MTL - Those Years I Opened a Zoo-Chapter 158 a successful come out

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As for the words that the headmaster said, Xu Xin felt that he could not understand it. How did he squirt his liver? He almost did not respond to it at that time. What is the meaning of Duan Jiaze? This is a joke. Is this going to be ill?

Until the next moment, Duan Jiaze slammed his hair, he only came back, oh, adjectives.

Xu Xin is busy: "The headmaster, what's wrong, who is mad at you?"

Duan Jiaze was silent for a long while: " pressure!"

Xu Xin: "..."

The land pressure is on the ground pressure, why is the land pressure "bar", is this temporary catch?

However, when it comes to land pressure, Xu Xin is inconvenient to say anything more. The two men are arguing that they are arguing with each other.

Duan Jiaze looked at Xu Xin and didn't think so much. He was depressed and panicked. "I am gone, keep on remembering."

Duan Jiaze had to go, and Ji Guang had bitten the corner of the clothes. Jiguang had no concern for ordinary people and other animals. It was a comfort to Duan Jiaze, although it was not very clear about the specifics, only knowing that it was related to Daojun.

"Nothing." Duan Jiaze warmed his heart and touched the neck of Ji Guang.

After walking away, Jia Ze sighed and said nothing. It was comforting Ji Guang. Can it be okay? Look at what people want to do in the project:

The content of the quest line: The three-legged Jin Wu in the park has a repeated mood after being in love, feeling empty and feeling uncertain. Please adjust the mental state of the three-legged Jinwu to ensure the physical and mental safety of the animals in the whole park.

Mission reward: Fusangmu.


Duan Jiaze wants to ask at first glance, what is the feeling of emptiness? How did this data come about?

The land pressure is still empty. Have you calculated what he has done every night and said that he is empty? He also wants to ask about the land pressure. Why do you feel that you are empty? Are you a beast? Oh.

In short, this task, how disharmonious!

Duan Jiaze watched it three times and pondered the contents of the three times. The more he was swearing, the more silent he was. The reward has been ignored by him. The mulberry wood is the **** of the three-legged gold-wool. Compared with the content, this is not worth mentioning.

The three-legged Jinwu is a three-legged gold-black bar. It has been a long time, and it is said that it has been playing for a long time. The latter is also to adjust the psychological state of the three-legged Jinwu, is to ensure the physical and mental safety of other animals?

However, Duan Jiaze can also adjust, this system is afraid that I did not expect the identity of the head of the garden and the other half of Jinwu. He is only the head of the park, and he arranges the land pressure holiday, how to fill the emptiness and how to fill it.

But you can't ask the headmaster to go to work again, and satisfy what. Duan Jiaze contributed his time in the evening. He really had no choice during the day. He thought that the demand for the three-legged Jinwu was different from that of the Terran...

Thinking about it, Duan Jiaze did not know how to complete this task. This indirectly concerns the physical and mental health of the animals in the whole park and has to pay attention to it.

In the end, Duan Jiaze decided to go to his own military division, there is Su. Do not look for the land pressure this bird, he is afraid of the character of the land pressure, may have any reaction.


There was a sweep of the task content, she was also a member of the whole garden animal, and the look suddenly became serious.

Duan Jiaze was depressed and said: "You know what you are, I haven't eaten breakfast for a while, I have bread..."

Su Shi looked at Duan Jiaze in a different place: "Director, how do you think about this?"

Duan Jiaze: ".................."

Su: "I see if Jun is empty, you give him some chicken soup."

Duan Jiaze almost didn't go back, "You..."

There is a look at the section of Jia Ze, not only a black line, but also panic, smiled and said: "Hey, make a joke, I mean you can start from another path."

Duan Jiaze is ashamed, and the inspiration from Su is really great. He doesn't know why he didn't think about it.

The two men stunned again. In the end, Su had a fork on his mouth, indicating that he would never leak the wind and let Daojun know the specific content of the mission.


Today, Duan Jiaze is going out, but not far away, just in the same village next door.

Concentric village is not being rebuilt, it is necessary to engage in rural tourism. The city is ready to get a festival to publicize it. Now it is catching up with the progress of the construction period. The first two days have also been informed that the city leaders are coming to inspect.

This was jointly developed by several enterprises in the city. Duan Jiaze also promised to participate. Later, he did take some money to invest in it. Although it is not much, it only takes up a little. It is also a minority shareholder.

Therefore, there was a notice over there and Duan Jiaze passed. Besides, after they inspected, they must come to eat here.

After the completion of the Lingbi Resort, Duan Jiaze talked about it, and several meetings in the city were here. The venue is new and good, the reception is delicious, the environment is better, and people are willing, of course, which has led many people to become repeat customers.

