MTL - Thunder Martial-Chapter 9 Kill the ice bear

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Outside the valley where the snow ginseng was used, the sable stood quietly.

Adjusting his mood, he wants to kill the bear today.

Kill the five-level beast.

Taking a deep breath, the sable entered the valley, but unexpectedly found that there was only one ice bear, not the previous two.


The ice bear that just slept, once again made a roar, as a five-level beast, it naturally has its keen sense, even if the cicada is careful, after being close to the valley, it is perceived by the ice bear.

With a body shape of more than three meters, the hair of the whole body is like a steel needle, and the roots are erect, and the dark eyes are chilly.

Seeing the human beings of Ziyan, the ice bears are whistling toward the purple scorpion, and the palm-like bear's paw is swept away with a strong wind toward the purple door.

It is very hateful to the human ice bear, and the one shot at the moment is definitely a full blow.

"It's good."

The purple eyes are shining, and the momentum of the whole body is climbing at an instant, like a crouching tiger, ready to attack.


A roar, three-style tiger punch, instantly hit, in an instant, the purple scorpion seems to be turned into a tiger, and rushed to the ice bear.

A tiger, a bear, had a positive collision.


The dull crash sounded in the valley, and the purple fist touched the palm of the ice bear. The body shape suddenly trembled, and the involuntary retreat took a few steps. The blood in the body was even more tumbling.

Three layers of infuriating, with a tough body, the purple scorpion even hit a tie with a strong ice bear, which is incredible.

The purple scorpion stepped back a few steps, and the body of the ice bear slammed, and involuntarily retired two steps. In the cold eyes, there seemed to be a surprise, but then it was even more angry.

The ice bear roared and went to the purple scorpion again. The wind swelled and the snow flakes on the ground.


The roar of the tiger is also reappearing, and the breath of a mountain king has instantly filled the valley.

One tiger and one bear, the two overlords began to collide.

The dull fluffy sound continually rang through the valley.

"Good, come again!"

The purple scorpion was once again shaken off, and the corner of the mouth had blood, but the eyes were bright and terrible. After several consecutive attacks, his infuriating energy had already been exhausted. Until now, he has always relied on his powerful body to keep it. Unbeaten.

Can be a physique with a five-level fierce beast, the body of the purple scorpion is simply terrible.

The boxing wind swept over, and the purple scorpion made another blow.

The bear's paw fell, creating a huge pressure.

"Flowing clouds."

The purple scorpion's foot was wrong, and the figure suddenly flashed. It unexpectedly let the ice bear's blow, and the tiger punch instantly hit the body of the ice bear.


The huge body of the ice bear was first beaten by the purple sable...

With a bang, the ice bear got up again, and the two sides were so hard and hard.

During this period, the two sides have won each other.

After an hour...

A tiger cub, the two sides collided again, and then the purple body flew away from the distance, flew more than a dozen meters before falling in the snow.

After a full hour of fighting, the purple scorpion has been exhausted, and with the ice bear's fighting, the purple scorpion feels his own physique, stronger than the fourth-level savage beast, but weaker than the fifth-level savage beast, at Between level 4 and level 5.

Seeing that the purple scorpion was blown, the mouth spit blood, and the ice bear's cold eyes finally undulated, it looked like a god, and seemed to be expressing his own joy, and then quickly came toward the purple sable.

Human beings have exhausted and no more fighting power. It certainly can be seen, and now it is time to harvest.

The purple scorpion has indeed exhausted, no more fighting power, and even no effort to escape, he has reached a limit of consumption, just like the life of the day dying to the limit.

But in the eyes of the sable, I saw that the ice bear did not come, but there was not much fear, but there was still some expectation.


At this time, the heart of Zi Yan suddenly trembled, and a pure silver energy emerged from it. This energy instantly rushed around the body of the purple scorpion, like a dry desert, suddenly encountered the irrigation of rain. .

The sable body, blood, and bones are all absorbing this energy, and the power that the sable has just consumed is instantly restored, just like what a panacea is eaten.

"This is the fastest way to improve the body of the thunder." The purple eyes are bright, and under the nourishment of this energy, the purple cicada can feel the growth of the body itself.

The body consumes a limit and then absorbs the silver energy, which makes the power of the purple scorpion grow rapidly. This growth rate is also far faster than the meditation of the purple squat.

The tired look was swept away, and the purple eyes were bright, jumping from the ground and screaming, saying, "Come back."

Looking at the ice bear in front, Zi Yan seems to have seen a rare and worthy opponent, sparring in general, the eyes are full of green light.


Hu Xiao Zhen Shan Lin, Zi Yan is like a tiger, once again rushed to the ice bear.

The five-level beast, the ice bear has a little wisdom, but it does not understand why the human beings who have been exhausted suddenly suddenly renewed their spirits and broke out with a stronger momentum.

