi, who was exercising in the equipment area, was still absent-minded at first, but when he heard the sound, he was shocked and turned around slowly.

  Seeing his uncle smiling and waving at him, he felt a thump in his heart, already having a psychological shadow.

  Couldn’t it be, I’m going to discuss gymnastics with my uncle again...

  The good news is that Uncle just asked him to help run errands and invite someone to visit.

   "That guy Kakashi was your captain when you were in Anbu, right? Then you must have a good relationship with him, and it's just right for you to invite him."

   said decisively to his nephew.

   Itachi heard the words, showing a embarrassed look: "But, I have quit Anbu, and with the character of Captain Kakashi..."

   Halfway through speaking, Itachi shut his mouth, because he found that his uncle put away his smile and looked at him expressionlessly.

   "Itachi, you have to believe in yourself. It's not difficult to just invite someone. If you can't even do this kind of thing well, uncle and I will be angry."

   Duan said as he patted his nephew on the shoulder heavily as a sign of encouragement.

   Ferret: "..."

  He held back the pain in his shoulder and kept himself from screaming.

   Itachi felt more and more that his uncle was like a giant baby, and everyone and everything around him had to follow his own wishes, without any reason.

   But this giant baby has such a powerful force that no one can defy his will, especially the unlucky Itachi.


"I see."

  Itachi could only nod his head, then turned and left silently.

  Watching his nephew leave, he was very satisfied. Itachi has become more and more obedient recently.

   It's because his uncle is well educated.

   It seems that more efforts will be made in the future.

   "Go and prepare a table of meals, I want to entertain guests." Duan gave another order to Samuel and returned to the reception room.

   "Your friend is Kakashi?"

   Tsunade couldn't sit still after hearing the conversation between his uncle and nephew.

  She stood up, frowned and asked Duan:

   "The eye transplant operation you are talking about, could it be that you Uchiha take back Kakashi's Sharingan? If this is the case, I refuse to perform this operation."

   "Why?" Duan pretended to be puzzled.

   "Because Kakashi is from Konoha Anbe, I'm just an ordinary doctor, and I don't want to get involved in the conflict between you Uchiha and Konoha." Tsunade was very cautious.

   "You guessed wrong, how can I, Uchiha Dan, be so stingy."

   Duan shook his head, signaled Tsunade to sit down, then took a container, and showed her the Sangouyu Sharingan inside.

   "This is..." Tsunade was a little confused.

   "It's not taking it back, but replacing it. Use this sharing eye to replace the one in Kakashi's eye."

  After explaining his purpose clearly, he emphasized, "Moreover, this operation will be performed without Kakashi's knowledge, so you have to keep it secret for me later."


   "How can Kakashi not know?" Tsunade was even more confused.

   "This is your task." The sentence was meaningful, implying that Tsunade used some special means.

  The two of them were working together, while they were discussing here.

the other side.

   Itachi didn't know where to find Kakashi, so he had to come to Anbu to inquire.

   "Stop! Itachi, you quit Anbu and became a deserter, do you still have the face to come back?" An Anbe ninja blocked him at the gate.

   "I still have some personal belongings in the locker and haven't taken them away." Itachi made an excuse.

   As a result, the Anbu was not happy with him, so he still refused to let him in.

   Fortunately, Tianzang passed by and helped Itachi out of the siege in time.

   "Excuse me, do you know where Captain Kakashi is? I have something to do with him." Itachi took the opportunity to ask Tianzang.

   "Senior Kakashi..."

  Tianzang touched his chin and thought for a while, his eyes lit up, and he said with certainty, "I heard that there is a new book in the Intimacy Paradise series. Seniors probably went to the Shueisha Bookstore!"

   Get this message.

  Itachi seized the time and rushed towards the bookstore again.

  Kakashi walked down the street with his hands in his pockets, with a pensive look on his face.


  He and Tianzang encountered a mysterious enemy, and after reporting to the third generation, they successfully protected Nine Tails Jinchuriki.

   A crisis was resolved.

