MTL - Those Years of Dressing As An Animal-Chapter 173

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In the blink of an eye, another three months have passed. In this cold winter, Chen Xing's family of Tibetan foxes did not live as well as in other seasons, but at least they did not starve to death any family member in terms of food. .

Relying on the excellent hunting ability of the two reliable parents, the four juvenile Tibetan foxes can occasionally catch one or two prey by themselves, plus the food reserves specially prepared before the arrival of the cold winter, Chen Xing's family has a total of six Tibetan foxes. The fox usually controls to eat a little less than other seasons and maintains the most basic physiological functions of the body. If this can starve the fox to death, it is simply wrong!

However, although the foxes did not starve to death, the energy consumed for heating in winter is very large, so the state of the family of six foxes after the last winter is not comparable to that of the last spring.

After all, last spring, there were only Tibetan fox couples and four little cubs who were only nursing.

However, although the state is not better than the previous year, the fact that all family members can survive successfully is already very remarkable for the surrounding creatures, and it is enough for the Tibetan fox couple to be very proud!

After all, the environmental conditions in winter are so cruel that many creatures cannot survive this winter and will not see the spring of the coming year.

The snow on the prairie finally subsided, the sun became warmer, and everything recovered. The prairie, which was only white, finally revived again, with green patches appearing.

Spring is here, and the Tibetan fox family, who have been hiding in the cave for warmth, finally walked out of the cave happily and felt the season full of vitality outside the cave.

Compared with before the winter, Chen Xing and the family members around him obviously lost some weight and lost some flesh, all of which were converted into energy consumption in the winter and were not replenished in time.

However, the big guy is in good condition and in good spirits, not to the serious point of being skinny.

Walking out of the cave, Chen Xing felt a burst of relief in his heart when he looked at the greenery that suddenly appeared outside at night.

In winter, although you can still go out of the cave every day, the only thing you can do is to hunt. Once you have enough food, you have to go home again. Except for meals, you can only sleep in the cave to keep warm.

After such a boring and boring life for several months, anyone who tries it will feel particularly uncomfortable.

Now that spring has finally entered, there is no need to stay in the cave all day long. Chen Xing and the few Tibetan foxes around him are very happy and look forward to the next day.

Especially for the Tibetan fox parents who are the head of the family, this winter has been passed smoothly, which means that they have successfully raised all the cubs, completed their parental tasks, and completed them very well. The results naturally make them very happy.

A family of six stood in front of the house and admired the scenery of the prairie, and then quickly greeted them and went out to hunt together.

Although they didn't starve to death, they basically didn't get enough to eat. Now, looking at the scenery outside and imagining the pikas who were about to emerge from the grass, their stomachs could not bear it anymore.

Tibetan Fox's father took the lead and walked in the front, without his command, the four children had already followed up quickly and behaved very actively, while Tibetan Fox's mother was at the back of the team always on guard, lest the boat capsize in the gutter.

The family of six soon returned to the familiar hunting area, dispersed in tacit understanding, and started hunting for food separately.

Although there were only some grass stubble on the ground, it was far less than when it was lush, but it was enough for some pikas to emerge from the burrows that had been staying for several months, and choose to take risks for food.

Even if Chen Xing's guess about what pikas eat in winter was not wrong at the time, pikas could not have a very rich food source.

Most creatures don't have a full stomach in winter, and pikas are naturally among them.

If you are hungry, you have to venture out of the cave to eat fresh grass to replenish energy!

There is no need to search for pikas underground like in winter. Today, Chen Xing uses his eyes and nose together to keep an eye on the targets that emerge from the ground and focus on grazing.

The grass has only grown to a very short length, which has advantages and disadvantages for Chen Xing.

The advantage is that this height can't block the pika's figure, allowing Chen Xing to discover the existence of the target in a more timely manner.

As for the shortcomings, the same is true. The grass is even more unable to hide the figure of the Tibetan fox. If you are unlucky or don't pay attention when walking, it is easy to be found by the pika, and then choose to escape.

Once the pika escapes in advance, the probability of successfully catching the other party will only become smaller and smaller.

Chen Xing walked slowly on this piece of green grass, watching all directions and listening to all directions, keeping an eye on the surrounding movement at all times.

Suddenly, Chen Xing's eyes felt that there was a moving creature around him, he turned his head to take a closer look, and it really was the gray figure that belonged to the pika.

Compared with the autumn, the pika that Chen Xing saw at this time has obviously lost a lot of weight. Obviously, he doesn't eat much in winter, and he is completely hungry and thin.

But even a pika after losing weight is a delicious meal for Chen Xing, who is now starving.

