MTL - The System is One Year Ahead of Schedule, But It’s Not the End of the World Yet!-Chapter 158 Strange changes!

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Chapter 158 Strange changes!

As the experiment began, when the needle pierced the skin of the female subject, she frowned suddenly and felt a burning pain in her heart. At the same time, her breathing became difficult, as if she was suffering from a pain. An indescribable pain.

 As the dark blue medicinal liquid was slowly injected into her body, her body began to slowly undergo subtle changes.

"Pay attention to her vital signs." A researcher saw that the female subject did not struggle too much this time, and immediately felt something was different. He said seriously, while staring at the data on the monitoring screen.

At this time, the female subject's complexion gradually changed from pale to rosy, her breathing became more steady and powerful, her frowning brows relaxed, and her face looked peaceful.

Her muscles began to gradually become firm and elastic. Compared with the previous male test subjects, her changes were calmer, as if there was a gentle force flowing in her body.

“It’s incredible, her body changes are so harmonious.” Another researcher marveled.

However, before they could be happy for long, as the drug took effect further, the expression of the female experimental subject began to become painful again.

 Her brows furrowed tightly again, as if she was undergoing great suffering.

 Her eyes were closed tightly, her teeth were clenched, and she seemed to be experiencing an indescribable struggle. Her body also twitched slightly, but she did not lose control as violently as the previous male experimental subjects.

“She seems to be fighting the drug.” A researcher said nervously.

“Very good, she has a strong willpower.” Another researcher nodded and said with a hint of excitement in his eyes, feeling that there might be something to play this time.

"Although it is good to have strong willpower, if the willpower of the experimental subject is too strong, it is very likely that the kind of crazy situation that has occurred before will occur, which will also make the experiment more dangerous, and this situation has not happened with the enhanced version of the drug. , if a crazy experimental subject appears because of this, it is unknown whether the restraints on her body can perfectly restrain her!"

 “Always have your defenses ready.”

 The researchers exchanged glances with each other. They knew that this experiment might bring new discoveries, but it might also bring unpredictable consequences.

At this time, although the female subject showed an extremely painful expression due to the physical changes, her vital signs remained stable and there was no sign of collapse like the previous male subject.

“Continue to observe.” The researchers continued to record data while preparing methods to kill the mutants.

As time went by, the female subject's body actually showed changes visible to the naked eye. She was originally skinny and skinny, but her body lines gradually became softer and fuller. Her skin became smooth and delicate, exuding a light gloss.

However, her expression is still painful, which shows that she is continuing to fight a fierce battle with the drug.

“The effect of the drug seems to have reached its limit.” A researcher said while observing the data.

“But her body is still changing.” Another researcher pointed out, “This change seems to be more profound and lasting.”

The researchers continued to observe the changes in the female subjects, and they knew that the significance of this experiment was far more than that.

 The physical changes of female experimental subjects may provide important clues and revelations for future research.

 In the final stage of the experiment, the female subject's body gradually returned to calm, and her expression was no longer painful.

Her breathing became steady and her twitching stopped. However, her eyes were still closed tightly, as if she was experiencing a dream from which she could not wake up.

Seeing that the female subject successfully survived this experiment, everyone on the scene couldn't help but smile excitedly.

 This is the first case of intact survival after injection of the enhanced version of drug A.

Although a few people had survived before, their bodies still suffered from ulcers and injuries to varying degrees. This is an extremely rare and successful experimental object, and everyone immediately began to sort out the experimental data for this time.

 Chen Mo had already appeared beside them and memorized all the experimental data in his mind.

"She needs to rest." A researcher said after recording the information in his hand, "Send her to the recovery room for continued observation."

The two strong men next to them immediately carefully lifted the female experimental subject from the metal platform. Their movements were gentle and cautious, as if they were carrying a fragile treasure. They knew that although the experiment was over, the female experimental subject would still be there. safety remains paramount.

 While lifting the female subject, they noticed that her body was unusually light, as if she had lost weight.

 “Why is her body so light?” The person who lifted up the female experimental body immediately asked out of curiosity.

“Light?” the researcher next to her said immediately, “Get her weight data quickly.”

 The test table just now can simultaneously record the weight changes of the experimental subject lying on it.

As a result, they saw that the already thin female subject weighed 80 kilograms when she first lay on the test platform, but now her weight directly changed to 50 kilograms.

The 30 kilograms of weight seemed to have evaporated out of thin air, but instead of becoming thinner, her body was full and firm with muscles all over her body, completely unlike a patient who only weighed 50 kilograms.

"What's happening here?"

  “Quickly collect the data on her whole body again.”

"Wait a minute, she has just undergone the experiment and is still very weak. It will not be conducive to her recovery and observation to conduct a comprehensive examination on her too hastily now."

“Okay, let her rest first and give her some strengthening nutrient solution to speed up her recovery.”


The recovery room is right next to the laboratory. The researchers pushed the stretcher slowly through the corridor. After entering the recovery room, the researchers gently placed the female subject on the soft bed.

 They carefully covered her with a quilt and adjusted the angle of the bed so that she could rest comfortably.

 The air in the room is restored to be fresh and quiet, with only the slight sound of instruments and the gentle footsteps of scientific researchers.

 Three scientific researchers even stayed directly beside her bed, carefully observing the vital signs of the female experimental subject at all times.

Chen Mo was nearby, and he was quite surprised when he heard that the female experimental subject only weighed fifty kilograms.

 He directly activated his clairvoyance ability to observe.

 The result was an astonishing discovery for him.

This woman's body is somewhat different from that of ordinary humans. In ordinary humans, bones, skin, meat, water, blood and other tissues make up the internal world.

 The blood inside this woman's body was in a strange state, filling her whole body.

 (End of this chapter)