  The third generation attached great importance to this matter, and immediately used the power of Anbe to search for the enemy's whereabouts in the whole village of Konoha and the surrounding area.

   After Kakashi went back, he thought about it all night.

  He finally came to a surprising conclusion:

  The Sharingan of the mysterious masked man is Obito's right eye!

  Because of this, it reacted with his left eye, thus sharing their vision.

   Apart from this, Kakashi couldn't think of any other explanation.

   After all, the battle of Kanna Biqiao that year.

   After Obito died, Konoha failed to retrieve the body, and has always suspected that it was taken away by the ninja of Yanyin Village.

   And Kakashi also noticed.

  The teammate of the masked man, that is, the guy with the flytrap on his head, is good at the earth escaping technique, and he disappeared immediately after melting into the ground.

   Is it really Yan Ninja?


  Why did Yannin escape?

   This made Kakashi puzzled, and the CPU of his brain was about to burn out.

  He shook his head and simply stopped thinking about it.

   The only thing Kakashi can be sure of is:

  If he meets that masked man again, he will try his best to regain Obito's right eye.

  Whether it is to keep the right eye with him or return it to the Uchiha clan, Kakashi will never tolerate it. Obito's eye is desecrated by Iwanin.

  Unknowingly, I walked to the door of the bookstore.

   Next second.

   Kakashi looked at the most eye-catching position of the bookstall, and was deeply attracted by the title and cover of a book, and could no longer move away.

   That's right.

  It’s Intimate Paradise, Volume 2.

  Kakashi came back to his senses, hurried in and bought a copy, then hid in a corner of the bookstore, read it with relish.

   Another day of happy fishing.

  The former Kakashi.

  Because of the death of his father Sakumo Hatake, his companion Obito and Rin, and the fourth-generation Hokage couple of the teacher—these close people passed away one by one, he fell into a heavy darkness and sadness in his heart.

   Until Kakashi's eighteenth birthday.

   Master Jiraiya gave him "Kissing Heaven" as a gift, and said that Kakashi was the first reader of this book.

  Kakashi was flattered, and after opening the Intimate Paradise, he quickly became addicted to it.


  The content in the book makes people blush after a shallow reading.

  But Kakashi discovered between the lines, the philosophy of life and the way of ninjas hidden by Master Jiraiya.

   Always read and always new.

  That's why he has always loved this book.

   Now, nearly three years have passed, and the middle volume of Intimate Heaven has finally been published.

  At this time, Kakashi was eagerly turning the pages of the book, forgetting all his troubles and sorrows.

   Just when he was concentrating on studying the contents of the book.

   "Senior Kakashi." A voice suddenly sounded in front of him.

  Kakashi looked up, and couldn't help but be a little surprised when he found it was Itachi, and said in surprise, "Itachi, do you have anything to do with me?"

   " uncle invites you to his house as a guest."

   Itachi said nervously, worried that Kakashi would not agree.

   Sure enough.

   "Your uncle? Oh, it's Uchiha off. Sorry, I'm on a mission and I can't leave for now."

  Kakashi declined the invitation.

  As he spoke, he quietly put away the Heaven of Intimacy. If Itachi asked, he couldn't say that his mission was to catch fish and read books.

  Itachi sighed in his heart, there was really nothing he could do.

   In desperation, he could only sell Kakashi miserably:

   "My uncle said that if you don't go, he will be angry with me. Please help me, Kakashi-senpai, please."

   After finishing speaking, without waiting for Kakashi to refuse, he bowed deeply to the latter.


   Kakashi was caught off guard, and felt quite helpless.

  He remembered what happened that night at the Uchiha Clan Meeting.

  At that time, Uchiha's people wanted to retract his eyes, so they stopped the tribe and let Kakashi leave.

  Although Kakashi didn't want to accept the other party's solicitation, it seemed that a face-to-face thank you...was necessary.

   That's all.

  Thinking of this, Kakashi said to Itachi, "I promise you."

   Itachi finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the words.

  The two walked out of the bookstore together and walked towards the gym.

   Along the way.

