MTL - This Is My Primitive Tribe-Chapter 17 means of self-preservation

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The spring of the first year of the establishment of the Vine tribe, on March 2.

In the forest to the south of the Veng tribe, a dozen big-horned sheep looked down vigilantly while grazing. As long as there was a slight disturbance, they would flee.

These bighorn sheep have brown fur and are huge in size. Adult bighorn sheep weigh more than 500 kilograms.

The most obvious feature of the bighorn sheep is the pair of huge curved horns on the top of the head. It is not as slender as other horns, but as big as the horns of bison.


Suddenly, a feathered arrow flew out from the gap between the branches and leaves of a big tree, and shot at a bighorn sheep like lightning.


The bighorn sheep was shot in the abdomen, it let out a scream, and then ran away with a feather arrow that sank into its belly.

The flock is in chaos.


At this moment, four feathered arrows were also shot in the other two directions. Two feathered arrows hit the same bighorn sheep, and the other two were missed.

The bighorn sheep ran wildly, especially the two bighorn sheep that were hit by arrows, screaming and running, panicking.


Jiang Xuan jumped down from a big tree, carried the bow and arrow behind him, held a bamboo spear in his hand, and ran quickly with the sheep.

Chishao, Uncaria, Shiloh, and Nanxing also jumped down from their respective trees and chased after Jiang Xuan.

Fortunately, they are all fighters of the same color now, and their physiques are much stronger than ordinary people, otherwise it would be difficult to catch up with the fast-running bighorn sheep.

With the passage of time, the two bighorn sheep that were hit with arrows, because of the strenuous exercise, caused continuous bleeding from the wounds, ran slower and slower, gradually couldn't keep up with the flock, and finally collapsed.

After the two bighorn sheep fell, Jiang Xuan and the others who caught up immediately stepped forward to make up for it, killing the bighorn sheep completely.

Chishao used the bamboo tube she carried with her to pick up fresh sheep blood from the neck of the sheep. Instead of drinking it raw as usual, she planned to take it back to cook it.

The other four were the same, none of them drank raw blood.

Because of the lack of salt, the blood of mammals such as bighorn sheep can supplement the necessary salt consumption after a lot of exercise. Therefore, drinking blood is the norm for tribal people.

Ever since Jiang Xuan, in the name of the old man in the dream, told them that drinking raw blood is easy to get sick, Chi Shao and others stopped drinking raw blood, but took it back to cook and eat it.

Jiang Xuan pulled out the arrow on the belly of the bighorn sheep, wiped the blood on it, and said, "The bow and arrow that I have practiced for so long has really come in handy. Hunting these large prey is much easier than before."

Chi Shao agreed: "Yes, the bow and arrow shoot far, and the prey is hit without any defense. It's much better than throwing spears and slings."

Uncaria looked at the two big horn sheep happily, and said, "Such a big horn would look good on the wall."

Tribal people like to decorate their houses and themselves with horns, teeth, feathers, etc. of their prey, and a few teenagers are no exception.

They pondered that after they went back, they would peel off the sheep's skull in its entirety and hang it on the wall of the bamboo house as a decoration.

Jiang Xuandao: "Find a rattan to tie them up first, and find two poles to carry them back."

"Yes, Chief."

The five immediately got busy.

Ten minutes later, the two bighorn sheep have been tied up, and the rod for carrying the sheep has been found, and they can go home immediately.

Suddenly, there was a faint whistling sound of "woo woo" in the distance.

Jiang Xuan listened with bated breath. He was familiar with the sound because it was the sound the tribesmen made when driving their prey.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Jiang Xuan quickly climbed to the tallest tree nearby and stood above the jungle. Those voices could be heard more clearly, and there were also the screams of beasts.

Because there were dense trees blocking it, Jiang Xuan could hear the sound, but couldn't see anyone, only a flock of birds that were frightened.

Jiang Xuan climbed down from the tree and said to Chi Shao with a dignified expression: "The hunting range of those people is getting closer and closer. Sooner or later, they will find where our tribe is."

The first time he saw the smoke from the bonfire, Jiang Xuan knew that some outsiders had also come to this jungle.

Later, they could see smoke from time to time, getting closer and closer, and now they could even hear the sound of hunting.

This made Jiang Xuan very anxious. The Teng tribe finally lived a better life through his own efforts. He couldn't tolerate everything being destroyed by others.

Chi Shao comforted: "With the vine gods, even if they find our vine tribe, they will not attack easily, because even if they kill the vine tribe, they won't get much."

Jiang Xuan nodded. What Chi Shao said made sense. There were only five of them, and they had not lived here for a long time, and they had very few supplies.

If the people from the outer tribe find that they need to pay a lot of casualties, they should not attack easily.

However, Jiang Xuan couldn't figure out what happened to the old vine, and he couldn't guarantee that the old vine would definitely protect them.

For the sake of his own life, he couldn't put all his hopes on that old vine, he had to find a way to protect himself.

"Go back first."

Jiang Xuan and Chi Shao raised a big horned sheep, Uncaria and Shiloh also raised a big horned sheep, and the youngest Nan Xing was in charge of guarding.

After half a day, the five returned to the bamboo house, and the two bighorn sheep were quickly disposed of.

After the sheepskin is peeled off, dried and soaked, it can be used to make animal skins or bedding in winter.

The sheep's head, as the three teenagers wished, removed the meat and used it as a decoration.

All the mutton is cut into pieces and hung over the fire to be smoked and roasted day and night to avoid spoilage.

Sheep bones are used to make weapons and tools such as bone knives, bone spears, and bone scorpions.

Almost every part of a bighorn sheep can be effectively used, and even those parts that cannot be eaten will be thrown into fishing traps as bait.

Tribal people have long lived in an environment where materials are scarce, and they will not waste anything that can be used.

After dealing with the two big horn sheep, Jiang Xuan and the others had a full meal first, and then they had the strength to continue working.

"I'm going to dig a tunnel under our bamboo bed. In case people from outside come to fight, we can temporarily hide in the tunnel."

Jiang Xuan told Chi Shao and others what he thought.

The inspiration for digging tunnels came from the tunnel battles I saw in my previous life.

During the war, the common people brought their wisdom of survival to the extreme.

They dug tunnels under their own stoves, under beds, under cabinets, and in various hidden places.

Whenever the enemy came, they would hide in the secret tunnel, let the enemy pounce, and after the enemy left, they would come out and continue to live.

Jiang Xuan planned to temporarily dig a simple tunnel for self-protection. He believed that as long as the dig was hidden, it would be difficult to find them with the knowledge of the tribesmen.

After Chi Shao heard this, her eyes lit up and she said, "This method is good, I agree."

"We also agree."

Jiang Xuan nodded and said, "Okay, starting from today, we will take turns digging tunnels."

As soon as he said it was done, Jiang Xuan immediately took the bones, moved out a bamboo bed, and dug it up.

Thanks to the increase in strength and the improvement of tools, although there are many bamboo roots underground, Jiang Xuan is still digging faster.

Using a rattan basket, Chishao carried the baskets of soil that Jiang Xuan had dug up and carried it to the farmland outside.

From this day on, they will send two people to dig tunnels every day, and the others to hunt, fish, and plant.

A few days later, there was a tunnel in the bamboo house of the rattan tribe, and it continued to widen and deepen.

With this tunnel, they can temporarily hide in the tunnel and save their lives when they encounter unstoppable danger in the future.