MTL - There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place-Chapter 1301 rune wave

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Seeing the two seniors, sisters and younger brothers talking and laughing happily, an ugly smile appeared on the originally relieved face of the God of Light. "This **** is not gone yet..." "Since the **** has made a choice and turned back from the magic way, it is also considered to be lost, and he is still my fellow..." After a short pause, Baiyun Tower calmed down the fluctuating breath, and then He said with full sincerity: "How can I say that I have been an envoy of the God of Light for a few days, you and I have some fate, I will try to appease the gods and people in the lower realm, the gods can go at ease..." These words seem to be Failed to have a soothing effect, Guangming Shenjun's collapsing divine light suddenly condensed, and he replied in a vibrating voice: "I don't even recognize your true face, how can I feel at ease..." "What's so difficult..., this fairy You are the younger brother of the Divine King Qingchi..." While speaking, Bai Yunlou raised his finger between his eyebrows, forcibly suppressed the injury, and then transformed into the image of a fairy king. For a time, multicolored rays of merit and virtue filled the hall. As the rays of the sun converge, they finally transform into a mighty great sword that rises from the spirit of immortality. "True martial sword! It turns out that you are the heir of true martial arts..." Guangming Shenjun hadn't finished his sentence, but he saw Bai Daxianjun holding a real martial arts sword, shaking in the air, and the awe-inspiring aura of the immortal monarch suddenly burst out. On the spur of the moment, Baiyunlou raised his hand to resist the phantom of the Seal of Immortal Seal, and poured in a massive amount of immortal energy with his thoughts, condensing it instantly. Immortal Seal bloomed for a moment of brilliance, and the celestial light shrouded the entire hall. The Temple of Light is like going back in time, with the collapsed ruins returning to their respective places. In less than a breath of time, the Temple of Light was restored to its original state. The temple was completely restored, but its owner seemed to be washed away by the light of the immortal seal to disperse the last trace of the true meaning of the gods. "It turned out to be that..., but it's not like that..." Halfway through the words, it was difficult to continue, and the Dharma image of the God of Light turned into a little bit of divine light and scattered around, leaving a crystal stone of divine light in the original place , it is the **** crystal condensed by its gods. "Junior Sect Leader's good tricks actually caused the God of Light to commit suicide and fall without any karmic fate." Qing Chi floated forward, sighed softly, picked up the divine crystal with his hand, took a casual look, and put it away Throw it in front of Baiyun Tower. "I'm an immortal cultivator, so what's the use of this god..." Although Bai Yunlou knew that this god-level **** was very mysterious, he didn't have the slightest desire to covet it. The main reason is that he has obtained the orthodox immortal way inheritance, and he really doesn't like the law of the great way in this divine crystal. You can't chew too much, not to mention that Baiyun Tower is a little loose by nature... The way of immortality is enough for you to study for countless years, not to mention that this god's rule contains the true meaning of the three avenues of gods, Buddhas and demons. "You may be the only one who can take this god, my younger brother... If you can do it, you have a chaotic divine body in Yunlou. You might as well try to refine this **** and truly integrate with the Dao of the Heavens." ..Sigh softly Afterwards, Qing Chi continued: "Since the King of Punishment proved the way with strength, he smashed the void with three punches and went to the unknown upper realm. Since then, the God Realm has withered talents, and there is no **** who can take this **** crystal." "The God of Light It can be regarded as an astonishingly talented person, who actually blends the Buddhist avenue with the divine way." "I passed by here not long ago, and I saw Guangming from afar. At that time, although I could see that he had practiced magic skills, it was not bad to see his soul." Pure, so happy to see it come true..." "I don't want to fall into the devil's way in a short period of time, it really makes people sigh." Baiyunlou couldn't help but sighed softly when he heard the words, and then said: "The God of Light has fallen into the devil's way. The way of demons may have something to do with Senior Sister..." Hearing these words, Qingchi also realized immediately: "It turns out that..." "One thought becomes a Buddha, and one thought becomes a demon. All the clans were massacred, and when you wake up, a big mistake has already been made. Unless you are completely possessed, you will not escape the backlash of karma." In just a few words, Baiyun Tower explained the cause of the fall of the God of Light. Qingchi nodded slightly, and understood the cause and effect, but after thinking about it, he suddenly read: "Yunlou, let me recount all the details after stepping on Shenyaoxing this time..." Hearing the elder sister's recitation, Baiyunlou Immediately realized,

Although he secretly planned this trip by himself, it seemed to be too smooth... After sorting out his thoughts a little bit, Baiyun Tower used the immortal body to resist the real martial arts barrier, covering the aura of the avenue, and then released the cloud and mist illusion, and put himself After coming to Shenyaoxing, all the changes around him evolved in every detail. ... On that day, Baiyun Tower turned into a servant of the gods, wandered in a **** city, and began to plan to get close to the god's envoy. Among many backup candidates, Baiyun Tower picked a student from the Theology Palace, and then found an opportunity to include him in the Qiankun Treasure Bag, and then incarnated as this student to sneak into the Palace. Then, during a pious prayer, he accidentally attracted the baptism of divine light, which opened his orifices, transformed himself into a genius student, and created a six-pointed star array. Baiyun Tower is full of sincerity, but it took a lot of time and effort to deduce this six-pointed star That Jingu student, although trapped in the dream in the treasure bag of heaven and earth, Bai Daxian However, Jun did not hesitate to waste his immortal power to help him open up a hidden orifice, which can be regarded as helping him to truly get rid of the innate predicament, and the agility of his mind is far from what it used to be. With the help of the six-pointed star formation, Baiyun Tower sneaked into the hall of the envoy, and then directly used the magic weapon of the sundial to immobilize the unsuspecting envoy. It took half a day for Baiyun Tower to adapt to the new status of the envoy, and then released the real Jingu student, and then ordered him to meditate in the temple in the name of the envoy. Because of the existence of the magical power of the Dream Dao, this student regarded the dream as reality, and he returned to his identity. The development of this period of the situation was extremely smooth. Baiyun Tower thought it had no flaws. Now that he re-observed, he immediately saw the problem... The moment the envoy was immobilized, the talisman on his body fluctuated slightly. It was fleeting, and I was quite excited at the time, so I didn't notice it. Now that I feel carefully, I can clearly sense this fluctuation. The talisman on the envoy's waist is the identity talisman bestowed by the God of Light. Once the envoy changes, the talisman will send out a message. It's just that this fluctuation has not been reported now, and it seems to be suppressed by another unknown existence. After concentrating on sensing for a while, Baiyun Tower did not find out what was unusual in the temple at that time. After thinking about it for a while, Baiyun Tower suddenly regained consciousness, and immediately re-watched, and finally found out. It turned out that the unknown existence was the sapphire talisman on his waist. At the moment when the talisman fluctuated, a faint cyan glow flashed from the depths of the sapphire talisman at the same time. Qinghui also passed away in a flash, but without the slightest fluctuation of energy, which was ignored by Baiyunlou. It really has something to do with sapphire! After finding the real reason, Baiyunlou and Qingchi looked at each other, and they both understood what the other was thinking.