  The discussions of the surrounding villagers reached the ears of the two intermittently, most of which were about Duan.

  From being fired for beating the teacher when Duan was a child, to hiding in the village when the war broke out and not going to the battlefield to protect Konoha, to now killing Anbu and selling the corpses of ninjas from the same village for money...

   All kinds of "too many crimes to write down" crimes are becoming more and more outrageous among the villagers.

   In short.

  Uchiha Duan, in the minds of Konoha people, is already a heinous person.

   "Why isn't this kind of person dead yet!"

  When Duan's name was mentioned, everyone was filled with righteous indignation and wished to kill him.

  Kakashi was a little dazed.

  Back then, the rumors and rumors that his father Hatake Sakumo faced were probably less than one-tenth of what he was facing now.

   "I don't know how Juan sees all this?" Kakashi couldn't help but sigh.

  Itachi thought for a while, and said, "I don't think that with my uncle's character, I don't care about these at all. When others say that he is cruel and evil, he may think it is a compliment."

  Actually, Itachi didn't say a word.

  Perhaps in my uncle’s view, the villagers are just a group of chattering monkeys, no matter how loud they are, it’s definitely just a monkey show.

  Kakashi was speechless.

  If his father could have such a "big heart", maybe he wouldn't commit suicide.


  The two arrived at the entrance of the physical transformation department, pushed the door open and entered.

  As soon as I entered the gym, I saw Daohuo and others exercising.


  After seeing Kakashi, Inahura remembered that the latter was let go by the curator last time, so he didn't feel embarrassed, but nodded at Kakashi instead.

   In the eyes of everyone in Uchiha.

  Kakashi was invited here, and he must have discussed some important matters with the curator.

   Kakashi felt uneasy about the kindness released by Inahura and others.

  He doesn't want to develop any relationship with Uchiha.


  After seeing Duan, thank you for what happened last time and leave quickly.

   "Uncle, I brought Senior Kakashi."

   Itachi led Kakashi into the reception room, then backed out, closing the door behind him.

  There is a table of meals on the tatami.

  In the room besides Duan, there was also a strange blond nobleman sitting beside him, who was also looking at Kakashi.

   "Please sit down." Duan gestured to Kakashi.

  After Kakashi sat down across from him, he saw that the other party looked puzzled, so he took the initiative to introduce:

   "This is a doctor who travels around the world. He has superb medical skills. He has the same name as me. He is a friend I just made."

   As soon as the voice fell, Doctor Duan, also known as Tsunade, said to Kakashi:

   "Copy ninja Kakashi, I've heard about it for a long time! It's an honor to finally meet a real person today."

   "You are welcome."

  Kakashi replied politely, and then asked Duan directly, what's the matter with him today.

   Judging hearing the words, he said with a smile:

   "No other meaning. I just want to get together with you, on behalf of the Uchiha clan, thank you for helping us spread the reputation of Sharingan."

   "Sharingan made me, I should thank Uchiha." Kakashi was very humble.

   "In this case, let's have a drink."

   Juan picked up the wine bottle on the spot, poured a glass of wine himself, and passed it to Kakashi.

  Kakashi hesitated for a while, thinking that it was too difficult to refuse, he picked up the wine glass and drank it.

   Then, I ate a few mouthfuls of food and chatted a few words that were not nutritious.

   Kakashi said:

   "Sorry, Anbu is busy with tasks, I can't leave my post for too long, I have to go back."

   What he didn't expect was.

   "Of course. Work is the most important thing, you can go back quickly." Duan was very straightforward, without pulling Kakashi at all.

That's it?

  Kakashi was taken aback for a moment, not wanting to understand why he had been invited here.

   Could it be that he was thinking too much?

   "Then I will take my leave."

   As he said this, he got up in surprise and walked towards the door.

  But just walked out a few steps.

  Kakashi felt a strong dizziness, and his vision quickly blurred. He shook in place a few times, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

   Passed out.

   See this scene.

   "Your medicine is really good." Duan looked at Tsunade and praised.

