MTL - The Wealthy Psychic Lady: 99 Stolen Kisses-Chapter 1422 As long as you (120)

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"No, I'll call my mother now."


When the car arrived at the door of Mu's house, it was found that a BMW was parked at the door.

When the two got out of the car, Wu Pingyang laughed with a hint in his mouth. "The cheapest BMW is so ordinary to want to come to this Luo family."

"What Luo family?" He asked knowingly.

"Ah ... it's the Luo family who specializes in furnishings. The son is the car of my daughter-in-law's boyfriend. It's about to get engaged. You don't know because I want to marry Luo's family. Can pinch the flies. "

"When are you going to get engaged?"

"These days, I do n’t know the specifics, do n’t care about her, but this discussion has been about marriage for months. My grandfather meant that the sooner the marriage, the better. I hope to get married soon after the engagement. Shi Xin, we have been together for so long, can we not be left behind? "

Fan Shixin said, "I have this plan recently."

"Really?" Wu Pingyang seemed very happy. "If my grandfather knows the news, he must be very happy. I'll tell him later."

He gave no comment, said nothing, and entered the living room with her.

Father Mu, who had been waiting for a long time, saw them coming back, and stood up, "Shi Xin and He Pingyang are back. Come here. What other gifts do you bring and waste money?"

"It should be honored to honor grandpa." With a faint smile on his face, he took his seat at about the same time as Wu Pingyang.

Grandpa Mu couldn't be happier. He asked his servant to collect the gifts, and then ordered his tea.

"Ah, by the way, introduce it to Shi Xin. This one is the person who is about to become my granddaughter-in-law, a member of the Luo family, Luo Xing."

Fan Shixin then cast his gaze towards the opposite side. The man in the suit was really extraordinary. He got up and shook hands with Luo Xing.

After sitting down one after another, from the moment he entered the door, he didn't look at the woman sitting next to Luo Xing.

"The day after tomorrow, Luo Xing will hold an engagement ceremony with the later students. Shi Xin, will you join in, too?"

He smiled and nodded. "Okay, I'm fine the day after tomorrow."

"That's good. It happens that everyone is here today to have a meal together." Father Mu then ordered the kitchen to prepare dinner.

As soon as he ordered it, Wu Pingyang couldn't help but say, "Grandpa, Shi Xin said that he plans to get married in the near future."

"That's great."

Father Mu was so happy in his heart. Fan Shixin never mentioned marriage, and he was not very at ease. Now he can wait until he makes this plan.

While the men were chatting, Mu Wansheng, who had been silent, looked at Fan Shixin from time to time. He hadn't seen him for a long time, and he still looked the same without any change.

Even the acting was really good. From entering to eating, she always showed a little bit of the style she used to know.

Not only didn't show it, not even a look to her.

Until after dinner, when she put down her chopsticks and wiped her mouth, she felt that someone was looking at her, and suddenly she looked up, and he looked at him who had no time to look back.

He didn't evade, so he looked at her so steadily, Mu Wansheng somehow felt that he had something to say in his eyes.

"I'm full, go out for a walk."

She got up and left the side hall.

When I went out, I took out my mobile phone, saw his mobile phone number, and sent a text message, [I didn't expect to meet you here. ]

[Sooner or later. ]

Mu Wansheng looked at the four words in his reply. In fact, she knows this better than anyone else. After all, he will be her cousin afterwards.

At Mu Family, we will meet sooner or later.

In my thoughts, another new text message came.

She was busy looking down at the contents of the text message, [I have something to tell you. ]

[Please speak. ]

[SMS is inconvenient. Please wait until I meet alone. I have not locked the car door. I will wait in my car. ]

Mu Wansheng felt nervous for a while, and she went out after a good reply.

Got in his car.

He came out within a few minutes and got into the car.

Mu Wansheng sitting in the back row said softly, "I'm here."

Fan Shixin turned back, "Who ordered it for you?"

"It was ordered by the elders at home."

"Does he like you?"

Mu Wansheng replied, "I don't like it."

"Do you like him then?"


"Then why are you still engaged to marry him? Marriage matters are so hasty in your eyes?"

Mu Wansheng looked at him, "Of course not, but who is married is not married, and who is married is not a knot. In fact, there is no difference.

Fan Shixin was taken aback, and he sank. "Sit down."

Mu Wansheng came from the back row and sat in the co-pilot position. He was much closer to him, and even the breath on his body could smell.

"Where did you get the 150,000?"

"There was a deposit I used to make, and my mother gave me some."

She bit her lip. "Captain Fan, are you really planning to get married?"

"I've always been planning to get married, and I've been planning long ago."

She was silent for tens of seconds before saying, "Bless you."

He turned to his side and looked at her in the car under the dim street light, and found her glorious.

"I haven't seen you in so long, you're beautiful again."

Mu Wansheng's face turned red and his ears were red and his voice became lower. "No ... it's still the same."

"During this period, why didn't you contact me?"

"Because I am afraid of disturbing you, I know Captain Fan is very busy on weekdays, so I have never wanted to disturb you."

This reason ...

Just when he was about to say something, she continued to say, "If Captain Fan was not busy on weekdays, why didn't he contact me?"

"..." His dark eyes stared straight at her. "You blame me?"

Mu Wansheng quickly shook his head. "No, where can I blame Captain Fan? I don't blame you for being late."

At this time, Luo Xing came out of the courtyard. When Mu Wansheng saw this, she bent down and lay down, but it wasn't the place. She lay on Fan Shixin's leg ... in the middle.

Fan Shixin's whole body froze. She didn't feel abnormal at first, until the place she was lying on had a noticeable change and it swelled up quickly. Then she realized where she was lying on the ground and a flushed face. The general feeling of fire, the phone buzzed and vibrated, and she set the vibration mode.

She couldn't move and couldn't really answer the phone.

At this time, she heard Wu Pingyang's voice again.

"How do I go down? What if Pingyang got on the train and saw me?"

He reached out and patted her on the back, reassuring her, and let him handle it.

Seeing Wu Pingyang was going to bypass the front of the car to the position of co-pilot, Fan Shixin opened the window and said in a clear voice, "Pingyang, I need to go somewhere else in an emergency, and I can't take you back."