When Duan Jiaze was about to go out, he saw that the car was gone. Only then did he remember that he forgot to say hello to the personnel in advance and left him with a car. However, it doesn't matter. It is close to Tongxin Village. Duan Jiaze looked at the time and was too late to walk. He took Jiguang out.

Duan Jiaze was not the first time to go out riding, not even the first time riding to Tongxin Village. He was sitting on the back of Jiguang, and Jiguang trotting all the way, and they still had a chat without a ride. Of course, Jiguang responded with a shout and nodded his head.

The city bus goes to the intersection of Cape Park and Lingbi, and then to the village of Tongxin, which used to be Huangtu Road. Now, it has been built into a cement road, and it has been completely renewed. Two rows of flowers have been planted on the roadside and have been well received by the villagers.

Duan Jiaze rode his head on the road, and from time to time he also said hello to the villagers passing by or in the fields. Everyone was used to it. Someone asked Mr. Duan Jia to help with the incident.

The villagers are accustomed to it, but those who come from the city do not.

When Duan Jiaze was coming to Tongxin Village, several cars were coming from behind, which was the car of the city leaders who checked today. The window was shaken, and the leaders in the size of the head looked at Duan Jiaze with a funny face.

Da Laoyuan, they saw someone riding a high-headed white horse on the road. At first they thought it was a villager raising a horse. Until someone said it was wrong, look at the curl, it seems to be a small section of the coffin. Director.

Duan Jiaze's hair style, the recognition is still very high, all agree, yes, it is a small paragraph, but how to ride a horse? Do you have a zoo like this?

"Small paragraph!"

Duan Jiaze heard someone shouting himself, and then he turned back and smiled and said hello immediately.

The car drove through Duan Jiaze, leaving a string of laughter.

Duan Jiaze saw that he couldn’t arrive later than the leader. So he rushed to Jiguang and chased him up. Almost at the same time, he went to the same parking lot in the village.

Duan Jiaze turned over and the leaders came down from the car. The first time was not to look at the village, but to watch the horses of Duan Jiaze with interest. Duan Jiaze scratched his head and made a fuss: "The cars in the garden have entered the city. I have to ride a horse."

"Hey, it’s getting taller when you look closer. This horse is a good horse!" I don’t know if I really understand or understand it. Anyway, I appreciate it.

"I think it's a good boy to look at the small section. I can ride a lot of horses this year and I am riding so well."

"No, I am riding in general." Duan Jiaze is modest and honest. He is sincere and relies on communication with Jiguang. As long as you believe in Jiguang, anyone can.

Because of the role of Xiong Siqian, the deputy governor and the role of Xiong Siqian, everyone was close to him. This Donghai airport is under construction.

When the mayor’s secretary saw the leader’s smile, he also said: “Small paragraphs to perform an equestrian, there are no good tricks.”

"Don't, don't, I won't, this horse and my relationship are actually average!" Duan Jiaze said, everyone has a slight curl and feels that he is a little humorous.

Jiguang is also very cooperative. Duan Jiaze said that it would bite his mouth and bite Duan Jiaze's back collar, then look up and almost lift Duan Jiaze up.

Duan Jiaze rescued himself by dancing and dancing, and everyone has already laughed in a group. Seeing that he has given such a dedication, he will naturally stop.

Duan Jiaze walked along the Huancun Highway and then entered the Tongxin Village. The person in charge introduced the progress of the project.

Most of the buildings are now completed and the villagers are staying. The village also dug a personal work lake, repaired the pavilion and pavilion, now in addition to some finishing work, is to do greening, so although the house looks good, but because there are yellow mud everywhere, the scenery is not good.

Of course, everyone can compare the renderings and imagine the real scene. At least for now, the architecture and renderings are still not much different.

“There is a square here. There are already many villagers who like to relax here. What activities can we do in the future? You can also set up a platform here.” The person in charge pointed to a modern square to introduce to you. Sure enough, some villagers with no problems Chat here, dance like square dance.

Those who led the villagers did not know, but they met Duan Jiaze and greeted Duan Jiaze.

Duan Jiaze also waved his hand and did not chat in the past.

When I arrived at the lakeside, pointing to the antique-style buildings, the person in charge of the project said: "These pavilions are not just for viewing. Under the initiative of several of our CEOs and the head of the section, The village primary school reached an agreement. They will move to the class and we will provide a set of facilities."

The leaders of the public “snapped” and did not expect such a change. In the initial design, these places were rented to the people in addition to the appreciation.

But everyone thinks this is a good thing, and education is of course more important.

The person in charge explained the intention of the investor: "I originally wanted to rent a hotel, but later I thought that many villagers would also do farmhouses. There is a hotel there in the nearby section. The people have the money and may be more willing to go. The coffin is eaten. Plus, the small conditions of Tongxin Village have not been very good. We simply ask them to settle in. We will also provide textbooks, as well as some Chinese books, as well as antique school uniforms, and even consider helping to hire two more. a teacher."