   "Of course." Tsunade was not humble at all.

   Just now, in the glass of wine that Duan poured for Kakashi, the drug prepared by Tsunade was mixed.

  Her drug is colorless and tasteless. It was developed after many experiments in secret. Even that guy couldn't hold back the drug's power.

   Not to mention Kakashi.

   "Then let's start quickly, do you want to find an operating room for you?" Duan asked.

   "It's not necessary, it's just a minor operation." Tsunade flicked his hair, very confident.


  Duan picked up Kakashi and placed him on the tatami, using it as an operating table.


   Tsunade stepped forward, lifted Kakashi's forehead, and used a tool to open his eyelids, revealing the Sharingan that could never be closed.


  Before starting, Tsunade still couldn't help but asked, "Is there any point in using one three-god jade to write sharing eyes and changing another three-god jade?"

   She couldn't understand it.

  The decisive answer is: "Kakashi's left eye has special commemorative significance for the Uchiha clan."

   Tsunade heard the words and stopped asking. She had heard that Kakashi's eyes were given by his companion before his death, but it was not clear who it was.

   She doesn't care either.

  Under the broken gaze.

  I saw Tsunade quickly forming a mudra, and then raised a right hand, and a cloud of light blue atomized chakra wrapped her entire palm.

   Chakra Scalpel.

   This is a kind of medical ninjutsu that is more complicated than palm fairy art. Not only can it be used to save people, but it can also be used to hurt people. It is more precise and sharp than a real scalpel.

   There is no difficulty in performing eye transplantation with this technique.

   "Doctor Duan, you are too powerful. Even compared with the legendary medical master Tsunade, I am afraid that you are not inferior, or even surpassed."

  Duan watched the operation process, and started playing tricks again.

   Sure enough.

   Hearing his name, Tsunade was startled, his hands trembled accidentally, and almost cut off half of Kakashi's face.

   After discovering that the break was just a casual remark.

   "Thank you. How can I compare with Master Tsunade, she is the sun and moon in the sky, and I am just a little firefly."

   Tsunade showed a rare modesty on the surface, but he actually boasted about himself.

  For Tsunade, this is indeed a minor operation.

   During the chatting between the two, the exchange of eyes was completed in less than ten minutes.

  Duan took Kakashi's sharing eye from Tsunade, put it into the container, and then put it into the storage scroll.

   Put together with Zhishui's eyes.


  He collected three kaleidoscopes.

  Whether it is Shishui's other gods or Obito's Kamui, their abilities are too buggy, and they will pose a fatal threat to Duan.

   So these eyes must be in his hands.

   Tsunade cleaned up the blood around Kakashi's eyes, put down the forehead guard again, and covered it.

   "After he wakes up, can he notice something strange?" He asked.

   "Don't worry, he won't find anything."

   Tsunade patted his chest with his hands and assured him.

That's good.

   Duan then opened the door and called Itachi to come in again.

   "Senior Kakashi, Senior Kakashi..."

  A voice called in his ear, causing Kakashi to open his eyes leisurely.

  He saw Itachi, Duan, and others all surrounding him.

"What's wrong with me?"

  Kakashi's head was still a little dizzy.

   "You don't hold a lot of alcohol, you'll get drunk after a few drinks."

   teased Kakashi, and then told his nephew, "Itachi, send your senior back to have a good rest."

   With Itachi's support, Kakashi walked out of the gym.

   "Itachi, don't send me any more, I feel much better already."

   After walking for a while, Kakashi said to Itachi.

  After separating from Itachi, he came to the glass window of a roadside shop and lifted his forehead.


  The sharingan of the three-go jade is still in the eye socket.

  Kakashi stretched out his hand to touch it again, and always felt that this eye was a little different from the previous one, but he couldn't say exactly what was different.

  Maybe, I am really drunk, so I am suspicious here.

  Think here.

  Kakashi shook his head, put down his forehead guard, and stopped thinking about it.

   took out the second volume of "Massacre in Paradise" again.

   Soon addicted to it.

  (end of this chapter)