Chen Xing lowered his body slightly and leaned gently towards the pika who was grazing on his back, speeding up while keeping silent, his pace a little obscene.

When it was almost close to the ground, and the pika still didn't notice Chen Xing's approach, Chen Xing finally jumped forward decisively.

After a while, this pika, who was still working hard to cook just now, became the food in Chen Xing's mouth in a blink of an eye. Because of his carelessness, he completely lost his life.

Chen Xing did not take the food back to find other family members, but started eating directly on the spot.

Using his teeth to tear open the pika's body, Chen Xing's first step was to throw away the pika's internal organs, leaving only the clean meat, and finally swallowed all the remaining meat into his stomach.

A whole pika entered its stomach, and Chen Xing finally calmed the screaming stomach. With oil and water in his stomach, the whole fox felt moisturised again.

The pikas that he ate just now were a little thin, and Chen Xing felt that he could eat more.

Chen Xing licked his mouth, licked off the red blood that was accidentally stained on the corner of his mouth, and began to look for the next prey.

Today, there are not many pikas who ventured out of the hole and attacked the newly grown grass, so not only Chen Xing himself, but also the other three younger brothers and sisters took some time to successfully capture their own prey one after another. Feed their stomachs by their own power.

Tibetan fox parents no longer need to hunt hard to feed their children, it is enough to meet their own food needs.

The stress on the couple was instantly relieved.

After eating and drinking, the family of six did not continue hunting, no longer needed to store food in advance, but returned to the door again, all laying on the ground very leisurely to bask in the sun.

The sunshine in spring is not as good as in summer, but it is also much warmer than in winter. Now that it is exposed to the sun, it is quite comfortable for a creature like Tibetan fox who likes sunshine.

The family of six yawned comfortably one after another, and this finally ended the yawn contagion.

When lying on the ground basking in the sun, Chen Xing squinted slightly, always staring at the grass in front of him.

Occasionally, I can see pikas who risk their heads to dry quickly, and occasionally see their neighbors, the badgers of the Tibetan fox family, finally come out for food, as well as other small animals such as birds...

With the arrival of spring, the prairie finally regained its vitality, and the animals all walked out of their homes one after another, and the prairie became no longer silent.

Such days are much better and more lively than those in winter.

The first day was very leisurely, and the family returned to the cave to rest in the evening.

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Xing and the other four siblings were woken up by Tibetan Fox's parents, and the family of six left the cave and went outside.

Chen Xing took his younger brother and sister to follow in the footsteps of his parents and went outside. While walking, he suddenly felt that the expressions of his parents today were not quite right.

Don't ask Chen Xing how he could see from his parents' paralyzed and generous faces that they were actually expressive.

Arriving at the door of the house, the Tibetan fox parents did not directly take their four children to hunt, but stopped abruptly.

Chen Xing and his younger brothers and sisters also stopped in place, waiting for the next reaction of their parents.

Tibetan Fox's parents looked at each other, and then looked at the four children in front of them together, with some reluctance in their eyes, but more than that, they were firm.

As the eldest brother, Chen Xing looked at his parents and suddenly understood something.

It's already the next spring, and it's time for their four siblings to leave home.

Not only Chen Xing, but the three younger siblings beside him also instinctively saw their intentions in the eyes of their parents.

A family of six can understand the special meaning of today's day without words.

Chen Xing was the first to make a noise. I saw that he suddenly stepped forward and rubbed against his parents. Then he looked at his three younger siblings, rubbed against them as well, and stuck out his tongue to lick them. their heads.

This is what Chen Xing meant to say goodbye to their families.

Although Chen Xing is also reluctant to bear these family members who have been with him for a whole year, but as a Tibetan fox in his life, he must obey the instincts of the Tibetan foxes and live independently from home when he is an adult.

You can't continue to rely on your parents and disturb their next life!

Chen Xing is like this, and so are the three younger brothers and sisters. Everyone needs to leave their parents this spring and go out to live independently. Maybe if they are lucky, they can set up another family and become the owner of the new family. In the spring of next year, it may be further Upgrade to parent.

As for the couple of Tibetan fox parents, although they are saying goodbye to their four children today, maybe they will be parents again in the second year.

The Tibetan fox family has their own lives to continue, and separation is the best choice at this moment.

The six Tibetan foxes present had no objection to this.

Chen Xing took the initiative to say goodbye, and then, the remaining five Tibetan foxes also learned from Chen Xing's actions just now and said their final goodbyes to their families.

The family of six got close for the last time. Under the watchful eyes of the Tibetan fox parents and mother, Chen Xing, the four newly grown Tibetan foxes, left the familiar home in front of them together.

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AdventureFantasySlice Of LifeSupernatural