MTL - The Supreme Lord Donghuang-Chapter 220 Good girl!

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The East Emperor's Chapter 220 is a good girl! "Constant meteor field?"

"The constant flow star field, isn't the star field of the enemy that the monk in the Tianma Star Field Honglong Star said to me in the letter that the monk left to me?"

Zhou Donghuang remembers very clearly:

The enemies of the monk who is the peak of the law are the monks of the Yuanshen who ignited the fire in the constant stream star field.

Fire and teach, you will know that it is a sect named after the sect.

"Oh, I won't wait for her... If she comes back, you tell her, I am also in the constant stream. If there is no accident, I will soon meet in the constant flow star field."

After Zhou Donghuang and Li Yu said a word, they put a stack of paper in their hands and sent them to Li Yu.

"Oh, this is my dowry."

When the voice fell, Zhou Donghuang hurriedly greeted Li Yu and Luo Wuyun, then turned and left, ready to go to the nearby interstellar transmission array, and sent to the constant stream star field!

When Zhou Donghuang came to the wind and the back disappeared in front of Li Yu and Luo Wuchen, the two talents completely recovered.

"It's an impetuous boy!"

Luo no dust and a low bang.

"I really think that his style of doing things suits my appetite."

Li Yu smiled lightly.


Luo has no face and smiles. "How do you rashly put the cold head on it? And, we haven't asked the cold opinion about this matter. How do you know if she is willing or not?"


Li Yu shook his head and flashed a wise light in his eyes. "Do you think that Li Yu is the kind of rash person?"

"You don't always want to know... the cold-headed girl, the one who went out a few years ago, what adventures did she get, so that her martial arts talent is reborn?"

Li Yu looked deeply at Luo Wuqian and asked.


Luo nodded no, "I asked the girl a few times, but she opened the topic every time, do not want to tell me."

"It’s normal not to tell you. Although you are her father, but also a man, men and women are different."

Li Yu said: "Would the East Emperor tell you about the cold and the East Emperor? Otherwise, you will not send someone to come and confirm."


Luo nodded nodded. "At the beginning, the congratulatory message of the Hejia family gave me a cold medicine. I knew... but I don’t know, I still ate a big loss after the cold."

At that time, Luo Qinghan went to the Hejia with his mother-in-law in front of him, and he killed Miss Hejia’s dream, he knew.

"The change of the talent of the cold is precisely because of the joy of the East Emperor."

When Li Yu’s words came out, he suddenly felt that Luo was so clean that he couldn’t return to God, and he looked at Li Yu with incredulity.

"Mother-in-law, mean: that Zhou Donghuang, noble blood, talent detached, far better than the cold, this makes the cold martial arts talents have undergone earth-shaking amazing transformation?"

In the innocent universe, the blood of mankind is about the same at first.

However, when some human cultivation is successful, his blood, but it will be upgraded with him, and the subtle change.

These people combine and produce the descendants, the blood is naturally higher than the average human.

The combination of two humans, if one has a higher bloodline, is far better than the other, if the **** side is still the body of the boy or the virgin body, the other side of the martial arts talent, after the combination of the two sides, will happen to be reborn The change.

This point, Luo Wuchen is aware.


Li Yu nodded.

“Is there any chance that there is another adventure in the cold?”

Luo no dust asked.


Li Yu shook his head. "What happened when I went out, I told you that there was nothing missing from the cold. I can conclude that the transformation of her martial arts talent could not be separated from the East Emperor."

"Just, it was said that the East Emperor was just a gas monk, and I was a little puzzled... But today, it is because for some reason, the East Emperor is only a gas-filled monk at the age of sixteen or seven."

"However, in the past few years, the talent of the East Emperor has obviously been fully revealed, otherwise it is impossible to achieve the Golden Dan monk at such an age."

"And, the true element of his Jindan monk is far better than the ordinary Jindan monk. Even the honesty is somewhat unbelievable... I want to come, he is half a step away from the legal situation."

Li Yu’s remarks made the Delois silent for a moment.

"I was still wondering how there would be such a noble blood in a small planet in a star field that is not even in the interplanetary transmission. But the East King has already answered me."

When Li Yu opened his mouth again, his eyes were shining. "Emperor, only grew up in the Ziyun Star, not a descendant of the Ziyun Star... He was left alone by his biological father."

"Clear cold can form a marriage with him, it is a blessing for the cold."

"And, I can see that the child of the East Emperor, although he is silent, has a mature and stable position that is not in line with his own age, and is very responsible."

"This is a marriage, and the cold will not suffer."

Between Li Yu’s words, there is no appreciation for Zhou Donghuang. He can’t help but feel jealous when he hears nothing. He’s never been praised by him.

