MTL - The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses-Chapter 1423 As long as you (121)

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Wu Pingyang, as always, showed his considerate side, "It doesn't matter, I'll wait for the driver to take me back."

"You tell my grandfather I'll go first."

"Okay, I'll tell him now."

Going up the window, he started the car and drove away.

When Mu Wansheng stood up straight, he wanted to find a hole to drill in. He didn't even dare to look at him, "I'm sorry ..."

"How to do?"

"Huh? What do you do?"

"The place where you were lying just now can't be dealt with now. Shouldn't the fire you set off be killed by you?"

Mu Wansheng turned his face out the window. "I didn't ... intentionally ... you stop the car at the corner, I want to get off."

As he said, he parked the car at the front corner. When she was about to get out of the car, he asked, "Luo Xing is not suitable for you. It is better to cancel his marriage with him."

Mu Wansheng said, "I decide whether it is appropriate or not. I have never thought about how happy I will be in the future. This world is so big. How can I meet someone who likes me and likes me? And, Can you really grow old when you meet someone you like? Not necessarily. "

Fan Shixin watched her figure getting out of the car, her eyes narrowed slightly.

Mu Wansheng walked very fast, her mind was blank, and she reached the gate.

Luo Xing's car was still parked at the door, but people were not at the door.

When he came to the door of the living room, the voice of Mr. Mu was heard, and it was obvious to Wu Pingyang.

"Hurry up with Shi Xin to finalize the marriage. At that time, there will be two happy events in our family. Do n’t keep busy with your work. Shi Xin is very busy every day. How much money can you earn a month? Stay with him. "

"Grandpa, my vacation time is very short every month, and I can't spare that long time. Besides, if a woman has no work to accompany him, he will be very annoying ..."

"Then you, yes, Luo Xing, have already bought the engagement ring with the late one, right?"

"Yes, I have already bought it, and the place to decide the engagement ceremony has been prepared. It is all right."

"That's good, the late child is not good at talking, you talk more."

"Will do."

When Luo was walking, Mu Wansheng sent him to the door and asked sparsely, "Be careful when driving."


As soon as his front foot left, Wu Pingyang came out.

He was disdainful in his words, "I thought this Luo family had more money, but that's all. It was the cheapest BMW, garbage."

"Why don't you think so in front of Grandpa? What can you do in front of me?"

"The reason why the grandfather isn't to say that is to save you a little bit of face. Why are you also his granddaughter? Why can't my granddaughter who can't match my granddaughter support the Mu family?"

After that, she got into the car and left.

Mu Wansheng stood at the door for a while before entering.


"Luo is walking?" Mu Mu sat in the living room and looked up at her with her mobile phone.

"Well, gone."

"Do n’t always put on a stinky face, this is about to get engaged soon. Be happy. Marry the Luo family. You ca n’t afford it. The family can push you into the fire pit. Luo Xing only has a younger sister. In the future, the property in his family will belong to him. If you marry him in the future, you can be at home for too long and enjoy endless blessings. "

"He said, he won't break up with his girlfriend."

Mu Mu first frowned, and then said, "What's the matter? He can't let that woman marry into the house without breaking up, and the man's marriage will be stable. If our company is not the Luo family, we will integrate in time. The funds, I ’m afraid it ’s closed, you ’re married to him, it ’s the best of both worlds. Do n’t look at your aunt ’s glorious power. We ’re in trouble with the company. Living in Fan Shixin, she is definitely not as good as you in the future. "

Mu Wansheng had a sore head. "I'm going to sleep first."

"Okay, go to bed and get engaged the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow you will go to the beauty salon to make a good face and change your hairstyle. Don't keep your curls and mature."

"I like it." She went upstairs without looking back.

Lying on the bed, Fan Shixin's face appeared in her mind, and what he said, and she thought that she was lying on his place, and her face started to become hot again.

Turned over, lying on the bed, Mu Wansheng took out his mobile phone, opened the text message, and read the words that the two texted tonight.

Looked and looked.

She closed her eyes and felt that her nose was sore and her eyes were a little dry, but she didn't feel sleepy when she wanted to sleep.

She had no illusions about this marriage without love.

For love, starting from Zuo Xingwei, she completely lost her heart.

Without expectation or extravagance, you will not be sad, even if the other party is with other women every day, you will not feel heartache.


The next day, the Luo family's parents came to bring specially prepared gifts, as well as a good birthday handbook, to discuss with the Mu family people to determine the date of marriage tomorrow.

Mu Wansheng had a polite smile all day, but it was only about politeness.

Although the Mu family is gradually declining, it always belongs to the famous family.

Although Mu Wansheng had made a boyfriend before, he was still married and had no children.

The Luo family is going to marry such a daughter-in-law.

For the wedding date, a month later.

An engagement ceremony will be held tomorrow and they will marry directly one month later.

The courtesy of the Luo family is fairly comprehensive.

I brought all the dresses and shoes to be engaged in the engagement ceremony tomorrow.

In the afternoon, she was forcibly brought into the beauty salon for maintenance by Mu Mu, and went to the hairdresser to change her hairstyle.

The curly hair became straight, and it was slightly dyed, and it was more beautiful on the shoulders.

Mu Mu is very satisfied. Since she and Luo's family have been finalized, her mood has been very good. She was afraid of the moth. After her daughter got married, she would be completely relieved.

"Mom, I want to go alone, you go back first."

"Where do you go? The large courtyard is not enough for you to leave? You will be engaged tomorrow. Don't give me trouble."

"I see, I won't mess it up."

Mu Mu saw her look bad, and did not force her back, but she left by car, and she walked on the sidewalk with her bag.

I wanted to disperse in this way, but I didn't expect that my heart wasn't scattered.

"Late!" A long time before I heard a familiar voice coming across the road, Mu Wansheng turned around and saw that it was Zuo Xingwei, who hadn't seen in a long time, and there was a girl beside him who was together in the hospital. The girl who was trying to give birth had two arms in arm, and at first glance it looked like a couple.