MTL - The Troubleshooting Diary at Hogwarts-Chapter 19 March 20 cloudy

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Slytherin students have been really weird lately. Zhu Yi said this to Angelina more than once. Because she noticed that when she was in class with Slytherin recently, there was a lot less cynicism in her ears.

Flami and her good friend have obviously parted ways. The two girls who were inseparable now sit next to different companions. Even when they meet, they all raise their heads proudly. The other side turned a blind eye.

"This is so weird!" Jue exclaimed while practicing petrification spells with Angelina in Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Because there were screams and wailing from the side all the time, the voice was too low to hear at all.

"Don't care about other people's business! Your spell hit my arm!" Angelina's arm turned into a stone, the key is that this arm is still holding a wand, she He smiled and said, "Hey, I can't fight back now!"

"Wow! This shows that I succeeded!" Zhu Yi shouted happily.

"It's not a success for you to petrify one of her arms." Professor Alfik walked up to them and said "It's over" to restore Angelina's arm to its original shape. .

"But I made her lose her ability to fight back!" Zhu Yi said unconvincingly, and then she quickly found that she couldn't move at all, her whole body seemed to be made of cement, with only eyes can move.

The students around were stunned and looked at each other. All the Gryffindors were surrounded by Jue, and Fred and George suspected who the spell was accidentally smashed and hit Jue. Some of the Slytherin students watched from the sidelines, and the other part also merged in the Gryffindor circle, watching carefully.

"It's a silent spell," whispered a Slytherin boy closest to Joy.

"That's right, Slytherin adds 10 points." Professor Alfik praised with a smile, and the boy couldn't help showing a proud look.

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Yi found that she was able to move, and when she was able to move again, she jumped a few times, wishing she could do some somersaults to release herself.

"So your magic spell is either a one-shot hit, there must be no perfunctory, against black magic, a little negligence can be fatal." Professor Alfik's smile disappeared, her Looking at the group of Slytherin students who were on the sidelines, he said, "Dark magic is far more evil than you think. I am not alarmist. If anyone is still interested in black magic, I regret that Azkaban may I'm waving to you."

The students of Gryffindor have begun to whisper, and it is ridiculous that everyone is interested in black magic. But the Slytherin students were all silent, some disdain others to think deeply.

Only Zhu Yi jumped up and down like a jumping bean, came down in a circle, and stopped beside Professor Elphic, with adoring stars in his eyes and said: "It's so cool I want to learn Silent Spells!" Spells that don't give people any reaction time at all are really cool! At this moment, she didn't feel that her half-hearted petrification spell was worth showing off!

"At this time, you will study in the senior years. Now you can practice the petrification spell first." Professor Elphick looked at his watch and said, "There is still an hour, and the get out of class is still over. Those who are not successful will have homework. I hope you will hurry up."

Professor Alfik just finished speaking, and everyone hurriedly found their partner to practice. Who wants to have homework? ! That's crazy!

Juey and Angelina's progress is not bad, they succeeded in petrifying each other just a little later than the twins. Then, of course, a few Gryffindor students took this as a game, and began to quietly cast spells on the students of the house while Professor Alfik was teaching others. There were always Gryffindor students who were petrified by a spell shot from somewhere as soon as they raised their wands, and soon more Gryffindor students joined the melee with a smile on their face.

Angelina was also petrified, her eyes turned desperately to the left, Zhu Yi knew very well and gave Li, who was snickering on the left, a perfect petrification. The smile froze in place, and Fred wickedly put him on the ground, and placed a small white flower in a potted plant in the classroom next to him, which caused many people to follow suit. Soon, Li was surrounded by a circle of small white flowers, looking quite poignant.

Alfik finished teaching a few students, and when he turned around, he saw that half of the students in Gryffindor had been turned into stone statues, and most of the other half had stiff arms or legs. She sighed deeply, and then apologetically announced that all Gryffindor students were to write a two-foot-inch paper on how to use the Petrification Charm properly.

The students who had just been petrified by Professor Elphick heard a cry, and they all went after their attackers. The classroom was very lively.

Zhu Yi and Fred were chased by Li and flew all over the place, Angelina chased after Li, and George shouted desperately, "Zhu Yi, Li will grab your braids! "Li, Angelina, grab your dreadlocks!"

Professor Alfik organized the Slytherin students to the other side of the classroom, and didn't want to care about the little lions.

The weather is very good today, although the clouds blocked some sunshine, but the warm spring still makes many students willing to take a walk on the lawn outside the campus.

The last class of Zhu Yi and the others in the morning was the history of magic. Mr. Binns may have been a ghost for too long, forgetting the time of the living, and dazedly announced the dismissal of school after only an hour. Of course, no students would remind him of this, and everyone snickered at each other, picked up their schoolbags and ran out.

Angelina said her hair was messed up in Defence Against the Dark Arts class and insisted on going back to the dorm to comb it.

"Look at people, that's what a girl is!" Fred and George said to Zhu Yi with disgust.

Zhu Yi rolled her eyes, spread out the messy braids, and ran outside the castle with fluffy curly hair, shouting as she ran, "If I wasn't afraid of my mother's sadness, I would like to All hair is shaved!" This is not enough time to sleep every day, but also get up and tie your hair! It's so annoying!

The twins shook their heads and followed, still chattering about Zhu Yi not being a girl. Zhu Yi angrily smashed the schoolbag directly on their heads, and ran to the lake without looking back. Oh! She saw what looked like a thick octopus leg in the lake! what is that! She's going to make sure!