However, jealous is jealous, he is still very concerned about his daughter's lifelong events.

After listening to Li Yu’s analysis, he finally let go of his heart.

Looking back, he found that when he tried to accept the kid as his son-in-law, the kid didn't seem to be so annoying.

"Only by the cultivation of Yuan Dan, you can see through the flaws of my law... It seems that his father left him alone in the purple cloud star, but also left him a lot of good things, otherwise he It is impossible to see through the flaws of my law."

Luo no dust and dark road.

"I don't know what happened in the future... But, now, not only is the cold and the loss, but our Luo family also suffered a big loss!"

Luo's dustless eyes fell on the stack of papers in Li Yu's hands, and snorted: "That kid, just take out some spiritual stones to make a dowry....I only give a few sheets of paper, is there such a trick?" ?"

"He is so slammed, and later we will not give it to our Luojia!"

Luo is dusty and somewhat angry.

"bride price?"

Hearing the reminder of Luo Duo, Li Yu picked up the paper on his hand and looked at it seriously. His face gradually became dignified.


Seeing Li Yu’s face, Luo’s heart glimpsed, “What did the kid write on these papers?”

After a while, he saw Li Yu’s face showing joy, then ecstasy, eyes and face, full of excitement. Later, he couldn’t help but ‘haha’ laughed.

The old laughter echoed in the hall, making Delo more curious and curious about what was written on the paper.

"Good, good... good!"

"With this practice, my Li Yu will enter the realm of the gods!"

Li Yu was excited and said with a tone of voice.


Luo's dust-free pupils have shrunk sharply, and, is it still a way for him to be confident that he will enter the realm of the gods?

You must know that although his mother-in-law has more than 100 years to attack the realm of the gods, it is almost impossible to step into the realm of the gods.

This point, even if it is his mother-in-law, has long said this, and is psychologically prepared earlier.

Just, what he didn't expect was:

After his wife, the mother-in-law, after reading the practice of his predecessor, Zhou Donghuang, as a dowry, she threatened to have this practice. She must enter the realm of the gods.

What is the practice?

"Mother-in-law, what is the practice of the kid?"

Luo looked at Li Yu with no eyes and couldn't help but curiously ask.

"The Evergreen Evergreen!"

Li Yu stared at the paper in his hand, and quickly looked at it one by one. "This method is far better than the practice of cultivation before me and the inheritance of your Luo family."

"Even, this method is better than our exercises, such as the difference between clouds and mud!"

"This method of practice can not only improve our cultivation speed, but also make the law become more powerful... The master of law, the better the practice of cultivation, the stronger the law."

"If I can completely renovate this practice method... Even if I am still practicing the Fa, I will have the confidence to fight with the top sects of the celestial martial arts of the top sects of Tian Xuanxing!"

"In addition, once the training is completely completed, my life will be extended for another three hundred years. Even if I don't enter the Yuanshen, I can live to 900 years old!"

"Eternal Youth Evergreen" is the practice that Zhou Donghuang passed to his mother Lin Biao. Once cultivated to Yuan Dan, the life expectancy can be increased by 50% on the basis of the life of the Yuan Dan monk.

The monks of Yuan Dan who practiced the "Eternal Youth Evergreen" can live up to four hundred and fifty years old.

Once you step into the law, you can live nine hundred years old, which is 50% longer than the six hundred years of normal law.

The same is true for the latter.

The life expectancy is 50% higher than that of fellow initiates.

"This practice can actually extend life... This is tantamount to changing the life!"

When Li Yu made a speech, the more he said, the more excited he was. "The East Emperor said in the back... This practice, even if it is placed in the entire innocent universe, is also a top-level exercise!"

"He said that after we step into the realm of the gods, he will pass on the follow-up exercises to us."

"This practice can always be cultivated into the realm of God!"


Luo Duo is completely dumbfounded.

Just now, he was still vomiting, his prospective daughter, the dowry only gave a stack of paper, and did not know to give some Lingshi.

Who knows, the next moment, he was beaten.

When Luo Yu’s unrequited Li Yu’s hands took over the stack of papers that recorded the martial arts “The Evergreen Evergreen” and confirmed the authenticity of the exercises, they could not help but show the excitement and excitement. Your own thighs.

"Good, good... good!"

"Good girl! Good girl!"

"This son-in-law, I don't know what to do! I don't know if I dare to have opinions, I interrupt her legs!"

This time, Li Yu rarely had to refute Luo Duo's words, but instead echoed. "Yes! That **** must dare to have opinions on this affair, you broke her left leg, I broke her right leg!"