MTL - The System is One Year Ahead of Schedule, But It’s Not the End of the World Yet!-Chapter 157 Underground research institute!

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Chapter 157 Underground Research Institute!

 At this time, after Akafiel hung up the phone, he didn't feel anything unusual about Kevis's performance.

 On the contrary, he felt that Keeves's attitude was the attitude that a responsible regional leader should have, and he admired Keeves even more.

Ignoring Akafiel's thoughts, Chen Mo went straight to the underground research institute.

Being able to move instantly, he was no different from being able to walk through walls. He left Akafiel's office quietly and began to explore the entire institute.

 He walked through the corridors of the institute with sharp eyes, not letting go of any possible clues.

Along the way, he could feel that the atmosphere of this underground research institute was very depressing. There was always a strange smell in the air, and most of the staff had expressionless faces.

Not far from Akafiel's office, Chen Mo saw an area marked "Group A Drug Experimental Area".

Through the window, he saw some patients undergoing experiments in the area's rooms.

These patients were covered with various tubes, and some machines were monitoring their vital signs. He saw a medical staff injecting a blue liquid into a patient, which was the Group A he had seen before. drug.

 Chen Mo observed carefully for a while and saw that after the injection of drugs, many of these patients, like Zhao Ran, became significantly stronger and their muscles became more developed.

However, he also saw some cases of experimental failure. Some patients' bodies began to twitch uncontrollably, some people's skin even began to crack and pus leaked out, and some people suddenly went crazy and became like zombies.

 In this experimental area, there are several special experimental rooms with the words "Special Laboratory" written in bird script.

Chen Mo stood outside the window of the special experimental area with curiosity. His eyes looked through the glass and focused on the middle-aged man in a special experimental room at this time.

This man is a thin patient, and the disease has tortured him to the point of breaking his bones.

At this moment, he was lying on a metal platform, his limbs tightly fixed by strong restraints, as if he was about to undergo some mysterious ritual.

 In the laboratory, several researchers wearing white lab coats are busy preparing.

 He ​​picked up a syringe filled with a dark blue liquid that was darker than Group A drugs and looked at the contents carefully.

This dark blue liquid is an enhanced version of their latest developed Group A drug, designed to further enhance human body strength.

 “Are you ready?” the researcher asked the assistant next to him.

"Ready, the experimental subject has been stabilized." The assistant replied after injecting the preparatory drug, and his eyes were fixed on the man lying on the metal table.

The researcher nodded and slowly pushed the dark blue liquid in the syringe into the heart of the middle-aged man.

 As the drug was injected, the middle-aged man's body immediately began to undergo subtle changes.

His muscles gradually swelled, as if there was a force surging under his skin. His face turned from pale to flushed, and his breathing became rapid.

“Heart rate rises, blood pressure rises.” The assistant recorded the experimental data on the side, with a strange calmness in his tone, as if he had seen too many such scenes.

The researcher did not speak, but focused on observing the man's changes. He saw that the man's body gradually became stronger under the influence of the drug, the muscle fibers seemed to become denser, and the body lines became smoother.

This change is so miraculous, like magic.

However, this reinforcement does not come without costs.

Soon the middle-aged man’s eyes began to look wild, as if there was an uncontrollable violent force raging in his body.

 His heartbeat and blood pressure increased sharply, and his body began to twitch uncontrollably.

"Ahhhhhh!!" He roared like a beast. Although he was tightly fixed by the restraints, his strength was amazing, and the metal platform began to creak continuously under his struggle.

 “Side effects are beginning to appear.” The researcher said in a deep voice with an expressionless face.

 The assistant did not speak, but carefully recorded the experimental data.

He saw that the man's skin began to crack, and blood marks appeared on his body. The pain was indescribable, and the man's roar became more and more sad, ahhhhh! ! …

 Obviously he was experiencing endless suffering at this time, but the scientific researchers could only watch quietly from the sidelines and were unable to provide him with any help at this time.

 Finally, the man lost consciousness with a painful roar. His body completely collapsed under the side effects of the drug. His blood vessels burst, his skin and flesh fester, and he turned into a lifeless, rotting body.

The researcher was silent for a moment, and then said in a calm tone: "Record the failure of the experiment and prepare for the next experiment."

 The assistant nodded and began to sort out the experimental data.

When Chen Mo saw this scene outside the window, he could clearly feel that life was worthless in front of these people. He swept the rotting corpse of the middle-aged man into the large trash can next to him like cleaning up a pile of garbage. , and was about to bring the next experimental subject over.

Some of these patients voluntarily participated in the experiments. They came here with the mentality of being a dead horse, hoping to find a cure for their diseases through drug experiments. Some were deceived, and some were even tricked by themselves. The family members themselves betrayed him.

Their so-called family members were already overwhelmed by the burden of critically ill patients. They found that giving critically ill patients to Watt Company would not only get rid of this trouble, but could even make extra money. Many people simply supported it with both hands.

 In the end, these patients became victims of Vought's cruel experiments.

Not long after the last patient's body was swept into the trash can, the next experimental subject was brought in.

 This time the experimental subject was a female patient.

Chen Mo read his mind and learned that the ingredients of the medicine would be slightly adjusted depending on the patient's body shape and gender.

The female experimental subject who came in this time was a thin woman. The disease made her look pale and haggard.

After obeying the staff's instructions, she lay down quietly on the metal platform with an expressionless face. Soon, her limbs were tightly fixed on the metal platform with strong restraints like a man's. .

 This female experimental subject seemed to have known about such behavior for a long time. She had no reaction at all and allowed the staff to do it.

Soon the second experiment started, but this time, the staff showed unexpected smiles on their calm faces!

 (End of this chapter)