Juey ran over and found a girl sitting by the lake with her knees in her arms. She didn't pay attention to who it was. She kept her eyes fixed on the already silent lake and asked, "Hey, did you see that octopus leg just now?"

After asking, Zhu Yi turned to look at it, oh, bad luck! It turned out to be Fumira of Slytherin! Zhu Yi wanted to turn around and leave, but seems...isn't it...wiping away her tears...

Fumira obviously didn't expect someone to appear suddenly, so she buried her face in her knees in panic, and when she heard Zhu Yi's voice, she was reluctant to raise her head, and muttered: "I didn't see... Leave now!" She tried to say sharp words with a crying voice.

Juey and Fumira have never dealt with each other, although seeing her cry a little soft-hearted, but she is also a pampered little girl, who has no temper. You let me go and I'll leave? So how embarrassed am I?

Juyi waved to the twins who wanted to come over to keep them away from here, then sat down and said with a smile: "I won't leave! Hey! Come and fight with me again! what!"

Fumira rubbed her face **** her sleeve, raised her head and stared at Zhu Yi, her cheeks, nose and eyes were red, like a rabbit preparing to fight. Seeing the immoral smile, Zhu Yi laughed, and Fumira's face turned even redder.

"You don't know anything! You just bully me!" Fumira suddenly shouted at Zhu Yi.

Ju Yi was inexplicably yelled at by her, but not to be outdone, she shouted back: "You are sick! I don't know what! Make it clear! Who is bullying you!" They are bullying each other! Zhu Yi felt wronged.

"That mouse! That mouse is Peter! The traitor of Gryffindor! The traitor who betrayed the Harry Potter family!" The strength growled. After roaring, he seemed to suddenly remove the mountain that was pressing on him, and his whole body softened.

"What mouse?" Zhu Yi was still confused, but there seemed to be some impression in her mind, Ha Potter's parents died because of the appearance of a mouse... She scratched her hair, impatient Say, "Hey, why are you crying again? Stop crying—" Damn, do Slytherin girls cry like that? ! ! I like to cry so much, go and worship Myrtle!

Fumira cried and cried for a long time, but Zhu Yi barely understood. It turned out that Percy's mouse was Peter Pettigrew who betrayed the Harry Potter family. Dumbledore captured the mouse and handed it over to the Ministry of Magic, and participated in the trial himself.

In the end Sirius was acquitted and Peter was imprisoned in Azkaban. He cried during the trial that he was being forced, and provided a list of many Death Eaters, including Many escaped arrest in the first place.

Zhu Yi listened with his mouth open wide, his face full of shock. Seeing her like this, Fumira frowned in disgust, and continued, "This news is no longer a secret among the pure-blooded nobles, and the parents of many classmates have been arrested in Azkaban because of this. , even Green Finney's father... woo woo woo..."

Ju Yi had a headache when she saw her big teardrops falling down, but she continued to listen patiently.

The Green Fanny Fumira returned the mouse to Zhu Yi, and said that if the mouse was killed directly, there would be no such thing as hunger. As a result, this sentence was heard by another Slytherin student, and it spread to the ears of the entire Academy and even many pure-blooded noble wizard families. Fumira's parents lost many business partners as a result, and her mother wrote to her that she was a family shame. Fumira said she is now isolated and shunned by many of her classmates.

"But I don't think you're being ignored now." Zhu Yi had some indigestion about this information, but still couldn't help but refute.

Fumira sniffled and said sharply, "Do I have to have a friend without you to be satisfied?"

Zhu Yi felt that she couldn't make sense with her, and shrugged her shoulders without any guilt: "Then it wouldn't be surprising if you don't have a friend, you have such a bad temper."

Fumira was bulged by her angry cheeks, and she was speechless when she pointed her finger at her.

Ju Yi smiled and held her finger, kissed her, and said, "Okay, don't be angry, Miss. It's good that you have friends now!"

Fumira's face turned red all of a sudden, she grabbed her fingers fiercely, lowered her head and rubbed **** her skirt. After wiping for a while, she still didn't look up, but whispered: "Now Slytherin has been divided into two factions, one faction believes that the Dark Lord is over and should cooperate with Dumbledore in order to maintain the safety and glory of the nobles. The other faction is the black The devil's die-hard, they've been waiting for the Dark Lord to come back to life."

"Oh, then they have to wait!" Zhu Yi said indifferently, she dared not say anything else, but she would not forget the ending of Harry Potter. Voldemort will be gone forever, oh yeah!

Fumira didn't speak anymore, she turned her head to the side, and didn't want to look at this blindly optimistic nemesis again. But she was willing to speak her mind with this mortal enemy, it was really... disgusting.

Zhu Yi didn't plan to continue chatting intimately with Fumira, she regarded herself as a tree hole that can spread gossip (Fumera: You may have misunderstood the tree hole) Okay! Ha ha ha ha!

When Jue got up and patted the grass on her ass, Fumira suddenly raised her head and said to her: "Be careful, they all say you gave Dumbledore that mouse. "

Me? ! Zhu Yi pointed to her nose, and then she thought, was it when she left her schoolbag in the principal's room that day? ! Then, it's not a loss for me!

"Let them go, anyway, they can't give me an Avada in school, hahaha!" Zhu Yi laughed heartily, and after laughing, she pointed to Fumila Point to cheek and say, "Hey, your face looks like a dirty little brat right now."

"Fuck off!" Fumira finally scolded the first **** in her life.

Juey laughed even more.