The person in charge used the tablet to transfer the photos out and showed them to everyone. It is an improved Chinese-style clothing. As a school uniform, it will not be incompatible with the buildings here, and it will be light and suitable for primary school students.

Compared with the ordinary hotel, this should be more attractive to tourists, and also help the students in the village, killing two birds with one stone.

The pupils of Tongxin Village are the first tourists in the strict sense of Lingbi. Until now, Duan Jiaze has also maintained the "tradition". Every year, all the students from Tongxin Village are invited to visit Lingbi. Moreover, the current coffin can bring surprises to them every year.

They have two teachers in the whole school, because the place is poor and not in the city, no one is willing to come. But now that the environment is good, and some people are willing to pay, no one will come.

The city leaders here are very happy and praised.

After watching a circle in Tongxin Village, the trip is naturally to go to Lingbi Resort for lunch.

Everyone went back to the village and talked about it.

"Small paragraph of this horse... is really spiritual."

"Yes, no one knows that I will stay here and wait for someone to come back."

Jiguang stood on the side of the road and waited for Jiaze. When he saw people coming back, he would raise his head and scream.

"Then we...the car on the train, should the horse be launched?" The driver sneered.

Duan Jiaze: "..."

The other people entered the car one by one, and Duan Jiaze got on the horse with everyone's funny look. He raised his hand: "Please, please, I will arrive later!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" burst into laughter inside the car.

Someone shook his head and said: "This small paragraph, what please first, even if you ask first, can your four hooves run through our wheels?"

Another burst of laughter.


Duan Jiaze rode Jiguang not far behind and behind the car, thinking, you can take advantage of the big, and if the car is spiritual, it will be smug, and he actually ran over Jiguang.

Those people look back from time to time, and laughed that the head of the section is on the verge of being left behind.

They did not realize at all that Duan Jiaze and Ji Guang were lagging behind, but they were always moving at a constant speed.

Duan Jiaze was also two minutes late, no one noticed that it was wrong. He had already arranged a private room. Once he entered, he immediately had hot meals on the table and just started eating.

Can not drink alcohol, the tea is on the table, the cup is replaced by a cup of wine, and the room is in full swing.

After dinner, it is inevitable to boast a dish of Ling Ling, many people said that they strongly urge Lingbi to contract their canteen.

Others said: "When it comes to the cafeteria, the cafeteria of the coffin is much stronger!"

This is what I have been to. When I heard him say, other people also smiled. "Then we have to look at it. What is this strong law? Go back and talk to us in the cafeteria."

Not to mention that although there are some leaders in the room, they usually appear in the cafeteria from time to time, eat a little fried, and even eat a large pot of food.

Everyone was in a whim, and it really made Duan Jiaze lead the way and went to their staff canteen to visit. "Nothing, let us take a look, don't bother the employees to eat."

Duan Jiaze's black line continued, he did not have time to report, ah, do not disturb, there are leaders to visit, can not let everyone pay attention. But here he was urging, he had to take the lead.

At this time, it is the time when the employees are eating, and all the people coming in and out are people. This canteen has been expanded, otherwise it will not be able to accommodate more and more zoo plus hotel staff.

Huang Wei took the rice bowl out and saw Duan Jiaze as soon as he looked up. The smile on his face was not finished yet. He saw the string of people next to him and suddenly stiffened. He didn't say anything, he didn't see anything, and immediately turned around.

Duan Jiaze breathed a sigh of relief, Huang Qi, reliable.

In just a few tens of seconds, Huang Wei has already spread the message as much as possible. He walked around the long table and whispered to everyone.

As soon as I heard the leadership’s temporary inspection, everyone quickly converges. In fact, there is nothing to see, but there is still a little attention between the manners and words.

When a secretary picks the curtain and the leaders enter, they are so unfortunate that they go there and rely on the door to send animals.

This can make people's eyes flash, it is a glimpse, after a few seconds, someone smiled and said: "The staff of Duan Yuanchang are a talent!"

They will stand by the table and look at everyone's dishes.

Because I said before I don't bother, Duan Jiaze couldn't speak at this moment.

Sending animals, it is even more calm, to control what the old uncles are doing, to do their own things, eat and drink. This kind of strength has made the leaders a little embarrassed, so that they will appear together with the head of the school. These people seem to be overdone...

The land pressure even looked up and asked: "Are you finished?"

Duan Jiaze: "Hmm..."

He swept a circle and looked for Xiong Siqian's figure. He thought that Xiong Siqian was very suitable to ease the embarrassing atmosphere. Unfortunately, I don't know if I have already come or finished.

At this time, one of the leaders did not know what to do. The idea was a turn: "That is, the employees are a talented person, and the head of the section is also ah. I remember that this year is also more than 20? Last time I listened to the Sun Bureau of the Forestry Bureau. Say, you are still a gold bachelor, how about, I introduce you to a girlfriend?"