But after all, the ice bear is a beast. It has its cruelty. If you don’t think about it, you can’t think about it and fight directly.

One tiger and one bear, fighting again.

This time, another time passed, the purple scorpion gradually occupied the top, and although the blood overflowing from the corner of the mouth was more and more, his eyes were very bright.


After exhausting again, the heart of the purple scorpion beats again. This time, the pure energy enters the body, and the purple scorpion feels that the body is undergoing metamorphosis. This is a metamorphosis with progress and a metamorphosis.

"Compared to the physique of the five-level beast." Purple eyes radiate incomparably bright light.

In the battle of two hours, the ice bear is also very expensive, and has reached its own limit, but suddenly after seeing the human spirit exhausted again, it is frightened, and the heart has already retired.

However, at this time, the purple scorpion body burst into a breath of a five-level beast, as if the whole person had become a five-level tiger, unusually terrible, the breath of the king, even more chilling in the heart of the ice bear.

This is the king's breath inspired by the tiger's fist.


It was a tiger cub, and the purple cicada hit the three styles in a coherent manner. It was like a flowing stream of water, hitting the ice bear.


In the dull sound, accompanied by the cracking of the bones, the body of the three-meter-high ice bear was actually kicked out by the purple boxing.

The three layers of infuriating, coupled with the physique of the five-level beast, the combination of the purple and the powerful, is terrible to the extreme.

In the valley, the screams of the ice bears sounded, and they consumed a lot of ice bears. At this moment, they faced the attack of purple, yellow and rain, and they were unable to escape.

"Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!"

After several consecutive attacks, the ice bear finally lay on the ground, motionless, not knowing that it was exhausted, or was killed by the purple scorpion.

The ice bear is dead, the purple scorpion sits on the ground, and the big mouth is gasping.

Today, I actually killed a five-level beast. This was a thing that Ziyan couldn’t think of before.

From the distance, Lin Ying’s long knife was taken, and between the real and the surging, Zi Yan cut the bear's paw.

A big bear is enough for him to eat for a long time.

It is not easy to make a fire in the snow and ice, but it seems that it is not difficult as long as you have the heart.

炊 袅袅 袅袅, 宸 宸 in the ice and snow, began to roast the bear's paw, eat bear meat.

The ice bear is dead, and the valley becomes the site of the purple.

After eating some things, take a rest for a while, the purple scorpion is to take out the long knife, throw away the body of the ice bear, and take out a black bear bile.

Bear bile is a big supplement, and it is also a must-have for refining some special medicinal herbs. It is also useful for monks. Although it is a waste of direct swallowing, there is no other way for sable.

Breaking the bear bile, which is a small round piece of crystal clear, occasionally a pale golden light appears.

"This turned out to be pale gold, and it really is a good thing."

Seeing the bear bile, this pale golden small round piece, the purple cicada is somewhat accidental, the golden color of the bear bile is the best, then the copper color, black, dark green is the second. The pale gold has been better than copper.

The luck of the sable is good.

Without hesitation, I swallowed these small rounds directly.

A thick bitter taste spread from the mouth, and after a small round of belly, there was a faint scent.

The thunder is quenched and the machine is running again. The purple cicada begins to refine these pale golden bear bile.

A soft, pale golden light emerged from the body of the purple sable, swam along the meridians, and began to work week after week.

After half a week, these energies are all absorbed by the heart. After the disaster, the purple scorpion finds that its heart is like a high-speed filter. All the world's energy just arrive Here, it is absorbed, and in turn there will be a more pure silver energy.

Although Zi Yan does not understand why this is, but knows that what causes it is naturally the cause of the day's adventures. Maybe there is something in his heart, but the strength is only the true atmosphere, and there is no perception. When you are in a state of heaven, you can discover the secret of the heart.

After a while, the heart is vibrating, and the energy of the bear bile is refining, and it is fed back to the limbs, and some pass through the meridians to reach Dantian.

Tianlei quenched the body, this is mainly to quench the body, so every time you enter the energy of the body's bones, always exceed the energy to enter Dantian.

If the energy of a bear bile, if it is refining and refining, it will enter the Dantian, and the purple scorpion will be able to return to the real four-layered realm, and even reach the peak of the fourth floor, but more than half of the energy is absorbed by the body. After the energy is absorbed, the purpura is only the peak of the three layers of infuriating.

"It’s only three days of peaks, and it’s only ten days."

However, Zijing is very satisfied with this. In addition to his physical strength, Zijing has grown from a Dantian to a three-tiered man in a short period of ten days. It’s terrible.

"There is still an ice bear, you must find it. Although you don't kill it, you can use it as a sparring practice to make my physical fitness stronger."

There is expectation in Zi Yan’s eyes.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!