The leaders smiled and looked at Duan Jiaze, especially if they had a young and unmarried young woman at home or relatives. This small section is very good, and the relationship with the director of the Waterfront View is so iron, and his own body is also rich.

At first glance, they suddenly felt a bit wrong. Looking down, they were the ones next to the table., what happened to the sentence just now?

In fact, not only these two people, Huang Wei quietly spread the news, the staff in the cafeteria know, many people are quietly watching this side, just far away can not hear the movement.

This is the opportunity. Duan Jiaze thought in his heart.

As soon as he looked up, he resolutely said: "No, thank you, the bureau, I have a boyfriend!"


They haven't figured out the same thing as Duan Jiaze's bombing, and they saw Duan Jiaze patted the young man who was particularly handsome and handsome. The two of them got together!

Yes, kiss it!

Everyone: "..............."

The whole scene was quiet, and from the beginning to the end, those who did not notice at the beginning, after seeing it slowly, were also stunned, looking at the head of the canteen and Lu Ge.

Although the relationship between the two men has been concealed from the gossip, to the whole of the hearts of the people, it is a conclusion, but they really did not make such a move in the public. This is the first time!

Duan Jiaze holds the neck of the land pressure and is very involved.

The leaders also forgot the image, and the expression looked at them with a slight sluggish look.

No... you have a boyfriend who has a boyfriend, why do you want to kiss? Why do you want to show your love in a word? !

I said it first, because of the relationship between Duan Jiaze and Zhou Xinyi, and the coffin itself, everyone is very interested to introduce him. It is for these reasons that even if his object is male, these people will not say anything.

But if you are still a long time, it’s a bit ugly...


When Duan Jiaze finally broke the land pressure, the scene was a bit awkward. Damn, I was going to kiss my mouth, and the **** was like an octopus.

There are so many people, but the voice of the TV is basically terrible in the cafeteria.

Duan Jiaze slaps a slap in the face of a thousand words, and he shamelessly bows his head, not looking at everyone's face, "cough..."

As if I was awakened by this sound, the mayor’s secretary hangs on the casual smile: “The head of the section is still young... but it’s really old-fashioned in terms of food, and the staff’s meal is so delicate?”

He attributed what happened just now to "still young". As for the details such as gender, it was completely ignored.

Looking at it again, the other leaders are already calm, as if they haven't seen anything, especially the director Wang who shouted to introduce the object to Duan Jiaze. "Hey, home cooking, but very hard, like the restaurant, returning to the truth. ""

For a time, the sound of the chopsticks and the chopsticks were restored, and the canteen was a lively event.

"The time is almost the same, let's go back? There is still a place to see in the afternoon."

With a proposal, Duan Jiaze also sent you out, he was a bit embarrassed, as the initiator, but the one that looked the most unnatural.

Before the car arrived, the mayor also remembered what, turned back and took a shot of Duan Jiaze's shoulder, and encouraged his face: "Younger, you must take advantage of this enthusiasm, make the industry bigger and stronger, and let our East China Sea win glory!"

Duan Jiaze felt a subtext and couldn't help but be even hotter and nodded.

After sending everyone away, Duan Jiaze squatted on the ground and calmed for a while.

The mobile phone also rang in a timely manner, and Duan Jiaze did not need to look at it, and knew that the mission was completed. According to Su’s words, this is enough to make the land pressure beautiful. Does he still feel emptiness? Don’t be satisfied that there are two suns in the sky.


Duan Jiaze breathed a sigh of relief and stood up and walked back.

The days still have to go on. Anyway, as a director, he wants to show his love and employees can only squat...

At this time, the phone rang, and Duan Jiaze passed: "Sun Shu?"

Sun Ai Ping’s voice rang at the end: “Jia Ze, are you with your unit’s small land??”

Duan Jiaze: "........."

He couldn't help but look at the time. It was less than five minutes. Sun Aiping knew it.

Duan Jiaze said as he walked back and said: "Yes, right, it’s not a misunderstanding... Well, it’s been a while, I don’t know how to tell you... I’ll see you later...”

When I hang up the phone, Duan Jiaze also walked back. I can see that the expression of the land pressure has not changed, but there is a feeling of radiance between the faint... I don’t know if it is his psychological effect.

Duan Jiaze walked back facelessly, sitting on the edge of the land.

In addition to Su, those unsuspecting dispatched animals are watching Duan Jiaze with a sly look. I don't know how the more introverted director will make such a move. They did not know at all that it was the director’s move that saved them.

The land pressure is faint: "Duan Jiaze, you have been a little over, and you have a lot of people..."

"..." Duan Jiaze held his forehead. "Brother, don't you think you are a little too far now?"